• 2 years ago
00:00 Alright, your quarter, last table.
00:12 Come a little closer.
00:15 Watch this.
00:16 He's just simply amazing.
00:36 Borrow a coin, drop it on a glass table.
00:39 Show your hands cleanly and completely empty, above and below, in the middle of the table.
00:46 And suddenly, without any explanation, you cause the coin to drop right through the glass.
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02:31 First we're going to talk about the gimmick and how to make it, and then I'm going to
02:33 get into the explanation of how to actually use it and perform this routine, including
02:36 all the subtleties, moves, slights, everything that you need to do to make this trick work
02:40 at its most effective possible.
02:43 Now, this is the gimmick right here.
02:45 It's not the jacket itself, it's what's inside the jacket.
02:47 As I mentioned, you need to have long sleeves.
02:50 I've hooked this up to a jacket because it would be difficult to put it on and off a
02:56 t-shirt, or a shirt, rather, every time you get dressed in the morning.
03:00 So I just have it on a jacket, something that I wear every day.
03:03 Now, as long as it's cold enough.
03:06 Here it is, right here.
03:07 You see some fishing line here, and this fishing line is pinned.
03:10 Let me show you so you can get an orientation of what this jacket actually looks like here.
03:15 This fishing line is pinned on one side over here.
03:19 There's also a black elastic.
03:20 This has nothing to do with the trick.
03:21 That is a different trick.
03:23 It's pinned to the jacket on the inside, on the opposite side of the sleeve that you're
03:28 going to use.
03:30 That's important.
03:31 This line is also attached to a quarter.
03:37 The way I attach this is scotch tape.
03:40 Nothing fancy.
03:42 On the original video when I taught this, I said it was attached by magical scotch tape.
03:48 I actually got several emails from people asking where they could find magical scotch
03:53 tape.
03:54 I'm going to be very clear.
03:56 This is ordinary scotch tape.
03:57 I was just joking around on the last video.
04:00 What I've done to attach this, hopefully you can get a nice close-up view of this, and
04:03 I'm going to show you how this looks.
04:07 The string runs across, and the tape goes perpendicular to which way the string is running.
04:14 It doesn't matter how the coin is oriented.
04:17 I usually like to put heads up, especially if you use one of the new American quarters,
04:20 because all the heads are the same and the backs are different.
04:23 It is across just like this.
04:25 What I've done is tied a giant knot.
04:28 Hopefully you can see this through the magic of HD, right on the end of that string.
04:32 There's a big knot, and that just prevents the string from going all the way out.
04:40 You make this gimmick once, and it will last you for months and months and months and months.
04:45 I've had this gimmick on here for a long, long time, and every once in a while I just
04:48 replace the tape.
04:50 That way I can trust it.
04:52 Like I said, you play with it and figure out how long it can go before you need to adjust
04:57 it.
04:58 That is the gimmick.
04:59 That is it.
05:00 It's a string.
05:01 We'll talk about the length of the string.
05:02 Basically, the length of the string has to be set to your preference.
05:07 What you want the coin to do is be able to go down the sleeve and come out the other
05:11 side, just like that.
05:15 Down the sleeve and out the other side.
05:17 Hopefully you can see right about the length that you need.
05:23 I like to have a little bit of length there to play with.
05:29 It's about that long.
05:30 If you picture my hand coming out of the sleeve, it's perfect position for me to back clip
05:34 the coin.
05:35 We'll talk more about this when we get to the presentation.
05:38 Some people like to deep back clip the coin, but I have ridiculous, enormous windows that
05:43 you can see.
05:44 I can't even fit a coin there.
05:46 I hold a coin right there because they're so big.
05:50 Look at these things.
05:51 I could drive a truck through those things.
05:53 It's crazy.
05:54 That is it.
05:55 That's how long you want the string to be.
05:57 Play with it.
05:58 When we get to the explanation of how the trick works, you'll understand much better so you
06:01 can make your own.
06:04 Let's do it.
06:18 Now I'm wearing the gimmick.
06:19 Again, I have the pin on this side.
06:21 It goes across my back.
06:23 That's very, very important.
06:24 That plays a key part in this routine.
06:26 Then it goes under my arm and into the inside pocket.
06:30 That is how I wear the jacket when I'm not performing the routine.
06:33 Even when you're ready to perform the routine, it's set up and you're good to go.
06:36 The way you get into position is you reach inside your pocket as you're pretending to
06:41 look for a coin to do a trick with.
