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00:43 Hi, and welcome to Volume 2 of Conjuring Cola.
00:46 I'm Nicholas Bird.
00:47 And I'm James Coates.
00:48 On this volume, we're going to show you even more easy and fun tricks that you can do with soda cans and soda bottles.
00:54 That's right.
00:55 You're also going to see the sequel to the trick, "Dracola," which is "Son of Dracola," as performed by a friend of ours, Antena.
01:02 Well, grab your cans and bottles, because it's time to get started.
01:05 [MUSIC]
01:10 Nick, I'd like to show you a trick that involves a quarter.
01:13 Check it out.
01:14 Okay.
01:15 And a soda can.
01:16 I drank all the soda out of it, so that's all you get.
01:19 What I'm going to do is I'm actually going to stick the quarter through the can, but through the bottom.
01:23 It looks like this.
01:25 There's one, two, three.
01:28 Did you see it?
01:29 No.
01:30 You hear it inside?
01:31 I hear it.
01:32 Check it out.
01:35 See if you can push that bad boy out of there.
01:40 This is normally where I walk away from.
01:44 Not too bad.
01:45 It's cool.
01:46 Thanks.
01:47 Here's the explanation for "Coin Through Soda Can."
01:56 To aid us in this a little bit, we've created a little cutaway so you can see what's going on.
02:01 What you're going to need is two identical quarters, some magician's wax or foam tape.
02:07 It depends on which one you like to use.
02:10 What you need to do is take the tab of the Coke.
02:14 That's normally what fills that hole.
02:17 Open it and push it all the way back.
02:20 You can do that by sticking your pinky on.
02:24 On the inside, what you have to do is now fish a quarter to that.
02:28 You can stick your magician's wax to the tab or to the quarter.
02:33 It's up to you, whatever you prefer.
02:35 Getting it lined up takes a little bit of practice.
02:39 What you need to do is put the quarter in.
02:44 You can work pretty well.
02:46 My fingers are kind of big, so I like to use my pinky.
02:48 Fish your pinky in there and then get it so you can push through and then pull down.
02:58 Sometimes you may miss, but right there.
03:01 Now the coin is secure, so I can turn it upside down.
03:04 It's not going to fall.
03:06 If you do not like to put it on the tab, simply remove the tab by going back and forth with it on the inside.
03:13 Then take magician's wax or foam tape, reach in, and place it on the roof of the can.
03:18 Whatever you want to do so that you can stick a coin to the roof of the can.
03:24 Plain and simple.
03:25 Now that we've done that, let's go into the actual performance part of it.
03:30 This can is already gimmicked.
03:33 All we need to do is go over the handling of what's going on when you do this trick.
03:39 I like to let someone inspect it.
03:41 When they're doing that, it gives them the freedom to go, "Oh, nothing's going on," which is kind of not true.
03:48 I take and hold the can in my left hand with my fingers, starting with my pinky all the way at the bottom, going all the way up.
03:56 I take the coin and put it in my right hand, right about mid-fingers, and then I want to tap it on the bottom.
04:03 I like to work on three for whatever reason, so I tap it once, twice.
04:07 On the third time, you have a choice.
04:09 You can do one of a few things.
04:11 You can choose--what I like to do is simply to place it.
04:14 It'll be once, twice, and then three times, and place it.
04:19 In real time, it looks like this--one, two, three.
04:23 Walk away with it.
04:25 Or if you're a little bit knackier magician, you can one, two, and toss it up.
04:30 I don't like the tossing up method because it gives me an opportunity to miss.
04:34 So just one, two, place on the side.
04:36 Placing on the side simply means to wrap your hands around it.
04:40 Switch so that the left hand now is holding the coin up against the can.
04:45 It's simple. It's easy.
04:47 Once you're set up like this, you now have to time it with that third pop down because what you want to do is to force the coin that's stuck to the roof down.
04:59 So on the third time, you're actually going to be one, two, three.
