• last year
00:00 [Music]
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00:17 Unreal Power
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00:24 Hi, I'm Igal Messica, the creator of Spider-Pen Pro
00:27 In this video, I'm going to teach you amazing techniques, brand new effects, and subtleties that will take your magic to the next level
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00:40 The motion of the build just makes it look like it comes more alive
00:45 [Music]
01:03 The magic will speak for itself
01:05 [Music]
01:12 Now I'm going to teach you my favorite part
01:14 [Music]
01:18 Solid technology
01:19 [Music]
01:21 Mind-blowing
01:22 [Music]
01:24 All of these features and innovations getting you Unreal Power
01:29 [Music]
01:58 [Music]
02:04 Hi, I'm Igal Messica, the creator of Spider-Pen Pro
02:08 In this video, I'm going to teach you amazing techniques, brand new effects, and subtleties that will take your invisible thread work to the next level
02:18 [Music]
02:20 Before we begin, I want to give full credit to James George
02:23 James George invented the ITR, which stands for Invisible Thread Rail
02:28 And that was invented by the early 90s
02:31 In the late 90s, a UFC invented by Stefan Schutzer
02:36 And that was the first motorized invisible thread rail
02:41 The concept was great, but the common problem with both rails was that the thread was very thick for close-up situations
02:51 This is the ITR
02:53 As you can see, it is a plastic tube that has two security pins attached to the top and bottom
02:58 Inside this tube, there are two rubber bands holding the invisible thread spool in the center
03:03 It will act like a reel, you pull the thread out, and it can be easily retracted
03:08 Here are a few problems we found with the ITR
03:11 After pulling out about four feet of invisible thread, the rubber bands will twist tightly, creating tension on the invisible thread
03:18 To compensate for this issue, the invisible thread must be thicker, and therefore more visible
03:24 Also, due to the tension created from this pulling, the spool touches the wall of the tube, creating friction
03:30 This causes the thread to become in danger of breaking
03:33 In addition, because of this inconsistent pulling, when you float an object, it will bounce, tilt, and appear to be hanging
03:40 With the mini units, the shorter the rubber bands, the shorter amount of thread that can be pulled out of the tube
03:46 This is the UFC
03:48 The UFC case is made to look like a beeper, and is about the size of a deck of cards
03:53 We feel the UFC possesses a few downsides
03:56 The manual switch on top activates a large motor that requires a thicker, more visible thread
04:02 Because the thread is thicker and more visible, it is not suitable for close-up performances
04:08 Another issue with the design lies in the motor and the spool
04:11 Because there is no cover housing for the motor or the spool, the thread will often slip out and get caught in the shaft of the motor, thereby stopping it
04:19 This will cause the thread to break
04:22 In 2003, I introduced the original spider pen, and that was a smashing success
04:27 Everybody loved the concept of the micro motorized invisible thread rail inside a pen
04:32 That was a real writing pen
04:34 And you could pull at 25 feet, even over 25 feet, of the tiniest, finest invisible thread out there
04:44 And it was so easy and fun to use that everybody loved it
04:48 But, later on I realized that the original spider pen has room for improvement
04:53 One of the main reasons was the battery
04:56 The battery used to drain quickly
04:58 Not only that, the style of the pen
05:01 The style wasn't appealing for many magicians
05:03 And that's why I came up with the new cutting-edge technology of the new Spider Pen Pro
05:12 The Spider Pen Pro is the only magic device that has three unique patterns
05:18 Now, I'm inviting you to take a close look at why those patterns are so unique and why this pen is easy to master
05:28 This is the Spider Pen Pro
05:31 The technology is comprised of three patterns
