Zak Chelli vs Mark Jeffers (01-07-2023) Full Fight

  • last year



00:00 [MUSIC]
00:03 Okay, boys, you've already spoken to your boss.
00:05 You know what I expect.
00:06 Stay professional, obey my commands, and most of all,
00:10 protect yourself at all times.
00:12 Good luck, boys.
00:13 [MUSIC]
00:23 >> So Mark Lyson, the third person in the ring for
00:27 this one, Matt Shelley, far side of the ring.
00:31 In the green and red, a nod to his Tunisian heritage,
00:37 Jeffers in the golden black.
00:40 >> [APPLAUSE]
00:47 >> Looking for the overhand right
00:48 there, really on Jeffers.
00:49 But nice and close with his feet, and then looked to try and let it go.
00:54 He booked Southpaw all the way through the open workout at Champs Camp on Wednesday,
00:58 but I don't think was fooling anybody.
01:00 It was a nice display, he showed that he can do it that way, but
01:04 he is an orthodox fighter.
01:06 And he's looking nice and aggressive early on here, Matt.
01:09 >> Yeah, definitely, and even sharp, good shape.
01:12 Let his hands go, good reactions, nice left hook there.
01:18 >> And that was a decent shot.
01:19 Shelley came in looking for a big right hand and came onto the punch.
01:23 >> You know, I was saying before on the ring walks, when you've been up for
01:25 a fight, you wanna roll and you're climbing the ladder into the next step.
01:28 And then all of a sudden, that fight hasn't happened and
01:31 you've got a guy coming in who he's seeing you as the opportunity.
01:35 It's very easy to fall flat and
01:37 struggle to kind of get yourself back up for the fight.
01:40 >> Well, he had that disappointment of the fight against LaRoy Richards falling out
01:45 in late November, which was intensely frustrating.
01:51 Very good win against Anthony Sims, but
01:53 then he was eyeing up this British title fight against Hefron.
01:58 It's a huge, huge prize.
01:59 But Jeffers, as I said, was making good progress.
02:05 He was eyeing up an English title challenge himself.
02:07 So he's had Shelley in his sights for a long time.
02:09 Then he had the injury to the shoulder, which required surgery.
02:14 But he is never out of the gym, he's always ready.
02:17 And you can say the same about either one of these two.
02:20 They're a very good example in that regard.
02:23 >> Easy with it, Jeff.
02:25 >> Easy.
02:28 >> Easy, easy.
02:30 >> In the chest, in the chest.
02:31 Watch him walk.
02:32 >> [INAUDIBLE]
02:48 >> Just dipping his knees, Jeffers,
02:49 looking for that right hand into the body.
02:51 Shelley just pulled back off it.
02:53 >> [INAUDIBLE]
03:03 >> Looks to the overhand right as soon as
03:09 he saw the jab come out from Shelley there.
03:11 And again there, just pulling back, looking for that right hand over the top of
03:14 the double jab from Shelley that time.
03:16 >> Yeah, it didn't land there, Jeffers.
03:18 But you can see the reactions are pretty sharp.
03:20 >> [INAUDIBLE]
03:30 [SOUND]
03:32 >> So later on,
03:33 Natasha Jurgis looks to become a two-way world champion.
03:36 She's backstage with Adam.
03:37 [MUSIC]
03:40 >> Tash, you've been a world champion before, so
03:42 do you still get nervous on nights like this?
03:43 Or are you able to enjoy it a bit more?
03:45 >> Yeah, I think the nerves are not always a bad thing.
03:48 It's just about how you control them.
03:50 Sometimes if you get too hyper, it can be detrimental to your performance.
03:56 But other times, it gets you to that stage where you need to be to perform well.
04:01 >> So channeling it is the key thing.
04:03 But I mean, it seems obvious, but
04:05 how much would it mean to you to become a world champion again?
04:09 >> It means everything.
04:11 That's what we train for.
04:12 That's what we put ourselves through.
04:13 That's what we sacrifice everything for.
04:16 And yeah, just to do it will be the icing on the cake.
04:20 >> Is little one gonna be here tonight or she'll be watching at home?
04:23 >> She's watching at home.
04:24 >> Thank you. >> Best of luck.
04:25 >> Well, a door to meet the gloves of the champs can be a little.
04:32 Starting a young.
04:33 In the two world title fights here last year, Natasha Jurgis, she won them both.
04:38 So looking to complete what would be a pretty remarkable hat trick.
04:42 Next up, an entertaining and engaging opening round between these two.
04:48 There wasn't an awful lot to split between and
04:51 maybe Jeffers courtesy of that strong left hand could have taken it.
04:55 I think we're in for a pretty exorbitant ten rounds here or
04:59 fewer of course, if one of these two can find something big.
05:01 >> Yeah, just landed a good right hand there as well.
05:03 Jeffers, he certainly started sharp here.
05:06 >> [NOISE]
05:16 >> He's a left hander from Jeffers.
05:18 He's got fast hands.
05:20 >> [NOISE] >> Looking for
05:22 the right hand into the body as Charlie again looks to try and
05:25 come in behind that double jab.