05:04 At the same time, you're going to pop the coin down.
05:07 Now it's broken loose from the roof of the can.
05:11 It gives you an opportunity to shake it.
05:14 So it shakes around.
05:16 What I like to do at that point is to let go of my thumb, lift the can up, close my hand around the coin, set it down,
05:24 and let the spectator fish it out because it's kind of hard to do that.
05:29 It's fun. It's easy.
05:30 Be careful when sticking the coin in because you want to make sure -- because this is metal.
05:35 You want to make sure not to cut your fingers of any sort to -- you know, it's not cool when you're doing a trick and you're wearing Band-Aids.
05:42 So just remember that.
05:43 And that is the coin through soda can.
05:47 [Music]
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06:49 To form this soda can manipulation, I like to use the shorter little Coca-Cola cans.
06:54 You see, this is the regular size can, and it's just a little shorter.
06:57 What it does, it improves your angles just a little bit because the longer a can you're actually hiding behind your hand, you know, the more angle sensitive it is.
07:06 So this short can works great.
07:08 There's a little bit of preparation, not a lot.
07:12 You basically -- you open it, you pour out all the Coke.
07:16 I like to rinse it out with water also just to clean it up real good.
07:19 And then I bend the tab so that it's straight up.
07:23 I then take some packaging tape and I just tear a little piece so that I have a nice wide piece of tape, and I just tape it to the tab.
07:33 That makes it a little easier to control it and get the palm, and it's just a little more surface area to grab.
07:39 So if you didn't catch on, I'm basically just back palming this entire thing.
07:44 The way that I hold it, let's go over that first of all.
07:49 It's a back palm.
07:50 It's being squeezed between my ring finger and my middle finger.
07:54 So all I'm doing is I'm applying pressure this way.
07:57 So I'm squeezing the tape just like that, and it's hiding behind my hand.
08:03 So it's right there.
08:07 I can start off, and this is my perfect pop production.
08:11 And it's based off the perfect production of a card.
08:14 I'll show it.
08:16 Empty, empty, and then from here, all I'm doing is I'm curling my hand in like this behind the cover of this hand.
08:26 I'm finishing turning the can like that, and then I'm just tipping my hands forward.
08:30 So full speed, it's going to look like this.
08:39 And now I've produced the can.
08:42 Be careful when you're working with this can back palm.
08:46 You don't want to be like this.
08:48 You don't want to be like this.
08:49 You don't want to be like this because then you're going to get flashing.
08:53 Also look this way.
08:55 So you always want to keep that can level and hidden behind your hand.
08:59 That's why I like using these short cans because it just shortens it up because the further back it is,
09:04 you know, it's going to magnify that tip.
09:08 So that's the perfect pop production.
09:12 So that's the first move that I do.
09:14 I walk out and I do that.
09:16 The next thing I do is a throw vanish.
09:18 Basically what I do is I've now produced it.
09:20 I'm holding it here, and then I go to throw it.
09:25 I'm always going to go back to that original back palm production where I'm grasping it between these fingers.
09:32 So as I go to throw it, I'll come back, I'll grab it with my fingers just like that, and then I'll go to throw it.
09:39 And all I'm doing is I'm holding it right here on the back of my hand,
09:43 and I'm just placing the can right here next to my ribs.
09:47 That way it's out of sight to the audience, but if you're on the side stage, you still see it.
09:53 So it's out of sight, it's gone, and then I quickly come back,
09:59 and I'm going to gesture here where I'm about to reproduce the can.
10:04 Because I don't want to stand like this too long, so I want to bring the attention right here.
10:08 Nice little gesture, and then I'm going to come up with the back pop production.
10:12 So a little take on a back palm production.
10:15 I'll come up. I still have it in back palm.
10:18 I'm still concentrating on my angles.
10:22 And then what I'm doing is I'm turning my hand.
