Let Play Minecraft Episode 5 - Bake a Cake

  • last year
00:00 Alright, let's do a proper intro.
00:04 I'll find you first.
00:05 Boo!
00:06 I'm behind you.
00:07 Ah!
00:08 Hello, Terrence!
00:09 Hey, get away from me.
00:11 Okay, what's going on everybody?
00:12 It is Zach and Terrence from youtube.com/beaverhost.
00:16 I'm sorry I hit you.
00:18 Today, Terrence, we're doing another Minecraft Let's Play.
00:20 Why are we in a different world though?
00:22 That's a good question.
00:24 That's a good question.
00:25 I will tell you the answer.
00:26 We're going for the achievement on making cake.
00:29 join yourself Terry never we have many things to do so we're gonna try and get
00:34 that achievement we're gonna work together and see if we can get it
00:36 together so I better turn on notifications for a second just in case
00:41 I do get the achievement I know I know this is difficult why don't you uh why
00:47 don't you get some wood Terry wood get some wood wood wood wood wood wood wood
00:58 you would you oh you're looking good man have you been working out yes and no yes
01:05 on minecraft no in real life yes I gotta say it's good to be back in Minecraft I
01:13 haven't played this game in like forever actually that's not true I played about
01:17 a week ago I was working on some more stuff for different videos of course
01:23 la da da da dee so we need to make ourselves like a little basically a
01:29 little homestead just for a quick second we got to get some cows kill them all
01:33 nothing a good homestead you know this is great because we have sugarcane like
01:37 right beside us Terry it's good this is good that's a good sign of things to
01:43 come okay got some beef we got to make sure we always have food all right I say
01:50 we set up a house right around here what do you say yeah I'm fine with that man I
01:54 mean yeah great place this is a great place great place for food setup this is
02:01 a great place who knows I might even need some birch okay I'm going to make
02:07 myself some woody wood wood I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish wood
02:13 you wish to put how you wish to put how there is a cow behind he's like Molly I
02:18 know it's kind of scary cuz I'm like must be horny we better get like some
02:23 sheepers to cows probably in heat he probably isn't he should breed it oh wow
02:30 that was a good cow but it's actually a she like it's gotten udder do male cows
02:35 have udders no no well I was a ball sack this is what doesn't make sense okay I'm
02:44 gonna I'm just gonna throw this down the table you know cows milk house or bulls
02:49 as we call them they don't have udders yeah male humans have nipples I'll let
02:57 that make any sense sure no it doesn't make no sense whatsoever so our house is
03:03 over here Terry yeah well like you know what I mean house when I say house I say
03:07 like I use the term house extremely nice a house you say mouse house mouse house
03:13 mouse when I say dead you say cow dead cow dead cow we're not saying moo you
03:21 say cluck moo cluck moo cluck when I say dinky you say doors dinky
03:28 Doris dinky doors all right I'm kid gotta quit messing about here's an apple
03:34 here like so much fun stupid pig I'll get you stupid pig I
03:42 need more wood pig running behind you I need more wood pig is a jumping pig I'm
03:49 gonna make some tools I deem you mountain pig meat I need to make sticks
03:53 and I don't need oak sapling plant there you go
03:59 la da da da dee we see that through body dancing in the plant do what bird
04:05 sapling plant Terry you're doing your part
04:09 B drop I appreciate it when you do your part pork chop smash hey hey oh what are
04:16 you doing I'm digging myself a little man cave that's cute right by the water
04:22 though okay I can like make it go the other way if you really want me to can
04:28 you make some tools tools yeah love to can you make yourself like at least
04:34 somewhat useful use hmm awkward points sticks awkward points sticks
04:41 awkward planks sticks tools and weapons wouldn't pickaxe that's about it that's
04:49 about all we got I still can't get over that nipple thing man
04:53 three can be a - what's that II freaking me out - dupe like you do someone up
05:02 upstairs you're laughing right you know what I mean
05:04 me laughing there's like these guys nibble I mean I would I would be just
05:12 like we won't give admit we won't give a bull any you know utter but we'll give
05:19 the nipples I swear that cows and he it's just jumping up and down you would
05:25 know - little known fact about Terry our time farmer oh oh yeah time
