• l’année dernière
00:00 *Musique*
00:16 Bonjour à tous, c'est par ici les sorties, votre magazine d'actualité qui vous dit tout sur les films à l'affiche.
00:21 Comédie, comédie dramatique, animation, biopic et drame sont au programme cette semaine.
00:26 Avec tout d'abord "38.5, quai des Orfèvres" de Benjamin Lerrer.
00:31 Nous nous rendrons à Astéroïd City en compagnie d'Adrienne Brody.
00:34 La diversité sera au cœur du dernier Pixar élémentaire.
00:38 Nous nous rendrons à Venise au 18ème siècle pour "Il bohémo".
00:41 Karine Viard viendra nous parler de "Magnificat" de Virginie Sauveur.
00:45 Et nous déroulerons le tapis rouge pour accueillir Jennifer Lawrence à l'affiche de "Le Challenge".
00:52 Avant d'explorer plus en détail les sorties de la semaine,
00:54 nous vous proposons de découvrir le classement des films en salles établi par les étoiles des spectateurs sur le site Allociné.
01:00 *Musique*
01:02 En 3ème position, "Fifi" obtient 3,7/5.
01:06 *Musique*
01:07 Juste au-dessus, avec 3,8/5, on retrouve Marcel Le Coquillage avec ses chaussures.
01:13 Et cette semaine se place en 1ère position "Love Life" qui obtient 4/5.
01:18 *Musique*
01:22 Allez, retour aux sorties de la semaine.
01:24 *Musique*
01:25 Pour son premier film, "38/5 et les Orfèvres",
01:27 Benjamin Lerrer nous propose une parodie du "Silence des Agneaux"
01:31 à la façon de Zucker, Abraham Zucker ou bien encore des nuls dans la cité de la peur.
01:35 Un tueur en série surnommé "Le Vert Solitaire" sème des alexandrins sur des scènes de crime.
01:41 *Musique*
01:42 *Toc toc toc*
01:42 - Au secours !
01:43 *Cri*
01:44 - Commissaire Keller, combien de personnes ont été massacrées dans ce double meurtre ?
01:47 - Nous sommes face à un tueur en série comme il y en a un par siècle.
01:50 - C'est vrai que de rencontrer le réel, ça nous a confortés dans l'idée qu'on avait envie de le faire
01:57 parce qu'on se dit "on reçoit jamais des scénarios comme ça".
01:59 Il faut y aller et en même temps il faut que le mec soit sûr en face de ce qu'il va faire,
02:04 de là où il nous emmène et tout parce que c'est casse-gueule quoi.
02:06 - Bienvenue à la brigade criminelle.
02:08 - T'as entendu parler du patron ?
02:09 - Le commissaire Keller, c'est une légende vivante pour tous les flics.
02:12 - C'est pour travailler avec lui que je suis là.
02:14 *Musique*
02:18 - Le lieutenant Clarisse Sterling.
02:19 - Comme la meuf du silence des agneaux ?
02:21 - Ah non, pas du tout. Moi c'est Sterling, comme la livre.
02:24 - Parce qu'en fait le défaut qu'il pouvait y avoir, qui arrive souvent dans ce genre de film,
02:27 c'est un type qui va vous faire un sketch formidable sur 10 minutes mais après ça se lasse.
02:31 Et là quand on a rencontré Benjamin, on a vu tout de suite quelqu'un qui avait une pensée.
02:36 Et d'ailleurs je crois qu'il a réussi là-dessus le film parce que même si c'est absurde, il y a quand même une enquête.
02:39 Mais en 30 secondes, Benjamin, il nous convainc.
02:43 Et on s'est dit "oh là, on peut lui faire confiance".
02:45 *Musique*
02:49 - 8 suspects dont 4 décédés et 3 morts.
02:52 *Musique*
02:55 - Va falloir faire le tri là.
02:56 - Et si on commençait par celui qui n'est ni mort ni décédé ?
02:58 - Il a réussi à nous canaliser beaucoup.
03:01 Et c'est pour ça que ça a été aussi jouissif à jouer d'ailleurs.
03:05 Parce que du coup on a l'impression d'avoir fait autant une comédie qu'un drame.
03:08 Parce que nous on était à fond dans ce qu'on faisait.
03:09 - Un film noir. - Ouais, un film noir, ouais.
03:11 *Musique*
03:16 - Bienvenue dans la prison préférée des Français.
03:19 - Excusez-moi.
03:21 - C'est un jeune psychopathe qui aime bien les animaux.
