Minecraft UHC Challenges~ To Bake a Cake! #1

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, Kyra here and welcome to UHC challenges!
00:04 Yay!
00:05 So this is a new series sort of thing I'll be doing if you guys enjoy this episode where
00:11 I hop into a UHC game and I have some sort of challenge.
00:16 Like is it something like, you know, oh, what's that?
00:21 Oh, okay.
00:22 So basically it's not something like that you have to, um, like you're only allowed
00:28 to wear certain types of armor, only use certain types of tools.
00:32 It's where you, um, well basically I have to bake a cake or like I have to do something
00:38 like that, maybe bake different types of foods.
00:41 So that's what I have to do.
00:42 So today's challenge is to bake a cake and I've just seen that there's a little house
00:48 over here and there's a cow there so I don't want people to kill it straight away.
00:53 Is this a witch's house or something like that?
00:56 So I wonder, let's get some wood, I wonder if there's anything inside.
00:59 I've never seen one of these on here before.
01:01 Oh, there's no witch in here, oh I've just made a crafting table.
01:05 Look at that, isn't that cute?
01:07 Free cauldron for me!
01:09 Right, is there anything else in here that I can see around that would be quite useful
01:14 before I start?
01:15 Um, no.
01:16 Okay, right, let's get going.
01:17 There's lots of cows around here as well so we can get milk quite easily.
01:23 That's going to be quite handy.
01:24 Right, there we go.
01:25 I think I'm going to go, well I'm going to make, not going to make a cauldron, I'm going
01:30 to make one of these.
01:31 I'm going to get loads of this and then I'm going to start growing my wheat and then once
01:36 we go down into the cave we can get some, um, we can get some, oh we need to get eggs
01:42 that's going to be a challenge as well.
01:44 Yeah, so we get some, wait I can't even speak.
01:46 We're going to go down to the cave, get some iron but while we do that we're going to like
01:52 make some wheat so when we come back up it would have already been sort of like made.
01:56 Right, there we go.
01:57 Put this here so this will be sort of our, like our making area.
02:03 Right there we go, got some of that.
02:05 Did that just gobble up, that just, that just, what, that just gobbled up my seeds!
02:10 I feel a bit forfeited there.
02:12 Not very nice.
02:13 Right, let's go down and get some cobblestone then.
02:17 I'm not sure where a cave is nearby but hopefully there's one nearby so I don't actually have
02:22 to go too far out.
02:23 There we go, six pieces, that's all I need.
02:26 Um, oh, no I'm stuck, I'm stuck.
02:28 There we go, where's our crafting table that we already made?
02:31 There it is.
02:32 Boop, there we go.
02:33 Oh we need to go get some food as well, we need to make some sticks.
02:37 There we go, to make a stone one.
02:40 There we go, so we've got a stone one of these now and then let's quickly get some food,
02:45 not from the cows because we're going to need one of them but we only need like one, but
02:48 in case someone else comes around and kills them we need to keep a few.
02:52 So I'll just kill one, there we go.
02:54 Because it gives quite a bit as well, there we go, we've got two.
02:57 So that should be fine.
02:59 Um, I think the only hard thing is maybe finding a sugar cane and the eggs, eggs is going to
03:06 be really hard to find I reckon.
03:10 So let's go around here, is there anything?
03:13 Any cave, any caves around here?
03:16 Because this looks like a bit of a cave.
03:19 Um, no, no sugar cane either.
03:22 Okay, um, right maybe there'll be something around here, come on.
03:27 Oh this is like quite a good biome actually, I quite like this.
03:30 Like I said I don't want to go too far but I guess I can like find my way back quite
03:36 easily.
03:37 Probably, I think I trust myself.
03:38 Oh look there's a ravine, I'm going to go in here quite quickly, I keep saying that.
03:43 I have to do everything so quickly.
03:44 There we go, we've got three, there we go, we've got one.
03:47 So we've got one bucket, um, two buckets, there we go, we've got two buckets.
03:53 There's a creeper there, we don't want to get eaten up by that.
03:56 There we go, there we go, there we go, there we go, there we go, quickly get out, get out,
04:02 get out, get out, get out, get out, no!
04:05 Quickly, we need to get out, we need to get out of this place really quickly.
04:08 There we go, so we've got our buckets, that was really good.
04:12 Right there we go, wait where did we come from?
04:14 I think we came from this way, oh gosh.
04:17 Um, can we make, okay, um, let's go make a, uh, yeah let's just make a crafting table
04:25 quickly so we can get our buckets and then we can like quickly get some milk and then
04:31 we can go looking around and then maybe find, try and find our wheat.
