My November Favorites Makeup Tutorial & I love Nutella

  • last year
00:00 Hi everyone, welcome back to the makeup chair. Today I'm doing my November favourites.
00:03 Last month I was really busy and I was working pretty much every day so I don't have a lot of makeup to show you
00:08 except for a few things that I can use really really quickly to kind of get ready in the morning.
00:12 And I also want to share with you some of my other favourites. Let's just jump in and get started.
00:16 Starting off with the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Facial Wash which is the limited edition 10 year edition.
00:23 Can you believe it's been out for 10 years because I cannot.
00:26 I've been using this for about 5 years I think. If you want to see my skincare update then I will put it in the description box
00:32 but I'm still using it. This is the only thing that works for me.
00:35 Moving on to foundation and concealers I've been using because of this new season of colder weather
00:40 I need something a little bit more moisturising on my skin.
00:42 So I'm starting off with the Time Balm Concealer and this is the one that I use underneath my eyes
00:46 but it also covers up blemishes really well.
00:48 I've also been using the NYX HD Photogenic Concealer in Yellow which I actually apply through the centre of my face
00:56 because most foundations that are for paler skin tend to have a neutral to a pink tone
01:00 which doesn't work for me because I'm yellow toned.
01:03 And then as far as foundation goes you guys know that I use the L'Oreal True Match Foundation
01:07 and this is W1 but this is the American W1. It's very similar to the Irish N1.
01:12 So if you guys are looking for kind of an alternative if you can get the American one.
01:16 But because it's more on the mattifying side I do mix it up with the Bourjois 10 Hour Sleep Effect.
01:21 I heard that this was going to be discontinued but it hasn't been.
01:24 It's very dewy, it feels amazing on the skin.
01:27 It feels like a really gorgeous moisturiser.
01:29 It feels silky soft and it looks gorgeous.
01:31 And then to set my makeup I use the 17 Contour Kit and this is great because it has two matte shades in here.
01:37 This light shade here is actually perfect for mattifying my foundation just through the centre.
01:43 It also brings down the colour because it's supposed to be a highlighter but it's not light enough for my skin.
01:49 I actually need to go back two shades lighter than this in order for it to be considered a highlighter.
01:54 But as a setting powder it's perfect.
01:56 Now the bronzer is a little bit more on the warmer side.
01:58 Once again it's matte so you can use it for contouring but I find that it's just a little bit too warm on my skin.
02:04 So what I do is I go in with the NYX Taupe Blush and I run that across over the top of it.
02:09 And that just brings down the tone so it's not too orange looking on my skin.
02:13 And then I just top it with a little bit more of the powder just to get that natural look so it's not going to look too heavy.
02:19 I'm loving highlighters. I'm just so obsessed with these shimmering highlighters.
02:23 And this is the one I've been using mostly and it is absolutely gorgeous.
02:27 It's called Hello Autumn and it's just unbelievably beautiful packaging.
02:34 They all have like just these little dentations of leaves on it and I just think that looks so pretty.
02:39 So I use the kind of lighter shade. So I kind of use this area here to go along the top of my cheeks.
02:45 And this is by Essence, would you believe?
02:47 That routine usually takes me about five to ten minutes and then I'm done and then my face is like finished.
02:53 And then for the eyes I want to keep it quite simple as well so I've just been using these two products.
02:58 This is the Me Me Me Eyeliner in Clay which is like a warm brown.
03:03 It is just so beautiful. So what I do first of all is I mark across my lid.
03:08 So just on the outer corner and then right along the lash line.
03:11 Then I grab this palette and this palette is the ultimate classic palette that they have.
03:16 And I think this is brand new out. It's beautiful packaging.
03:19 I actually keep this in my handbag as well just for kind of topping up on the go.
03:22 And it has these shades along here and the black that I use the most.
03:26 It also has glitter shades but I don't tend to use those for like day to day.
03:30 I start off with this beautiful matte kind of matte brown.