03:23 - Dernière porte au bout des couloirs.
03:25 *Musique*
03:30 - Vous avez quoi pour moi ?
03:31 - Sa température, 38,5.
03:34 - C'est pas un peu beaucoup.
03:35 *Musique*
03:38 - Casting de rêve pour Astéroïd City de Wes Anderson
03:41 qui nous emmène en 1955 dans une minuscule ville d'Arizona
03:45 connue pour son gigantesque cratère de météorite
03:48 et son observatoire astronomique à proximité.
03:51 *Musique*
03:55 - Junior Star Gazers and Space Cadets.
03:57 Each year we celebrate Asteroïd Day.
04:00 Commemorating September 23rd, 3007 BC
04:03 when the arid plains meteorite made Earth impact.
04:06 *Musique*
04:11 - Holy Toledo.
04:12 - That's Mitch Campbell.
04:13 - You're very good in the one about the tramp in the brothel
04:16 who gets amnesia and becomes a pediatrician.
04:18 You were very awesome.
04:19 - Actually, maybe my favorite character ever.
04:20 - I don't know why nobody else liked it.
04:22 - C'est un film dont le pitch n'est pas évident à faire en une minute.
04:26 *Musique*
04:28 - What's happening now ?
04:29 - I don't know.
04:30 - I don't like the way that guy looked at us.
04:32 - The alien.
04:33 - How did he look at us ?
04:34 - Like we're doomed.
04:35 - Maybe we are.
04:37 - It's the meeting of two worlds together
04:39 with on one side
04:41 the real life that's being filmed in black and white
04:47 and on the other side, a group of people working on the creation of a play.
04:52 The director, the writer and the actors.
04:55 - That's an alien doing Jeffy Jacks.
04:57 That's an alien at a top hat.
04:58 - What's out there ?
04:59 - The meaning of life.
05:00 Maybe there is one.
05:01 - Are you married ?
05:02 - I'm a widower.
05:03 - But don't tell my kids.
05:04 - You're saying your mother died three weeks ago ?
05:06 - Let's say she's in heaven.
05:07 Which doesn't exist for me of course but you're a Episcopalian.
05:10 - In my loneliness I've learned to give complete and unquestioning faith to the people I love.
05:16 I don't know if that includes you but it included my daughter and your four children.
05:20 - The play itself.
05:21 - The play itself is represented with bright colors
05:25 and then they're alive.
05:27 And we see these characters create a new world that we see.
05:32 And you know that's really an unusual process in itself.
05:36 But the storyline is interesting because it's about family, loss, and grief.
05:42 And the story unites these people together
05:45 because of their mutual understanding of the difficulties of family.
05:49 - I do a nude scene, you wanna see it ?
05:52 - Huh ? Did I say yes ?
05:56 - You didn't say anything.
05:57 - I meant yes, my mouth didn't speak.
06:00 - "Elementaire" by Peterson is an ode to diversity and acceptance of differences.
06:05 It's a Romeo and Juliet between fire and water
06:08 that takes place in the city of Element City
06:11 where fire, water, earth and air live in harmony.
06:14 - Come and discover the residents of Element City.
06:19 - Airplanes often have their heads in the clouds.
06:22 - Oh no, I just passed it.
06:25 - Landowners often have their heads in the clouds.
06:28 - Landowners are a bit blue.
06:30 - Move, there's nothing to see.
06:33 - Just a little bit of foliage.
06:35 - Aquatics never hesitate to get wet.
06:37 - Help !
06:43 - And we, the flamboyants, we're all fire, all flame.
06:47 - Seven years ago, I was having fun drawing characters.
06:50 At one point, I sketched a character in fire and it was having fun.
06:53 I drew a character that was made of water
06:55 and I said to myself, "This is going to create tension between them.
06:58 Could they connect and that's where it started."
07:01 - But we cohabit thanks to a golden rule.
07:03 - Elements don't mix.
07:06 - What's that noise?
07:11 - And the pipe is deformed.
07:13 - Wow.
07:14 - Ah, that's better.
07:16 - As soon as anyone heard this idea, everyone was really excited at Pixar.
07:21 It represented so many ideas for us.
07:23 It represented so many ideas for us.
07:25 Both from the storytelling and the technical perspective.
07:28 - So you never left Firetown?
07:30 - Sorry, we're not compatible.
07:31 - Hey !
07:33 - My father would make you boil over.
07:35 - But what right do people have to tell you what you're supposed to do or not?
07:38 - I see the way it affects our world.
07:41 Some subjects are raised while being in a marvel
07:46 and something very playful.
