Never Let You Go -Ep2- Eng sub Bromance

  • last year
00:38 [COUGHING]
03:25 I know.
03:26 Youyou,
03:36 what's the good news
03:37 that you have prepared so many delicious food for me?
03:39 I've already told you.
03:41 I'll tell you when I'm fine.
03:43 Just tell me now.
03:44 I would like to know it at once.
03:45 What's the news?
03:46 You are a curious baby.
03:47 You ask everything.
03:48 Forget it. Youyou likes it.
03:50 Come on, Youyou.
03:51 I see.
03:53 You didn't ask me to come here
03:55 to talk about something.
03:56 You two are so cold-hearted.
03:58 It's not over yet.
04:00 Come on.
04:02 Is it hot?
04:07 You two are really something.
04:11 I'll drink it myself.
04:13 We have to drink it, too.
04:16 Cheers.
04:17 Did you see that?
04:31 Deng Yu is a famous school bully.
04:34 His classmates are all his female friends.
04:36 You really don't care about him?
04:37 His bad reputation?
04:41 I didn't see it.
04:44 Those guys.
04:45 They are the leaders of the Deng Yu Club.
04:48 They know everything about Deng Yu.
04:51 They are so loyal.
04:53 Classmate.
05:04 You two are familiar with Deng Yu?
05:11 You are a new student, right?
05:12 You want to join the alumni association?
05:14 Alumni association?
05:15 Yu.
05:17 What is Xu Xiaoyao doing with you?
05:20 Let's go.
05:22 I don't mean that.
05:23 Do you know
05:24 what Deng Yu is afraid of?
05:26 Or
05:27 what is his dark history?
05:30 Why do you ask this?
05:31 Do you want to do something bad to him?
05:33 What are you doing?
05:35 What are you doing?
05:36 You want my photo?
05:38 Who wants your photo?
05:40 Who wants your photo?
05:42 If you want my photo, just say it.
05:44 I think this one is good.
05:46 Okay, okay.
05:47 Whatever you say.
05:48 Let's go.
05:50 Who wants your photo?
05:52 I give it to you.
05:53 What are you doing?
06:00 This is the photo that Xu Xiaoyao chose.
06:02 If you don't keep it well,
06:03 you will be embarrassed with all our girls.
06:05 Misunderstanding.
06:06 Misunderstanding.
06:09 What are you doing?
06:10 Your photo.
06:11 Wenbing.
06:20 Why is the whole room full of
06:21 the information of Yuehua's new product?
06:22 It's impossible.
06:23 Look at it yourself.
06:24 The picture has been flying all day.
06:25 Boss, Mr. Zhang wants to see you.
06:33 [Yuehua's new product]
06:35 Look at it yourself.
06:44 What's going on?
06:45 Mr. Zhang.
06:48 The pictures we used are all printed.
06:50 The files are in my computer.
06:51 It's impossible to leak.
06:52 I suspect someone is sabotaging.
06:55 Who?
06:56 I don't know yet.
06:58 But as long as I check one by one,
06:59 I can definitely find out.
07:00 Check one by one?
07:02 Do you know how many websites there are?
07:04 When you find out,
07:05 the yellow ribbon will be gone.
07:06 Hello, Mr. Wang.
07:14 Hello, Mr. Zhang.
07:16 We have hired a new planning company.
07:19 Your work can be suspended.
07:20 Mr. Wang.
07:22 Look, there's a problem.
07:23 Can we find a way to solve it?
07:25 How to solve it?
07:26 The information of the new product is leaked.
07:27 We will suffer a major loss.
07:29 I tell you.
07:30 We will keep the right to pursue legal responsibility.
07:32 Mr. Wang.
07:33 That's it.
07:38 The project is gone.
07:40 Yuehua will sue us next.
07:42 Mr. Zhang.
07:43 Someone must have framed me.
07:44 Okay, okay.
07:45 I don't have time to listen to you now.
07:47 Your punishment.
07:49 Wait for me to finish.
07:50 You go down.
07:52 Boss.
07:59 How about we check it ourselves?
08:00 We are busy.
08:01 Li is also busy.
08:05 Not as busy as you.
08:07 Xiao Gu.
08:11 You are too careless.
08:13 Such an important thing.
08:15 How did it leak out?
08:18 I tell you.
08:20 You young people are enthusiastic about doing things.
08:23 But it's too easy to be negligent.
08:25 If you don't practice well,
08:28 how can you take on a big task?
08:29 My business.
08:32 You don't have to worry about it.
08:34 I'm sorry for you.
08:36 Originally.
08:38 I'm going to be a director.
08:40 The result of the last activity is like that.
08:43 This time because of your negligence.
