600 View special DAN BAKES

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, welcome back to the channel and it's Dan and I will be doing Dan Bakes.
00:04 It's a new series I do of where I bake.
00:23 I won't be doing it often.
00:25 I'll be trying to do it, I'll be doing it like once every two weeks or once a week.
00:29 I don't know.
00:30 But I'm here with a helper and his name is called Mackenzie.
00:34 Mackenzie come here.
00:36 My name is Mackenzie.
00:37 Making cake.
00:38 So yeah, we're making some cake.
00:40 We are doing a Victoria sponge I think and it will have like jam in the middle and Mackenzie
00:46 is talking there, I don't know why.
00:48 Let's get what we need.
00:49 So let's open the fridge and get some eggs.
00:51 What do you want to do, do you want the eggs?
00:53 So let's get them.
00:55 So we have our eggs.
00:57 So me and Mackenzie got this small bowl and we'll be using this twice.
01:00 So we'll be doing one cake mix, putting it into like a circle tin and we'll be putting
01:08 more ingredients in it for another circle tin.
01:11 So yeah, we can't find any other bowls so I just got this one.
01:13 So we got our eggs and a bowl.
01:16 What else do we need?
01:17 Sponge mix, that's it.
01:19 So we got two packets of sponge mix.
01:21 I might be using one or might be using two, not sure.
01:24 But yeah, we got our sponge mix.
01:26 So now we are going to read the back of it.
01:28 We're making a cake sponge, we're making a Victoria sponge.
01:32 So, sponge mix, just add one medium egg and water.
01:38 Yeah.
01:39 Simple.
01:39 Me and Mackenzie will be doing two of these, we'll be doing one first.
01:41 You see my face like that?
01:43 Yeah I know.
01:43 We'll be doing one first, mixing it up and then putting it into the tin and then we'll
01:48 be doing another one because we've only got a small bowl so.
01:51 So we've got, what's this called?
01:53 Oh, I dropped it.
01:54 Huh, what's it called?
01:55 We've got an egg.
01:56 Need one and it's five tablespoons of water.
01:58 Let's go and get that, I've got my spoon.
01:59 Got our cups on.
02:00 One, two, three, four, five.
02:04 Now we're going to put this sponge mix in, so let's open the bag.
02:08 You know how?
02:10 Yeah, I can see my face.
02:11 We've got four tablespoons of water.
02:12 It doesn't look like that much, don't do this.
02:14 Mackenzie's going to pour it in.
02:18 I think we're going to pour it in.
02:20 No, no.
02:21 Lucy's going to lift me.
02:23 No.
02:24 Lucy, why are you going to lift me?
02:25 Lucy, why are you going to lift me?
02:28 It's hard to open these things.
02:29 Grab a pair of scissors and let's chop this thing up.
02:32 There we go, opened it.
02:35 Right, pour it in.
02:36 Here we go.
02:45 Pour it all in.
02:47 Go.
02:48 It's right now I'm pressing it because he's finding it a bit hard.
02:50 Yeah.
02:51 So now it's in the bowl.
02:56 Now we're going to put one egg in.
02:59 That is going to pour in one egg.
03:02 Right, now pour it in, go.
03:03 I've got a whisk and now I'm going to mix it.
03:07 Okay, I'm going to see.
03:09 This one is hard.
03:10 Mackenzie's holding the bowl for me because I've got to film it too.
03:17 Mixing it all around.
03:18 It's hard with one hand.
03:19 Right, so that's all mixed up.
03:23 Now let's go and grease the pan and put it in the sandwich tin.
03:26 I've got these little tins.
03:26 There's like a circle shape.
03:29 So now I'm grease proofing it.
03:32 So I've got to do this awkwardly with one hand because I've got to hold the camera.
03:37 So yeah, I'll be back when it's all grease proof.
03:42 There we go, it's all grease proof.
03:43 So now let's put the mixture in.
03:46 Now let's pour it in.
03:47 I'm just pouring the mixture in.
03:52 Mmm, it tastes nice.
03:59 Where's the other tin?
04:02 So now I have to do it all over again but with the other tin.
04:07 So I'll be back once I put all the ingredients in and repeated it again.
04:10 So that's it, I need one more egg and five more tablespoons of water.
04:14 So I'll be back in a bit.
04:15 Okay, so I've done that and now I'm just going to put them in the oven.
04:18 So now I'm putting them in the oven.
04:20 Why are the doors closed?
04:22 Why is this door closed?
04:24 So that's on.
04:26 So let's put it back a bit and let's close the door.
04:30 Yeah.
04:32 Slowly.
04:34 Right, that's the cakes in so now I have to wait about...
04:38 Erm...
04:40 12 to 15 minutes but I'll probably wait 15 minutes.
04:42 So yeah. Mmm, tasty.
04:44 *Clock ticking*
04:46 *Clock ticking*
04:48 *Clock ticking*
04:50 *Clock ticking*
04:52 *Clock ticking*
04:54 *Clock ticking*
04:56 Right, so that's the cakes done and now let's get them out.
04:58 First I'm going to make the chocolate icing mix to go in the middle of the cake.
05:00 It'd be a chocolate sponge.
05:02 A chocolate vanilla sponge but with chocolate in the middle.
05:04 So yeah, let's make the icing.
05:06 So I'm going to make the icing.
05:08 So I'm going to make the icing.
05:10 So I'm going to make the icing.
05:12 Yeah, let's make this first and then I will get the cake out.
05:14 My cake is done, it's just cooling.
05:16 It's under a towel.
05:18 I might put it in the fridge in a minute to make it cool quicker.