05:31 hmm I'm gonna hit this pig with a stick give me your bacon speaking of bacon you
05:39 had the baconator tonight oh yes I did and it was yummy feeling heavy gross
05:49 I'm gonna I'm gonna kill this sheep we need it some wool to like make a bed I
05:53 have sheep sheep I have sheep skin come here sheep
05:59 Oh Bert sapling we'll plant that right by our mind soon it will grow into a
06:05 birch tree okay so if I'm not mistaken what we need is we need sugarcane one of
06:11 the ingredients stick stick stick stick stick stick we need straight-up sugar
06:18 okay how come I can't climb up these vines and how come there's not enough
06:27 sheep around here there's never enough sheep to do the job you know what I mean
06:31 brown sheep I found what's that coyote was that coyote was that it's in the
06:39 water but it doesn't look like it should be there
06:41 so don't take in a swim it might be really warm outside we have no idea
06:44 right probably a dog or coyote come back here sheepy I swear it's like a coyote
06:50 come back here sheep you didn't get all the wolf die saw docile until attacked
06:56 huh can be tamed using bones and what I don't know but I would suggest you you
07:04 don't hit that I'm not gonna hit it I'm just gonna see what it does when I hit
07:06 it Terry don't it'll kill you just a wolf yeah well that's what they all say
07:14 that's what Liam Neeson said in the gray and you know what happened to him it's
07:19 just a wolf we don't know what happened to him spoiler alert it's never shown
07:24 what happens to Liam Neeson in the gray okay is it - is it two wolves that make a
07:31 thing why is there a piece of wool here a sheep must have like committed suicide
07:35 that's probably me oh you killed the sheep you might have
07:38 oh you killed another one you're a good boy
07:40 yeah I'm just not picking anything up I've been killing okay we gotta go back
07:44 home where we're at home you know where all the these birds planks yeah we gotta
07:49 like make ourselves like a door okay you're you get some more wood and start
07:53 making the wall a little bit bigger okay wall would oak wood planks yeah douche
08:00 douche oh I know it's mismatching dirt oh it's ugly I'll make how about birch
08:06 wood oh no we need another piece of wool for another bed shit do I have one most
08:12 likely white wall white wall do you have a piece yeah toss it over here
08:20 thank you oh yes I can make another bed whoa okay
08:26 bigger walls getting bigger there you should have made that into more wood
08:31 okay I'm gonna make a temporary dirt wall oh I can do that
08:37 let me make that into real wood you want me making to real wood yeah because
08:43 you're also you're just wasting wood think about that don't take forever about
08:47 it I'll help you for a sec I got it I got an ass stupid pig pick me up and
08:52 makes me not be able to get around yeah I got a hacks there we go
08:59 guess I have an axe - it's effort to wouldn't pick axe okay I'm gonna see if
09:07 I can make myself a cauldron how do I not have more stone there I'm freaking
09:13 out there's gonna be like monsters in no time I'm ready for them what's that I'm
09:18 ready for him well good to know oh boy they're coming
09:22 they're commentary make the wall bigger what are you doing I'm busy trying to
09:25 make more wood it's so easy you don't have to go to a crafting table to make
09:29 wood I'll make a temporary dirt home I'm gonna make make us some bloody pickaxes
09:36 in a second no worries okay we need a roof on this this thing - okay now we got
09:45 a lot more planks piggies go oink always in the way okay what's this guy doing
09:50 dirt I hate the guy who's doing dirt I'm sorry but you're too slow at making
09:56 freaking whatever okay we need is it wood on wood I have no idea I have no I'd
10:05 have no idea how to make coal I need to make coal you wouldn't take half place
10:12 one okay what what what this no what doesn't stay on top of that dirty what
10:20 that would won't stay on top of the dirt on top of what dirt over there where
10:24 because there's a bloody tree in the way I put it there and it goes away just go
10:30 like that I'm wasting my I'm wasting my wood I'm trying to make some trying to
10:34 make some freaking see that wood gone just like that put it up and gone where
10:41 all over the here I had all this water must be glitching out for you and then
10:46 all the time I'm on the parapet we are safe for now weird here let's just go to
10:53 sleep man why not that makes sense to me
10:58 oh we're Terry our goal is today to be making okay did you why'd you get up I
