How to make the Best Ever Rainbow Cake Cupcake Jemma

  • last year
00:00 Hello everyone, it's me Gemma and I'm at Crumbs and Doilies HQ and I don't know what it's like where you are
00:05 but in London it's really characteristically grey and miserable.
00:10 So when it's like this I like to make things that are really bright and fun.
00:14 Today I'm going to show you guys how to make a rainbow cake.
00:18 That's right, it's time people. Time for the rainbow cake. Let's go.
00:28 So to make your rainbow cake the first thing you're going to need to know is that you need lots of bowls
00:33 and lots of space because you have to mix six colours up.
00:36 So we need to do that first. So I like to add my colour to the milk that I put in the mixture.
00:41 It goes in at the end but it's wise to get this bit out of the way early.
00:45 So I have got nine tablespoons of whole milk here.
00:48 I'm just going to add one and a half teaspoons of vanilla into that just so it's all mixed in now.
00:58 So once that's all mixed in you then need to divide it into six.
01:01 So that's one and a half tablespoons of milk.
01:06 And I have six bowls here and I've got six colours and I'm using colour paste today
01:10 because it's much more concentrated than liquid.
01:12 And I've got red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.
01:18 There's probably more colours in the rainbow but I don't want to be here forever.
01:21 So I've got my tablespoon and I'm just going to divide this milk up.
01:27 So once you've divided your milk evenly between the six bowls you then need to colour it.
01:32 So I'm going to start with red and I'm going to use about a baked bean size amount
01:37 because it is really concentrated but you do want your colours to be quite strong.
01:41 Mix that really well and then when you finish that move on to your other five colours until you have a rainbow.
01:50 So I'm going to start with red and I'm going to use about a baked bean size amount
01:55 to make a rainbow.
02:23 So once you've mixed all your colours just pop them to one side until you're ready to use them.
02:27 So now you need to get on with making the batter and I have got 750 grams of softened unsalted butter here.
02:42 I'm just going to put that in my mixer with 750 grams of caster sugar.
02:47 And then just put that mixer on a medium to high speed and you're going to beat those together
02:53 for about six or seven minutes until it's gone really really pale and fluffy.
02:57 Right.
03:11 That's ready now, it's gone really really pale and it's lovely and fluffy and smells really good.
03:16 So now it's time for the eggs.
03:18 So you're going to need nine large free range eggs for this
03:21 and I'm going to crack them all into a bowl and give them a little mix so then I can add them in stages.
03:27 Once your eggs are all mixed together you then need to put your mixer back on
03:31 to slightly less fast speed and then add it in about five or six stages mixing quite well between each one.
03:38 So now I'm going to add the eggs in.
03:44 So I'm going to start with the egg whites and I'm going to add them in about two thirds of the way.
03:49 So I'm going to start with the egg whites and I'm going to add them in about two thirds of the way.
03:55 If your mixture looks like it's curdling then don't panic, you can add a bit of your flour, just a tablespoon or two
04:01 and that will help bring the mixture back together again.
04:04 So now I'm going to add the egg yolks and I'm going to add them in about two thirds of the way.
04:14 And then I'm going to mix it back together again.
04:19 Okay so it's all the eggs in there, it's got a really silky consistency and it's looking really tasty
04:26 but it's not going to be a cake if we don't put flour in it.
04:28 So I've got 750 grams of self-raising flour which I've sifted and I'm just going to put that in and put it on a really low setting.
04:37 [Mixing]
04:47 That's all nicely mixed in, I haven't lost too much of the air because I went real slow.
04:53 And now I need to divide it into six but obviously there's quite a lot of batter there and it's a little bit difficult to do that by eye
05:00 so I'm going to use my trusty scales. Grab yourself a set of electric scales and a bowl
05:06 and you need to measure the whole amount of batter that you've got into that because then you can divide it by six and be super accurate.
05:20 Right it's 2689 grams so I've got my calculator here and I've divided that by six and I've got 448 grams with a little bit on the side.
05:33 Just forget that. So 448 grams need to now go in each of our six bowls.
05:38 [Mixing]
05:49 Now that you've got your mixture all divided equally you need to mix these really carefully so I'm going to use a spatula, you can use a metal spoon if you want.
05:55 You just mustn't knock out too much of that lovely air that you've produced so just be really gentle and fold it all through.
06:12 All my lovely batter is now mixed and coloured and separated and raring to go so I've got six 8 inch sandwich tins.
06:20 I'm really lucky because I have lots of sandwich tins but if you don't have that many you can get away with doing this recipe with two tins,
06:27 you just have to divide the whole recipe by three. It does mean you're going to have to do all the stages three times and it is going to take quite a long time
06:33 but at least you don't then have to run out and buy six of these guys.
06:36 So six of these and I've got butter all over them and I've dusted that with flour so that will stop the whole mixture from sticking
06:43 and then I just want to put all my batter into each one and level it off with a palette knife.
07:01 All right, all ready so now I just need to bake them at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when you stick it in the middle.
07:10 While my cakes are cooking in the oven I'm going to get on with making my buttercream.
07:15 I'm just going to make some white vanilla buttercream and I'm going to start with 400 grams of soft unsalted butter.
07:20 And I'm going to beat that really fast for about five minutes until it's got really pale and fluffy.
07:29 [Mixer noise]
07:35 That is looking pretty good so now I just need to add 900 grams of sifted icing sugar and I'm going to put it in in two batches and I'm going to beat for about two minutes in between each one.
07:53 Okay, that's ready to have the milk in it so I've got five tablespoons of whole milk and I'm just going to add about half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
08:00 And then I just need to put the mixer on a really low speed and just add all of that milk and then beat it on quite high speed for about another two minutes.
