We failed.....

  • last year
00:00 Hi guys, so welcome to my channel, hey it's Eve already if you haven't seen my channel before
00:05 and me and my friend Charlotte over here
00:08 Hi!
00:08 We're baking a cake, we got halfway through like putting flour and everything
00:12 and we realised we forgot the sugar, like caster sugar
00:16 so now we have to take a trip to the shop
00:19 so close
00:21 and then we realised that food colouring, it might not be able to bake
00:26 and then we realised
00:28 we forgot a lot of stuff
00:30 we just forgot everything
00:32 so I'm off going now for the recipe
00:35 and it turns out the recipe serves 12 people
00:39 and it takes 3 hours
00:42 yep we fucked
00:44 and we're just like oh my god
00:48 so yeah that's happening
00:50 and I will see you tomorrow
00:53 how did you manage that?
00:55 she has power over the camera, I couldn't turn it on and then she pressed one button
01:01 I don't know why I got leaned back so I wouldn't see your lovely dad's boobs
01:08 yeah I was trying to open it and it's like yeah
01:16 and basically both of us couldn't open it
01:20 let's see how hard it is
01:22 I don't know if your back's head can see
01:24 I don't know if I can get it open
01:26 come on do it in time to the music
01:33 let's see whatever she's doing
01:37 oh yeah
01:39 oh
01:41 oh
01:43 smile for the camera
01:51 don't worry I'm not actually singing
01:54 amazing
01:58 oh the hair flip
02:03 that's my ponytail
02:05 yeah it's like this
02:07 I'll just take a video of you talking to Sheldon
02:10 not creepy
02:12 if this is a tablespoon
02:16 we're doomed
02:18 if it's not a tablespoon
02:20 wait why don't we just look up what a tablespoon is
02:22 no that's the easy way Hannah we don't do it that way
02:26 I'm gonna do all of that in case you spill
02:32 I'm just gonna take a video of that
02:34 oh Mary Mordaun
02:38 so it's basically changed from ugly to um
02:40 even worse
02:42 yeah that's one tablespoon Hannah
02:44 I'm gonna put hair in my mouth
02:46 hair?
02:48 oh okay if it's not my hair it's fine
02:50 great
02:52 I'm just me trying to mix
02:54 I'm so good at this
02:56 yep is that just
03:00 it's past?
03:02 what else do we need to add
03:04 the next genius method
03:08 taking reference from Dante
03:10 like if you know that reference
03:14 luckily this is a normal top
03:16 well if you get it on your top at least you look good
03:18 forever 21
03:20 I taste
03:22 really?
03:24 honestly
03:26 I don't even know where I got this my top from
03:28 fashion
03:30 and then it says gold
03:32 like behind the camera wearing jeans
03:34 and then she's like
03:36 forever 21 and Tesco's
03:38 yeah
03:40 who wants some Tesco socks
03:42 Tesco socks?