07:48 And I like this double reading because it's all the finesse and intelligence of Pixar.
07:52 - I have the impression that you've changed.
07:54 - An aquatic.
07:56 - Is this where you live?
07:58 - Yeah, it's my mother's apartment.
07:59 - And we have two kids who have to take me swimming somewhere.
08:01 - Marco !
08:03 - Polo !
08:04 - Each element represents different cultures, the diversity of the world.
08:10 And there's a real message of acceptance from the other behind it and that's what's beautiful.
08:15 - Where are those guys?
08:16 - Stop, they're too hot.
08:18 - I love it when it burns.
08:19 - Oops !
08:20 - No !
08:23 - This story of opposites and diversity
08:30 and how, you know, diversity is one thing that we have to learn about diversity.
08:36 - And the story is the sacrifice that our parents make for us.
08:40 And I like that, basically.
08:42 - Yeah.
08:43 - You see?
08:45 They're having a blast.
08:48 - Ile Bohémo by Petr Vaklav is a biopic about the musician and composer Joseph Mislivecek,
09:00 nicknamed "Ile Bohémo" as the young Mozart admired.
09:03 In a libertine Venice, he fails to break through,
09:07 but his relationship with a woman from the court will allow him to access his dream.
09:16 - Here he is, Joseph Mislivecek.
09:19 - Mislivecek.
09:21 - He's a very gifted musician.
09:23 - This music of yours is so beautiful.
09:25 - Everything that concerns the intimacy of singers, singers, castras, composers,
09:31 there are a lot of gaps.
09:33 And that's why we had to extrapolate,
09:36 and that's why I read a lot of Mozart's correspondence,
09:39 who is the only person who left us the psychological description of Mislivecek.
09:46 - Mislivecek fell into oblivion for four or five reasons.
10:05 First, he died as a syphilitic, so he was judged as a Christian man,
10:11 who had no value, a sinner.
10:14 Secondly, he was born in Prague, but as an artist he was born in Naples.
10:18 He spent his whole life as an artist in Italy, but it only lasted 15 years.
10:23 And since he traveled a lot, he had discontinuous friendships,
10:27 he never had a house, he had a suitcase, and he lived more or less on the road.
10:32 So he didn't have any close people to talk to about him after his death.
10:38 And then, the serious opera as a genre ended with the fall of royalty,
10:45 and then in the 19th and 20th centuries it was very badly seen.
10:49 - Volcano, stop! Don't throw yourself on Mislivecek like that!
10:54 - At the display of "Magnificat" by Virginie Sauveur,
11:05 Karine Wiart plays a chancellor of the diocese,
11:08 who discovers, at the death of a priest, that it was a woman.
11:12 Against the opinion of her bishop, who wants to stifle the affair,
11:15 she investigates to understand how such an imposture was possible.
11:20 - It's a woman.
11:23 - Madame the chancellor, if the Vatican discovers that our seminars are infiltrated by women,
11:27 it would be an apocalypse, wouldn't it?
11:29 - We should dig a little, shouldn't we?
11:31 What I liked was the subject it proposed.
11:34 I think it's a strong subject that has never been dealt with in cinema,
11:38 namely the place of women in the Church,
11:41 and whether it could be discussed again.
11:45 - This chancellor of the diocese that I play,
12:01 who at the same time never doubts the veracity and authenticity of her faith,
12:08 but who, perhaps for the first time, questions the dogma,
12:13 and ceases to follow it blindly because there are injustices,
12:17 secrets that are intolerable to her.
12:20 - I have someone to see.
12:21 - It's a friend of your father's.
12:23 - What are you doing here?
12:25 - I'm looking for a certain Mathilde Boisneau.
12:27 - Do you know my father?
12:29 - He's a gypsy.
12:30 - Don't let her believe anything.
12:32 - You put too much affection in this affair, it's starting to get dangerous for us.
12:35 - The Church must evolve, otherwise it will die.
12:37 - The patriarchy that affects our society,
12:40 and which is being discussed a lot today,
12:43 with feminists, with young women,
12:46 who today accept more than I, my generation,
12:50 accepted and considered almost normal,
12:53 I think it's great that after that it infiltrates all the branches of our society,
12:57 and therefore the Church.
12:58 I find it quite virtuous and quite formidable.
13:01 - There are rabbis, pastors, imams.
13:04 - What do you think of it?
13:06 - I don't believe in God.
13:08 - The faithful are increasingly deserting the Catholic Church,
13:11 and I think we need to do something to give back faith,
13:16 to give back the desire of new generations to return to the Catholic Church.