06:43 If somebody asks you to do a trick, by the way, I always recommend that you wait for
06:46 somebody to ask you to do a trick.
06:48 Don't just come out and say, "Hey, I got a great trick to show you.
06:50 Check it out."
06:51 If your reputation precedes you, then people will know you're a magician and they'll ask
06:54 you to do some tricks.
06:56 Having this ready, you can really hit them and make it look impromptu.
07:00 It makes it much more effective if it looks like it's just off the cuff.
07:03 Let me see what I have to do a trick with.
07:04 I don't know.
07:05 You reach into your inside pocket, take the coin out, and drop it down inside of your
07:11 sleeve just like that.
07:13 Keep your arm bent until you need the coin.
07:15 Search your other pockets if you want.
07:17 When you're ready, let the coin drop out of the sleeve into your fingertip still attached
07:23 by the fishing line.
07:25 Again, I recommend fishing line for this.
07:28 I don't recommend invisible thread.
07:30 It's too fragile.
07:32 The fishing line is really, I've never had anybody see it.
07:37 Don't worry about this being visible because it won't be the way that this routine is structured.
07:41 You won't be able to see it.
07:42 You get the thing down, drop to fingertip, and you borrow a coin, a matching coin, a
07:48 quarter.
07:49 I happen to have one of those right here.
07:51 You borrow the coin.
07:53 You may even have it marked.
07:54 I'll tell you about that in a second.
07:56 While you're borrowing the coin, this is going to go into back clip position just like this.
08:01 Just like we talked about right there.
08:05 You're going to come under the table, and you're going to start preparing to do your
08:09 trick.
08:10 This is going to, again, look like you're just setting up.
08:11 You say, "Okay, I have a coin and a glass table.
08:14 It needs to be a glass table or some kind of horizontal piece of glass.
08:17 This does not work for sliding glass doors, unfortunately."
08:20 You'll see why right about now on our first move.
08:24 The first move is very important.
08:25 Again, this is the exposed angle, so you will be able to see what's going on underneath.
08:29 When you go back and watch the performance video, you'll see the proper angle that you
08:33 need to have your spectator.
08:35 This is good for two, three people.
08:37 This is not great for a big crowd.
08:40 You can see the exposed view.
08:42 What you want it to look like you're doing is, again, just setting up the trick.
08:46 You show your hands empty, and you show the coin on the table.
08:51 All the focus is on the quarter.
08:52 There's really not a whole lot of heat on your hand under the table.
08:56 When I did that first move, all I did was I sort of rolled the coin over my middle finger
09:01 and let it drop so that the fishing line would let it suspend there and hang unseen from
09:09 the proper angle.
09:11 This is very, very clean.
09:12 This is a natural movement.
09:14 You're very open.
09:15 Again, the heat is up here and not down here.
09:19 This is one of the points when you have a tiny bit of fishing line visible right over
09:22 here.
09:23 Fortunately, it isn't that visible because it's fishing line, number one.
09:28 Number two, the glass kind of distorts things just enough, especially if it's a little dirty.
09:32 You can barely see.
09:34 Again, the third reason that nobody's ever noticed this is because all the heat is up
09:38 here on the quarter on the table.
09:42 You use your hand underneath to gesture, and you show both hands empty.
09:46 That's the first move.
09:47 This hand genuinely is empty.
09:48 You can show it as such.
09:51 You might want to flip the coin over, demonstrate that it's a solid table, whatever you want
09:54 to do, whatever your pattern line indicates.
09:56 The next part of the move is you want to try to find a spot on the table to make the coin
10:00 go through.
10:02 The move here is very simply turn your hand face up.
10:07 As you turn it face up, it almost automatically puts this gimmick in perfect position.
10:14 Don't worry if it's face up or face down.
10:16 Again, the tape is invisible.
10:18 The string is invisible, and this gimmick is only in play for an instant.
10:24 Right now, obviously, there's two coins in view, and that's not good.
10:26 You can't have that.
10:27 We use our other hand to block the view of the quarter underneath.
10:32 Again, this is kind of an exposed view, but I'll try to get an angle here that you can't
10:35 see the coin.
10:38 As you're doing it, let me just do that at speed very quickly.
10:42 You show the coin on top, you gesture underneath, and then you get into this position.
10:48 See, it happens that fast, and it's done under the air of just setting up for the trick.
