how to bake the wedding - beautiful birthday cake

  • last year
00:00 Hi everybody, this is Jen from Cookies, Cupcakes and
00:03 I want to welcome you to the first video of a three-part series on how to bake a wedding
00:08 cake.
00:09 This first video today is going to be the process of baking the cake and covering it
00:14 in a buttercream.
00:15 The subsequent videos will include how to tear the cake, which is stacking it, and the
00:20 last video will include how to decorate the wedding cake.
00:23 So make sure you stay tuned for those coming up in the future.
00:26 Let's get started.
00:27 So the first thing I'm going to talk to you about are the baking pans to make our three-tiered
00:32 wedding cake.
00:33 The big one at the bottom is a 10-inch round cake pan, and that's going to be our base.
00:38 Our next, our middle tier, is going to be an 8-inch round cake, and our top tier is
00:43 going to be a 6-inch round cake.
00:45 Now each of these will need to be baked two times, so when we're finished, you're going
00:48 to have two 10-inches, two 8-inches, and two 6-inches to complete the cake.
00:54 This is called a heating core, and what this heating core does is you place it in the center
00:58 of each of your pans if you choose to.
01:00 You don't have to use it, but it kind of speeds up the baking time of the cake, and you put
01:05 a little bit of cake in the center as well of the heating core, and that leaves so that
01:09 when there's a hole left in the cake, you still have the cake that pops out from the
01:12 center of the heating core.
01:14 I'm not going to be using that, but I do want to tell you about it because it is a handy
01:17 thing to use, especially when you're making larger wedding cakes.
01:20 Now these cake pans have straight sides, which is something that you want to make sure that
01:24 your cake pans have so you don't have any angles to your wedding cake, and these ones
01:28 are each 3-inches high, and the cakes will be baking to be about a total of 2-inches
01:32 in height.
01:33 So we're going to start the baking process next.
01:35 We're going to start out baking our 6-inch cake.
01:39 For the 6-inch cake, you're going to need two cups of batter per layer, so in total
01:43 for the top tier, you're going to need four cups of batter.
01:47 Now I'm using a homemade vanilla recipe, which I'll put a link in the description box for
01:51 you, but you can use any kind of cake that you choose.
01:54 You can also use a box mix if you prefer that as well.
01:57 You just need to make sure your measurements are the same at two cups.
02:00 So I'm just taking some non-stick spray, and I'm spraying my pan here, and then I'm also
02:04 putting a layer of wax paper in the bottom.
02:06 That just helps pop the cake out a lot easier when the cake is finished.
02:10 So then in goes my batter, and I'm going to be baking this one at 350 degrees Fahrenheit,
02:18 and it will bake for about 30 minutes, and then it should be nice and finished.
02:22 So I'm going to pop that in the oven, and then I'll have to repeat the process.
02:26 So I want you to make sure that you're remembering that you have to do two layers per size of
02:31 cake pan.
02:32 Our next two layers will be the middle tier, and it is the 8-inch.
02:37 So again, I'm spraying my pan, and I'm going to be using per layer, 3 1/2 cups of the cake
02:45 batter for this layer.
02:46 Give it another spray.
02:48 So you'll need 7 cups in total for the middle tier, and it's going to bake for probably
02:55 about 55 to 60 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
03:00 So I'm going to pop that in, spread this around first, and then pop it into the oven, and
03:05 then we will be working on our largest tier next.
03:09 Now we're on to our largest tier, which will be the bottom, and it is the 10-inch.
03:13 Per 10-inch layer, we're going to be using 6 cups of batter.
03:17 So in total, we're going to be using 12 cups of batter altogether for both of the bottom
03:24 tiers.
03:25 So I'm putting the wax paper in again at the bottom.
03:27 You can use parchment paper if you prefer.
03:29 And I'm just putting this in.
03:31 Now this one, being that it's the largest, it's obviously going to bake for a longer
03:34 time.
03:35 It's still going to be baking at 350 degrees, and it's going to bake for about 60 to 70
03:40 minutes.
03:41 And you just want to watch it to make sure that it's completely finished in the center
03:44 and it springs back to your touch.
03:45 So I'm going to pop that in, and I'll be back with all of the cooked cakes.
03:50 So all 6 of the cakes have baked.