05:33 Pattern number one is a miniature thread spool that includes up to 35 feet of the finest invisible thread
05:38 As you can see, there is an X slit on the base of the spool, allowing the thread to be locked into any position
05:44 Pattern number two is a cover housing for the micro motor and the spool
05:49 This keeps the thread at the same level and prevents it from slipping under the spool
05:53 A cap with a slit fits into the housing and holds the thread in place
05:56 This cap is able to rotate in order to position the thread in any location you wish
06:01 The third pattern is what we call "Soul Technology"
06:04 A way of activating the motor without a switch
06:07 This automated motor is powered by a small circuit board and a AAA battery
06:11 Once the thread is pulled, it activates the motor
06:14 And because of this, the pen is always ready when you are
06:18 [Music]
06:31 Hey, you caught me practicing here with the floating bill
06:35 Yeah, I love this effect, it's really fun
06:38 It's so fun that I use it anytime, anywhere
06:43 This is a really cool effect you can do in restaurants
06:45 Let me show you how it's done
06:47 What you need is a spider pen
06:49 Spider pen is here, as you can see
06:53 And basically the invisible thread attached to the glass
06:58 As you can see here is the wax
07:00 Once I let it go, it comes right back to the pen
07:05 Okay
07:07 Now, since you want to know how it's done
07:09 I will do it with a visible thread
07:13 So you can see all the handling and everything that you need to know about
07:17 Here, I already made specially for you
07:21 A thread that you can see
07:23 That's how you can pull the thread as much as you want
07:27 And when you let go, it comes right back
07:30 Okay
07:31 This is a bulky pen just for demonstration
07:34 Take that pen and you clip it, let's say, into your shirt
07:38 Now, secretly, I take the wax
07:41 And when I have a free moment, I attach it either to a glass
07:44 Or maybe a cell phone
07:46 Maybe a bottle of wine
07:48 Anything that, even a table will be fine
07:51 Okay
07:52 As you can see
07:53 Now, we'll ask someone for a bill
07:56 Let's say someone got me a bill
07:59 What I do, I take the bill and I try to position the bill under the thread
08:05 I've seen a lot of magician fold the bill while it's on top of the thread
08:09 Later, you will see why this is not that effective
08:12 But, when you get the bill, try to bring it here, take some static
08:18 And now, it's easy to move your hands up
08:22 Fold the bill
08:23 Make sure not to position the thread in the middle of the bill
08:26 Okay
08:27 Try to keep it in the center of half of the bill
08:31 Now, you're ready to do the bow tie fold
08:35 Which is half bill forward and half side backwards
08:40 Do you see what I'm doing?
08:41 I just fold it half way inside and half way outside
08:45 So the thread stays center in between that line of the bow tie
08:52 Okay
08:53 Now, I just make the bill look like it's just standing on my finger
08:59 And as you can see, it looks like it's walking on a sleeve
09:04 But really, what's happening, the bill always stays at the same position
09:09 I just move the arm forward and backward
09:14 And my body movement moves as well
09:18 So the motion of the bill just makes it look like it comes more alive
09:23 And now, when you open the hands, it looks like it's levitating
09:27 I will do that kind of gesture to show that there is nothing on top, nothing above
09:32 And then it floats
09:34 Now, you can back up slightly
09:36 The bill is still there
09:38 And when you grab it, just gently open the bill
09:43 You will always make the thread come out of the bill really easy
09:50 And you will never cut the thread because you are aware of the way it's been folded
09:58 Once you're done, give it back and you're already done
10:03 Okay
10:04 Now, when you get the chance, just secretly let the wax go
10:08 It will come right back to the pen
10:11 And you're ready to show some other magic
10:13 Alright, have fun with it, enjoy
10:21 Did you see what just happened?
