How to make a Minecraft cake - with yoyomax12

  • last year
00:00 [music]
00:09 Hello everyone, my son Max is an avid Minecraft player, and this year he asked me to make
00:14 him a Minecraft cake for his birthday.
00:16 And this is what I came up with, and this is how I made it.
00:19 The first thing I did was do a little bit of online research.
00:21 I googled "Minecraft cake" and printed out a few images just to give me some ideas how
00:26 I was going to put this together.
00:28 I just took the elements that I liked from each of these images.
00:31 I liked the different colored blocks, and I also liked the fact that that person used
00:35 jello for the water.
00:36 I did some rough sketches trying to figure out what shape and size the cake was going
00:40 to be, and then I was ready to start.
00:42 For the water portion I used blue jello, or that's also called jelly depending on where
00:46 you live.
00:48 And what I did differently from the package directions was I used only one cup of boiling
00:52 water for each package of jello.
00:54 So I ended up preparing four packets of jello, added four cups of boiling water, stirred
01:00 it around until the jello was dissolved, and then poured it into a plastic wrap lined loaf
01:05 pan and let that set.
01:07 I wanted something thick enough to be able to cut into blocks the right size.
01:13 Now for the grass blocks I wanted to use chocolate cake for this, and I was looking around for
01:17 a nice dense cake recipe.
01:20 Because I need to cut it into blocks I wanted something that wasn't too crumbly or too fragile,
01:25 and often cake mixes are much too tender and much too crumbly for sculpting.
01:30 I looked around online and I found one called Durable Cake for 3D in Chocolate, and it had
01:35 really good reviews and I wanted to try it, and it happens to use a cake mix.
01:39 Now verbally I'm going to give you the ingredients for a single recipe, but you'll see double
01:43 of everything on the video because I made a double recipe because I wanted to make sure
01:46 I had enough cake.
01:47 There's nothing like making a cake and realizing you don't have enough halfway through.
01:51 So that's one package of cake mix, four egg whites, and one packet of chocolate pudding
01:58 mix, just the powder part of it.
02:00 It's the smaller serving size, it has four servings in it.
02:04 And then you're going to add one cup of sour cream.
02:07 The sour cream adds moisture, it adds a little bit of fat, and it makes the cake nice and
02:11 fudgy and dense.
02:13 That's a half a cup of water, and one third of a cup of oil plus a tablespoon.
02:21 Then you're going to mix all the ingredients together with an electric mixer on low at
02:25 first until it's combined, and then on high for a couple of minutes.
02:30 Don't forget to scrape down the sides of the bowl and get right to the bottom of the bowl
02:33 to get all those ingredients.
02:36 This batter will be very thick, so I'll warn you ahead of time, but that's perfectly normal.
02:42 Now to bake it, you put it into a 9 by 13 inch pan if you are using a single recipe.
02:48 Don't forget to grease the pan very well.
02:52 The pan I use is a little bit bigger, I think that's a 15 by 12 or something like that because
02:56 I was using twice the ingredients.
02:59 Now this isn't self-leveling, so you're going to have to spread it out with a spatula.
03:03 Just make sure that it is even thickness all throughout the pan and smooth the top.
03:10 And then bake it at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or so until when you stick a toothpick
03:15 in the center, it comes out clean.
03:20 Let the cake cool in the pan for a few minutes and then remove it from the pan, putting it
03:24 on a cooling rack.
03:26 Now I forgot to tape this part, but what I did was while the cake was still in the pan,
03:31 I put a rack on top of the cake and then I flipped the entire thing over to remove the
03:39 cake and then repeated the procedure to get the cake right side up.
03:44 Now you let the cake cool completely.
03:47 The lines that you see on the cake are from the cooling rack, that's what caused those.
03:51 Once the cake was cooled completely, I started to cut it up into the sections I needed for
03:55 the cake.
03:56 I cut the edges off because they were rounded in shape and the batter is always a bit thinner
04:01 at the edges, so I just wanted a nice square edges, so I cut those off.
04:06 I'm using a ruler to mark off 2 inch portions because I'm making 2 by 2 inch blocks for
04:13 this cake and actually those horizontal lines that the rack made actually came in handy
04:19 to help keep the lines straight when I was cutting.
04:22 Now I'm cutting one of the tiers and this cake cuts beautifully.
04:29 I was very happy with the recipe.
04:33 There's a few crumbs but not as much as you would with a regular cake.
04:37 And then I'm kind of designing as I go here.
04:40 I know that this is going to be a middle tier.
04:42 The bottom tier will be a bit larger so I'm cutting out that bottom tier now.
04:50 And with a sharp knife, the cake cuts to very nice straight edges.
05:00 And I put one block on the top and that is pretty much the grass block section done.
05:07 And I decided to cut out these pieces and I kind of like this design, this final piece.
05:13 I put it on a cake board that I bought at the bulk bar but you can get it at any place
05:16 that sells cake supplies.
05:19 And I was afraid that that top block might fall off so I took a wooden skewer, stuck
05:24 it through all the layers and I just snipped it off with a pair of snips.