10:52 Now, here is a key part of the routine, and one I'm most proud of, and it really takes
10:57 this coin through table trick and just adds a nice little touch, a nice little spice to
11:02 flavor this routine.
11:04 What you have here is you have this situation where your entire left hand is visible as
11:10 empty, other than the part that your hand is covering.
11:13 Now, your hand has to be there.
11:14 You have motivation for the hand to be there because you're moving the coin around and
11:17 trying to find a good spot for it to go through the table.
11:21 Cover up the coin and bring it back towards you, and as you do that, check out what happens
11:26 underneath.
11:28 If I were to lean back, since that string is going across my back, the coin underneath
11:34 will actually be pulled along my fingers, just like that, all the way to that position.
11:45 Again, this is another point when the string, or most magicians ask me, "How come they can't
11:51 see the string?"
11:52 There's camouflage.
11:53 The line between your fingers camouflages the string, and you don't want it to go completely
11:58 under your hand because then it won't pull it this way.
12:00 It'll just pull it down and get stuck.
12:02 You do want it to be in that natural position when you turn your hand over, and you'll get
12:05 that when you play with it a little bit.
12:07 You'll know what I'm talking about.
12:09 That is the key part of the routine.
12:11 You show this part of your hand empty.
12:12 You slide your hand back, and again, that's the exposure so you can see the coin travel,
12:16 but the audience members see this part of your hand empty.
12:19 A second ago, they saw nothing on your hand, absolutely nothing on the hand underneath.
12:24 You never move the hand underneath at this point.
12:28 There's no sleight of hand that they can latch onto and try to explain what you just did.
12:32 It is empty, empty, empty, empty, and very, very clean underneath.
12:37 That is really a great part of this routine that makes it work very well.
12:43 What happens on top is you have to basically make this coin ... You've got to get rid of
12:48 it.
12:49 You've got to make it disappear.
12:51 The way I do that is I simply push down on the coin, and I push down quite hard.
12:57 The reason I push down quite hard is because I'm trying to make it go through the glass
13:00 table.
13:01 That's what the excuse is, but really, I'm pushing down hard enough to make the coin
13:05 stick to my fingers just for a split second, just enough to get the coin to stick and get
13:12 the coin off the table and into my hand.
13:16 This is where the coin on the bottom comes into play.
13:19 Let's go back to this position where we were at before.
13:28 We were here.
13:29 They can't see the coin underneath.
13:30 They see the coin on top.
13:32 You cover it up, push down, push down, push down, come up, demonstrate that it's through.
13:39 Sometimes the way the optical illusion of it, kind of like the Chinese linking rings,
13:43 they can't tell that it's gone through the table yet.
13:45 It looks like it's on top.
13:47 Again, there's no heat on your fingers.
13:49 No heat here because you have that misdirection of the coin being underneath.
13:55 If it doesn't stick, for whatever reason, if you have a hard time getting the coin to
13:58 stick to your hand, sometimes I blow on it or breathe on it to get some moisture there.
14:04 Sometimes in rare circumstances, you can put something on your fingers, any kind of glue
14:11 or sticky substance that you feel comfortable with.
14:16 Also wax, whatever sticks to your hands and sticks to the coin.
14:21 That takes too much preparation for me.
14:22 I just like to have that nice moment there when the coin seems to just drop right through
14:28 the table.
14:29 You've just shown your hand completely empty and you just touch the coin.
14:33 When you let it go, it's on the other side of the glass.
14:37 That's pretty cool if you ask me.
14:39 You very, very slowly come out.
14:41 This is the gimmick coin.
14:42 This is as long as the gimmick is in play.
14:44 It's seen, it comes out, and then you switch it out immediately.
14:48 Here's how that looks.
14:50 Since the coin is attached by a thread, you can do a very, very easy shuttle pass by turning
14:55 your hand over just like this and catching the coin, which is the original coin, in the
15:01 hand.
15:02 It looks like you're transferring the coin from one hand to the other.
15:07 Of course, it stays behind because it's attached by a string.
15:10 That's the easiest shuttle pass.
15:14 That is the end of the routine.
15:16 You drop the coin on the table.
15:18 You push it forward to the audience for them to examine it, and you relax.
15:22 You step back.
15:23 That's the end of the trick.
15:25 To clean up, what you do is you replace the coin in your pocket.
15:29 What I do to do that is pull this back.
15:34 That allows you to drop this coin between your fingers.
15:37 It dangles there, but that's okay because it's hidden by this part of your jacket.