10:23 It seems like the thread broke on me
10:25 But to the crowd, it doesn't seem like it
10:27 It seems like you command the bill to go down to your hand
10:30 Just keep in mind, the device is working that way
10:33 If you stay still in one spot for 30 seconds or over 30 seconds
10:38 The bill will bounce down to your hand
10:40 In order to activate the pen again, all you need to know is just pull the thread slightly
10:46 And that will make the bill go up back
10:48 So keep in mind, this is the way the device works
10:51 So when you make the bill, let's say, go on the sleeve
10:54 You want to keep moving slightly your body so it doesn't bounce
11:01 In this segment, I'm going to show you the care and handling of the Spider Pen Pro
11:05 The process is really easy
11:07 Once you know how to master that, you will have a better understanding of the professional instrument you have
11:13 And here are the steps that I'm going to show you
11:16 The first step will be how to change the spider thread
11:20 In case the thread breaks or you need to change the spool
11:23 This is a very simple way how to do that and I will show you that in a minute
11:27 The second thing I will teach you is how to replace the clip with another one
11:32 And then I will teach you how to change the battery
11:36 And the last part will be how to replace the ink once you run out
11:42 Okay, let's start from top and go all the way to the bottom
11:46 In order to change the spool, all you need to know is just hold the cap
11:52 Of the pen and pull it all the way up
11:55 Okay, this is very easy, as you can see now I'm holding the cap
11:59 And I bring it up, you can see it right here
12:03 Okay, now as you can see here, the spool and the wax
12:09 In order to take it, you just hold the wax in your fingers
12:13 And just pull the spool outside of the motor
12:18 Okay, in order to put a new spool, all you need to know is just hold the spool
12:24 And push it into the shaft of the motor, okay
12:28 Now if you let the wax go, you can see it spinning
12:33 Okay, you stop it with your finger, take the wax and attach it to the clip as you can see here
12:42 Now the cap, the cap has a small slit
12:48 You have to face that slit in between the invisible thread
12:52 So the thread doesn't break
12:55 Okay, just push the cap down
12:58 And now you basically can pull the wax as much as you want
13:01 The motor will turn on, and as soon as you let go to the wax
13:05 The wax will come right back
13:08 And 30 seconds later, the motor will go to a slip mode
13:13 If you want to change the clip of the pen with another one
13:16 Let's say this color will not fit to your casual style
13:19 Then I recommend you buy an accessory that's called spider clip
13:24 This is how it looks like
13:27 Okay, now here you have three parts
13:31 The extra part you're getting is the cap
13:33 If you're losing the cap, you have a backup
13:36 Now the two parts that you need to replace is the top cover and the pen tip
13:41 This is pretty easy and simple way to do it
13:44 And now, please take a close look
13:47 You just need to pull the cap outside of the pen
13:51 Okay
13:54 Pull the wax and the spool as you can see
14:00 Here is the pen clip
14:04 All you need to know is just twist that part towards you
14:09 In order to do that, I recommend you put something under the clip
14:12 So it doesn't damage this tube
14:16 You can put the cap with the slit facing up
14:21 So when you twist this part, holding the clip with the left, with the right
14:26 Twist it towards your body
14:29 And that will make this part coming out
14:34 Okay, the clip and the top cover is out
14:40 Now to put a new one, you just take the...
14:47 Okay, take those pieces, put them together
14:51 I hope you can see it in the camera
14:55 Basically just twist the pen
15:01 Let's go back and pretty much now you take the spool
15:08 You put the spool into the motor
15:13 Put the wax on the clip
15:16 Now take the cap and cover that part
15:23 And now when you put it in your jacket, let's say
15:28 It will be less noticeable
15:31 Now also if you wish to take that wax, you can always hide it
15:35 Into your bottom shirt or into your outside button of the jacket
15:43 And every time you need it, it's right there for you
15:47 Okay, now how do you change the battery?
15:50 Once you run out of battery, all you need to know
15:55 Is just to pull this part and that part in order to take the battery out
16:01 Holding the pen tip and the tube of the pen
16:06 You just separate those two parts apart
16:10 And that will make you see the battery
16:14 Okay, I will recommend you buy Duracell or Energizer
16:19 You just have to push it into the housing
16:22 Take that housing and push it into the tube
16:27 And that's it. This is how you change the battery
16:30 It's really simple. Nothing can be more simple than that
16:33 Now, I recommend you change the battery once a year
16:37 And there is one setup that you need to know to do it only one time
16:43 And the setup is this
16:46 I'll show you in a second
16:48 Bend this part slightly. Just squeeze it
16:54 Put the battery back
16:56 And now push this together
17:00 The reason you're doing that
17:02 You're basically preventing that part to fall down
17:05 Because it has to fit in a very tight way
17:09 So the spring of the contact battery doesn't push the battery down
17:14 This is one time setup. Once you do that, you're all set
17:17 Now, how do you change the ink?