05:26 >> [NOISE] >> And again the left to the body.
05:30 Just a little bit of blood around the chin there of Jeffers.
05:32 It's a scrape I think, maybe an abrasion.
05:35 It doesn't look to be anything serious as Charlie lands the left to the body.
05:41 But that's a strong looking lead left hand again from Jeffers.
05:44 >> [NOISE]
05:48 >> You know, Charlie's been the fighter
05:50 that's kinda been on a bit of a roll lately.
05:53 He's had, he took the fights, he's had opportunities,
05:56 he's put in some really good performances.
05:59 He's chasing bigger and better titles.
06:03 And Jeffers has kind of been starved of opportunities, had an injury,
06:06 there was the pandemic as well.
06:08 And this is kind of his big opportunity and
06:10 he will have been looking at Charlie.
06:12 He will have had a target on the back of Charlie.
06:14 So this is a fight he's already probably gone through many,
06:18 many times in his mind where for Charlie to not have that big fight.
06:22 He fell through and then to try and,
06:24 he has to try and get himself back up now for this fight.
06:27 >> As I say, in all sports you often see people get caught on the half,
06:31 they just can't quite pick themselves back up.
06:34 >> [NOISE]
06:39 >> It's the final minutes of round two,
06:41 Charlie just dipping to his right.
06:43 And then dips his knees and looks for a right hand over the top there.
06:47 >> [NOISE]
06:57 >> Jeffers is from a sporty family,
06:59 both of his siblings, brother and sister are pro cyclists.
07:02 He himself undertakes 100K runs, 200 mile bike rides,
07:08 it's how he likes to fill his spare time.
07:12 Charlie is pretty obsessed in that regard as well.
07:14 And that was a decent strong right hand from him,
07:17 Jeffers had the left glove up, but there was some weight to that one.
07:21 >> [NOISE]
07:31 >> Jeffers following it with the right.
07:32 >> [APPLAUSE]
07:42 [MUSIC]
07:52 [MUSIC]
08:02 [MUSIC]
08:12 >> [INAUDIBLE]
08:22 >> Father and son combination in the corner,
08:25 Zack Senior just windmilling that town from the get-year to him.
08:30 >> Not too oppressive in here, not your cool levels that we had a couple of
08:34 weeks ago, but it's always hot up in that ring under the lights.
08:38 >> [NOISE]
08:56 >> Using lots of faints here,
08:58 Jeffers, and using his front foot as well to pressure Chilly.
09:03 Jabbing the body as well, that time going for the left hook.
09:06 >> Just stepped up to his right to try and change the angle,
09:09 chopping down with the right hand there, Jeffers.
09:10 I get the feeling Chilly has got to be careful with his jab,
09:13 because he carries that lead left hand low.
09:16 And he can tend to pull with it a bit as a means to move in behind it.
09:19 And a couple of times we've seen Chilly throw it,
09:22 Jeffers is waiting for it and looking to come over the top of it.
09:25 >> Yeah, and like I say, he's sharp here, Jeffers.
09:28 He's like a coiled spring, waiting to pounce.
09:30 >> [NOISE]
09:34 >> Left hand from Jeffers, but
09:36 hand position was good there from Chilly.
09:38 Right glove was up.
09:40 >> [NOISE]
09:50 >> That was a nice up jab there from
09:51 Jeffers, moved in behind it.
09:53 Didn't quite have enough room just to get that right hand away.
09:57 >> Yeah, like I say, he's using lots of feints as well, so
10:00 he's not really allowing Chilly to read him.
10:02 He's not predictable, he keeps mixing things up.
10:06 >> Looking for a big winging overhand right there, Chilly, didn't quite land.
10:10 Jeffers is, he's growing in confidence actually.
10:14 He started confidently, but I think he's growing in confidence.
10:19 And Chilly's just slightly mad.
10:23 Got the look of someone who has been not spooked exactly here, but
10:28 surprised maybe by his opponent.
10:31 And by the weight of shot from him, I wouldn't say he's gone into his shell, but
10:35 I think he's realizing that Jeffers is bringing more here than maybe he thought
10:39 he would.
10:40 >> Well, as I was saying before, this is a fight really Chilly didn't really wanna
10:44 have.
10:45 This is one where Jeffers has been crying out for.
10:48 So that in itself, it can become a hard fight because he's gotta get
10:52 through this, Chilly, as opposed to working up to this.
10:57 This is an opportunity, it's another step on the ladder that is climbing.
11:00 It's kind of his fight that he was preparing for has fell through.
11:03 And now this guy stepped in, I've gotta get through this.
11:06 Good right hand there from Jeffers.
11:07 And Jeffers, sharp, big opportunity for him.
11:11 He's looking to seize this.
11:14 Just looking to chop down with that right hand that time, Chilly, as I say,
11:18 throws that jab.
11:19 He can crouch into that jab, looks to get his head right underneath his shoulder.
11:24 Dips off to that right hand side and that can leave you a little bit open to that
11:28 arcing shot that comes down around the top of the head.