15:42 You reach inside, and you drop the coin back into your inside pocket.
15:50 At the same time, as you do that, very nonchalantly, reach into your armpit, grab that string,
15:57 and just pull it down just a little bit, enough to get this coin back into the sleeve.
16:04 Your hands are clean.
16:06 They're completely clean.
16:07 At this point, they can't see the string.
16:10 The coin has been examined, and you're good to go.
16:14 The only thing I want to add to this is how to do this with a marked coin.
16:20 The beauty of this is since the gimmick is only in play for a second, and since you immediately
16:23 switch it back, you can get away with marking one side of the coin with a Sharpie.
16:29 Which side are we going to mark?
16:33 You're going to mark whatever side the tape is on.
16:36 Whatever side the tape is on, you're going to mark the corresponding side on the coin
16:39 that you borrow.
16:40 We're going to do the routine at speed, very quickly, with a marked coin, and you're going
16:44 to get the idea of how this works very, very simply.
16:48 Put a little X there.
16:52 You borrowed the coin.
16:53 You've gotten your gimmick into place.
16:55 Make sure it dries.
16:56 Put it on the table with a mark down.
17:02 That's it.
17:03 Do the same routine.
17:04 Show your hand empty underneath.
17:06 Again, you don't bring any attention to it.
17:08 You don't say, "Look, the hand underneath is empty, blah, blah, blah."
17:11 You just do it.
17:12 Just show the hand there.
17:14 Come back up.
17:15 Show this part, this part rather, and then bring it back, and then show the top part.
17:20 Show them both empty.
17:23 Do your move.
17:24 Push, push, push, push, push.
17:25 Come up.
17:26 There it is.
17:28 Switch it out.
17:29 Again, that was pretty bad, but you know what I'm saying.
17:30 There's the mark.
17:33 It's kind of cheating a little bit, but it has an increased effect.
17:37 It has that added twist or added touch that they think that their marked coin dropped
17:43 through a table, and that eliminates the possibility of any duplicates.
17:48 That is just a little touch, a little added flair if you want to add that in.
17:51 Play with it.
17:52 Test it both ways.
17:54 Enjoy it.
17:55 Use it whenever you can.
17:57 This has been a great routine of mine, a great pet.
18:00 I hope you enjoy it.
18:01 I hope you get a lot of use out of it.
18:02 Have a great day.
18:03 Bye-bye.
18:03 [music]
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19:14 Hi, I'm Tim David, and you are about to learn one of my absolute favorite topics in magic.
19:20 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:23 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:25 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:27 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:29 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:31 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:33 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:35 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:37 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:39 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:41 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:43 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:45 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:47 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:50 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:52 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:54 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:56 It's the underlying principle of magic.
19:58 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:00 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:02 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:04 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:06 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:08 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:10 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:12 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:14 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:16 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:18 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:20 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:22 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:24 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:26 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:28 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:30 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:32 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:34 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:36 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:38 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:40 It's the underlying principle of magic.
20:42 Wait a minute. What the?
20:44 (screaming)
20:46 (upbeat music)
21:14 You pick one of them, we just got a handful of them here.
21:16 They went and got them earlier,
21:18 so I thought I'd just grab one of them.
21:20 This over here and this over here,
21:29 if I just give it a little squeeze like that,
21:31 it actually does go.
21:33 We're gonna do it in slow motion, a matrix style.
21:37 Here we go, check it out.
21:39 Make sure it's very clean here.
21:41 Underneath, there.
21:44 Good.
21:46 Open this up.
21:51 There, right there.
21:54 Like this.
21:57 Make sure it's yours.
22:00 There it is.
22:03 That's awesome.
22:07 (dramatic music)
22:09 (static)
22:11 (upbeat music)
22:26 (upbeat music)
22:28 The reason I love Unmake so much
22:53 is because it's almost like real magic.
22:56 When you hand over it,
22:58 you can make it look like it's invisible, right?
23:00 But it really does this time disappear from the book.
23:03 Where did it go?
23:05 Where did it go?
23:07 It went right there.
23:09 When people think magic,
23:11 they think making something disappear.
23:13 And Unmake is the cleanest,
23:15 most magical, impromptu way
23:17 to make a coin completely disappear.
23:21 (upbeat music)
23:23 (static)
23:26 (upbeat music)
23:28 (wind)
23:41 (wind)
23:43 (wind)
23:45 (static)
