minecraft-bake a cake

  • last year
00:00 Hi guys, I am back with another Minecraft let's play video.
00:05 In the last episode I built my little house and moved out of my old one.
00:11 Today I feel like going on a hunt for cakes.
00:17 Yep, so I already have 6 cakes, don't know where they are.
00:21 There we are, I have 6 cakes.
00:23 So basically all you are going to need is 3 buckets, a bit of wheat which I don't actually have at the moment.
00:31 I don't think, well I have 3 wheat in here, that's enough.
00:35 So you need 3 wheat for 1 cake, you need some sugar and you need something which I have not got.
00:41 Oh yes I have, we have got eggs, we have got eggs.
00:44 Huh, that just sounds weird.
00:47 Basically all you need to do is just find a cow, get all the ingredients and that.
00:52 What I am going to do today is I am going to show you how to get all of these items that you will so lovingly need.
00:58 Basically just go to the nearest village and you can just break all the crops and get all the wheat.
01:04 Because usually every time you go to one village there will be wheat there already made.
01:09 So let's just take all of this up.
01:17 I am not going to do it because I am not that greedy but I am going to make 1 cake.
01:22 So, yeah.
01:25 Um, where is the cow, where is the cow?
01:28 I think I milked this cow like 12 times.
01:31 Let's have a look.
01:33 So you have to milk the cow 3 times and you have got everything you need for a loving cake.
01:39 So I showed you how to get the wheat.
01:42 Basically if you don't want to wait all that time you can just smash grass.
01:45 And sometimes you get little seeds out of the grass.
01:48 Let's try and get you some seeds.
01:50 I think I tried this before and it didn't work.
01:53 Ok, well basically you will just get these little seeds.
01:59 There you will get these seeds and those are wheat seeds.
02:02 You plant them in this kind of place here and they will be ready for you.
02:07 Um, next item.
02:11 So I have already covered this in one of the other videos but, um, sugar.
02:16 You are just going to want to go to sugar cane and break the bottom one and collect all 3 and you can turn it into sugar.
02:23 Um, I am sure you all know how to make buckets.
02:25 It's, all it is, is 3 iron ingots but you are going to need 3 so you are going to want to get 9 all in total.
02:34 You are going to need 9 iron.
02:36 I might have enough time to do this in the video.
02:41 Um, yeah so there is that, there is that, there is that.
02:45 So yeah, um, eggs.
02:47 Um, probably one of the hardest things to get out of all the cake stuff.
02:52 Um, basically you need to find a chicken.
02:56 Yeah, you need to find a chicken.
02:58 That can sometimes be a bit annoying because like say if you are looking for one for hours you find your finding one.
03:03 But the trouble is, chickens lay eggs every 5 to 10 minutes.
03:07 So you will probably have to follow that chicken around for quite a while.
03:10 Because I know, um, what was I going to say?
03:15 But yeah, Minecraft time is a lot different to time in real life.
03:19 So say if it is 5 minutes in real life that will probably be about the day and night cycle.
03:25 I doubt in real life we have got 5 minutes of the day.
03:30 Oh look at all these sheep.
03:33 In the last episode I ran out of white wool as well.
03:36 Okay, so basically I have just told you how to get, um, yeah how to get eggs.
03:44 So what I am going to do now is I am going to try and find the cow.
03:47 Where is that cow I milked just?
03:49 Where is that cow?
03:51 There he is.
03:53 Hiding from me.
03:55 Morning Mr, what do you call him?
03:58 Mr Moo, let's call him Mr Moo.
04:00 Yeah there we go.
04:02 Just um, minding my own business stealing your milk.
04:05 I keep on thinking that is my house still.
04:10 Why do I keep thinking that is my house?
04:13 And there is a nice bright coloured thing right down here.
04:18 I don't know, what is wrong with me?
04:21 Oh, just about made it through.
04:24 Just made it through.
04:26 There we go.
04:28 Make another cake.
04:30 This is the last cake because I have just about run out, what?
04:34 Just about run out of eggs.
04:36 I don't know why I find that so amusing.
04:40 Whenever I say eggs I find it kind of funny but I don't know why.
04:43 I guess some people wouldn't know the reason why but this is a children content channel.
04:53 So I am not going to probably say what some people might think.
05:02 I am not saying that because I am focused towards late kids like me.
05:07 Yeah, I don't know if you guys know but YouTube does actually give you money for advertising people's ads on your channel.
05:22 If I do eventually make any money through the entire time I am on YouTube, all of that will go to council research and plenty of other different charities.
