how to cover a cake in fondant

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's Mimo of Bake My Day again and this is episode 2 and I decided to go ahead
00:07 and show you guys how to cover a cake with fondant.
00:10 Now I'm not any professional or anything like that so I haven't really gotten that clean
00:15 cut look which I really kind of die for, but it's ok, it still looks great.
00:20 So I took out the fondant from yesterday and I microwaved it a little bit because if you're
00:26 going to knead it while it's still in its bag, fresh in its bag, well that's ok, it's
00:31 really hard and like I said, why put the strain on your wrists when you don't have to.
00:35 So I microwave it for a little bit, make it soft and then I knead it onto the mat and
00:39 I use Crisco because you're going to notice that it's kind of very dry, kind of like elephant
00:44 skin so you've got to add the Crisco with there and knead it really good until it's
00:48 nice and smooth and then what I did was I put cornstarch on the back of the mat, very
00:53 little goes a long way, I also put cornstarch on the top before I kneaded it, you can show
00:58 here, and then basically smoothed it out.
01:02 So I kind of just pushed back and forth, back and forth and like I said, because I microwaved
01:06 it, it's a lot easier to use.
01:08 Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to use my roller, a lot of people do this differently
01:12 but it doesn't really matter, you guys will find a technique that works for you.
01:15 I lift it over the roller and then lay it onto the cake.
01:22 By the way, my cake was in the fridge, I just took it out right now.
01:26 Some people say do not put fondant cakes in the fridge before you fondant because it starts
01:31 to condensate and then it makes the fondant sweat.
01:35 Thankfully I haven't had an issue with that.
01:38 Okay so what I'm doing is I'm using my smoother and I am smoothing the top part off, also
01:43 lots of air bubbles, I hate air bubbles man.
01:47 So anyways I try to take out as much air bubbles as I can by lifting it and then I'll start
01:52 working from top to bottom.
01:56 So you'll notice I'm turning it around, smoothing it down, top to bottom, this is to try to
02:01 prevent any air bubbles which I'll still get and that's probably because I left the cake
02:06 in the fridge but I'd rather eat cold cake than warm cake and then plus the buttercream,
02:10 it's going to start to like, it gets really soft and the buttercream has been in the fridge
02:17 for a couple of hours, it's always best to have it a couple of hours so that it hardens
02:20 a little bit.
02:21 Now some people, well a lot of people say that use ganache, ganache is like great for
02:26 making it smooth and having a really nice crisp edge but I haven't gotten there yet,
02:30 I'll get there when I get there.
02:32 So anyways, you take your smoother, now if you feel like it's not rubbing nicely against
02:37 it, you can always add some cornstarch on there and we are going to go ahead and smooth
02:42 along this cake.
02:44 Alright, I might have made it a little bit thin because you can kind of see through it,
02:49 for you guys you can make that thicker but it's not going to be a problem because I am
02:53 going to airbrush this cake so it's not going to show through.
02:57 Now that I've basically flattened most of it onto there, I'll go ahead and I'll press
03:02 down along the edges, make sure that it's all nice and smooth and make sure the top
03:12 is nice and smooth.
03:13 Okay, so everybody's been on this high with this whole clean straight edge, this is curved
03:20 as you can see but I'll show you how I go ahead and try to give it a nice sharp crisp
03:25 edge or a sexy edge like most people would say, that's cake talk.
03:30 So take your smoothers and I bought two of them, they're pretty cheap, you know from
03:33 Michael's or Joann's or whatever and I work up, this one goes up, this one pushes this
03:40 way, so up and this way and basically you go around the cake, you want to be careful
03:46 not to press too much because you can pinch them together and then basically pinch that
03:51 apart and you don't want to do that, it's going to be hard taking this fondant off again
03:57 and covering the cake.
03:58 What ends up happening is it basically takes off the buttercream and gets stuck onto the
04:02 fondant and you wasted all that fondant and you guys saw how hard it was, well not how
04:06 hard but how kind of annoying it is to make, so you don't want to sit there and make fondant
04:10 all over again.
04:12 So I put it on a turntable, a turntable is a necessity, I used to work without a turntable
04:21 and trust me, I found out the hard way that it's not, you got to have the necessities,
04:27 the freezer a necessity, the rollers a necessity, the turntable, I mean when I got it I'm like
04:31 wow, that's why people get turntables.
04:34 Okay, so keep moving around until you feel like you've gotten a nice straight edge, I'm
04:42 not going to lie to you, doing this kind of brings on air bubbles too.
04:48 For now I don't see any which is great, woohoo!
04:51 Like I said, I made mine a little bit too thin and that's okay because I'm going to
04:56 airbrush the cake but if you know that your main cake is going to be white, try not to
05:01 do that, you know make sure that your fondant is a little bit thicker but I can get away
05:05 with it right now because again, it's going to be airbrushed.
05:09 Alright, so I believe it's gotten this nice straight edge that I was looking for, it doesn't
05:18 have to be perfect perfect but it's pretty good.
05:21 Well, what to do with all this excess fondant, am I going to throw it away?
05:24 Oh my god, are you insane?
05:26 Throw away this extra fondant after what you guys saw me make yesterday?
05:30 No way!
05:32 Do not throw away fondant, you basically just take it off and actually I'm cutting it off
05:37 with this roller, going around the cake and then take it off, it's still clean, I mean
05:42 why would anybody get rid of this, right?
05:45 So unless like you can see around the edge right there, that's the only part where it's
05:49 pretty much not clean and what you can do is just kind of take your roller or take your
05:57 cutter or whatever you want to call it, cut off that part, basically throw that away but
06:03 the rest of it, bunch it all up together and then again, put it in a nice airtight Ziploc
06:10 bag or not a Ziploc bag, I'm sorry, a Saran Wrap and you can use it again.
06:15 Like I said, fondant has a long shelf life, which I'm going to go back and use it again
06:21 in a little bit anyways.
06:23 So there you have it, it is not the smoothest, you know, look on a cake that you usually
06:29 see and I'm going to leave this, I'm not going to change it, I'm not going to make a new
06:33 video because I'm going to show you that, hey, not everything I make is going to turn
06:37 out perfect, so you guys get to see that.
06:39 Sometimes the cakes turn out great, sometimes...