04:34 But I think wheat is going to be quite hard to get, I'm thinking.
04:39 Right there we go, put that there, then that there, then that there.
04:43 There we go, so we've got our buckets, there we go, we've got our buckets, quickly get
04:45 some milk.
04:46 Um, oh, where are the ones nearest to go to?
04:49 This one I think.
04:50 There we go, so we've got buckets, we've got four, how did we get four?
04:55 What?
04:56 That is weird, I literally just got four buckets when I made three.
04:59 That is weird.
05:01 Okay, I should have taken the screenshots but it's fine.
05:06 Oh!
05:07 I got an egg!
05:08 Oh my gosh, I actually got an egg!
05:10 Okay, so let's kill these quickly.
05:11 So we just got an egg, I don't know how much we need but, oh my gosh, now we just need
05:16 like sugar cane and to get our wheat.
05:19 Oh my gosh, that is so good.
05:22 Okay, right, um, is there any sugar cane around?
05:27 We're going to need some sugar cane, come on, let's get some sugar cane up in here.
05:32 Um, sugar cane!
05:35 Okay, literally, I'm just going to need to try and get my wheat now.
05:39 Oh my gosh, okay, here we go.
05:41 Sugar cane, thank you.
05:43 Right, let's go, I'm going to go back here now because I reckon this is where we were.
05:48 If we just go back, like, try and find a cave that's nearby, go in, try and get some skeletons
05:53 without dying and then I think we'll be able to do this.
05:57 Let's just, look, oh my gosh, are we actually going to be able to make a cake?
06:02 I'm going to collect some seeds just in case that this isn't possible.
06:06 Um, why aren't my seeds collecting?
06:09 Come on, seeds, seeds, seeds, seeds, seeds, seeds, I need some seeds.
06:13 Why is it, oh, okay, there we go, we've got some seeds.
06:15 Just collecting some seeds just in case.
06:17 Right, there we go.
06:18 I should probably, like, not collect seeds first, maybe get some skeleton bones first
06:23 because if we go into death match without them, you know, it's going to be a trouble,
06:27 isn't it?
06:28 Right, there we go, got some of that.
06:29 We only need three, don't we, I think.
06:31 Oh no no okay I think I just went the wrong way oh no oh no oh no I can't run oh no no
06:39 stay away I need to keep my health dude I need to keep my health oh skeleton there skeleton
06:43 there I really should be wearing some armor so badly right now but it's you know I need
06:50 my buckets that's what I need oh no there's so many skeletons do you think I'll be able
06:55 to kill them right kill them kill them kill them kill them kill them kill them no no no
06:59 no no no no no no no no no no no no come on come on come on come on come on come on come
07:04 on come on yes okay so there we go we killed him we got three so nine that's really good
07:11 do maybe or maybe if I should just go do you think do you think right if we find some water
07:16 really quickly and then I'm gonna eat this so I can keep running I'm gonna try and find
07:21 some more oh wait is that my oh wait no I made I just made that didn't I all right let's
07:25 go into here I might make like a little base around it um I'm panicking now right like
07:33 this I don't because I don't want anyone to come in and like you know kill me while I'm
07:39 in here so if we quickly get some of this right I might have to make right there we
07:44 go I'm gonna I'm gonna have to make a pickaxe no a axe really quickly right so we go make
07:50 one of these put one of them down and then quickly quickly quickly Cara and then all
07:57 right let's just put these down just just put these down really quickly right uh these
08:02 these these these like this and then uh make an axe like this there we go there we go there
08:11 we go there we go there we go oh my god if I die right now I'm gonna cry break break
08:16 break break break break there we go got we got some words um oh there we go got some
08:22 words okay let's put this around us that I just saw a creep okay there's a there's not
08:27 it's not a creeper but it's something that could harm us oh no okay there is a creeper
08:32 there um do not come in to my house thinking that you're all special no no what are you
08:40 doing do you just blew up my crops oh my goodness you just blew up my crops what are we going
08:47 to do oh my gosh who do you think you are I'm literally about to die if like right now
08:54 right stay away from me no not don't go there don't go there don't go there I don't want
09:00 anything to come near me because if it does I'm dead stay stay away stay away stay away
09:07 please right like this maybe I don't know if they're like if they can go behind me like
09:15 that so there we go so you got this here so if we just make all of this into we need to
09:21 put this here I'm literally just going to sit in the water right here okay got my little
09:26 farm like this I'm shaking so much right now do you think we can do this right there I
09:33 don't know how much that is right is it all built okay right there we go got some did
09:40 we get did you get three yes there we go I don't know how much we need I literally oh
09:45 no oh no I'm gonna take this piece of wood here because you need to make a crafting table
