• last year
00:00 Alright boy, so what we got here is a classic white cake mix.
00:12 And all these, what are these?
00:16 Icing colors.
00:19 This is my youngest daughter, Christy.
00:21 Say hi Christy.
00:22 Hi Christy.
00:23 Okay, so she's going to make a rainbow cake for y'all.
00:28 Pause.
00:30 Okay, she's dumping that white cake mix, any brand you want, it don't really matter whose
00:41 brand it is.
00:46 And it looks like she's going to separate some egg whites from egg yolks.
00:56 Okay.
00:58 Looks like she just wants the white, right?
01:12 Alright, she's whisking up that egg white.
01:22 And basically she's following the directions on the cake mix box, I think, right?
01:29 Right.
01:30 Okay.
01:31 She's whisking the white up, put a little air in it.
01:36 Look like they went to the recommended amount of water and the recommended amount of oil.
01:43 And that's engine oil, right?
01:46 Right.
01:47 90 weight.
01:48 It's good for you, clean you out.
01:54 Make your taste, your cake taste good.
01:57 Oh look, she's whisking that all up with the egg beater.
02:06 Imagine that.
02:08 She's whooping that batter all together.
02:15 Like it's said to do.
02:16 Also the box tells you to blend it for two minutes, do it longer than that, it makes
02:22 it marshmallow and moist.
02:25 It puts more air into the cake.
02:27 Are you paying attention, boy?
02:29 It takes the air out.
02:30 Oh, it takes the air out.
02:31 So it's more together and more of a cloud cake.
02:32 Pay attention, boy.
02:33 She's a baker, she works at a bakery.
02:34 She's putting some batter pieces, parts in plastic cups.
02:54 See down there?
02:57 And you got a multicolored batters with different colors.
03:04 She's making a rainbow cake.
03:06 But she is.
03:07 We're using Wilson icing colors, this is violet.
03:12 Scoop some out.
03:15 You don't want a whole lot because it spreads.
03:22 You want enough.
03:24 About like that.
03:27 And you mix it.
03:32 She's going to do this to all of them colors.
03:36 See she separated all of the batter in the different cups down there.
03:40 You got to make sure they're even.
03:41 You don't want mismatch to all the content.
03:50 You see how that one's turned purple?
03:55 She's going to rinse that knife off and get another color and do it into another thing
04:04 of batter.
04:06 Alright?
04:09 So you can go here.
04:10 Where do you get this stuff at, the Wilson icing colors?
04:13 Party store.
04:14 The party store.
04:15 And here we got some cake batter that's been colored.
04:23 And she's spraying that down with Crisco baking stuff.
04:42 Rainbow cake.
04:43 Right there.
04:44 And you're going to let that sit for about 30 minutes.
05:12 Worry it, worry it.
05:31 See cages know how to cook.
05:54 See how she worrying that?
06:21 That's pretty.
06:29 But she's got to do another layer in the other pan.
06:35 We ain't record all that.
06:37 If y'all ain't figured it out yet, just stay stupid.
06:42 Alright, that ain't both off.
06:46 Get ready to get baked.
06:52 Rainbow cake, boy!
06:54 Okay, she said these got to sit for a little bit to let the colors go down in there.
07:02 She's been picking them up and dropping them like that to make that happen, boy!
07:13 So Christy's making a homemade icing and she's got some cold butter that she's cubing up.
07:21 Not cubing, cubing up and going to put in nuke.
07:27 Right?
07:28 Right.
07:29 20 seconds.
07:30 20 seconds.
07:31 Now we record.
07:36 So she had two sticks of butter.
07:38 Two and three-fourths cups of flour.
07:41 Confectioners sugar, actually, not flour.
07:46 But that's just the butter, right?
07:48 Right.
07:49 And you're going to blend this together, blend it until it's whippy.
07:55 Until it's whipped.
07:58 Alright.
07:59 Alright, now she done put in to that butter two and three-fourths cups of powdered sugar.
08:11 Is that right?
08:12 And you put it in gradually.
08:13 You don't want to put it in all at once.
08:18 And I get to lick some of that off of there.
08:21 Doesn't taste good right now.
08:24 Sure would do.
08:28 Now she got some heavy whipping cream.
08:34 And look, she's measuring.
08:36 Unlike JB, I'd just dump some in there.
08:40 Probably wouldn't be consistent though.
08:43 Oh well.
08:44 Tough.
08:45 Mix it up again.
08:48 Alright, she put some vanilla extract in there.
08:53 But you can put lemon, you can put almond, you can put rum, you can put whatever kind
09:00 of icing flavor you want.
09:03 You can put that in there.
09:06 But she's making a vanilla flavored icing.
09:17 Alright, now she's got some butter in a different cups down there.
09:38 You got to make sure they're even.
09:40 You don't want mismatch to all those contents.
09:47 So you see how that one's turned purple?
09:52 And then she's going to rinse that knife off and get another color and do it into another
10:02 thing of batter.
10:04 Alright?
10:06 So you can go here, where do you get this stuff at, the Wilson Icing Color?
10:11 Party store.
10:13 Party store.
10:15 And here we got some cake batter that's been colored.
10:20 And she's spraying that down with Crisco baking stuff.
10:28 Rainbow cake, right there.
10:33 Three minutes.
10:37 Alright, so we got our cake batter.
10:41 And we're going to put it in the oven.
10:45 And we're going to bake it for about 20 minutes.
10:49 Alright, so we got our cake batter.
10:52 And we're going to put it in the oven.
10:55 And we're going to bake it for about 20 minutes.
10:59 Alright, so we got our cake batter.
11:02 [oven noises]
11:20 Where are you?
11:21 Where are you?
11:23 [oven noises]
11:41 See, cages know how to cook.
11:44 Even their daughters.
11:46 [oven noises]
11:58 See how she's wearing that?
12:00 [oven noises]
12:29 Looks like paint.
12:30 That's pretty.
12:33 But she's got to do another layout in the other paint.
12:36 [oven noises]
12:57 Looks like paint.
12:58 That's pretty.
13:01 But she's got to do another layout in the other paint.
13:05 We ain't record all that.
13:07 If y'all ain't figured it out yet, just stay stupid.
13:12 Alright, dead and both off.
13:17 Get ready to get baked.
13:22 Rainbow cake, boy.
13:25 She said these got to sit for a little bit to let the colors go down in there.
13:31 And she's been picking them up and dropping them like that.
13:35 To make that happen, boy.
13:41 Now Christy's making homemade icing.
13:46 And she's got some cold butter that she's cubing up.
13:49 Not cubing, cubing up.
13:54 And going to put it in the nukes.
13:57 Right?
13:58 Right.
14:00 20 seconds.
14:01 20 seconds.
14:04 Now we record.