03:33 It's like a warm neutral, almost neutral tone brown.
03:37 I work that into the crease. I blend out the eyeliner with that as well.
03:41 And I actually just use the brush that comes along with this.
03:44 I blend it all over. I use the flat side of the brush to blend underneath my eyes.
03:48 And then I mix these three shades.
03:50 So I just kind of put that all over the top and I'll just kind of blend it.
03:53 It's very messy and it's very simple but I think that it's quite effective.
03:56 And I think that it gives a really nice look.
03:58 I'm pretty much wearing that combination every single day.
04:02 Pretty much. Because I've been very lazy.
04:04 And then after a break of about three months I'm back using the Maybelline Rocket Mascara.
04:08 I don't know why I ever gave it up because it is hands down the best mascara that I've ever used.
04:13 Moving on to food favorites.
04:15 Okay, I have been obsessed with this food for like the whole time of the month.
04:19 I've been so busy with work.
04:20 I haven't really been able to get myself some proper breakfast and stuff like that.
04:24 I just want something really quick that I can make.
04:26 So I've been having Nutella.
04:28 Oh, this is a gigantic jar. Like it is the size of my head.
04:33 I love this so much. I am obsessed with Nutella.
04:36 It keeps me full for hours and hours.
04:38 Like sometimes I'm like, it's like lunchtime and I'm like, I'm not even a little bit hungry.
04:43 I have this on just some toast. It tastes delicious. It's yummy. It's filling.
04:46 But I want to hear what you guys use.
04:48 What do you guys have with your Nutella?
04:50 Do you just dip strawberries into it?
04:52 Do you have it with grapes? Do you have it with peanut butter?
04:54 What do you have your Nutella on?
04:56 Because I'm looking to try out a few different ways.
04:59 And coming up to Christmas, I want to hear what your kind of recipes are as well.
05:03 Because I am obsessed with Nutella.
05:05 My favorite hair tool that I was using over December has to be my GHD.
05:08 I've been using this pretty much every day of November just to keep my hair
05:13 in somewhat of a good condition.
05:14 Because when you're working all the time, you just want to do something really quick.
05:18 So I would let my hair pretty much dry naturally and then I would just straighten certain areas.
05:22 Or I would do like a little kind of flick or curl or something.
05:26 And I love this. This is part of the Birds of Paradise collection.
05:29 And it is the Coral, which I just think is stunning because it's bright pink and beautiful.
05:33 But I'll show you guys a routine of how to actually use this in a few different ways.
05:37 If you want me to, then just leave a comment.
05:39 And the last thing that I want to show you guys is the thing that I use to clean my liners.
05:42 Because I have braces. In case any of you guys don't know,
05:45 I'll put my braces videos in the description box.
05:47 I've been using this to clean my liners for the past two months, I believe.
05:51 And it works just amazing.
05:53 It's a foam that you kind of spray like around your liners.
05:57 You either brush it or wipe it with a cloth for 60 seconds,
06:00 rinse it off and you have super clean liners.
06:02 And my dentist is really, really happy with how clean my liners are every time I go in there.
06:07 He's really impressed.
06:08 And I think it's because of this stuff.
06:09 So that's everything for my November favourites.
06:11 I really hope that you guys enjoyed it.
06:13 You can also check out my 'What to get her for Christmas' video,
06:16 which you can just click right here.
06:18 And you can also check out my Christmas 2004 playlist
06:21 that I have going on my channel at the moment.
06:22 Which I'm really excited to keep adding some stuff to
06:25 because I have collaborations coming up.
06:26 I've got my birthday coming up this week,
06:28 so I'm going to show you guys on Friday what I do to get ready for my birthday,
06:32 which I'm really, really excited about.
06:33 So I will see you guys on Friday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
06:36 Monday, Wednesday, Friday for the next month.
06:39 And I will talk to you guys on Friday.
06:41 Bye!
06:41 Love you guys.
06:43 You guys are awesome.