11:07 didn't oh you're pressing LT for quite a while finally worked I seen you sleeping
11:15 for a long time oh am I sleeping in you broke your bed
11:19 no where is it now why is where's the bed wake up you idiot get up what is in
11:34 your inventory a bed how did that get there were you pressing RT for a long
11:40 time now sleep your monsters nearby though no you've done it now fix this
11:48 roof you just keep putting the roof up there's monsters coming I know it's
11:55 glitching but is we can't worry about my boxes disappear there's nothing I can do
12:00 ah we're having connection issues too dark I just don't want you to nearby son
12:14 of a cracker retarded oh what are we gonna do I can't bloody see it's too
12:22 bloody dark I'm in a corner this is like Blair Witch Project
12:26 ah I'm dude this is terrible holy crap they were like so close in okay okay
12:38 this is freaky what are you doing quit it if you're gonna mind and go
12:48 underground then what are you doing why you're sitting in your play little
13:00 corner like a little girl oh there's still stupid monsters retarded it's
13:09 gonna be a long night we're gonna bloody die I think we set our spawns though so
13:12 it doesn't really matter if we die I don't think this is the crampiest ever
13:19 stop it it's too dark in here I need a window I need air oh yeah this is the
13:27 worst ever okay stop it I'm leaving this battler bad sucks I'm leaving if this is
13:42 how it's gonna be in college I quit okay where's this bloody monster's one
13:47 bloody I'm killing this player I'm so pissed off look at you you're all stuck
13:51 in the tree ha sucker you're dead you're dead you're dead I'm beating you with a
13:55 block of brick he would in that embarrassing okay now we go to bloody
14:00 bed now Terry go to sleep where is the monster there's a zombie it's right
14:06 beside us ah it's too close it's too close I'll beat you I will beat you with
14:11 this ah there's everything I'm stuck in a tree here die I'm not I'm not gonna
14:18 die I'm stuck in this corner you idiot yeah but you made it I guess you made
14:25 both of the corners but you put your own corner in the way that's your own fault
14:29 you cheese we're trying to make some cake it's taking a good day of the half
14:33 the year to do it oh I'm getting ticked off man okay open up open up can we
14:43 sleep now try sleeping freaking monster is it daytime yet Oh monster oh my
14:55 goodness you died it's scary the living daylights out of me where was it
15:01 that's right ah why'd I spawn on top go away from me
15:07 we're doing Terry I can't get in I'm trapped I'm trapped and trapped oh no
15:15 if you know I die you piece of crap holy moly how did that arrow get there die
15:23 this is what happens when you take half the day just to go to bed
15:29 retarded zombies and skeletons everywhere I'm gonna die again I'm gonna
15:37 come behind with me I kill fun now it's open shut it shut it you nut I because
15:48 it's too dark I can't deal with the darkness why do I always spawn on the
15:53 roof there you close me out oh that's cuz you died again ah daytime now though
16:00 at least we're gonna go away there they will in a second get away you zombie
16:05 creep oh I'm dying here oh yes some zombie meat oh no no no look at this
16:13 thing it is so it's so focused on you Terry yeah you better eat you better eat
16:22 boy you better run oh it turned on me get away it's it's daytime why are you
16:30 not dying I'm eating this is so dumb okay we should be able to get some cake
16:39 today all right now get out of your little hole you hobo yeah it's safe you
16:46 know sure it's too still dark safe I feel dark and I can't even deal with you
16:51 you piece of crap there's maybe a zombie you're still pretty dark in here you are
16:56 so annoying right now open up the door shit blocks keep glitching I hate this
17:01 yeah that's what happens when you put 50 down in a second
17:04 Xbox live can't handle it okay yeah see there are not blocks here yeah I just
17:13 did it again look I'm standing right in front of you on my screen I'm getting
17:19 them good job there you go now you're out okay this house sucks I can breathe
17:28 yeah about time this is the biggest this is the biggest failure ever in the
17:34 history of ever I say we start from the bottom I started from the bottom started
17:39 from the bottom didn't have any help made a bloody cake in minecraft yo okay
17:46 I'm gonna find out how to make some cake yeah that's that's what I'm talking
17:49 about that's better okay I'm sick of this stupid blocks come right back in
17:55 front of me I'm I'm building a bloody crap honestly tell me these blocks are