08:45 Caused such a big loss to the company.
08:46 Then you said Mr. Zhang.
08:48 Can't you be disappointed?
08:49 How are you so sure?
08:54 These things are all our fault.
08:58 How can it be related to others?
09:00 Now.
09:02 I think you still recognize the mistake.
09:04 Correct it as soon as possible.
09:05 Maybe the position of the group leader.
09:07 Can still be kept.
09:08 It's hard to find a job these days.
09:11 Li.
09:16 Go check it now.
09:17 Losing a job is just that.
09:19 I still can't find it.
09:21 Okay, boss.
09:22 Yes.
09:24 Go.
09:25 Go check it.
09:26 Go check it.
09:27 The loss can be found back.
09:29 The negative impact of the company can also be eliminated.
09:32 Go check it.
09:35 Lu Ming.
09:41 Why don't you understand?
09:42 It doesn't matter who did it.
09:44 The important thing is that the company lost a loss.
09:46 Mr. Zhang lost face.
09:47 There must be someone responsible.
09:48 Besides.
09:50 Mr. Zhang has already decided that it is you.
09:52 And even if I tell you.
09:56 I mean.
09:57 If I tell you.
09:58 I did all these things.
10:00 What can you do with me?
10:02 You.
10:07 Boss.
10:08 You.
10:09 You.
10:10 Mr. Zhang.
10:11 Mr. Zhang.
10:12 He hit me.
10:13 What is he doing?
10:16 Mr. Zhang.
10:17 He admitted it all.
10:18 The exhibition and Yuehua.
10:20 He framed me.
10:21 He lied.
10:22 You just said you didn't admit it.
10:23 He lied.
10:24 You just said you didn't admit it.
10:25 Mr. Zhang.
10:27 He is a liar.
10:28 I just came to ask about the project.
10:30 Then I comforted you with good intentions.
10:31 Mr. Zhang.
10:32 I have been in the company for so many years.
10:33 Can I be sorry for the company?
10:34 Zhao Hai.
10:35 You bastard.
10:36 You listen.
10:37 He scolded you.
10:38 I hit you.
10:39 All right.
10:40 What do you want to do?
10:41 You want to fight in front of me.
10:43 In front of the company.
10:44 Mr. Zhang.
10:45 Our company has people like him.
10:47 Can't hide.
10:48 You listen.
10:49 He can't hide in the company.
10:50 He is a liar.
10:51 Enough.
10:53 Lu Ming.
10:54 The company has employees like you.
10:56 I'm afraid it's really not long.
10:58 You pack up quickly.
11:00 Go.
11:21 Xue Xiaoxiao.
11:22 Hurry up.
11:23 Don't look back.
11:24 What?
11:25 Wu San is following you.
11:26 He probably wants to take revenge on you.
11:27 I'll help you stop him.
11:28 What do you do?
11:29 Don't worry about me.
11:30 Hurry up.
11:31 Go.
11:32 Wu San.
11:35 Wu San.
11:36 Wu San.
11:37 Wu San.
11:38 Where are you in such a hurry?
11:39 I tell you.
11:40 It has nothing to do with you.
11:41 You get up.
11:42 No.
11:43 Where did Director Cai punish you?
11:44 Toilet.
11:45 No.
11:47 What does it have to do with you?
11:48 No.
11:49 I am familiar with Director Cai's tricks.
11:50 How about I tell him
11:51 to teach you a lesson?
11:52 What?
11:53 Do you think Director Cai is your father?
11:55 You can call me anytime.
11:56 Director Cai.
11:57 Director Cai.
11:58 You.
11:59 No, Dong Yu.
12:00 What are you doing?
12:01 You wait.
12:02 I'll drive.
12:03 You don't look at the road when you walk.
12:16 Are you okay?
12:18 What?
12:19 Mu Ming?
12:25 How can I see myself?
12:30 I am Deng Yu.
12:32 How much wine did you drink?
12:34 What grade are you in now?
12:37 Senior three.
12:39 Senior three.
12:40 That year,
12:43 you had a good grade
12:45 and started preparing for the college entrance examination.
12:47 You wanted to be the best art college in the country.
12:50 How did you know?
12:52 You studied well.
12:55 You were welcomed by the teachers.
12:58 You were liked by girls.
13:00 You were like a winner in life.
13:03 When you go to the college entrance examination,
13:07 you can play as you like.
13:09 You can go to a key university.
13:11 Then you will have a bright future.
13:14 It's a pity.
13:16 I have to tell you an unfortunate fact.
13:20 Your life will be lost in the next few years.
13:27 No future.
13:29 You are a waste.
13:31 Look at who we are like a waste now.
13:35 I know you can't accept it now.