17:20 Changing the ink is really easy
17:23 All you need to know is to separate that part from that part
17:27 In order to do that, just twist this towards your body
17:31 And now it's out
17:34 Okay, now this part is made out of two pieces
17:39 In order to take the ink out, you just twist the base part of the pen
17:45 Towards your body and let the ink slide out
17:50 As you can see now, this part is again made out of two pieces
17:54 You just have to separate it
17:56 This is your ink
17:59 All you need to know is buy one from office supply
18:03 And cut it to the right length
18:05 And push it inside the plastic tube
18:09 Okay, take that piece
18:12 And push it back to the pen tip
18:15 And then twist that part once or twice so the ink
18:21 The pen tip can come out
18:23 Okay
18:25 Now you take that part
18:27 It's squared back to the pen tube
18:30 And that's it. You're back to business
18:33 Now you have the pen ready for you
18:37 You're on the go
18:39 And if you get any shows, you're ready to book some shows
18:43 [Music]
18:46 [Music]
18:50 [Music]
18:53 [Music]
18:59 [Music]
19:06 [Music]
19:12 [Music]
19:18 [Music]
19:20 And now I'm going to teach you my favorite part
19:23 The zero gravity bill
19:25 This floating bill looks amazing
19:27 Because you just get the dollar bill or any bill
19:31 And you make it float completely flat
19:34 And what's interesting about it
19:36 It's like how it's moving all the way down
19:39 And moving all the way up
19:40 It's flipping the hair
19:41 There is some kind of motions that audience just, you know
19:44 They don't understand how this can be done
19:47 This is mind blowing
19:49 Any other bill floating that I've seen in the past
19:52 You've got to crumple the bill
19:54 And sometimes that creates some kind of suspicious
19:57 And the crowd may think
19:58 Oh there is something into the bill
19:59 Or there is some kind of string
20:01 But when you float the bill while it's flat
20:05 And it's moving up and down and flipping in the air
20:08 This is taking it to a whole new level
20:11 How do you do it?
20:12 It's really simple
20:14 First you've got to put the pen in the position
20:17 I usually put my pen into this shirt
20:20 As you can see
20:22 And when I need a wax, it's right there for me
20:25 Now, if you like you can put the pen
20:29 Into the upper pocket of the jacket
20:32 You can put it inside the jacket
20:34 There is many ways you can keep the pen
20:36 The pen will not expose the cigarette
20:40 It's just a pen, you have nothing to hide
20:42 It's a writing pen
20:44 But I like to put the wax usually
20:49 In one of those buttons
20:52 And anytime I need it
20:54 I just take it and I attach it to my anchor point
20:58 So basically I take the wax secretly
21:01 And I attach it to my nail
21:04 And when I have a free moment
21:05 I take the cell phone out of the pocket
21:09 And just attach the wax to the screen
21:13 Now I put the camera on "on" mode
21:18 And I just hand my friend the camera this way
21:22 So the wax and the thread is basically my anchor point
21:27 And the wax is from here with the thread
21:29 All the way to my pen
21:32 Now when I give my friend to hold the cell phone
21:35 And take the video
21:36 He is basically my anchor point
21:38 He is like an invisible assistant
21:40 People don't know that he is helping me
21:42 But basically I'm floating the bill on the thread
21:45 While he is my best help
21:49 Now when I'm done with the trick
21:51 He lets the wax go
21:53 And the wax comes right back to the pen
21:57 Now if you don't want to use a friend
21:59 Or you didn't have a friend for that show that you're doing
22:02 I recommend you
22:04 If you use let's say stage
22:07 Just take the wax secretly
22:09 And attach it to the microphone
22:11 When you're asking for a bill
22:12 Just clip it to the mic
22:14 And then you're ready to go
22:16 With the perfect anchor point
22:18 So now I have a mic here
22:23 I will show you the entire routine
22:27 You take the wax
22:28 While you're talking
22:29 You basically attach it to the mic
22:31 As you can see maybe here
22:38 I will ask for the bill
22:40 Say I got the bill
22:42 I got the 20
22:45 I show it around
22:47 And basically when I
22:50 Show the bill to the side view of the crowd
22:54 I just fold it
22:56 And give a small tear
22:59 Okay
23:01 You can see the tear
23:03 It's like kind of a V shape when you open it
23:05 I hold it from here from the edge
23:08 And basically
23:09 I just let the thread get into that V shape
23:13 Okay it's very easy to do that because
23:15 Once you hold the bill from here
23:18 The invisible thread
23:20 Has nowhere to go but into the V
23:23 Okay
23:24 Now you open the bill
23:28 And what happens now
23:30 Basically the thread is locked into that slit of the bill
23:35 Okay
23:36 I will make that kind of gesture here
23:39 And now the bill goes all the way up
23:42 How is it going up?