10:25 This is the same way that you would take a card, and if you had a card on the back of your hand,
10:29 you would turn it over to get it into a front palm position,
10:32 so that you could actually show both sides of your hands empty.
10:36 And that's the illusion that we're creating here.
10:38 I want to show both sides of my hand as empty and not holding a can.
10:41 So I come up. You see nothing.
10:44 I'm going to turn my hand just like that, so now my fingers are pointing down.
10:48 I'm going to keep turning so that my fingers are now pointing back this way.
10:53 So I'm just basically doing this, but at the same time I'm rotating my hand
10:57 so that the can is always pointing to the back of the stage.
11:02 Once I'm here, all I do is I take my pinky finger, my pointer finger,
11:08 and I extend them as well as my thumb, and I grab the can like that, just like that.
11:14 So now I'm holding it with three fingers.
11:16 That way I'm still holding on to the tab in the piece of tape right here
11:20 with my middle finger and my ring finger.
11:23 So it will look like this.
11:25 Come back, rotate, grab those three fingers, pull it out, and produce it.
11:33 Now I've already got my fingers in the position for the next vanish,
11:37 which is the can-crusher vanish.
11:39 So I actually want to crush the can just like this.
11:42 Can't do it. It's just too hard.
11:45 Come back, and I like to play it up really big,
11:48 and then when I go to actually crush the can, I'll come--
11:53 all I'm doing is I'm going from here to there.
11:57 But it's being masked by this big move right here,
12:00 and I also turn my hands just a little bit, and then I finish like that, and it vanishes.
12:06 So let's slow it down a little.
12:09 Come through, and then I'm opening my hand at the same time.
12:15 My hands are on a plane here of about a 45-degree angle when I actually vanish it,
12:20 and then I quickly go to that perpendicular angle so that it hides the can just like that.
12:26 So I'm in.
12:28 This is kind of a slow motion, and it's there.
12:31 Then I can show both hands empty because it's now vanished.
12:36 From there I go to this reproduction with the sip, so it's the sip production.
12:42 From here I then bring my hand up, still minding my angles.
12:47 I'm still in back palm.
12:48 All of this is done from the back palm.
12:50 I come up like I'm running my fingers through my hair here,
12:55 and behind my head I'm just tipping it over, and I'm actually using my jaw to reposition it
13:01 so I can grab it like I was actually going to drink out of the can,
13:04 and then I come around and I sip.
13:06 So it's going to look like this.
13:09 I'm going to put it behind my head.
13:11 I spin it around.
13:13 I look back.
13:14 As I come forward, I'm sipping.
13:19 Back.
13:21 Straighten it.
13:22 Go to the can.
13:23 Come back.
13:24 Sip.
13:25 And that's how I end that little production.
13:27 What I like to do is I like to do this to music.
13:29 It's great.
13:30 You can come out, great little opening number.
13:32 Now you've produced a can.
13:34 You can bring out some other cans.
13:35 You may want to do some of the other tricks.
13:38 You can make a nice little stage presentation of all this Kola magic
13:43 and make this one of the opening bits.
13:45 That way you come out, and it's a great little introduction from you to the crowd.
13:50 So take it, have fun with it.
13:52 Most importantly, practice this in front of a mirror or videotape yourself
13:56 because it's all about the angles.
13:59 [music]
14:27 Here's the explanation for the multiplying bottle.
14:30 You can do this on stage, on the parlor.
14:32 There are some drawbacks to it.
14:34 The first one is the sound that this little critter makes is not exactly pleasant to the ear,
14:40 and it lets everyone know what's going on.
14:41 So when you do this, make sure you're in a noisy area.
14:44 More importantly, if you're on stage, use loud music.
14:46 Now this was inspired by the trick that we did on magic with markers
14:51 where we took a larger marker and cut the end and shoved one inside.
14:55 This is a 20-ounce bottle with a little tiny glass that's 8 ounces of yummy Coca-Cola.