13:40 But one day,
13:45 you can't even draw a complete work.
13:49 The past glory will slowly fade away.
13:53 The rest is only sympathy.
13:57 Isn't your job good?
14:03 You are in charge of such a big art exhibition.
14:06 It's good.
14:08 My colleagues cheated me.
14:11 The boss suppressed me.
14:13 Now it's better.
14:15 I can leave directly.
14:18 It's okay.
14:20 It will pass.
14:22 I'll send you back first.
14:26 [The End]
14:32 [The End]
14:34 [The End]
14:36 You hit me and you want to go?
14:46 What if I get hurt?
14:48 I'll give you a call.
14:51 Call me if you need anything.
14:54 [The End]
14:56 How did you catch two?
15:10 I caught it according to the photo.
15:11 They look exactly the same.
15:12 I caught them together.
15:14 Look at my efficiency.
15:16 What exactly the same?
15:18 Come in.
15:21 [The End]
15:23 They look exactly the same.
15:31 The one in front must be the one.
15:33 How do I know?
15:35 Who are you?
15:37 Did you catch the wrong one?
15:41 Is there a misunderstanding?
15:43 What nonsense!
15:49 Do you know why I caught you?
15:55 I don't know.
15:58 You...
16:00 You are called a genius.
16:05 You are not allowed to say genius.
16:06 Nonsense!
16:08 I know.
16:13 Today, we just want to
16:17 beat you up.
16:21 Brother, why?
16:25 Let's talk about it later.
16:26 Let's not fight, okay?
16:28 There is a friendship reminder.
16:29 At school,
16:31 who did you offend?
16:36 I really don't know.
16:38 I go to school on time every day.
16:40 I go home after school.
16:41 I didn't go anywhere.
16:42 This...
16:46 Get to the point.
16:48 Do you know who this is?
16:50 My brother, Long.
16:51 The point is...
16:52 Nancheng Little Tyrant.
16:54 This...
16:56 Get to the point.
16:58 Wu Sai is my brother.
17:00 You can offend anyone.
17:02 But you offended my brother.
17:05 Today, you must kneel down
17:09 and apologize.
17:12 Lu Shiping, if you don't apologize,
17:15 I will shave your face today.
17:20 Brother,
17:21 I shave your face,
17:22 but you can't run away.
17:23 Then...
17:26 I will...
17:28 Lu Ming, wake up.
17:30 Lu Ming, wake up.
17:33 Lu Ming, don't run away.
17:34 Lu Ming.
17:37 Lu Ming, wake up.
17:39 If you don't wake up, I will die.
17:41 Lu Ming.
17:46 Where is this?
17:49 What are you doing? Get up.
17:51 Stand still.
17:53 Who are you?
17:54 They are my classmates' brothers.
17:56 They want to settle accounts with me.
17:57 Save me.
17:59 Who are you?
18:00 I'm Deng Yu.
18:01 You saw me just now.
18:03 The one who painted the exhibition.
18:05 Why is it you again?
18:06 You two are a little bit
18:09 a little bit
18:10 a little bit
18:12 No?
18:13 My brother has practiced.
18:15 Let me go.
18:16 You think my brother is jealous?
18:18 You are a bully.
18:22 A bully?
18:26 It's normal for classmates to have conflicts.
18:29 But this is too much.
18:33 According to the criminal law,
18:35 you are illegally detained.
18:37 You can be sentenced to three years in prison.
18:40 And you are holding a weapon.
18:42 You can be charged with aggravated assault.
18:44 Yes.
18:45 Aren't you Nan Cheng's father?
18:47 Why don't you talk?
18:49 How about I take you to the police?
18:52 Big brother.
18:56 This is a fake.
18:58 I'm going to leave first.
19:01 Don't go.
19:02 Untie me first.
19:23 Did something happen to my brother?
19:49 I was drunk just now.
19:54 It's not a bad time yet.
19:56 It's not embarrassing to say it.
20:01 I know.
20:02 Adults are under a lot of pressure.
20:03 I understand.
20:05 You understand?
20:06 What do you understand?
20:08 Why don't I understand?
20:09 I'm under a lot of pressure, okay?
20:11 I'm in the third year of high school.
20:12 I'm going to apply for a job.
20:13 I have to take the best art college in the country.
20:16 Jiahai University.
20:17 You know?
20:19 I graduated from Jiahai University.
20:24 Can't I?
20:25 Yes.
20:26 That's great.
20:28 Brother.
20:29 When you are free,
20:31 I'll be late.
20:32 I can't keep you.
20:34 Don't.
20:36 You can't be so stupid.
20:40 Be careful.
20:51 I'm sorry.
20:52 I'm sorry.