05:32 Yeah, because I think everyone can make a difference and why should YouTube's channels be any different?
05:43 So yeah, that is how you make cake.
05:48 I don't know what to do now.
05:52 Where have you got my cake?
05:54 Let's make a lapis block.
05:56 Make a block of lapis.
05:58 Very random but still.
06:01 There we go.
06:02 Got one block of lapis.
06:04 Anything else I should do?
06:09 No.
06:11 Oh actually I know what I am going to do.
06:14 I seem to get really annoyed when I pick up saplings.
06:19 So what I am going to do is I am going to do something good with them.
06:23 Yeah, I know what to do.
06:28 If I just kind of...
06:30 Oh wait, have I got a wooden hoe or a stone hoe or iron or whatever?
06:36 I have got one in here.
06:39 I don't think I have because I can't see any.
06:44 And I find I am just running through them all.
06:47 No, I have not.
06:49 I don't know, I will just use this.
06:52 I will just make one.
06:54 I have got a cobblestone.
06:55 Yeah, I have some cobblestone somewhere.
06:57 Yeah, there it is.
07:01 It is taking me ages to find stuff.
07:03 My eyes have gone mental.
07:04 I think I need lapis.
07:06 That will be enough.
07:09 Make a stone.
07:11 There we go.
07:13 And a stone hoe.
07:16 Yeah, as I said in the last video, I will be changing this from peaceful because this used to be in peaceful.
07:24 For some reason I haven't changed it.
07:26 So I am going to change from peaceful into easy or normal, maybe even medium or hard.
07:31 I don't know if there is a medium, why not flip?
07:33 I have played the world on survival in hard and it was hard.
07:37 The mobs were just everywhere.
07:40 So yeah.
07:43 Hmm.
07:45 I still got, no.
07:46 I know what I can do.
07:48 I know what I can help.
07:51 I don't know why I think this will help.
07:54 Because it is kind of stupid.
07:56 Wait, is this?
07:58 Why is all my stuff?
08:00 Oh, I know.
08:02 I know why all my stuff is scattered about.
08:04 It is because in the last video when I moved house, I forgot to organize everything.
08:14 So I just kind of grabbed everything in a rush to do it, to move house before the end of the video.
08:20 But obviously I didn't make it.
08:22 Well, I kind of did.
08:24 But.
08:29 Yeah, I did it before 20 minutes.
08:32 But I didn't really class it as counted.
08:35 Um.
08:38 Oh no, I don't want it in there, I don't want it in there.
08:41 Oh no.
08:43 That was such a waste.
08:48 Oh, what have I done?
08:49 No.
08:50 Can I kill it while it is still on there maybe?
08:54 Can I kill?
08:55 Let me kill, please.
08:57 Oh, it gave me that back, it gave me that back.
08:59 Kill it.
09:01 Oh wait, I don't have it on me.
09:03 If I do this.
09:06 Yeah, just in time.
09:09 Whoops.
09:11 If I just, there we go.
09:14 This shall help.
09:16 Um.
09:17 Yeah, especially when I change it from P4, I will get some bone meal and some health back and grow faster.
09:24 Um, yeah, I believe that's oak sapling.
09:27 Um, not sure, but when it grows it will just be a big tree.
09:31 So that will be a good source of wood.
09:34 Um.
09:36 Yeah, we are just 9 and a half minutes into the video.
09:40 Um.
09:42 Yeah, my battery is still low since the last recording.
09:46 Um.
09:48 So yeah.
09:50 Don't know what to do now.
09:52 It sounds like I'm not very organised, but I never know what to do.
09:56 Oh, what have we done?
09:58 Jump, jump, jump.
10:00 Yeah.
10:02 Kill that, kill that.
10:04 That looks kind of cool.
10:06 Even though they will change again.
10:08 It looks cool.
10:09 Wait, can we, yeah, let's plant these, get some wheat going.
10:14 There we go.
10:16 Oh, I know the audio on this isn't, probably isn't that good.
10:21 I mean, well, to be honest, the picture and the fly probably isn't either, but yeah.
10:29 I'll work on it.
10:31 Um.
10:32 I will be creating a new playlist just for Minecraft on my channel.
10:36 And once, basically once I've made that playlist, I'm going to put the auto add-on.
10:41 So any Minecraft videos I put on will be put back onto that playlist.
10:49 But that way it saves me a ton of time and that gives me more time to record and upload videos.
10:55 Guys, I do have to go now because my battery is dead.
10:58 So I'll see you all next time.
10:59 Bye.
