• 2 years ago
00:00 Hi. Today, I would like to show you how we make a Danish apple cake.
00:05 Even though we're calling it a cake, we're not baking it. What it is,
00:09 it's made of apple sauce and breadcrumbs, which we are going to toast on the pan.
00:14 But first, the ingredients are actually breadcrumbs, apple sauce,
00:21 we have sugar, we have some margarine, and we're also going to use some
00:24 whipping cream. But first, I'm going to show you how I make the breadcrumbs.
00:29 What I use is some old, dry bread I already have, so, you know,
00:33 nothing is wasted in this case. And I just put it in a plastic bag,
00:37 and then I bang it with my rolling pin. It's pretty easy to do.
00:42 It doesn't take that long. In the meantime, I'm going to melt some
00:48 margarine here on the pan, and I want the margarine to melt.
00:57 I'm turning on my burner, so it can melt while I'm finishing off the breadcrumbs here.
01:08 And I've got to bang the bag to roll it a little bit, because there's still some
01:18 pretty big crumbs in there, but it looks like it's just about ready.
01:25 Okay, I want the margarine to melt. As you can see, it's almost ready.
01:37 And as soon as it's all melted, I can add the breadcrumbs, and I'm also going to add
01:47 the sugar. I want it to be a little bit more melted.
01:53 It has to just bubble, but not too much. Okay, it looks fine to me now.
01:59 So I pour in the breadcrumbs. I have some more I already made.
02:11 Okay, I add some sugar, and how much sugar you want to add is really up to you.
02:21 But it does give it a nice flavor and also crispness.
02:28 The breadcrumbs will be crunchy when they're all ready, and you keep stirring it
02:36 so it gets nice and brown, but at the same time, you don't want them to get
02:45 too dark.
02:48 The breadcrumbs are nice and crispy and crunchy, but while it's cooling down,
02:55 you want to make sure they don't stick together, so you keep stirring,
03:02 and it's already nice and cold. So I'm going to put my apple cake together,
03:08 and it's in layers. First, I have a layer of breadcrumbs in the glass.
03:17 Next, I add some of my already made apple sauce, like that.
03:28 Breadcrumbs again. And finally, I'm going to add some whipped cream.
03:42 I already whipped it. Goes right on top. It is really a nice combination.
03:55 And the final step is to add some raspberry topping. I have it right here.
04:04 This is raspberry jam. I make the apple cake the way my grandmother and my mother
04:10 did, and this is it. So I hope you like it. I'll take a bite.
04:19 It's delicious. I love it. Enjoy.