23:43 I basically with the fingers
23:45 I push it backwards and downwards
23:48 Okay
23:50 Now slowly and gently
23:52 You're going to make it flip
23:55 And go back to your hand
23:57 And it's a very short magical moment
24:00 That there's a great build up
24:02 Because once you do it
24:03 The audience is going to have that kind of wow impression
24:07 And now you're going to do more
24:08 By making it floating in between your hands
24:13 Showing that nothing below and nothing above
24:18 And at this moment
24:19 I will slowly back up
24:22 Very slow and count my steps
24:25 Okay
24:26 Slowly count your steps
24:33 Now
24:35 With your hands
24:37 You need to basically grip
24:39 The invisible thread
24:40 In order to do that
24:41 I recommend you take your hands
24:44 Have the grip
24:45 But while you do that
24:47 Rub your hands together
24:50 So you have a good reason why you basically
24:53 Put your hands together
24:55 Okay
24:56 Now you show your hands this way
25:00 Hold the thread here
25:03 And when you
25:05 Count another four steps
25:07 Coming forward
25:08 The bill will go all the way down
25:11 And when I wish to make it go all the way up
25:14 I just let the thread go
25:19 And this is making the bill go all the way up
25:21 To my hand
25:23 And at this moment
25:25 I move over the bill
25:26 I still have the string attached
25:28 All the way to the mic
25:30 To the pen
25:32 The reason I do that action
25:34 I don't want to stay here too long
25:36 Because it will seem like I try to
25:38 Get out of some kind of a thread or set up
25:41 In order to prevent that
25:43 You just move over the bill immediately
25:46 And on the action
25:47 When you want to give it back
25:49 You just give like slightly
25:51 Opening to the slit
25:53 So the thread
25:54 Just comes out of the slit
25:57 And now
25:58 You show the bill both sides
26:01 Give it back
26:03 And you will get an unbelievable reaction
26:06 One thing you should keep in mind
26:08 Stay out of the sun
26:10 Don't do it in the sun
26:11 Because like any other invisible thread work
26:14 Sometimes when you do it in the sun
26:16 The thread can reflect
26:18 And that can be a big giveaway
26:20 And as Finn John says
26:21 When you do it in the sun
26:23 People can see the thread a mile away
26:25 And you will be like a dead duck
26:28 Something to keep in mind
26:29 Whenever you pull the thread
26:31 The motor will turn on
26:33 It's always on the mode
26:35 Or retraction mode
26:37 Which means the thread
26:39 Is always stretched
26:42 And the motor wants to bring the thread right back
26:44 To the pen
26:46 So when you pull the thread
26:47 You're on ON position
26:50 Now if the thread breaks on you
26:53 The spool will spin for about 30 seconds
26:55 To wind the entire thread inside
26:57 And then the pen will shut off
27:01 When the thread breaks on you
27:03 How do you fix it?