03:44 just like stylish
03:46 mismatch
03:48 Tesco should pay you extra
03:50 just for advertising them socks
03:52 Tesco's probably happy about it
03:54 I know
03:56 socks all day so
03:58 alright what else
04:00 okay all mixed together
04:02 alright well um
04:04 you can probably tell that we haven't put anything in it yet
04:06 and Spook's come out of the oven
04:08 and it's just like crazy
04:10 don't worry we got the
04:12 we got the window open and the door open
04:14 I just opened the door a bit further
04:16 so everyone knows what we did
04:18 see
04:20 there's nothing in there
04:22 nothing
04:24 we're so smart 15 year olds aren't we
04:26 but you also can't even cook
04:28 the oven just burns by itself
04:30 yeah I don't think it needs preheating anymore
04:32 yeah we'll just leave it for a while
04:34 and then
04:36 just buy into the type of music
04:38 the type of music
04:40 no wonder everyone joins your channel
04:44 I've only got 100 subscribers at the moment
04:46 I'm gonna put it on Facebook though
04:48 oh you're gonna put it
04:50 great everyone's gonna see my cooking skills
04:52 no I've got my whole channel
04:54 I know but that's worse
04:56 everyone's gonna see my cooking skills
04:58 and be like
05:00 okay just be angry and you'll see that Spook is still
05:02 should be okay
05:04 just bang the door
05:06 and someone walks in
05:08 and someone walks in
05:10 and I'm like what happened
05:12 that should be okay
05:14 yeah
05:16 food colouring time
05:18 time to close the door
05:20 we're gonna go back to cooking
05:22 colour time
05:24 we don't know what colours you can watch
05:26 we haven't taken art in like 2 years
05:28 well I've taken art
05:30 I'm just really bad at it
05:32 yeah if my
05:34 if any of my teachers are parents watching
05:36 it's not true
05:38 oh my god it's like the colour of blood
05:40 that looks so epic
05:42 I've got to be careful with my clothes
05:44 right goodbye
05:46 I'll tell you when we next burn the oven
05:48 this should make a
05:52 this is great
05:54 we've got our first batch
05:56 it's okay I can do it myself
05:58 we've got our first batch
06:00 I don't wanna go on the camera so
06:02 we've got our first batch
06:04 Hannah can't even get a cake off the oven
06:06 she did that how
06:10 I'm sorry if I bit you off
06:12 it was the first batch
06:14 it was supposed to be a lovely cake
06:16 I love you
06:22 you dropped the cake
06:26 I'm sorry if I bit you off
06:28 that's it I'm sorry
06:30 just think of now when you've eaten
06:32 like when the cake's done
06:34 just think of what Hannah managed to achieve
06:36 it was like that lovely girl
06:38 come out
06:40 anything else
06:42 okay so that was pretty much
06:44 yeah we're both just like
06:48 giving me the mean heart of the day
06:50 okay so
06:52 YouTube channel heyitsawf
06:54 I don't
06:56 yeah we're both
06:58 on YouTube so now it's
07:00 super awkward
07:02 just you know Matthew
07:04 hi
07:06 because we have amazing cooking skills
07:10 I have a YouTube channel
07:12 yeah
07:14 look it up
07:18 look amazing
07:20 we're trying to make some cake
07:22 I think it actually tastes pretty
07:24 disgusting
07:26 Matthew what are we doing
07:28 we're doing like a layered cake
07:30 yeah you can't go wrong with it
07:32 what we have
07:34 we have now put our stuff in the oven
07:36 I know
07:38 camera shy
07:40 okay so I'm not editing this by the way
07:48 this is no edits
07:50 oh come on
07:52 and we have put our stuff in the oven
07:54 and look how green this looks
07:56 look what she did to a second cake
07:58 and then I accidentally
08:00 maybe burnt this one
08:02 yeah she just ruined it
08:04 and we actually had to make
08:06 another batter because
08:08 turns out like
08:10 and the cake dropped
08:12 you dropped the cake
08:14 I was such an idiot
08:16 oh my purse is out
08:18 my purse is out
08:20 and look how much batter we turned around
08:22 6 eggs
08:24 350 grams of flour
08:26 caster sugar and stuff
08:28 and we're making is it rainbow cake
08:30 yeah rainbow cake
08:32 oh I love the chandelier
08:34 butterflies just sliding down
08:36 I literally came to the house
08:38 and went into the living room and I was like
08:40 oh purple oh chandelier
08:42 oh I like that
08:44 and then I came in here and I was like oh chandelier
08:46 UK food tour
08:48 chandelier
08:50 chandelier
08:52 I can't hit those notes
08:54 what?