15:03 And what I did was I cut exactly a 2-inch hole--it's exactly 2 inches--in the bottom of this.
15:09 I drained all the Coke out, and then I spray-painted it.
15:12 Get black spray paint, spray-paint on the inside, and the gimmick is done.
15:17 You may have to do a little bit of cutting to kind of make sure this fits properly.
15:22 It kind of fits like a clip in a handgun, if you will.
15:25 Load it, and then you can let it go because the little indentions on the bottom
15:30 actually grab into the Coke and keep it inside.
15:34 So it's one of those that you can actually have sitting off to the side,
15:38 and it makes a great addition to a trick.
15:40 It is very quick.
15:42 So if you're going to be doing a coin-in-bottle, this is a great little opener where you can multiply,
15:48 drink some of the Coke, pour it in a glass, and then use the bottle for a coin-in-bottle
15:53 or a cap-in-bottle routine.
15:54 It's very kind of cool that you can play with, so add it to whatever you like.
15:58 So we showed you how to build it.
16:00 Here's how to perform it very, very easily.
16:02 You can pick this up pretty much however you choose and show 360 completely.
16:07 I like to do what I call--it's an around-the-world move.
16:11 It's kind of used for multiplying dub production.
16:16 So you multiply one dub into two.
16:19 And I chose instead to face the audience and do the move to go sideways.
16:23 That way it's more visible when it goes around the world, so to speak.
16:27 So what I do is I show it completely, and then I grab it right at the top of the label
16:34 because it gives me a nice little firm space to hang on to.
16:37 And all I have to do to get the bottle out is kind of throw it down and then lift up.
16:42 And the weight of the Coca-Cola inside the bottle actually gets it to fall out like that.
16:50 So now you have to time it with your movement.
16:53 So what I like to do is to move both hands in a circular motion.
16:58 What this does to the audience is it says there's something in this hand,
17:01 but there's nothing in this hand.
17:03 And the movement also is going to camouflage the fact that this bottle is going to come out.
17:08 So you don't have to do this quick, but you have to do it fluid.
17:12 So I time it.
17:14 I go around completely one time, and as I'm on the way up,
17:17 my left hand comes up to the bottom of the shell,
17:22 and I jerk the soda down and lift up at the same time, causing the load to fall out.
17:30 And then I go with the motion, and it looks like this.
17:37 So you're kind of breaking your pattern, but you've created a new pattern
17:40 because you're still going in a circular motion,
17:42 and the eyes are going to follow that circular motion.
17:45 Now, it's very easy.
17:46 It's fun to perform.
17:47 You can do this at kids' parties if you're doing some music,
17:50 or you can add it to your favorite trick.
17:52 It's fun.
17:53 It's easy.
17:54 Use it.
17:57 [music]
18:01 What's up?
18:02 My name is Antino.
18:03 What you're about to see is a variation of Dracola called Son of Dracola.
18:06 So I hope you enjoy.
18:07 Check this out.
18:10 Come over here for a sec.
18:13 You see that can right there, that Coke can.
18:17 It's empty, and it's got two peculiar marks on the side.
18:23 Let me see this really quick.
18:26 What in the world?
18:30 So why would someone bite into the side?
18:35 It looks like someone bit into it.
18:36 Can you see that?
18:37 It looks like someone might have bit into it.
18:40 Maybe I'll bite into it too.
18:42 Check this out.
18:50 But nothing really happens yet.
18:53 Hold on.
18:54 Why would someone do that?
18:55 That seems like a really odd stunt.
18:56 I think it might have been a wasteful magician.
18:57 He's inconsiderate.
18:58 He's biting into everyone's cans.
18:59 This might have been stolen from someone earlier,
19:01 but I think he owes me a new can.
19:03 What was that?
19:05 Okay.
19:07 Oh, my God.
19:09 Oh, my God.
19:10 That's really cool.
19:14 That's my show.
19:25 Hi.
19:27 I'm Sam Rubin, a.k.a. Gambit.