27:04 Sometimes this looks like a challenge
27:07 But now I'm about to teach you a special method
27:09 That I came up with
27:10 That will make it really easy
27:12 And a very, very simple way
27:14 That you can do that
27:15 And save a lot of threads and spools
27:17 Here is how you do it
27:21 You take the thread and the wax
27:24 When you pull on it
27:25 It comes right back
27:26 But let's say if you pull a very long distance
27:29 And then the thread breaks
27:31 As you can see the thread
27:33 Will go inside
27:35 And spin for about 30 seconds
27:37 And then shut off
27:41 In order to fix it
27:42 You have to take the cap outside
27:45 Now the thread is kind of puffy
27:48 Around the spool
27:50 You may see it in the camera
27:52 But in order to find the edge of the thread
27:56 What you need to know
27:58 Is pull some strands outside of the spool
28:05 Pull it, peel it outside
28:07 You may lose like one feet
28:10 Of invisible thread
28:12 But once you pull it outside
28:14 These strands will become like only one strand
28:18 Most of the time when you do it
28:21 You will be able to do it very easy
28:23 And you will save the thread, the spool
28:25 And of course some money
28:28 There is a fundamental piece of information
28:31 That I never seen addressed or taught in anywhere else
28:34 Is how to wrap the thread around the wax
28:38 So that the thread can be very secure into the wax
28:41 And it won't slip out
28:43 Now I seen many magicians doing it in a very clueless way
28:47 And if you do it with no awareness of what you do
28:52 The thread may slip out of the wax
28:54 And make you feel like the thread just broke on you
28:56 In the middle of the show
28:57 Now I'm about to show you a very special method
29:00 That I came up with
29:01 It's very simple, very direct
29:03 But once you know how to do that
29:04 It will increase your confidence
29:06 Of an invisible thread
29:07 And it will increase your comfortability
29:10 Of using the thread and not worried
29:13 About the thread that will break on you
29:15 Here is how you do it
29:17 This is exaggeration of an invisible thread and a wax
29:21 You take the invisible thread and the wax
29:24 And put them together
29:26 Now you have to wrap the thread around the wax three times
29:31 One, two, three
29:34 Fold the wax in half like a sandwich
29:37 Into the thread
29:39 And now move the wax to the side
29:42 And wrap the thread into the wax three more times
29:47 Now take the wax and fold it in half again as a sandwich
29:53 And basically the thread now locked into the wax
29:58 And it's very secure
30:01 I hope you enjoyed this piece of information
30:03 Because it's very fundamental
30:05 And I'm sure you will use it many times
30:30 If you are in a bar or a private party
30:33 What you can do is floating a straw or a cigarette
30:36 These effects are very cool
30:37 Because it seems like you're doing it out of the blue
30:40 And a straw and a cigarette
30:42 Is a very common object that you can find
30:45 So I highly recommend that you don't float the straws on the street
30:50 Because that will look like some kind of a setup
30:52 I usually like to do this
30:54 In an environment that just seems like
30:56 You know, this is happens spontaneously
30:59 You just have a sip out of your drink
31:02 Get the straw and tell your friend
31:04 Check this out, I want to show you something really cool
31:06 And then you get into the effect
31:09 In that case you can create amazing effects
31:11 That seems like it just happened now
31:14 You didn't have any setup
31:16 That's kind of the vibe you're sending
31:19 That this is really fun, this is easy going
31:21 And in order to do that
31:23 Here is what you want to do
31:25 The spider pen will be in that position
31:28 Okay, secretly I take the wax
31:31 And attach it to my glass
31:33 When I have a free moment
31:35 Here is what you want to do
31:36 You take the straw
31:38 And hold the thread with the left hand
31:42 With the thumb
31:43 And just make it go around the straw
31:48 As you can see, twice
31:51 Since the real thread you're going to use
31:53 Is an invisible thread
31:54 While you're doing that kind of move
31:56 It will look more like a gesture
31:59 Instead of a hook up
32:02 After you did two loops around the straw
32:05 In order to lock the straw in place
32:08 You want to twist twice
32:12 One, and then two
32:17 And now the thread is completely locked around the straw
32:23 Again, since the thread is going to be invisible to the crowd
32:25 They have no clue what you do
32:27 Because the thread is completely invisible
32:30 Now, in this movement
32:33 I will make the straw look like it's bouncing