03:52 They're nice and golden brown.
03:53 But if you notice when you've been baking cakes, you might find there's a slight dome.
03:57 So what we're going to do next is we're going to level each of them off, because we need
04:01 to have our wedding cakes be completely flat so they stay straight up and down.
04:05 So I'm going to level off my cakes now.
04:08 And what I'm using is a large Ateco cake knife, and it's just got a serrated blade.
04:13 If you don't have one of these, you can just use a regular kitchen serrated knife.
04:15 It works just the same.
04:16 So I'm just putting it here, and I'm keeping the blade level while turning the cake around
04:21 here on my turntable.
04:22 And I'm just making sure that I'm using a sawing motion, because I don't want any part
04:26 of the cake to tear.
04:27 I want it all to be cut in this level area here like that.
04:31 And you can see it slides easily off, just like that.
04:34 So I'm going to repeat that for all six of the layers.
04:37 Now that our cakes are all leveled, what I'm going to talk to you about next are cake boards.
04:41 Now cake boards are essentially just cardboard pieces, and they're covered with foil.
04:45 This one is quite thin.
04:46 It's the eight-inch one that I'm going to be using for my eight-inch layer.
04:49 Now this one is a six-inch one, and as you can see, it fits perfectly on top of my six-inch
04:53 cake.
04:54 Now this one is a bit larger, and it's actually called a cake drum.
04:57 And it's thicker, and it's meant to be used on the bottom of tiered cakes.
05:00 Now these two I purchased locally at a cake store.
05:04 You can find them at major stores such as Michael's and whatnot.
05:07 You can even buy them online, Amazon and eBay.
05:09 Try those out.
05:10 They're just called cake boards.
05:11 And this one I actually made.
05:13 You just cut it out of cardboard, and then you cover it with your own foil.
05:17 So that's what we need next to support the cake.
05:19 So now we're going to start covering it in buttercream.
05:22 So now I need to attach my cakes to my boards.
05:26 So what I'm going to do for glue is I'm just going to use a little bit of icing to smooth
05:30 that into the middle there like that.
05:32 And then I just put my cake in the center there of the board, just like that.
05:37 Now you may notice that because this one is the bottom one, it is a little bit bigger
05:41 than the other eight- and the six-inch boards.
05:44 For this one, we want the base to be a little bit bigger, because when you're transporting
05:48 the cake, you want somewhere for your fingers to be able to go.
05:51 So that's why this board is a little bit bigger than the actual cake.
05:53 So this one in total is 12 inches in diameter.
05:56 So now we're just going to start by putting a thin layer of buttercream in between here
06:02 like this.
06:04 And then I'm going to plop the top part of my bottom layer, so my other 10-inch, just
06:11 like that.
06:12 You don't want too much, so I'm just scraping some off like that.
06:15 And then I'm just going to place the second one on top just like that.
06:20 So I'm going to repeat that process for each of the three tiers.
06:24 Now we have all three of our tiers.
06:27 The layers are all stacked on top.
06:28 Now what we're going to do is we're going to do our crumb coat.
06:31 A crumb coat is the initial layer of buttercream that goes onto the cake to catch any of these
06:37 crumbs that come off as you're applying the buttercream to the sides.
06:41 In total, I'm probably going to be using about 12 to 18 cups of buttercream.
06:47 And I will put the link in the description box below to my vanilla buttercream recipe
06:51 that we already have up on the channel.
06:53 So I'm just going to coat all three of these cakes in my initial crumb coat, and then I'll
06:57 be back to show you the final step to this initial video in the series.
07:01 So the last step to icing the cake, after the crumb coat has caught all of the crumbs
07:06 from the sides of the cake, we're going to use more buttercream and just cover it completely.
07:12 So I'm going to do all three of these different cakes, and then we'll be finished how to bake
07:17 and ice a wedding cake.
07:19 So there you go, everybody.
07:20 I have finished off the beginning stages of baking a wedding cake.
07:24 We've got it covered in buttercream, and the following videos are going to cover how to
07:28 stack the wedding cake, which we call tiering, and how to decorate the wedding cake for a
07:33 final product.
07:34 So make sure you stay tuned for those, and I will see you next time.
07:38 Bye-bye.