08:56 kitchen
08:58 and we have the radio
09:00 we've got 5 minutes
09:02 oh more than 5 minutes
09:04 yeah and this dude walked past me
09:06 we were laughing
09:08 and you were just running
09:10 and her brother keeps coming in
09:12 at the wrong moments
09:14 and we're laughing our heads off
09:16 and I have to work with him in drama
09:18 it's fine
09:20 it won't be awkward
09:22 oh yeah
09:26 ok that just
09:28 started off the vlog
09:30 so we have finally completed
09:34 our cake mission
09:36 there you go
09:44 it sizzles
09:46 oh my god
09:48 after 4 hours
09:52 of making
09:54 we are finally
09:56 I just did the whole
09:58 we have finally made it after 4 hours
10:00 4 hours of work
10:02 4 hours
10:04 I can zoom in
10:06 and then we have the cupcakes
10:08 which Charlotte here just burned
10:10 I did not burn that
10:12 not the cupcakes
10:14 and
10:16 that's our finished cake
10:18 shhh
10:20 should we get someone to do the honours
10:22 or me? you can do the honours
10:24 don't trust anyone
10:26 that's why I'm stepping away
10:28 from you
10:30 oh
10:32 have you ever
10:34 cut a cake before? yes I have
10:36 have you seen how big this cake is
10:38 god's sake
10:42 oh it's just like dipping
10:44 see
10:46 doesn't that look so delicious
10:48 just the inside
10:50 the smell
10:52 there we go
10:54 it's so yellow
10:56 right we need a plate
10:58 to put it on
11:00 how many times do I have to cut it up like?
11:04 how many are there?
11:06 5 people isn't there? because my mum probably wants it
11:08 it's 5 first
11:10 your mum probably wants some
11:12 so yeah
11:14 how do we get it off
11:16 the f***ing plate
11:18 I'm just going to
11:20 finish it off when you get done
11:22 oh why did you put it sideways
11:24 damn it
11:26 that's how you do it
11:28 oh
11:30 um yeah
11:32 that's appetising
11:34 wait wait wait
11:38 can't we just
11:40 shred some swamps
11:42 wait let me just do some artistic
11:44 laughing
11:46 alright
11:48 let's try some artistic things here
11:50 I was going to put it in the cupcake
11:52 to make it look better
11:54 you do realise I'm just going to grab it if I find it
11:58 to eat
12:00 I want to make it
12:02 ok
12:04 you have to do 6 people
12:06 I think
12:08 good luck
12:10 wait do you want me to get the plate?
12:12 um
12:14 you think
12:16 oh
12:18 look it's just swimming
12:20 oh ok
12:24 I think I made Hannah laugh
12:26 I just got her to make her hand
12:28 is it ok
12:32 laughing
12:34 again it's just swimming
12:38 with the purple
12:40 it's mixing the purple
12:42 and that is where I'm supposed to
12:44 wait
12:46 pass the plate
12:48 hurry hurry
12:50 laughing
12:54 I did not feel safe
12:56 with that knife in my hand
12:58 fine
13:00 I am sure Hannah will mess it up sometime
13:02 have fun
13:04 what an artistic style
13:06 it was absolutely
13:08 disgusting
13:10 if we're off tomorrow
13:12 we'll probably well be
13:14 if I'm off school tomorrow
13:16 you know why
13:18 we fed it to siblings
13:20 and they came in and literally
13:22 nope
13:24 the one you saw before
13:26 yeah
13:28 and just walked in with the cake
13:30 and dumped it straight in the bin
13:32 like a floor
13:34 yeah
13:36 I rather discreetly
13:38 put it in the bin
13:40 and Amber just threw it
13:42 my sister just threw it
13:44 so next time
13:46 we're sticking to cupcakes
13:48 next time we're doing cupcakes
13:50 but we have this amazing drink
13:52 which Amber made
13:54 so it is you can cook
13:56 it looks disgusting
13:58 it looks disgusting
14:00 but it tastes delicious
14:02 amazing
14:04 cheers
14:06 it's made out of apples
14:08 lemon
14:10 got really lemon bits
14:12 apples can't be discussed
14:14 apples
14:16 apples
14:18 appleappens
14:20 I think it's made of the lime water
14:22 with lemon
14:24 you took mine
14:26 oh well
14:28 you took my drink
14:32 that's a parody
14:36 so
14:38 now we're just watching
14:40 parodies
14:42 and we got a really random one
14:44 so I'm just gonna end this vlog
14:46 on this
14:48 and this will be up
14:50 my video for this week
14:52 (laughing)