32:38 On my finger
32:45 Same on the other finger
32:47 And now for the final climax
32:50 Just open your hand slowly
32:52 To show how it floats
32:54 Now, if you want to make it float
32:56 Very horizontally
32:58 Here is what you want to do
33:00 Just take the thread
33:01 And bring it to the right
33:03 If the straw is facing down
33:07 In order to keep the straw straight
33:09 You just want to push the thread
33:11 Gliding the thread to the right
33:13 Gently
33:15 With the time you will know exactly where is the center
33:18 Now you make it float
33:20 Which looks very magical
33:23 And for the clean up
33:25 Here is what you want to do
33:27 You just kind of clean the straw
33:30 And by doing that kind of move
33:32 You let the thread slip out of the straw
33:35 Bend the top
33:39 Put it back to the glass
33:43 And you're completely done
33:45 At this time you can take a sip
33:47 And let the wax go right back to your shirt
33:51 So you can be completely clean
33:54 And do some more amazing magic effects
33:57 Alright, I hope you enjoyed this
34:00 In the next segment I'm going to teach you the floating finger ring
34:28 In order to do that
34:30 You need to know the locking method
34:32 Locking method is when you take the invisible thread
34:36 And you lock it in a certain position
34:38 The reason you do that
34:40 Is because when you want to float heavy object like a ring
34:43 You don't want the thread to bounce back and forth
34:47 You want to lock the thread in a certain position
34:50 So when you float the heavy object
34:52 It just seems like it's really floating
34:54 And doesn't move
34:55 And giving the feeling of hovering effect
34:59 So here's how you do it
35:01 Here I have a thicker pen
35:02 So you can see everything visually
35:04 In order to do the setup
35:05 All you need to know is
35:06 First take the cap out of the pen
35:08 Okay
35:10 Now, if you pull the thread
35:13 It's obviously on position
35:16 Now you can see it visually
35:18 And the size that you usually determine
35:20 Is about the forward
35:22 All the way down to my waist
35:24 Okay, to the belt
35:26 That's the size
35:28 Once you have that size
35:29 Just put your finger on the spool and hold it
35:32 So the spool doesn't spin back
35:34 Okay
35:35 Now take the spool
35:36 And pull it out of the pen
35:38 Pull it out of the shaft, of the motor
35:41 Okay
35:42 Now in the base of the spool
35:44 You have X shape
35:46 Which is a slate
35:47 You want to take the thread
35:49 And put it into the slate of the X
35:53 Now, take the spool
35:55 And put it back to the shaft of the motor
35:58 Okay
36:00 Let the thread wind right back
36:03 To the pen
36:06 And that's the locking method
36:09 You basically, when you pull the thread
36:11 It's always on position
36:13 And it will lock
36:15 Where you set up the locking
36:18 Okay, let it come right back
36:21 Put the wax on the clip
36:23 Take the cap
36:25 Put it back to the pen
36:27 And now you're ready to do
36:29 The floating ring of Mr. Terry Lansford
36:33 Terry gave me full permission to share with you
36:35 This incredible idea
36:37 You take a wedding ring
36:39 And you basically make it float horizontally
36:42 In between your hands
36:44 This effect looks very magical
36:46 And has very powerful emotional movement
36:49 In the magic
36:51 So here I'm about to show you how to do that
36:53 All what you need to do
36:55 Is clip the spider pen in any position you may like
36:58 In this situation I have it under the tie
37:02 All what you need to do is secretly
37:04 Take the thread with the wax
37:06 And attach it to an heavy object
37:08 So it doesn't move
37:10 Okay
37:11 At this moment
37:13 You let some words sink in
37:15 And you keep talking
37:17 And once you get a chance to ask for a ring
37:19 You take the ring
37:21 And you basically
37:24 Put the ring on the finger
37:27 And just make some comment
37:29 Oh, this is really nice ring
37:31 Is it real gold
37:32 And once you do that
37:34 You just locate the thread on top of your finger
37:36 As you can see
37:38 Now, when I take the ring out of the finger
37:40 What I really do
37:42 I basically position the invisible thread
37:44 On top of my finger
37:46 Now, with my left hand
37:48 I come above the string
37:50 And above the ring
37:52 And when I take the ring out
37:54 I basically leave the string
37:56 Holding like a loop
37:58 On my second finger
38:01 Now, I basically
38:05 Twist the ring inside
38:07 And let the loop
38:09 Stay in the middle of the ring
38:13 As you can see
38:15 At this moment
38:17 I will put the ring
38:19 On my hand
38:21 Almost like a table
38:23 And now
