how to make a yummy chocolate cake

  • last year
00:00 Hello! I would like to make today a cake which is great for various occasions.
00:11 It is great for Mother's Day, for child celebration, for birthday and especially for Father's Day.
00:19 Because it is a great type of chocolate cake.
00:23 So what we need for this recipe. First of all we need to preheat our oven to 180 degrees Celsius, which is 350 Fahrenheit.
00:35 And we need grease and oil. You can use cooking spray or you can use a simple butter.
00:45 It does not really matter, whatever you prefer.
00:47 Grease 2 round baking tins, 20 cm in diameter, which is 8 inches.
00:56 So, as you can see, we grease and line the bottom of the cake and the sides as well.
01:05 So once we line 2 baking tins, we set them aside.
01:10 Next step is to combine 3 eggs at room temperature,
01:23 followed by self-raising flour, which is 175 grams or 6.25 oz.
01:43 Next is 175 grams or 6.25 oz of dark mascovado sugar.
02:01 If you cannot find the type of sugar, you can use brown sugar instead.
02:09 It will be slightly different taste, but I think it will do the trick.
02:13 So we need 175 grams of dark mascovado sugar.
02:20 Next step is we need baking powder, which is 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder.
02:36 Then, followed by 175 grams or 6.25 oz of unsalted butter.
02:49 So we combine these ingredients into a large bowl.
02:56 And what we do is, next step is to use electric mixer
03:17 and we beat until our mixture becomes light, fluffy and fully combined.
03:33 Once you finish beating, as you can see, it becomes lighter and fluffy and very well combined.
03:41 Next we need 40 grams of cocoa powder, which is 1.5 oz.
03:53 And we need 5 tablespoons of boiling water.
03:59 So we get boiling water and we just make a paste.
04:15 So what we do is, we carefully mix it together to create a paste.
04:24 Then we will add it to our cake.
04:41 As you can see, it is all quite incorporated.
04:54 Mix it to create a nice good paste and add to the cake mixture.
05:07 Once you add cocoa paste into cake mixture, it needs to be carefully folded
05:16 until the chocolate mixture is fully incorporated.
05:24 As you can see, it changed color quite a bit.
05:27 What we do is, next we will pour out equal portions of mixture into two tins.
05:37 So we subdivided mixture into two tins basically.
05:48 I just scoop it the same amount, simply.
06:02 And what we do is, next just spread it.
06:06 Make sure it is nice and even.
06:22 And the second one.
06:23 So after this, what we do is, we place in our prepared oven and bake for about 20-25 minutes.
06:36 It just depends on your oven.
06:39 Check it out with a skewer, insert it in the middle of cake to make sure it comes out clean.
06:51 So, once cake is baked, leave to cool for few minutes in the tins,
06:59 then transfer to wire cooling rack.
07:03 But for now, please bake for 20-25 minutes until it is fully cooked through.
07:10 (20 minutes later)
07:18 Once our sponges are baked, as I said before, leave to cool for a few minutes in the tins,
07:25 then transfer to wire cooling rack to cool completely.
07:29 They are quite nice, very airy, sort of like fragile type of sponges.
07:35 So what we do is, we place one sponge.
07:39 As you can see, when they rise, they are actually quite even, sort of.
07:43 We don't need to trim them or level them or anything at all.
07:46 They are nice, soft and beautiful.
07:49 So, what we do is, today we are using Nutella simply to sandwich them together.
07:59 So what we do is, we just carefully apply a layer of Nutella,
08:13 just enough to spread it, sort of.
08:17 And what we do, we will sandwich with a second sponge.
08:25 It does not have to be perfect.
08:27 We just need to spread enough to make sure we join these two sponges together.
08:40 So carefully apply Nutella and place second sponge, bottom part, up.
08:51 (20 minutes later)
08:58 Once you sandwich two sponges with Nutella,
09:02 to make sure that second sponge, please put bottom part, which we baked on, up.
09:11 Be upside down, because we want it nice and straight.
09:14 It is so much easier to spread Nutella as well.
09:20 So what we do is, once we sandwich two sponges,
09:23 we spread Nutella all around our cake, on the sides as well.
09:34 So, we have done sides, we have done top.
09:37 Next step is to use our decorations.
09:42 For decorations, today, we will use chocolate fingers.
09:50 It is like a biscuit sort of fingers.
09:54 Once we are all happy with what we have here,
09:59 we just nicely set it.
10:05 Make sure it is all nice and straight.
10:09 The more straight it is, the more easier to connect the chocolate biscuits.
10:19 So, once we have done all that, what we do is,
10:23 we need about 3 packets of chocolate fingers.
10:28 It is simply a type of crisp biscuits, covered with milk chocolate.
10:33 If you don't have this in your country, you can simply get something like a kitty cat.
10:39 Just a normal one. This is particular caramel.
10:42 I just don't have original one, but just use original kitty cat,
10:47 because if you break them into segments, they get exactly nice and straight as well.
10:55 So, what we do is now, we simply open our chocolate biscuits,
11:03 and what we do is, we start to connect them upright.
11:09 All around cake.
11:16 Because Nutella is set a little bit longer,
11:22 so it makes enough time for us to connect all the chocolate fingers all around cake.
11:34 So, let's continue until we cover all around our cake.
11:48 Once you connect all the chocolate biscuits,
11:53 I take notice I saw that we actually don't need 3 packets of chocolate fingers.
12:00 I use only 1.5 packets.
12:05 Each packet is 200 grams, 7 ounces.
12:10 So, if you get a packet which is 200 grams, you need only 2 packets.
12:17 But I will write in the description box.
12:20 So, once we done that, good idea is to find a ribbon of your choice.
12:27 This sort of ribbon, small, big, different color, it's up to you.
12:32 Just tie it around your chocolate biscuits to make sure they stay in place nice and neat.
12:41 So, what we do is, next take please the toothpick,
12:51 and just draw, subdivide top part into 5 even sequences.
13:00 So, once you done that, what we do is, we just then place
13:05 5 chocolate biscuits to show this subdivision.
13:23 And next is very simple step is to simply place in your sections all your favorite sweets.
13:36 Or sweets your father like, or your child.
13:39 So, you subdivide all these 5 different ones into various sweets.
13:47 It could be Maltese, for example, they look like M&M's, just a little bit more larger.
13:54 Or, for example, Maltese.
13:59 This one is actually peanut M&M's.
14:06 Crispy M&M's.
14:09 Or any type of round sweets, or white and black chocolate buttons as well.
14:20 This would be nice.
14:22 So, start simply decorating your cake.
14:29 Very simple way, just add in it your sweets into your prepared sections.
14:47 To surprise birthday person, to surprise your father, it depends for who you actually making it.
15:03 So, keep going like this until you fill up all with different sweets.
15:12 Once you finish decorating your cake with sweets of your choice,
15:17 if you like, use some chocolate sprinkles and a spoon just to place in the middle.
15:27 Just to make it more finished, more attractive look.
15:37 And here we are with the chocolate cake with beautiful fluffy sponges.
15:48 You can, of course, choose sweets of your choice.
15:53 And just simply subdivide it with 5 chocolate fingers and place them around.
16:00 I hope you do like this interesting recipe.
16:05 And thank you very much for your time with me today.
16:08 Please do try.
16:11 Thank you. Until next time, goodbye.
16:14 Everything will be in the description box.
16:17 The ingredients and the method. Thank you. Bye-bye.