05:20 So yeah.
05:22 *Children playing*
05:24 So yeah.
05:26 Chocolate mixtures went everywhere.
05:28 First we need another bowl.
05:30 Like this one. So I got another one.
05:32 Washed it out. But I just want to quickly show you my cake.
05:34 There.
05:36 It's not that good. It kind of...
05:38 Went a little bit...
05:40 Can you see that?
05:42 Um...
05:44 Yeah.
05:46 That's probably because Mackenzie, he closed the door.
05:48 He probably closed it a bit too fast.
05:50 But that doesn't matter.
05:52 It'll still be really good.
05:54 So here's the chocolate mix I'll be using.
05:56 So let's...
05:58 Let's...
06:00 Do it!
06:02 Firstly I have to add 80 grams of very soft butter.
06:04 Firstly I have to add 80 grams of very soft butter.
06:06 Unsalted is traditional but...
06:08 I like it lightly salted.
06:10 Um...
06:12 I have to mix with a wooden spoon.
06:14 I don't have a wooden spoon.
06:16 I think I do.
06:18 Wait there.
06:20 No we don't have a wooden spoon so I'll just use a normal spoon.
06:22 So I'm just putting the butter in.
06:24 80 grams in.
06:26 So I'll be back once that's in.
06:28 Now I've put the butter in so now I'm just going to pour this in.
06:30 Now I've put the butter in so now I'm just going to pour this in.
06:34 Oh there's steam everywhere.
06:36 Right so that's in.
06:38 Now let's add one tablespoon of milk.
06:40 Now let's add one tablespoon of milk.
06:42 That's in.
06:44 Now let's mix. I'll just be using the spoon to mix it.
06:46 So it gets all of it in.
06:48 So I've just put the cake in the fridge.
06:50 So I've just put the cake in the fridge.
06:52 Because it'll cool quicker.
06:54 Oops.
06:56 So now I'm just...
06:58 Mackenzie do you want to stir it?
07:00 Yeah.
07:02 Stir it in.
07:04 Oh look at it all around.
07:06 It's like chocolate bomb.
07:08 It's like chocolate bomb.
07:10 So I'm just going to mix it up and I'll be back once I've mixed it up.
07:12 So I'm just going to mix it up and I'll be back once I've mixed it up.
07:14 Now here's some commentary from Mackenzie.
07:16 Hold on a...
07:18 We're making cake.
07:20 Then...
07:22 It's done!
07:24 But a ball is stained.
07:26 I know isn't he.
07:28 Okay I think that's enough of that.
07:30 Let's get on to the mixing.
07:32 Kind of what we've got so far. I'm just going to mix it up a little bit more.
07:34 Just have a quick taste test.
07:36 Oh that is so good.
07:40 So that's done. Now I'm just going to grab the cake out of the fridge.
07:42 So that's done. Now I'm just going to grab the cake out of the fridge.
07:44 So let's go and get it.
07:46 So let's go and get it.
07:48 Now that's nice and cool.
07:50 Now let's pour on the chocolate icing mix.
07:52 Now let's pour on the chocolate icing mix.
07:54 I'm just going to take the top layer off.
07:56 I'm just going to take the top layer off.
07:58 I'm going to pipe it on because I can't find a piping bag.
08:00 I'm going to pipe it on because I can't find a piping bag.
08:02 Wait I'm going to find a piping bag.
08:04 I've got this little bag and I'm going to cut a hole in it.
08:06 I've got this little bag and I'm going to cut a hole in it.
08:08 I'm just going to cut a little corner.
08:10 It might all come out but it won't.
08:12 So let's go.
08:14 I've sealed up the bag.
08:16 So let's go.
08:26 Oh I've got a little bit of a spoon.
08:28 She's very weird.
08:36 The cakes are cool.
08:42 The cakes are cool.
08:44 It's coming out both ends now.
08:46 It's coming out both ends now.
08:48 Wow! Chocolate overload!
08:50 Wow! Chocolate overload!
08:52 I'm just going to spread it round.
08:54 I'm just going to spread it round.
08:56 I might get a cake in my mouth.
08:58 I might get a cake in my mouth.
09:00 I'm just going to spread it round.
09:02 I'm just going to spread it round.
09:04 I'm going to put the other layer on.
09:06 I'm going to put the other layer on.
09:08 I'm going to dump it on because it might go.
09:10 I'm going to dump it on because it might go.
09:12 Oh no that totally failed.
09:14 Oh no that totally failed.
09:16 Oh no that totally failed.
09:18 There we go.
09:20 There we go.
09:22 There we go.
09:24 There's our normal sponge with chocolate, vanilla, or just chocolate icing in the middle.
09:26 There's our normal sponge with chocolate, vanilla, or just chocolate icing in the middle.
09:28 There's our normal sponge with chocolate, vanilla, or just chocolate icing in the middle.
09:30 There we go.
09:32 Now it's the best.
09:34 Now it's the best.
09:36 We eat it.
09:38 Now Mackenzie's going to try a piece.
09:40 Now Mackenzie's going to try a piece.
09:42 Is it nice?
09:44 Is it nice?
09:46 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
09:48 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
09:50 Yay!
09:52 I'm going to try some.
09:54 I'm going to try some.
09:56 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
09:58 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:00 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:02 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:04 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:06 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:08 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:10 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:12 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:14 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:16 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:18 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:20 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:22 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:24 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:26 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:28 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:30 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:32 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:34 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:36 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:38 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:40 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:42 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:44 Put your thumbs up if it's good.
10:46 [MUSIC]
