4th of July Hair, Makeup, and outfit

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's Erica and today's video is going to be a 4th of July makeup, hair, and outfit.
00:04 And this is what it looks like.
00:06 I did a very cool, unique thing.
00:09 And the hair is pretty simple. It's no heat.
00:11 So if you guys want to use heat on your hair, this is perfect.
00:13 Let's get into the video.
00:14 Over here, grab a ponytail.
00:16 And just tie it about right here.
00:20 So then what you're going to do is make a hole.
00:25 And make sure there's room for the ponytail to go through, especially if you have long hair like me.
00:30 And then just pull it up.
00:32 And it should look like this.
00:34 It should look like a little kind of cool fishtail looking thing.
00:38 And it just kind of looks cool.
00:39 Now what we're going to do is spice it up with some bows.
00:41 Take it and apply.
00:43 Apply.
00:44 Oh god, Erica.
00:46 Put one bow here.
00:48 But you can just leave one in like I'm going to do.
00:51 I'm just going to leave a red one in.
00:52 If you have a red bow and blue bow, that would be perfect.
00:55 And yeah, that is the finished hair look.
00:57 And now we're going to move on to makeup.
00:58 So this is what we're going to be achieving is this eye look.
01:01 And I'm getting eyeshadow all over my hand.
01:03 So basically, what we're going to do first is prime our eyes with the ELF eyelid primer.
01:08 I'm taking a white cream shadow.
01:09 And I'm just going to place this on my lid.
01:12 Just kind of give it a base.
01:13 And I'm going to be taking this ELF palette from Avala.
01:17 I've mentioned this in my other videos.
01:18 This is what I use when I want to get the colorful look.
01:21 So with this, you don't have to use this.
01:22 You can use any blue eyeshadow you have.
01:24 Well, first we're going to start out with white.
01:25 My bad.
01:26 So we're just going to take the white and apply it for another base.
01:30 You can never have too much bases, right?
01:32 And then we're going to go in with the-- I'll show you what color.
01:34 It's going to be this lighter blue.
01:36 As you can see, it's right here.
01:39 We're going to take that blue and we're just going to apply it in the inner corner.
01:43 And just so you guys know, this is going to get messy.
01:45 It always does.
01:46 I had to clean up with a little cotton swab.
01:52 Then also drag this into your crease because we're going to follow the same pattern.
01:55 Now we're going to take a darker blue.
01:56 This blue is very pigmented.
01:58 This is where it gets all over.
02:00 It's right here.
02:02 This is really bright, dark blue.
02:06 And it's more like 4th of July, so this stuff's really pigmented.
02:08 As you can see, look.
02:10 I just dabbed and I got that much out, so this is going to get everywhere.
02:12 Just so you guys know.
02:15 Just apply it right here into your crease.
02:21 And just kind of pat it so it kind of mixes with the other color.
02:25 Now what we're going to do is take a black-- any black works--
02:28 and I'm just going to place this right here and drag it into my crease a little.
02:31 Just kind of darken it.
02:32 We don't want it too blue.
02:33 We're going to move on to bottom eyeliner, so what we're going to do is take a--
02:36 oops-- an angled brush like this.
02:40 And what we're going to do is take that same exact blue color that we just had--
02:44 any blue works-- and we're going to place this on the outer of your waterline.
02:51 And then what we're going to do is take a--
02:54 if you guys have a red eyeshadow or a red eyeliner, that would be better.
02:56 I don't have either, so I'm taking my lip liner.
02:59 It works as eyeliner.
03:00 I'm just using the Red Diva 024 Exaggerate.
03:02 So if you guys don't have a red eyeliner or a red eyeshadow,
03:05 totally use your lip liner.
03:06 It works the same.
03:07 And we're just going to apply this in the waterline.
03:10 And it's so bright and pigmented.
03:15 Like that.
03:16 And we're also going to be applying this right above the--
03:24 the inner eyeliner, just like that.
03:29 All right, so I'm going to be taking this Elf Glitter in Stardust.
03:34 And it's just a glitter that's clear.
03:37 And we're just going to put that over the red.
03:42 Take this Great Lash by Maybelline Blink of Blue.
03:45 I don't like the mascara.
03:46 I just like the color of it.
03:47 It is blue, so we're just going to use this on the lower.
03:49 It doesn't even work that well.
03:51 I just like it because it's blue, you know?
03:53 And we're just going to apply this.
03:57 And now we're just going to move on to the upper eyelashes.
04:00 So we're just going to curl them.
04:01 We're going to apply the blue on the upper.
04:04 All right, so this is the finished eye look.
04:06 And so for the July-y, if you guys like it, now we're going to move on to lips.
04:10 All right, so for lips, we're going to first be taking that same exact lip liner we used before.
04:14 And we're going to line our lips.
04:16 And now we're going to be taking the Kate Rimmel Lipstick in 01.
04:19 And this is a true red color, you guys.
04:22 And it's perfect.
04:23 So-- and we're just going to take a clear lip gloss, not the purple side, but the clear side.
04:30 And we're just going to apply this.
04:32 It's actually almost turning red, but--
04:35 So this is the finished makeup look.
04:37 You guys can do whatever you want to your face.
04:38 As you guys know, if-- or if not, I don't wear face makeup because I'm trying to clear out my acne.
04:42 My skin needs to breathe.
04:43 So usually sometimes I'll put on some concealer.
04:45 Just-- I use Maybelline Fit Me Concealer in 15.
04:48 And I just put this on like I'd probably put it on this one.
04:51 That's probably about it.
04:53 But other than that, you can do whatever you want to do with your face.
04:56 So, yeah, I hope you guys like the makeup look.
04:58 And let's go on to the outfit.
05:00 All right, guys, so for the outfit, the top is from Ross.
05:02 The-- underneath is just like a plank-- a plank-- a plain red top.
05:07 You can get it anywhere.
05:08 The belt-- the blue belt is-- came with the dress from Kohl's.
05:10 The shorts are from Kohl's.
05:12 And that's the outfit.
05:15 And for shoes, I'm just wearing some red Vans.
05:17 All right, guys, thank you so much for watching this video.
05:23 I hope you guys liked it.
05:24 And if you did, give it a thumbs up and let me know.
05:25 If you try this look, please tag me and send me, like, a photo on Instagram or Twitter.
05:30 I would love to see what you guys did with the look.
05:32 And I will see you guys in my next video.
05:34 Thank you guys so much for watching.
05:35 Bye, guys.