08:10 [Mixer noise]
08:23 My icing is ready. It's white and it's fluffy and it looks delicious so I'm just going to put some cling film over the bowl, wait for my cakes to come out and cool down and then we're going to ice.
08:32 My cakes have come out of the oven and they're completely cool and so now it's time to decorate them. So I'm going to show you how to trim, fill and cover them with buttercream.
08:46 So the first thing to do is to trim your cakes. So as you can see they've puffed up quite nicely and they're looking really good but they do have a kind of crusty outer shell if you like which is the bits that have come into contact with the tin and also the bits that the oven's cooked on top.
09:01 And it's also not level at all so if you try and stack these up now that's going to be all wonky and also it's going to be massive.
09:08 So I'm going to trim them so I'm going to use a cake leveller for that. If you don't have one of these you can use a serrated knife, you just have to be super careful that you get the knife in level.
09:16 This makes that way easy and I've got it on notch three at the moment so it's just under an inch high for each level.
09:25 I'm going to start with my red level and using my cake leveller I'm just going to gently shuffle it backwards and forwards going through the sponge.
09:35 So just remove that top layer and pop it to one side and it's lovely and level there so just carry on doing that with all your six sponges and you'll see that I've got them on baking parchment and that just makes it easier to move them around without breaking them in pieces.
09:54 So when you cut into your rainbow cake at the end you want it to be a nice clean colour all the way from edge to edge and at the moment as these cakes have been baking in metal tins and it's got a bit hot on the edges they've got this kind of rather unsightly gross coloured crust around the sides so I'm going to trim that off.
10:21 What you need is something slightly smaller than the diameter of your cake and I'm using a seven inch cake drum for that.
10:27 You can use a plate or anything that's just a little bit smaller than the cake itself.
10:31 Just pop that on top in the middle, grab yourself a nice sharp knife and just trim all the way around very gently.
10:46 And then take your drum off and then remove that outer crusty bit and just send it away.
10:53 And then you're left with this really nice clean circle which is going to look great when you slice through it.
10:59 So just carry on with all of the other ones.
11:02 [Music]
11:19 So the cakes are level, they've trimmed, they're brilliant. So now I just need to fill and decorate them.
11:23 So I have got myself a turntable here which is a really essential piece of kit if you're serious about cake decorating.
11:30 It will make your life so much easier and really it's the only way to get nice straight sides on your cake.
11:34 If you don't have one of these, don't panic. I didn't have one for a long time and I still managed to work it out.
11:40 So just make sure you've got at least a cake board and if you don't have a turntable just put the cake board on a bit of greaseproof paper and then you can kind of spin it around like this.
11:50 Sorry that's not working. I'm just not going to mention what you can do if you don't have one. You just don't have one. You've got to live with yourself.
12:00 So just put that down on your turntable right in the middle and then get a bit of that buttercream you made.
12:08 I'm going to put about a third of that buttercream in here because I don't want it to get too crummy.
12:10 So put a little bit on the board itself just so that your cake sticks to it.
12:15 And then starting with your purple level, pick it up really gently using your whole hand and just put it right in the middle of that cake drum.
12:25 Give it a little press down to make sure it's really in place.
12:30 And then I like to give the inside of my cakes a little crumb coat just to lock the crumbs in before I give it a real good filling.
12:38 So grab a little bit of buttercream on your crank palette knife.
12:41 So once you've got a nice thin layer then you need to fill it properly.
12:49 So get a nice generous blob, pop it in the middle and then spread that evenly all over.
12:58 That's my purple layer done so now just repeat that with all the other ones starting with blue, then green, yellow, orange and finishing with red.
13:09 [Music]
13:11 [Music]
13:13 [Music]
13:15 [Music]
13:43 Okay my cake is filled, now I'm going to give it a crumb coat just so that when I decorate it for real it's nice and clean and crumb free.
13:49 And I'm just going to smear some buttercream on really tight just to lock in the crumbs.
13:55 [Music]
14:05 It doesn't have to be really neat and tidy but it does have to be completely covered.
14:10 And now I just need to put it in the fridge for at least half an hour up to an hour to completely set so we're ready for the final layer.
14:16 My cake's come out of the fridge, it's been in there for about an hour and it's nice and set and all those crumbs are locked in tight.
14:24 So I'm just going to go ahead and cover it with buttercream and I've got a straight palette knife here and I've also got a cake scraper.
14:30 Now this is really, really useful if you want to get really nice clean straight sides.
14:34 So if you haven't got one of these you can do it without one but it's super useful.
14:38 [Music]
14:47 I'm just giving it a really nice thick layer with my palette knife.
14:50 My cake's got about half a centimetre thick icing on there and now I'm just going to scrape off the excess with my cake scraper so it will leave it with really nice clean lines and straight sides.
15:03 [Music]
15:09 Almost there, now I just need to make it look really rainbowy on the outside as well so I kept back some crumbs from the off cuts earlier and I'm just going to sprinkle those around the top just to give it a bit of decoration.
15:19 [Music]
15:30 Well there he is, the rainbow cake, the big one and it's obviously super exciting as it is but the true test of a good rainbow cake is what lies within so let's cut him open and have a little look.
15:41 [Music]
15:54 Look at that rainbow, it's so clean and neat and tidy in there and not only does this cake look really impressive, it tastes really good, it's moist and fluffy and you're going to love it.
16:04 My flatmate loves it so I'm probably going to have to take this one home.
16:07 I'll be back next week with another recipe, in the meantime if you like this video then don't forget to subscribe to my channel then you'll get loads more recipes from me and I will see you next week with another one. Bye!
16:18 [Music]
16:27 (upbeat music)