38:25 When I just straight the body backwards
38:27 It will make the ring looks like
38:29 It's really hovering
38:31 Above my hands
38:33 Okay
38:35 After two seconds
38:37 No more
38:39 The max you want is three seconds
38:41 Just let the ring drop to your finger
38:43 And now
38:45 The thread is out of the ring
38:47 You can give the ring back
38:49 And you are all set
38:51 You don't need to say a lot
38:53 Just two seconds or three seconds
38:55 And let the magic sink in
38:57 The magic will speak for itself
38:59 But once you are done
39:01 Secretly
39:03 Take the wax out of the glass
39:05 If you hold the glass
39:07 Just let the wax go
39:09 And then it will snap right back
39:11 And now you are ready to go
39:13 Or to do some more miracles
39:15 Anyway, I hope you enjoy it
39:17 Cheers
39:19 There are a few accessories
39:21 You may need for your Spider Pen Pro
39:23 And here they are
39:25 The first one is a pen clip
39:27 This is the package
39:29 In case you need a black clip
39:31 I recommend you buy a packaging that calls
39:33 Spider Pen Clip
39:35 And basically if you are more casual person
39:37 And you want the pen to be less noticeable
39:39 Then you want the black clip of the pen
39:41 This is the way to go
39:43 Now
39:45 At some point you may run out of the wax
39:47 And you need more
39:49 And if you need more wax
39:51 You may look for
39:53 Masika wax
39:55 Masika wax comes with 150 pellets
39:57 Of a clear wax
39:59 All of them ready to go
40:01 You just click on the box
40:03 And now
40:05 Inside here as you can see
40:07 You can see the size of it
40:09 Ok
40:11 This is the wax
40:13 You just wrap the thread around
40:15 And it will be secure
40:17 The wax made specially
40:19 Not to be too hard
40:21 Or not too soft
40:23 It's the right balance
40:25 You just wrap the thread around
40:27 And you are ready to go
40:29 So that's the Masika wax
40:31 And I think that's the way to go
40:33 Now, the thread that you have for the Spider Pen
40:35 It does not break easy
40:37 But, like any other thread
40:39 At some point the thread will break
40:41 And you may need some more
40:43 If you need more
40:45 You need to look for the Spider Thread
40:47 It comes with two spools
40:49 And each spool contains
40:51 35 feet of absolutely invisible thread
40:53 And it's basically
40:55 Ready to go
40:57 You just push it into the pen
40:59 And it's ready for you
41:01 You have completely invisible thread
41:03 It's 25 feet
41:05 But I assure you
41:07 That you have in each spool
41:09 35 feet of the best, finest
41:11 Invisible thread
41:13 And nothing else even comes close
41:15 So
41:17 If you want to buy one of those accessories
41:19 You are welcome to check it out at your favorite magic dealer
41:21 And I wish you success
41:23 These days a lot of magicians
41:27 Read and post online magic reviews
41:29 I would really appreciate it
41:31 If you can take your time
41:33 To write your sincere opinion
41:35 About the Spider Pen Pro
41:37 I'm sure by now you understand
41:39 How versatile and powerful device
41:41 You have in your hands
41:43 So take your time to come up with new ideas
41:45 And explore the best you can
41:47 So, when you use it
41:49 Keep it easy, keep it fun
41:51 And keep it real
41:53 [Music]
41:55 (intense music)
41:57 (intense music)
42:00 - Wow.
42:09 (intense music)
42:11 (laughing)
42:27 (intense music)
42:30 (cheering)
42:56 - I have no doubt that you are a great mentalist
42:58 because you found the Eden bonus effect
43:01 that I'm about to share with you.
43:02 This effect called Picket Touches.
43:05 Picket Touches effect is when you touch someone
43:10 three times on his hand
43:12 while someone else feeling those touches.
43:15 The effect is absolutely amazing
43:17 and people have no idea how you do this.
43:20 How do you do it?
43:22 You can do it with the spider pen.
43:24 I think the spider pen can be the perfect utility for that
43:27 because if you have the pen in your pocket,
43:29 all what you need to do is attach the wax to the nail
43:33 as you can see here,
43:35 and now you have a big freedom of an invisible thread.
43:39 With that invisible thread,
43:41 you can touch someone few times
43:44 while the crowd see that you don't touch him at all.
43:48 And then later on when you touch someone else three times,
43:52 they will feel that you passed those touches from one side
43:57 to another side of someone else.
43:59 If you wanna find some more material
44:01 about the Picket Touches,
44:03 you're welcome to check it on your favorite magic dealer.
44:06 And if you use this effect, use it for good.
44:09 (crowd murmuring)
44:12 (upbeat music)
44:15 (upbeat music)
44:17 (upbeat music)
