My GO TO Bold Black Smokey Eye (Drugstore)

  • last year
00:00 Welcome back to my video.
00:26 Today I'm doing this black smokey eye look. This is like my go-to smokey eye.
00:31 I also have my go-to lip combo on as well, so you know, all that good stuff in there.
00:37 Yeah, I'm actually using new lashes in this as well, and these lashes are literally my life right now.
00:44 I use them for the first time today, and safe to say I'm going to be buying these for the rest of my life.
00:50 They are really nice because they're really kind of thin but really long, so they're really lengthening? Lengthening?
00:58 They add length to your lashes.
01:01 So, yeah, I hope you enjoy the video, and I'll see you on my next one. Bye!
01:07 Okay, so I've already done one eye just to save time, and actually for this whole eye look I used the same palette.
01:15 I used the Sleek Eye Naturale palette. It's number 601. I really, really love this palette.
01:24 The colours are so pigmented. So I've used this. It's from the drugstore as well, so it's really good.
01:29 I got mine from Boots.
01:31 So I'm starting off with this matte black colour from the palette, and I'm just taking a flat brush,
01:38 just a kind of dense, flat brush, any one you have will do, and I'm starting to apply the colour really close to my lash line.
01:46 I'm just packing it on, and I'm trying to keep it as close to my lash line as possible.
01:53 And I'll just drag it out ever so slightly.
02:02 I'm kind of creating a wing, but that's going to be blended out anyway, so it doesn't really matter what it looks like.
02:24 Once you have that colour packed on, I'm going to take this brush here. It's kind of like a blending brush, but it's a bit more flat.
02:35 And I'm going to take this gorgeous colour here. This is a really sparkly brown kind of colour. It's such a nice colour.
02:41 And I'm going to apply this over the black. Not over the actual black, but above where the black is, so kind of just right below our crease.
02:53 And just kind of blending that into the black as well.
03:14 And I'm just blending it right into the inner corner, because we're going to be going over that anyway, with a kind of highlight shade.
03:21 So just blend it right in there, it doesn't matter.
03:24 Okay, so once those two colours are applied, it's going to look quite choppy out here, because we haven't done any blending at all yet.
03:32 I actually realised I forgot to apply transition colours, so when I do that now, I'm taking this colour here. It's just kind of like a peachy colour.
03:40 On my other eye, I did this before anything else, so if you can, do it before you apply anything else.
03:47 But if you forgot, like me, that's fine. Just go in and do it after you've applied some colour.
03:54 Okay, so once you apply the transition shade, I'm going to be taking a different blending brush.
04:00 This one is just, it's kind of like, it's bigger than the one I used before. This is from Blind Palette Cosmetics.
04:07 It's the E26, and I'm going to take this matte brown colour here, and I'm just going to start blending above the other colours again.
04:19 So we're just moving, working our way up each time. We started off really close to the lash line with the black,
04:25 then applied the dark brown, shimmer shade, and now we're going with the matte brown, right just kind of above the crease, and kind of in the crease.
04:35 Make sure to blend it out into those other colours out there as well.
04:40 Okay, then after that I'm taking my big blending brush again, and the transition colour again, and just blending that brown in.
05:03 Just basically, we just have to keep blending because we're working with such dark colours, it won't look great at first.
05:11 So all you can really do is just keep blending.
05:14 Okay, then I'm going to go on to a highlight shade next.
05:25 Okay, and the highlight shade I'm using is this one here. It's really, really shimmery. It doesn't really look that shimmery when I show you in the palette,
05:33 but you'll see it on my eye now. It's really, really nice. And I'm just applying that in the inner corner.
05:39 And we're just creating a V, but what we're going to do is, we're going to bring the highlight up into the other colours.
05:53 Blending it kind of into our crease, and then also just into the black down lower.
06:01 And you'll see why I did that in a minute.
06:05 Because what I'm going to do now is take just kind of, this is just the other end of the flat brush, it's just a little dense pencil kind of brush,
06:13 and I'm going to take this brown shimmer colour again, and I'm just going to join that up with the shimmer, the highlight shade in my crease.
06:24 And I'm actually going to use my finger I think, because you get more payoff with a shimmery colour once you use your finger.
06:33 What we're doing is basically joining them into each other, because then it goes, the two shimmery shades, and then into the matte black,
06:42 and I'm also going to touch up, just down here I'm going to dab a bit more on.
06:46 And then again, I'm taking my big brush and the transition shade, and just blending everything in.
07:04 And then I'm going back to the matte brown again, because I want the black to just go into brown, so I'm just taking that again and just going over it a bit.
07:14 And then back and blend it out again.
07:23 You just kind of have to keep going back and forward just to get the perfect seamless kind of blended look.
07:33 So next I'm just taking this matte white colour, and I'm taking it just on my finger, and I'm dabbing it right in the centre of my lid,
07:45 and just to brighten up the centre bit, it really will open up your eyes, because when you're working with dark colours, sometimes it can look very dark,
07:53 and it can kind of wear your eye down a bit, so just dab that right in the centre of your eyelid.