09:50 again oh my gosh does my voice sound like a bit croaky because I'm panicking right there
09:55 we go make one of these wait how much how much time we've got left uh TL we have okay
10:00 we've got five minutes till death match so this goes like here um I think I don't really
10:06 know this goes like this this goes like this and this goes like this yes oh my gosh guys
10:15 we just made a cake we just completed the challenge to make a cake in UHC like everyone
10:23 else is out there like fighting trying to get themselves some armor armor all that I
10:28 can't treat myself and I have just made a cake in my own little place without a half
10:35 like one and a half hearts so guys if you got any more challenges you'd like me to try
10:40 and complete um that'd be great that'd be really great because this is quite like an
10:46 intense go because like I just I was really scared getting that egg was so lucky because
10:51 you can't literally tell a chicken to lay an egg can you so do you think should we go
10:55 should we try and find some place to like make it look nice and my right let's get this
11:00 if I die right now I'm gonna be upset like someone comes and just kills me right let's
11:04 get this I'm gonna make one of these I'm gonna get some cobblestone and I'm gonna make some
11:10 like little nice thing right here we go I'm gonna get right put that there uh I don't
11:15 don't have any wood okay let's get this piece of here I'll just put a piece of cobblestone
11:19 in the place um when I was put to death here right there we go and then um let I don't
11:25 know actually I do want to make I don't know let's get this piece as well and cake just
11:29 in case it's not like enough right there we go right let's put this in here because we
11:35 need this to cook it and then there we go so we need one piece and then come on can
11:39 we get this one piece I've got one of these as well so we can put that in just in case
11:41 as well so then I'll go outside make like a little nice stone thingy there we go um
11:49 right don't burn that I want to get some sand actually as well right let's get this make
11:53 our way out and see if we can see if we can like do this where should we go where do you
11:57 think we should go all the skeletons over there I don't want to go over there oh no
12:01 we made our cake guys we made a cake in the UHC like how cool is that okay where should
12:06 we go I might add some flowers as well at the dinner table right there we go um I want
12:12 oh yeah I want to make right if we go get some wood quickly we should probably be able
12:16 to get some quite quickly anyway uh definitely starts in three minutes um okay let's get
12:21 let's just get some flowers so oh no oh no no no not skeletons you are not today not
12:29 today not today please not today just I just need some wood no not today not today not
12:36 today please please please please please please please okay oh let's some orange flowers orange
12:41 flowers there we go get some wood get some wood quickly quickly quickly uh why am I getting
12:46 weird I don't know I can't remember um uh okay right yeah oh I was gonna make some stairs
12:52 wasn't I I need to get some more don't I oh gosh that wasn't enough uh where's my axe
12:58 gone there is there's my axe there's my axe there's my axe quickly chop down this piece
13:02 of wood here there we go got some I got some magic wood um make a crafting table there
13:10 we go got one of these and then if we just put this down no it's down here two minutes
13:17 two minutes and then um we need to make all of this into this make some stairs so we can
13:23 actually sit down all right there we go all right all right just okay no it's fine it's
13:27 fine it's fine it's fine it's fine all right and now we can we can actually eat it as well
13:32 and make a little nice crafting thing right here all right oh no stop coming after me
13:38 I want to eat my cake um yeah basically or maybe we can make it death match but what
13:45 if someone like comes after me right if we plunk it down oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh
13:52 oh my gosh I'm not gonna be able to do this I need to eat my cake I need to eat my cake
13:57 um so if I just plunk it down here right there we go plunk it down there I have a little
14:06 table oh that's not that is not well planned to want my table like this no you're not welcome
14:15 to the party you're not welcome to the party stay away stay away stay away um maybe if
14:23 I could literally like no no no okay I'd stay a bit on my cake but you know stay away stay
14:28 away stay away there we go there we go right can we take a picture next to our thing uh
14:36 there we go nom nom nom nom there we go we actually ate it there we go eating all our
14:41 cake at our table so thank you so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this video
14:45 if you did enjoy UHC challenges please give it a like to show your support for the new
14:50 series and if you would like me to do more and also comment down some challenges below
14:55 bye do you think we'll get killed by it oh so now you don't want me now you don't want
15:00 me bye
15:01 Bye!