17:58 back here cuz I keep getting blocks back here they're gone mowing down blocks if
18:03 you mow down a block just assume that it's mowed down and it'll it should like
18:08 unglitch itself no push me off yeah they're all there again I can't help it
18:15 that you suck at Xbox live I can't help that and to be honest I think you
18:23 deserve it for boxing me out last night
18:27 what are you doing why are you drowning yourself Terry life has meaning don't do
18:35 it don't do it it's not worth it almost at the top though it's not worth made it
18:44 oh can't believe it let me hey let's get to it okay I'm gonna find out how to
18:48 make some cake and we're gonna do this okay so I'm gonna get you doing
18:52 something in a quick second yeah okay let's see cake all right this is what we
18:59 need Terry are ready for it we need an egg how do you find eggs eggs you follow
19:04 a chicken until it lays an egg we need an egg we need three buckets of milk so
19:10 that means we need iron to make the buckets we need three wheat and two
19:15 sugars now how do you make sugar you need sugar cane so I'm gonna go mow down
19:21 this sugar cane for a second and then I'm gonna make some sugar put it in a
19:26 chest go for it gonna be called the cake chest look at that that's sugar cane yo
19:33 problem with wheat is we have to grow it which is a pain in the petunias I know
19:37 but it's just a way of life that's all I have to say about that it's just a way
19:42 of life okay gotta make a chest gotta make a
19:46 chest chest chest chest chest chest man this is called the cake chest okay what
19:51 the chuffy nuffy yeah right I don't have enough wood I can make wood in a second
19:58 yeah you like me now chickens looking for chickens there's got to be one
20:04 nearby just follow it wait till it lays a bloody egg what's this get a date we
20:09 know that's your cane we got we got enough of that no we got enough okay I
20:14 think we do I'll check in a second okay we've got three sugars what red thing
20:24 that's a mushroom that's a gay cow so we don't need it okay it's not actually gay
20:34 but it could be misinterpreted somehow okay follow find a chicken follow it
20:39 okay well don't look for one find it you're not making any sense right now I
20:52 can't stop I love it no that's wrong I don't care I love it okay I got a mine
21:05 and find some iron we also need wheat
21:13 whoever knew wheat would be an ingredient I didn't know that I didn't
21:26 know for beer it's true though I don't want to make sticks you idiot just find
21:34 the chicken don't look for it find it there you found a chicken now get it
21:41 sick sick him go get a boy I'm gonna kill it and we infer to randomly lay an
21:47 egg how many we need we need one that's all we need just one egg that's our
21:53 chicken the one you got there that's our guy okay follow him around till he lays an egg
21:58 you did not lose the chicken don't kill him either yeah name him I don't I don't
22:06 care what you do to him cozy up to him give him hugs you're mine do you just
22:10 call him quack quack he's not a duck doesn't matter he looks like a duck I'll
22:17 give you that one how have I not found iron yet this is retarded what else do
22:30 you do honey oh yeah that's cute oh okay so we got my sugar we need the wheat you
22:36 ate a whole roll of cheese I'm actually not even mad kind of impressed kind of
22:40 impressed why you look at the sky for is it gonna rain we're looking at where you
22:45 going what's in the sand what's over the where well you do it we go are you
22:49 moving on it okay I've got my crafting table I will do this into the night
22:54 watches I'm not gonna lose this chicken or I could build a box on it they won't
23:01 go in the water right it probably won't just did it just went in the water okay
23:10 well get an egg from don't lay an egg in the water please if you see another
23:15 chicken though like if you've got two of them there then kill one of them
23:18 because sometimes killing them you get an egg from them doesn't make sense but
23:21 it's kind of like when you freak out a human sometimes they take a poo in their
23:24 pants when you freak out a chicken how are both swimmers I don't get on the
23:28 land okay chicken where on earth am I going to find some call there's nothing
23:37 there's I need resources and we literally have none there's some iron I
23:42 found iron tear this is good we're making progress towards bucket madness
23:47 bucket madness plus I have no idea how to make like makeshift coal it makes no
23:54 sense stupid chicken that better have been ironed by the way it's okay quiet
