• last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies!
00:14 Today I got so many requests to do something Lego, and I got a lot of messages
00:18 from people saying, Ro, I'm a beginner baker, would you please bake something
00:22 that's easy mode? So I thought, why not combine these 2 things?
00:26 Today I'm going to make an easy mode Lego cake!
00:30 I love Legos, I have been playing with them and collecting them since I was a
00:33 little kid, and, I even started a baking collection!
00:38 See I got my little Nerdy Nummies set down here.
00:40 Oh hey guys, it's Ro! Let me just open my, oh, open my oven!
00:46 Oh yeah, and stick a little, oops!
00:49 Stick a, stick a little cup, oh! Oh gosh! I need to glue these down!
00:55 Stick a little cupcake in the oven, and put it on 350 and bake for 20 minutes!
01:02 Yay!
01:03 The things you will need, will be 1 box cake mix, I'm using a yellow box cake,
01:09 but you can also use pound cake, that's a really good solid cake to take a
01:13 square shape. The recipe includes 1 stick of butter, 3 eggs, and 1 cup of water.
01:20 You'll also need pan breaking spray to grease your pan, the pan I'm gonna use
01:24 is a rectangle pan. Yellow, red, green, blue food coloring, or whatever color
01:31 you would like your Lego bricks to be. Cream frosting, and big marshmallows,
01:35 not the little ones, the big ones! Not jumbo though, those are the huge ones,
01:39 the big, the medium, the medium marshmallow. Let's put this all together!
01:50 And mix it together for 2 minutes on a low speed.
01:57 Once your mixture is all smooth and ready to go in the pan, you're gonna take
02:06 your pan baking spray, or you can grease your pan with butter, that's fine too.
02:11 And just spray all the corners, make sure you get all the edges.
02:13 There we go!
02:15 Actually it smells really good now, they must have added a scent, like a vanilla
02:21 or something in there. Oh, they changed the smell of these!
02:26 Now you're gonna take your batter, and just pour it in, like that.
02:33 Now you're gonna heat your oven to 350 and bake for about 40 minutes.
02:44 Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum!
02:46 While your cake is baking, we are going to dye all of our frostings.
02:49 So you're just gonna take vanilla white creamy frosting, scoop it into a bowl,
02:55 like so. It's very sticky, get in there!
02:59 And, just start by dyeing, I'm gonna do yellow first, because I want a yellow brick.
03:05 And then mix it around, oh yeah! Oh, oh! And make a mess on your table!
03:13 Once you get your frosting the color that you like, time to do the other ones!
03:20 Once you get your frostings all colored, take your cake out of the oven and make
03:27 sure it's had plenty of time to cool. I put mine in the fridge for about 10 minutes
03:31 so that it's nice and cool.
03:33 We are now going to level, using a little cake leveler, and you're just gonna
03:37 walk it, grrrr! Through the cake, so that we have a nice flat top.
03:42 And, take up the excess, oh yeah!
03:46 Now what you're gonna want to do is cut your cake in 2/3's, you'll need a sharp
03:50 cutting knife, I'm just gonna eyeball it.
03:52 Now we've got our Lego bricks cut, we've got our 2 long and our 2 short.
04:02 I got this idea from the girls at Betty Crocker online, it was a really, really
04:06 cool idea, I really like it. So we're gonna take 1 of these, let's take a long
04:11 1, and we are gonna frost it!
04:13 Let's do this 1 yellow, because yellow's sunshine happy!
04:16 You're gonna actually frost 2 layers, the first layer is what the Betty Crocker
04:20 girls called the crumb coat. Because we've cut up this cake a lot, all of the
04:25 sides are exposed and it creates a lot of crumbs, so you'll put on 1 coat, pop
04:29 it in the fridge for about 20 minutes, and then put on a second coat.
04:33 Now we're just gonna frost the whole thing, all 4 sides and the top.
04:37 And you can get really messy with it, because we're gonna pick up the cake
04:39 later and put it on a new surface, so feel free to get messy!
05:02 I just took this cake out of the fridge, it's nice and cool, and now we're
05:06 gonna add marshmallows so that they look like Lego bricks, I'm so excited!
05:11 I saw this tip online, it's super easy from the Betty Crocker girls, you just
05:14 take baking scissors, and a little bit of Pam baking spray, and you spray
05:20 your scissors, just a little bit.
05:22 Oh!
05:23 There we go!
05:25 So that's our nice and greasy, when you cut your marshmallows.
05:29 So what you're gonna do is take your marshmallow and just cut it in half.
05:33 And they don't stick, because the scissors are greased!
05:36 Ahhh!
05:36 OK, and now what we're gonna do is dip them into the frosting.
05:40 I've microwaved this frosting just a little bit, for like just 5 seconds or
05:44 something, just dip it in, pull it out, ahhh!
05:48 And, here we go!
05:50 I just use my finger, you can use a spatula if you want, but, I like to have
05:54 fun and get a little messy, just use your finger, go all the way around,
05:57 push the frosting down, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo!
06:00 And then again, I'm just going to eyeball it, and guess where this goes?
06:04 I'm guessing this goes here!
06:06 And then you're just gonna keep doing this for the rest of the little
06:09 Lego lumps!
06:10 My lovely Lego lumps!
06:12 Check-a-me!
06:13 And if 1 accidentally falls in your mouth, that's OK!
06:16 That happens all the time when you're baking!
06:19 Oh!
06:20 And remember, when you're making these, the big Lego bricks have 8 of these
06:25 little nubs, and the small ones have 4.
06:28 Ta-da!
06:49 Our Lego cakes are all done!
06:50 They're so cute and amazing, and, there is no fondant used in these
06:55 because they're really, really easy to make.
06:57 Easy mode Lego cakes!
06:58 I hope you guys liked them, if you have any other ideas for any other Nerdy Nummies,
07:03 please leave me a comment below and I will do my best to make them happen!
07:07 OK, thanks you guys, bye-bye!
07:09 Oh my god this Lego cake is so yummy, I just gotta take a bite!
07:13 Yeah, just 1 little… Oh yeah!
07:17 Oh god that was so good, I just gotta have 1 more!
07:20 Om-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom!
07:22 Oh, I'm stuck in the cake! I'm stuck in the cake!
07:25 A little bit too much cake!
07:27 Arrrrgh! Oh god! Oh I think I've overdone it!
07:32 Oops!
07:33 Need cake! Arrrrgh!
07:37 Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
07:39 [outro music]
