Rock N Replies #2 plus Melbourne Gathering info Makeup japanese,eye,face TRY Watch

  • last year
00:00 Hello! So it's time for another Rockin' Replies. A video where you ask me stuff and I answer.
00:15 Pretty simple. So let's start out with the questions you guys left me on my last Rockin'
00:19 Replies video. Qt wanted to know how many piercings I have, and on a scale of 1 to 10,
00:26 I'm guessing being the most painful, how much did they hurt? So I have 7 ear piercings.
00:33 So there's 3 on this ear and 4 on that one. The reason why there is a 4th on this one
00:39 is because I actually got my ears pierced when I was a baby. I didn't get them pierced
00:45 myself, obviously my parents took me in to get them done. But the guy who did them, in
00:51 Lebanon mind you, did this one normal and then this one up high. So I was lopsided.
00:57 And they didn't get it fixed for me until I was about 2. So then I had 3 piercings at
01:01 the age of 2. What a rebel I am. So obviously I don't remember how much those 3 hurt, but
01:08 the rest of them, they hurt about a 1. Honestly, nothing. It was just like, the gun, bang,
01:13 it's done, no worries. I also have my belly done, and obviously my nose pierced. So that
01:19 makes a total of 9 piercings. My belly was probably about a 5, I'd say. To be honest
01:25 I don't really remember because I was 16 when I got it done. My nose stung a lot. So I think
01:31 I put that up to a 6 or 7 or something like that. Because it's your face, you feel a bit
01:37 more sensitive about it. It stings your nose which forces tears involuntarily out of your
01:42 eyeballs so you look like a wimp, even though it wasn't as bad as you expected. Katy wanted
01:48 to know what colour I used on my lips in my last video and that was Russian Red by MAC
01:55 with a brick lip liner, also by MAC. Cool beans. S. Munders wanted to know what was
02:02 my creepiest internet moment. Oh, the stories I could tell. I was on Twitter, I was checking
02:08 the little section where it shows you suggestions of people to follow, who to follow or something
02:13 like that. I came up with a girl named Jessie Babestar and I looked at her picture and I
02:18 was like, "She looks a lot like me when I had brown hair." Oh my god, I clicked on it.
02:24 Oh my god, it is me when I had brown hair. And the background was photos of me when I
02:28 had brown hair, all stolen from my daily booth. And I was like, "That's a bit weird." I was
02:32 like, "Oh, maybe she's just, you know, liked my nose ring or something." And then I noticed
02:37 it said, "Jessie Babestar, Jess Michelle Flynn." And then like, "I'm a photographer, I love
02:43 makeup, I have red hair." Trying to be as much like me as possible, it seemed like.
02:49 So I typed the name, "Jess Michelle Flynn" into Facebook and bam, there it is. All my
02:53 photos, all this info about me, all this craziness. Someone using my photos and passing it off
03:01 as their own. And they also had photos of other girls that sort of looked a bit like
03:06 me with the fringe and the nose piercing, sort of like, "This was me when I had brown
03:11 hair." And then progressed up to me with red hair. And it was really creepy. Anyway, I
03:16 never found out who you were. So if you're watching Creepy Facebook Stalker Imposter
03:21 Person, you're a freak. Stop it.
03:25 To Twitter, someone named, I think it is Teen was here or Time was here. I'm sorry if I
03:31 said your name wrong. She asks, "Why did I dye my hair red and when did I start dyeing
03:36 it red?" I dyed my hair red because red is A, my favorite color and B, I absolutely love
03:41 Ariel from The Little Mermaid and I just wanted to do something crazy. I started dyeing my
03:46 hair red almost a year ago. I've got some photos of how I was trying to slowly go red
03:52 and it just wasn't working. My hairdresser didn't want to bleach it and then he finally
03:57 discovered this hair dye that actually does it without bleach, but he didn't discover
04:01 that until recently. So for about nine months or so, I had been bleaching my hair in spite
04:07 of him to get it to be crazy red.
04:11 And to the Facebook question, Felicity wants to know what my favorite 90s TV show was.
04:16 I had a really hard time trying to think of just one. So I have a little list here, so
04:21 I hope you don't mind me rambling them off. I love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, particularly
04:27 Michelangelo because he was the party dude and he had the sweetest voice. I love when
04:32 people are like, "Dude!" Hence my love for Bill and Ted. I also loved Gumby and that
04:40 was early, early 90s. Saved by the Bell, I had a huge crush on Zach and I look at him
04:45 these days and I'm like, "Eugh." But back then I was like, "Oh, Zach, you are so hot.
04:50 Please marry me." What was I thinking? I also loved Friends. Friends was one of the greatest
04:55 sitcoms ever and I'm so shattered that there are no more episodes, but I do watch reruns
04:59 all the time on Foxtel. So massive love to Friends, particularly Joey. How you doing?
05:06 That was shocking. Hercules. Legendary Journeys of Hercules or something like that. It was
05:10 with Kevin Sorbo and I thought he was an absolute babe with the muscles and the long hair and
05:16 the just, duh! Basically a babe. Sorry, Stefan. Ah, Real Monsters. That was an awesome show.
05:22 I loved Crumb with his little eyeballs in his hands and his stinky BO. Not that I like
05:28 stinky BO. I secretly loved Sabrina the Teenage Witch as well because I wish that I had magical
05:36 powers and that's sort of the same reason why I loved The Secret World of Alex Mack
05:40 because she could do all this awesome stuff. Something I got into more recently, purely
05:46 because my mum didn't let me watch it when I was a kid. She thought it was a bit of a
05:50 silly show, which I think is awesome right now and that is Seinfeld. Why wasn't I allowed
05:56 to watch that show as a kid? I don't understand. It's awesome. That's mum's spoiler. She didn't
06:01 let me watch The Simpsons or South Park or anything like that. I was a deprived child.
06:05 Amy Louise also wanted to know what my favourite kids TV show was back in the day. So it was
06:10 either Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or I really love The Planeteers. Captain Planet. I used
06:18 to be in love with Wheeler who was fire! Maybe now that I think back on it, probably because
06:24 he had red hair. I'm kidding. He's a wrangler. And The Power Rangers, of course. How could
06:32 I forget The Power Rangers? Freaking awesome. So that's really all I have time for at the
06:37 moment. I also just want to quickly mention to anyone from Melbourne, there's going to
06:42 be a YouTube gathering on the 22nd, which is this Saturday. It's going to be at Fed
06:47 Square from 12 till 3pm. We're meeting under the big screen. So if anyone actually cares,
06:55 I will be there. But the people you probably will care about is seeing Kimmy Smiles, Dave
07:02 Days, My Tony, maybe if he decides to rock up, Fresnad will be there, Twisted Tim, and
07:10 a whole bunch of other Aussie YouTubers. So yeah, it's probably going to be really awesome.
07:13 I just posted a video on my main channel talking about this. So if you want me to answer your
07:19 questions just leave them in a comment below. You can also visit me on Twitter, Facebook,
07:24 Daily Booth, Formspring. And video responses are more than welcome. I'm more likely to
07:29 pick a video response than I am a text comment only because it's just easier to watch a video.
07:34 And that is it. Thank you very much and I'll see you next time. Bye bye.
07:37 [Music]