24:00 okay we'll get we have a fire in quack raw pork chop oh bloody I'll make the
24:09 shit I just mowed down on some raw pork chop I'll make a stove right here I'll
24:14 put the stove don't you dare don't you dare poo in the water okay I'm assuming
24:26 the ingredient iron or oak wood planks and fuel baby we've got this all figured
24:32 out okay now I'm gonna go are you pretty well done cuz I almost have an egg I'm
24:38 looking for I've almost got enough to make I think a one bucket good probably
24:44 two buckets I can make two buckets I'm pretty sure which is you lay one in the
24:50 grass look at the grass it's so nice and comfy lay egg on so pretty I'm gonna
24:55 look for some more iron there it is quack quack quack quack quack quack
25:03 quack quack it's a it's a cluck not a duck duck that's funny it's a climbing
25:11 the mountain whatever shall we do okay um please be only how do I sing to it
25:17 sing a lullaby to it three bloody irons to make a bucket I'm one away dang now
25:23 there's no way that this chicken will not lay an egg it's gonna lay an egg
25:26 today once a day come on that's normal once a day I know but it hasn't even
25:30 been a day yet I need more oh why are you following me what's up my feet huh
25:37 sock smell yeah don't wear any socks oh yes yes we have more iron Terry don't go
25:46 where yes yes yes I have my buckets of milk we have our buckets of milk Terry
25:52 that's the good news that is the good no I'm actually filled with milk I don't
25:57 get it no no no no no no no milk cow I am going to milk a cow sweet by hand
26:03 that's so raunchy that's awesome okay this I'm not even mad I'm kind of
26:08 impressed chicken is kind of pushing me off man I don't have the patience for
26:12 this like honestly what kind of chicken farmer watches their chickens all day to
26:17 wait for them to lay an egg I don't know but you are doing that right now and I'm
26:22 a great yes three buckets okay between me and quack we'll get an egg down place
26:28 there you go okay buckets oh shut up have you not if it said if it's a dud
26:37 dutters then just suck the udders no that was good I'm cutting sounded a
26:43 little bit weird from here okay no what I mean is if it's a dud just kill it
26:47 hey is this the same chicken no okay I'm killing this one don't kill yours
26:52 please give us an egg give us an egg and all we need is wheat no you stupid you
26:57 just gave me meat that's retarded I need to find cows this one hurt it hurt its
27:00 counterpart die okay now it's never gonna lay an egg just lay one there babe
27:05 how about if I go from a distance and you lay one this is like scared I'll
27:13 hide behind this block okay where is a cow now Terry's getting dark again this
27:20 time are we gonna sleep on time or what you big chicken I can wait up all night
27:25 if I have to she's up all night to this son I honestly just want to get this
27:30 chicken box and just because I have a feeling but I just want to make some
27:34 cake he's all I want to do where is chicken you're not getting out of this
27:38 one where is a cluck cluck oh my goodness I can't even find a cow there
27:45 was like 80 that there's a cow finally about bloody time yes to milk down so
27:51 milk oh you beautiful chicken you you lay an egg in there tonight okay don't
27:56 let the monsters eat you that's my milk that's my milk they can't jump to box
27:59 right what's that chickens can't jump to box right I don't think so okay milk we
28:06 have our milk Terry stay there babe okay Terry we have to go to sleep coming I
28:11 think I know I think I'm gonna put the milk in here all right I'm putting the
28:17 milk in in that spot I'm going to bed okay I'm going to bed too just don't
28:23 sleep in my bed okay oh yes dear we're gonna make it it's gonna be in we are in
28:31 bed at the same time sounds wrong I feel like I'm looking at your feet oh is that
28:37 your head there's your eyes this is my head this is a little bit weird am I a
28:40 guy in your girl oh yeah it off of me pervert it's not my fault
28:46 dirty little pervert hey let's go see if chick laid an egg today okay today so
28:51 the heck is that oh it's a burning skeleton I think that was queer cuz it
28:55 just died queer I need food how are you doing on food huh you didn't lay an egg
29:03 are you dirty rotten chicken just leave it there let it lay its egg needs a
29:09 bigger pen and I'll start getting to work on the the farm in a second cuz
29:17 we're so close we just need some wheat in a second oh yes little chicken it can
29:24 lay an egg if it wants to oh I found another chicken I'll kill it check your
