How to make a Carrot Roll Cake

  • last year
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00:18 Hi! Today I'm going to do a recipe a little bit more healthy than the ones I have been doing.
00:23 Yes!
00:24 And I say this because you can actually use half of the sugar in this recipe. You can use 120 instead of the 300 grams,
00:33 because the carrots themselves are already very sweet. So you can try that.
00:39 There's a lot of carrots and carrots are good for you. So that's why I'm saying that it's healthy.
00:46 I know that my recipes have not been the healthier thing in the whole world,
00:50 but I promise you I will make an effort to once in a while do a more healthy dessert for you guys.
00:58 So I'm going to do a carrot roll. It's just a roll made of carrots.
01:04 So I really hope you enjoy this dessert because it's one of my favorites. And let's get started!
01:09 For this recipe you will need 500 grams of carrots, 400 grams of sugar, 125 grams of flour,
01:17 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 5 eggs.
01:21 Prepare your carrots by peeling them and cutting them into pieces.
01:28 Put them into a pan with water and let them boil until they are soft enough.
01:33 Then take the water out of the pan and blend the carrots until they look like this.
01:40 At this time you want to preheat your oven at 170 degrees.
01:44 Now separate the egg whites from the egg yolks and beat the egg whites until they are foamy.
01:50 In the bowl where you have the egg yolks add the remaining ingredients and beat them together in a medium speed.
02:01 Finally fold in the egg whites.
02:30 When the mixture looks like this spread it into an oven tray already prepared with a sheet of greaseproof paper.
02:37 This has to go to the oven at 170 degrees for about 45 minutes to 1 hour until the outside looks a dark orange.
02:47 When the cake is ready take it out of the oven and flip it over into a kitchen towel and carefully take the greaseproof paper sheet out.
02:56 You can spread a little bit of sugar if you like.
03:05 Then with the help of the towel roll it carefully and make sure it is steady enough before you take off the towel again.
03:16 Spread more sugar on top and that's done!
03:31 I hope you liked this video, if you did please give it a big thumbs up.
03:37 I truly hope that you try and make this yourself at home because it's one of my favorite desserts ever and you don't know what you're missing.
03:45 I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you guys next week. Bye!
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