How To Bake Rainbow Cake

  • last year
00:00 - Hi everybody, and today we're going to be making
00:01 a rainbow cake.
00:03 We're really happy with how it turned out,
00:04 and we hope you guys try it.
00:05 If you do, be sure to send us pictures on like Twitter
00:08 and Instagram and stuff like that.
00:10 Let's get started.
00:12 - The ingredients you're gonna need are some
00:15 Hunch 1000s vanilla frosting and all the colors
00:17 of the rainbow food coloring.
00:19 You're also gonna need a cake mix,
00:24 and you just need water and olive oil for this.
00:27 You'll need a cake tin and six bowls,
00:28 a spoon, fork, and knife.
00:30 And also you'll need a large bowl
00:32 to mix the cake batter in.
00:34 - So what you're gonna need is seven fluid ounces of water
00:44 and four tablespoons of olive oil.
00:47 It's supposed to be vegetable oil,
00:48 but we didn't have any of that,
00:49 so we used just olive oil instead.
00:51 And mix it all together and put it in your mixing bowl.
00:55 ♪ And you love the cake ♪
00:58 ♪ 'Cause we're young and we're reckless ♪
01:00 ♪ We'll take this way too far ♪
01:02 - Then get your cake mix, put it in a bowl,
01:04 and make sure you mix it and then add a bit
01:06 and then mix it and then add a bit.
01:08 Make sure there's no lumps and bumps,
01:09 and then continue that until it's completely smooth.
01:13 ♪ They're the only friends that I have ♪
01:16 ♪ I know I don't know you ♪
01:18 ♪ But I'd fight to skip the ♪
01:21 ♪ Small talk and romance, yeah ♪
01:24 ♪ That's all I have to say, so baby ♪
01:28 - And then with a little tray,
01:30 you're going to get a bit of butter
01:31 and a little kitchen towel,
01:33 and then just line that with butter and flour
01:35 so the cake does not stick to the pan,
01:37 'cause that is nasty when that happens
01:40 'cause it ruins your cake.
01:41 Now just separate your mixture into six different bowls
01:51 ready to add the food coloring.
01:53 ♪ You were worth it for fair ♪
01:57 - We're using our little gel food coloring
02:00 that we got from Aldi,
02:01 and we're just going to be putting them
02:03 in the colors of the rainbow.
02:04 So for red, you have a separate bowl,
02:06 to blue, so you've all got separate bowls for each color.
02:08 So you will be using six bowls,
02:10 and you'll be using six different colors.
02:12 Then when you have all your six different colors ready,
02:17 you're gonna put them in the pan
02:18 that we talked to you about earlier,
02:20 starting with the red.
02:22 So the purple will be on top,
02:24 if you get what I mean.
02:24 So it goes, it goes to the red, then orange, yellow,
02:27 and so on, so the top color goes on the bottom,
02:30 so you do it in reverse.
02:32 Just keep on adding the colors.
02:35 Don't worry about spreading it out,
02:37 because as you add the other layers,
02:39 it will spread out itself,
02:40 otherwise you'll start to mix it,
02:41 and it'll break up the layers of the rainbow.
02:43 ♪ But there's nothing to be afraid ♪
02:47 ♪ Of the reason I get to be closer to you ♪
02:52 ♪ I wanna shout about it ♪
02:56 - So once you've finished with all the colors,
02:58 you're just gonna pop that in the oven,
02:59 at 160 degrees.
03:01 Our cake mix actually took 50 minutes,
03:05 like five zero minutes to cook,
03:07 which is so, so long,
03:09 but maybe your cake mix will be better,
03:12 and also, once you've done that,
03:14 once it's finished, take it out of the oven,
03:16 put it on the top of somewhere to cool,
03:17 and cut it out.
03:18 Our nan actually cut this out and took it out for us,
03:21 'cause it was too hot,
03:22 and she's a pro at making cakes,
03:24 so we just let her do this part.
03:25 ♪ Oh, you're not my sunshine anymore ♪
03:30 ♪ Okay, you're pretty ♪
03:31 ♪ Your face is worth a fortune ♪
03:34 ♪ You're my collider ♪
03:35 ♪ New York City after dark ♪
03:38 ♪ Okay, you're cowboy freedom ♪
03:39 - And then, for the top of the cake,
03:41 you're gonna want your frosting,
03:42 your hundreds and thousands,
03:44 your piping bag and a spoon,
03:45 and some of the colors.
03:47 We are just piping the frosting on top of our cake,
03:50 but we actually found out later that that kind of failed,
03:52 so we use a knife to spread it out.
03:54 And then, as you pipe around the edges,
03:59 which is totally optional,
04:00 put some sprinkles on and some of the food coloring.
04:03 We also added some strawberry laces,
04:06 'cause we thought we wanted to make it look
04:08 like Candy Mountain.
04:09 ♪ Without you ♪
04:15 ♪ Candy Mountain cheerily ♪
04:17 - And then we added some Maltesers,
04:19 just to make it that little bit more tasty,
04:22 and our mom also said we make cakes
04:24 for her with Maltesers on,
04:25 so we thought we had to do that.
04:26 And the Maltesers just give it that little bit more crunch,
04:29 and it was just very nice.
04:30 Obviously, all the toppings are optional,
04:37 and this is how it turned out.
04:38 We're very happy with it.
04:39 ♪ And start to shine ♪
04:42 ♪ I see it burn when you bring me ♪
04:45 - Thanks so much for watching this video, guys.
04:46 We really hope you try this out,
04:47 and we really hope you enjoyed the video on how to do it.
04:50 We'll see you guys next week with another video.
04:52 We love you, goodbye.
04:53 (baby cooing)