05:29 And that skewer is quite long so there's no danger of anyone choking on that because it's
05:33 very large.
05:34 When you're cutting the cake up you'll just have to remember that those skewers are in
05:37 there.
05:38 And I added a second skewer for that piece as well.
05:43 Now for the sand blocks I decided to use Rice Krispie Squares.
05:48 Just regular old Rice Krispie Square recipe.
05:50 I'll put that in the description box if you're interested.
05:53 I made another double recipe to make sure I had enough and that it was thick enough.
05:58 And I did the same thing, I just marked off 2 inch by 2 inch blocks and then I started
06:05 to add the sand blocks or the Rice Krispie blocks around the grass blocks.
06:13 And I was kind of making it up as I went along here because I wasn't sure exactly what I
06:17 wanted to do.
06:18 But that's half the fun in making a cake is designing it as you go sometimes.
06:23 Now as I continued to add the Rice Krispie pieces, some of the cake pieces I found a
06:27 little bit too big so I trimmed those off.
06:29 And I also trimmed some of the Rice Krispie pieces so that they all fit together, kind
06:32 of like a puzzle.
06:34 And I also realized that with the Rice Krispie pieces surrounding the cake layers it was
06:39 actually acting as a support and I really didn't have to worry about adding skewers.
06:44 Now for the tops of the grass blocks I'm using plain old buttercream frosting which is butter,
06:50 icing sugar, a little bit of milk and a little bit of vanilla.
06:53 I'll put the exact recipe ingredients in the description box as well as a link to a video
06:58 tutorial.
06:59 And then you need to add some green food colour.
07:02 I'm using paste food colour.
07:04 And blend that until you get a shade of green that you like.
07:10 I'm using a pastry bag with a grass tip.
07:15 I filled up the pastry bag and I used that to decorate the tops of the chocolate cake
07:21 pieces.
07:22 Now the grass tip takes a little bit of practice to get the hang of it but once you do it's
07:27 actually kind of fun to use and it doesn't take all that long to cover the top of a cake.
07:33 You kind of squeeze, anchor it to the cake and then squeeze a little bit as you pull
07:38 up to make those grass strands.
07:41 If you don't have a grass tip you can also just use a regular star tip on the top of
07:46 these as well.
07:50 This buttercream will crust up once it sits out for a bit.
07:55 And what that means is the surface of the buttercream forms a little crust so it's creamy
08:00 underneath but it dries a little bit on the top.
08:03 And that makes it quite durable and easy to transport if you need to bring the cake somewhere.
08:09 Now for the water portion I'm going to use that jello that's been sitting in the refrigerator
08:12 overnight and is nice and firm.
08:14 I'm using dental floss to cut the jello into 2 inch blocks but you can use a sharp knife
08:20 as well.
08:21 I just find the dental floss makes nice straight cuts and actually very quick cuts.
08:27 So I cut those jello pieces into 2 by 2 inch cubes.
08:34 And if you find your cubes are a little bit too big it's very easy to trim them to size
08:38 to get them to fit.
08:39 Now I ended up making more jello than I actually needed but when you're making a cake like
08:43 this it's always better to have extra ingredients because if you do make any mistakes then you'll
08:48 have some extra ingredients on hand to be able to fix it.
08:52 Now to decorate this cake I made some little paper Minecraft characters.
08:56 There are websites online where you can print out these templates, cut them out, fold them,
09:01 glue them together and you get some really cute Minecraft characters.
09:04 I will put a link in the description box to some of those websites if you're interested.
09:08 That's the zombie which I ended up not actually using for some reason.
09:13 Now to attach the characters, that's Minecraft Steve, I put a skewer into his foot and then
09:18 just pressed that into the cake.
09:20 That way you don't have to have much contact between the paper and the cake.
09:24 I added some candles as well because Max was turning 14.
09:30 And there is the completed cake.
09:32 Max really liked this cake and so did his friends.
09:35 What's great about this cake is that the portions are almost already cut out for you so people
09:39 can have a piece of Rice Krispie Square and a piece of Jell-O or a piece of cake and a
09:43 piece of Jell-O, whatever they'd like.
09:45 I find as well that I probably should have put some buttercream frosting between the
09:50 cake block layers that might have held them together a little bit better instead of using
09:54 a skewer.
09:55 But overall I was quite happy with this and maybe you can make this for a Minecraft fan
10:00 in your life.
10:09 And of course if you don't want to make a whole cake you can also make individual grass
10:13 blocks this way as well.
10:15 And there is Max with his cake.
10:18 Now I've made other cakes for Max's birthdays so the video on the left are his birthday
10:23 cakes from 1 to 11 years.
10:26 That's a slideshow, it's a really long video if you're interested in seeing that one.
10:30 I did a Pac-Man cake for his 12th birthday, that's the center, and the one on the right
10:34 is an ice cream cake that I made last year for his 13th birthday.
10:38 So thanks for watching!
10:39 Bye!
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