08:01 And then kind of just blend that over your finger.
08:05 Okay so next I'm going to apply the black on my lower lash line, keeping it really close to my lower lashes,
08:12 because you don't want to get like panda eyes and that, and it will just be a mess, so just make sure you apply it really close to your lash line.
08:26 And then I'm taking this kind of angled brush here, and I'm going to take that matte brown colour again, and just lightly blend the black and the brown together.
08:35 Be careful not to drag the colours down, because you're working with such dark colours, it will be very easy to get panda eyes,
08:42 so just be really careful, just take your time blending these out.
08:50 And then just go back to your big brush again, and the transition shade, and just blend out the lower lash line.
08:57 And then I'm just quickly going over the highlight again, because I really want that to be bright.
09:12 So once you're finished there, you're just going to...
09:19 What I do next is I got a little bit of a wipe, and just cleaned up that outer corner just a bit.
09:26 You can use a q-tip as well, just wet the q-tip, but you know, a wipe just works the same.
09:32 And then I just went over it with a bit of concealer, where I rubbed it off.
09:41 And then just blended that.
09:43 You have a nice, harsh edge. I personally don't really like it being too harsh, so I just get the blending brush and kind of blend it out.
09:54 Okay, so next I'm going to be doing my wing, and I'm going to be using the Barry M Waterproof Gel Eyeliner to do this.
10:05 Okay, so once you have your wing drawn on, I went for quite a long wing, because the lashes I am using, which are the Eyelure 116 lashes, are quite long and skinny.
10:16 So they kind of blend into the long wing, and you can't really... it doesn't look as ridiculous. It kind of blends with the lashes and looks really nice.
10:26 This is my first time wearing these lashes, and oh my god, I love them. I have them on my other eye here, and when I put them on, I was just like, "Ahh!"
10:35 They are so beautiful, so I'm just going to apply these.
10:40 I forgot to apply mascara, so I'm quickly applying mascara. Just a bit so the lashes will blend in.
10:49 Everything about them I love. They're so long and kind of thin, so they don't really take away from whatever eyeshadow you're wearing.
11:04 If you wear thick black ones, they just block out the eyeshadow completely.
11:10 So I just... oh, I love them. So I'm going to coat my lower lashes in the usual Maybelline Big Eyes mascara for your lower lashes, the wand for that.
11:21 I'm actually going to apply a bit of that highlight colour just underneath my brow bone, just to highlight there as well.
11:40 [no audio]
11:45 Okay, so I just realised that I filmed that whole eye look in my dressing gown, and I actually had this top on underneath for the video, so I'm sorry about that.
11:55 But I took off my dressing gown now, so at the end of the video, I can be wearing my top. Probably for the intro as well, because I filmed the intro now, but whatever, who cares.
12:04 For the lips, I was kind of deciding if I should go with a kind of bright colour, or if I should just keep it kind of nude, and I decided to go for a kind of nudey pink colour, because, you know, the eyes are so dramatic.
12:14 I didn't want to take away from them, I wanted them to be the main focus, whereas if I wore a kind of bright shade, you know, my lips would be like popping out at people and they'd see my lips from my eyes, so I don't want that.
12:26 So I'm going to use my favourite lip combo at the moment, and I wear these all the time at the moment. These are the... It's the Spice Lip Pencil by MAC, and the Matte Meal Lip Cream in Birthday Suit by Sleek.
12:45 So I'm going to mix those together. I've already lined my lips a bit, because I started talking and then realised that it wasn't filming, so I've already lined my bottom lip a tiny bit.
12:55 So...
13:09 So once I've lined my lips, I go in with the Matte Meal Lip Cream in Birthday Suit, and I just apply this to the parts of my lips with no lip liner, but I kind of go over the bits with the lip liner, because I find that the lip liner can kind of wear off, but this stuff is going to last you all day. I really like it, so sometimes I'll just go over the parts with the lip liner.
13:33 [SILENCE]
13:39 Okay, so this is actually my favourite lip combo, I think, ever. I love it so much. Sometimes I would apply a bit of concealer just to the middle of my lips, so it's kind of, you know, brighter, and it kind of goes ombre a bit if I apply a bit of concealer, but I'm not going to do that. I'm kind of liking the, you know, kind of dark, rosy, pink lip, and like, oh, I can't express how much I love these two together enough.
14:06 They're so gorgeous, and these eyelashes, I use them for the first time today, I'm in love, and I'm going to buy them for probably the rest of my life. And just to remind you, they're the Eye Lore in number 116, actually, the packaging, just so you can see them, the packaging, just in case you want to check it out, just thought I might show you the packaging.
14:27 So, yeah, this is the completed look, I hope you all enjoyed it, and if you did, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe. And I don't think I have anything else to say. No, nothing, just make sure to follow me on Instagram as well to keep up with me when I'm on YouTube. So, I will see you all in my next video. Bye.
14:45 [BELL RINGS]
14:47 Shut up. I'm going to use my other arm. Okay, so I'll see you all in my next video. Bye.
