• last year
00:00 *Music*
00:12 Oh hello there everyone! Welcome back to my channel. This is episode 3 of my Minecraft challenges.
00:19 I ended up uploading it on a Sunday because I was busy on a Saturday and yes!
00:24 So today's challenge is the bake a cake challenge and guess what?
00:31 I was roaming around the world and look, I think it's up here, and look what is up here.
00:38 Look, just look at it. A village!
00:42 So I thought this was perfect for Minecraft's bake a cake challenge.
00:47 And yes I do have a checkers founder because there was no checkers there.
00:51 So I'm going to be giving it to him.
00:55 Alright so of course we had put in...
00:59 Okay so to bake a cake you need wheat, milk, speaking of milk...
01:08 Okay. Milk, iron, and iron for the iron buckets, 3 bucks of milk, sugar cane,
01:20 and yes, so let's get started.
01:23 So we started with our same start tools.
01:28 Alright so first I provided us with hope because I thought I was going to need some seeds,
01:39 but I didn't. So until I found this.
01:44 Oh.
01:46 I think we...
01:56 I can't do that.
02:02 I can't hit him.
02:06 Sorry for slagging for you guys, you're slagging for me too.
02:10 So yeah.
02:12 *Minecraft sounds*
02:14 Oh, you want to be here?
02:24 Iron, I'm going to have to go get more iron.
02:28 2 iron.
02:30 2 iron.
02:32 But we still need iron.
02:37 Because these look like stone tools, but they're actually iron.
02:43 I wonder how a stone would look like.
02:47 That's a question I would ask myself.
02:51 This could be a good cane.
02:57 Ooh, iron.
03:01 *Snap*
03:03 *Screams*
03:06 *Minecraft sounds*
03:08 Ooh, stock of iron.
03:16 Bunch of iron.
03:22 How much did we get? 9 in total.
03:25 Plus 2 iron, I think that's enough.
03:28 Now how do I get out of here?
03:32 *Minecraft sounds*
03:35 Let's go back here, smelt the iron.
03:49 *Minecraft sounds*
03:55 Let's get some iron.
04:01 Sugar canes.
04:03 Sugar canes. Sugar, sugar, sugar canes.
04:08 Sugar, sugar, sugar canes.
04:10 Sugar canes.
04:12 Sugar canes here.
04:20 Alright, so.
04:25 Bunch of copper here.
04:28 *Minecraft sounds*
04:30 Sugar cane? No sugar cane?
04:32 *Groans*
04:35 Why?
04:39 Why?
04:41 Why?
04:44 Is there a sugar cane here?
04:50 Can you tell me there's a sugar cane?
04:52 Can you tell me there's a sugar cane?
04:54 Because I need sugar.
04:56 Well, it's only one sugar, so.
04:58 I don't see one.
05:00 If I could ever find them!
05:04 The struggle is real, guys.
05:09 The struggle is real.
05:11 Come on.
05:17 *Gasps*
05:25 Oh, sugar cane.
05:27 Sugar cane. Sugar cane.
05:29 I missed them. They were too close.
05:31 Why did I miss them?
05:33 This is going up on a Sunday because
05:41 I was busy on a Saturday and I couldn't record or upload.
05:45 So right now I am recording on a Saturday.
05:54 I hope I don't have any bullets, too.
05:57 I think.
05:59 I hope I don't have any BBs.
06:01 Come on. There we go.
06:10 Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
06:17 I think it's an egg or two eggs.
06:24 I would love to.
06:30 I hope it's-
06:32 No, I think it's two eggs!
06:34 Is it two?
06:38 Come on.
06:40 Come on, chicken.
06:42 Quacky doodle doo, make an egg.
06:45 No egg.
06:54 Well, let's go make our bucket to get our bucket of milk, so.
06:58 Let's see what else we should get.
07:00 Let's see.
07:02 Three.
07:10 Four.
07:12 Five.
07:14 Six.
07:16 We just need one cow.
07:18 Just one cow.
07:20 Don't you cry.
07:22 Aww.
07:24 Get some milk.
07:26 There we go.
07:28 Just for the fun of it.
07:30 Is there another chicken jump to lay an egg?
07:35 Oh man.
07:43 Oh man.
07:46 Oh man.
07:49 Lucky for chicken.
07:54 Cow go in.
07:56 There we go.
07:58 Come on, little chickens.
08:02 Start laying an egg, little chickens.
08:05 There we go.
08:09 Oh my god, you see like the little water thing?
08:11 It looks like-
08:13 Like that.
08:15 I'm pretty sure-
08:17 Is it like that?
08:19 I always get this wrong.
08:21 It's the two eggs with two sugar.
08:24 There.
08:26 Oh yes!
08:30 It was two sugar.
08:32 Ah, silly me.
08:34 So.
08:36 So.
08:38 I didn't put an iron pin.
08:40 Alright, so.
08:42 This is a bake a cake challenge, guys.
08:45 So there we go.
08:47 There we go.
08:49 Bake a cake challenge.
08:51 (Humming)
08:53 You're supposed to create a cake and bake it.
08:59 Quote, quote.
09:01 Oh man.
09:05 Alright, guys.
09:07 Say goodbye to our cake, guys.
09:09 Say goodbye to our cake.
09:11 So see you guys next time.
09:16 Until next time.
09:18 Goodbye.
09:20 Goodbye chickens.
09:22 Goodbye chickens.
09:24 Bye.
09:26 (Outro music)