13:21 - A woman cannot be a priest.
13:23 - The proof is that she can.
13:25 - The Challenge, a black comedy by Jean Stupinski,
13:31 features Jennifer Lawrence, who, on the verge of losing her childhood home,
13:35 accepts a rather unusual job offer.
13:38 She is hired by wealthy parents to go out with their 19-year-old introverted son
13:43 before he leaves for college.
13:45 - This film is based on a true story.
13:57 There was an ad in a newspaper for parents looking for a young woman
14:01 to go out with their son before he leaves for college.
14:06 And I thought, "What kind of parent can do that?
14:09 What kind of woman can answer that kind of ad?
14:11 And who is this son?"
14:13 - I was still on my break in my career, and I loved taking book plans to make a movie for a little lease,
14:23 and I had a year, and then I was sent an essay note,
14:27 which was written by a woman, very, very good friend.
14:30 So I had to read it, and it was the funniest script I'd ever read.
14:34 - It's really a callback to the comedy of the '90s,
14:46 but there are also older references, like the Laurea, which really inspired Jane.
14:51 Films that are funny, they're funny to laugh at,
14:53 but they're also funny because the characters are so truthful and complex.
14:58 - I thought I'd give you a ride home. - This isn't the way to my house.
15:00 - It's a shortcut. - What you got down there?
15:03 - No!
15:05 - Why? - You tried kidnapping me!
15:08 - You're 19, grow up!
15:10 - We really don't see a lot of comedies with this particular role being given to a female.
15:20 So, yeah, that was really exciting.
15:26 - How's the kid thing working out?
15:28 - We're going out tonight. He'll have a Long Island Iced Tea.
15:30 - Am I allowed to be here? - You can't be scared of everything.
15:33 - This is the worst iced tea I've ever had.
15:35 - I think our chemistry went beyond what we were expecting,
15:39 just because as people, I think we all expected a lot more from each other than I certainly ever imagined.
15:45 - Yeah, I was just happy we found the right person to play Percy,
15:48 and wrapping a movie, I realized by the end of the shoot that he would be in my life forever.
15:53 - So far, this kid is unfuckable.
15:55 - He's probably just nervous. Why don't you loosen him up?
15:57 - You can go skinny dipping.
15:58 - What about sharks? - Men here!
16:00 - Jellyfish? - Not this season!
16:02 - It's really the lack of life, Card's ass! - Just get the fuck in here right now!
16:05 - I think the biggest challenge of the shoot was not laughing.
16:09 - Oh, yeah.
16:10 - We were laughing every day. We had so much to do in those scenes.
16:14 - It was hard. - It was really hard.
16:16 - Cardine, the director and screenwriter, was throwing out all night.
16:18 He used to be the head writer of the office,
16:20 so we just almost knew why we had to stop laughing and have our tears away,
16:25 and then continue to cut out some of the dialogue and say it, and then we used our laughing again.
16:28 So, yeah, that was really the biggest challenge.
16:31 - The best part about getting older is not giving a fuck what people think.
16:38 - Come on, you're getting out of here. You don't belong here.
16:40 - Don't touch me! - Get away from her!
16:42 - Stay...
16:43 - Oh, shit! Oh, fuck!
16:48 - Kill me, motherfucker!
16:50 - And now, the rest of the news in short and in pictures.
16:53 - He's a former commando.
17:00 He lost his house and his family because of the war.
17:03 He's a death squadron all to himself.
17:05 He's the kind of bastard you'd better not mess with.
17:15 - No!
17:16 - Freeze!
17:30 - I'm going to meet him next.
17:32 But we can't leave the house.
17:34 - Where are you?
17:36 - We're going to go there and start all over again.
17:41 - It's up to you to open our hearts.
17:43 - That's it.
17:44 Us as a couple, you as a couple.
17:48 - It's up to you to open our hearts.
17:53 - That's it.
17:54 - It's up to you to open our hearts.
17:56 - That's it.
17:57 - It's up to you to open our hearts.
17:59 - That's it.
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19:22 - It's up to you to open our hearts.
19:23 - That's it.
19:24 - It's up to you to open our hearts.
19:25 - That's it.
19:26 - It's up to you to open our hearts.
19:27 - That's it.
19:28 - It's up to you to open our hearts.
19:29 - Voilà par ici les sorties, c'est fini.
19:49 Rendez-vous la semaine prochaine et en attendant, n'oubliez pas d'aller au cinéma.