19:29 This is Son of Dracola.
19:31 Part two of Dracola.
19:33 This is where you find a Coke can that already has some teeth marks in it.
19:38 You bite into it.
19:39 The teeth marks vanish.
19:41 Top of the hole is sealed.
19:43 You can open up the can.
19:44 You've restored the can using your bite.
19:47 This was created by my good friend, Arthur Antonio, a.k.a. Antino,
19:50 who sadly enough cannot be here right now because he is filming his documentary on magic in a third world country.
19:57 That'll be playing near you.
20:00 This setup is very similar to Dracola in the sense that you have to put in bite holes,
20:07 and there's a little bit of an addition you need to put in the top, which I'll show you how to do that.
20:12 Take a marker.
20:14 You're going to color in a piece that looks like the top of the can.
20:19 It's right there.
20:21 Then you're going to color in two teeth marks.
20:23 I'm going to cut those out.
20:25 If you do it like this, it looks like an angry monster.
20:27 Ooh.
20:28 Anyway, you're going to take those pieces out, place them onto the can, just like we did over here.
20:35 As you see, we have the napkin on top, two bite holes on the side,
20:40 and the last bit of prep that you have to do.
20:42 Generally, you should do this where you're going to be performing it.
20:46 You're going to take your nail, thumbtack, whatever you have.
20:50 You're going to puncture the can just like that,
20:54 and you're going to let this empty out where you're going to perform it.
20:58 As you're emptying that, you're going to crush the can in a little bit.
21:03 As you crush the can in, you're going to take this can, you're going to set it down.
21:13 Hopefully, you've made a nice puddle of where you're going to be performing this.
21:16 You're going to set this down with the hole facing up,
21:23 and now you're ready to perform Son of Dracula.
21:25 After the setup, you are now ready to perform Son of Dracula.
21:29 What you're going to do is you're going to place the can by the recycling bin.
21:32 Make sure you have the Coke that you emptied out around it.
21:35 This way, it looks like a waste, and it looks almost like a pathetic sight,
21:38 almost like somebody just took a can, bit into it, threw it down, and let it empty itself out like a complete waste.
21:47 You're going to walk by it, and you're going to notice it.
21:51 It's going to be a very strange kind of thing to look at.
21:54 Hopefully, somebody will be near you, because if nobody's near you and you do this,
21:58 it's not going to be nearly as impressive.
22:01 You're going to bring somebody by, and you're going to point out the fact that this looks like it's a complete waste.
22:06 You're going to pick it up.
22:08 From this point on, we're going to refer to the tissue holes as the fake holes, along with the one on top.
22:14 That's also going to be the fake holes.
22:17 And the real hole we're going to refer to as the real hole.
22:22 You're going to come up, and you're going to show the tissue holes.
22:27 You're going to show those, and what you're going to do is this.
22:31 Your right thumb is going to start above the first tissue hole.
22:38 You're going to show the hole, and as you bring it up to your mouth, you're going to wipe it off.
22:44 You're just going to wipe it off right as you bring it up, and you're going to pretend to blow into it.
22:49 As you do that movement, your index finger is going to cover up the real hole.
22:56 Once that's covered up the real hole, you can show this hole is gone, these two tissue holes.
23:02 You're going to start to shake it up, and as you come up, the can is going to start to restore itself.
23:07 This is a very eerie moment, because it doesn't look like you've done anything to the can,
23:12 except for get rid of some of the holes, which is a little bit weird.
23:16 You're now going to come up, and as you're going to blow into the top fake hole,
23:22 your thumb is going to rub that, and you're going to pretend to blow.
23:27 As you do that, you're going to come back down, show that the other fake hole is gone.
23:34 The can has restored itself. Pop it open. You get that nice satisfying pop.
23:42 Take a sip. Pour it out. Hand it to the person to drink if it's a really hot day.
23:50 You've just performed sun or dry cola. Enjoy.