29:32 inventory for a second what I just wondering if there's an egg in there
29:38 like I ran yeah sometimes you can randomly pick up an egg oh get back here
29:45 click we're sleeping together oh you gave me more chicken again I hate you
29:51 no what I know retarded isn't it um news flash I just got an egg did you yes okay
30:03 bring it and put it in the chest you know where the chest is right no okay
30:07 it's by our house by the crafting table now it's time to get to work on the farm
30:11 so Terry I'm gonna I'm gonna okay what is this it's an oak sapling how do we
30:17 get wheat saplings do we just harvest grass how do you make wheat how do you
30:25 make wheats okay just put it in there okay you make wheat um I don't know how
30:37 I don't know where we did so how do we make how do we make wheat we have to
30:41 like get wheat seedlings or something like that how does this work oh my
30:49 goodness this is freaking me out we got to make some wheat Terry how do you how
30:56 does one make wheat oh oh I got some I got a wheat sapling okay good I got wheat
31:03 seeds more wheat seeds good good good good good good we need one more
31:09 we need one more wheat seed do you have some okay oh where should we plant it
31:16 no it has to be tilled ground and all this kind of stuff oh yeah oh I got I
31:21 got something I got some more okay so I'm gonna go to a crafting table for a
31:25 second I know it's work and all this kind of stuff Terry but I have to like
31:30 what are we celebrating anyway I don't know I just draw the achievement we're
31:37 celebrating the achievement okay I'll make myself a wooden hoe oh my goodness
31:44 really weird okay I know but Terry this is how you farm you use hoe oh I got an
31:52 achievement for that that's kind of gay I never even had made a hole yet
31:57 ow I had never even made a hole okay I'm going to hoe some ground it has to be by
32:04 water doop doop doop and then plant my wheat seeds wheat seeds wheat seeds and
32:10 I might be able to even make some bone meal bone meal bone meal how do I make
32:19 bone meal bone meal where's bone meal
32:28 Terry is so hard to please you want me dead where did you plant them suckers
32:34 anywhere they're right here they're growing see it's growing is that what
32:39 you usually plant in the water yeah okay we should actually look for another egg
32:43 because you're gonna need you're gonna need to make your own piece of cake too
32:47 right you want the achievement to right babe I want to play a game it's games
33:14 me
33:43 to do is I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
33:50 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
33:57 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
34:04 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
34:11 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
34:18 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
34:25 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
34:32 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
34:39 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
34:46 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
34:53 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
35:00 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
35:07 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
35:14 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
35:21 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
35:28 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
35:35 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
35:42 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
35:49 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
35:56 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
36:03 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
36:10 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
36:17 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
36:24 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
36:31 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
36:38 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
36:45 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
36:52 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
36:59 meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing
37:06 a video on how to make a bone meal. I'm going to be doing a video on how to make a bone
37:13 meal. Okay, thanks so much for watching guys. Next time, maybe we'll do the on a rail achievement
37:20 for another 40 camera score. We'll see what Terry says. Thanks for watching guys. We'll
37:26 see you guys later. Bye bye.