11:31 We saw that from Adam Aziva against Ryland Charden.
11:34 Okay, Liam Smith was with Eleanor earlier on today.
11:38 [MUSIC]
11:41 >> Good to see you.
11:42 I imagine here to cheer on Tasha tonight.
11:45 >> Yeah, obviously I'm here to support Tasha.
11:47 Good that I'm not here to fight myself, but I'm here to support Tasha and
11:50 see her become a two way world champion.
11:52 >> Yeah, we love to see your support.
11:53 You mentioned there we were hoping to see you in action tonight.
11:55 It wasn't to be.
11:56 Give us an update.
11:57 How are you doing and when might we see your rematch with you back junior?
12:02 >> Yeah, I'm good.
12:02 I'm not here to perform, but I'm fitting well now.
12:05 I'm over me injury and I'm back in the gym heading towards hopefully a date in
12:10 September.
12:11 >> September.
12:11 Okay, we heard it here first.
12:12 We look forward to it.
12:13 Thank you. Enjoy the fight.
12:14 >> Thank you.
12:14 Thanks. Thank you.
12:17 >> Well, that was quite a night.
12:18 That first meeting in this ring back in January.
12:22 It provided us with something that we really didn't expect to see.
12:25 The manner of victory.
12:26 Plenty of people felt that Liam Smith could win the fight, but not like that.
12:31 And Christian Back Jr.
12:33 Was most certainly one of them.
12:37 >> Heading into the fourth round here.
12:42 >> I feel like Jeffers will definitely be the happier of the two so far.
12:48 Cheli just struggling a little bit.
12:51 Good right hand from Jeffers.
12:54 >> Looks to the left into the body again with the right hand.
12:57 And then on the inside, Cheli connects himself.
13:00 And this is a firefight in round four.
13:02 The standing square of Cheli just trying to get himself into the fight.
13:06 >> I think using this method is risky.
13:09 Because he wore a couple himself there, but he did get through.
13:13 >> Yeah, he did get through with the exchange there.
13:15 And the best punch off that exchange came from Jeffers.
13:18 Big right hand nailed Cheli.
13:20 In fairness, Cheli took it well.
13:22 >> Watch out, mate.
13:31 >> They both had the same amount of fights, but
13:34 Cheli is just a lot more experienced over the ten round distance.
13:37 He's taken real challenges right from the start of his career.
13:40 I've always really liked that about him.
13:43 Umar Sadiq early on, up a lot heavy against the fighter who beat him,
13:47 Cody Davis early on as well.
13:53 And there's been plenty of undefeated fighters.
13:55 Cheli just looking to try and punch down with that right hand.
14:00 That was a dangerous looking shot, but Jeffers gets tight and
14:03 lands a left hand into the body.
14:06 >> Yeah, that's a good right hand from Cheli.
14:07 Probably his best shot for a while.
14:14 >> Good shot.
14:14 >> Left hand into the body again there from Jeffers with solid.
14:18 There was a little dip there from Cheli.
14:21 A right hand into his side and that landed as well.
14:24 And I think he is a little bit hurt here, Cheli.
14:26 He could do maybe with holding on far side of the ring when that left hand landed.
14:31 I couldn't see exactly the direction it got, but it was very, very solid.
14:36 You can hear it echo around ringside.
14:45 >> I wonder what's been going through the head of Cheli right now.
14:47 He's been chasing people ahead of him.
14:50 He hasn't really probably been keeping an eye on who's been coming behind him.
14:54 And Jeffers certainly starting to sharpen up the two here.
14:59 Good body shots there though from Cheli.
15:01 >> Really dug his toes in and climbed into that one.
15:04 Final 30 seconds of round four.
15:11 >> Cheli just looking to try and muscle that right hand in over the top.
15:15 Really Jeffers again just dip of the knees, long right hand looking for
15:18 the body, didn't quite find it.
15:20 He's been tight, compact.
15:22 >> [APPLAUSE]
15:25 >> And nice and aggressive Jeffers from
15:27 the beginning.
15:29 >> [APPLAUSE]
15:31 >> Cheli just holds his feet,
15:32 lets his hands go at the end of the round.
15:34 Decent enough defense there from Jeffers.
15:36 [MUSIC]
15:46 >> Yeah, there's that good right hand, clubbing right hand.
15:51 Right at the top of the head, and then a good body shot as well from Jeffers.
15:55 That was a real good patch on him this evening.
15:58 As Cheli opens up, he landed a good right hook and
16:01 then Cheli obviously fires back with good shots himself.
16:04 Both men exchanging body shots and head shots.
16:07 [MUSIC]
16:09 Again, you see that looping right hand there from Cheli,
16:11 that's probably his best point of that exchange.
16:13 [MUSIC]
16:18 >> Well, there's a QR code, give that a scan, get involved in the coverage.
16:23 The live blog, give your verdict on the fight,
16:27 how you're scoring this one through four rounds.
16:30 [MUSIC]
16:35 >> And from where we're sitting, it could well be 4-0 Jeffers this match,
16:39 because the eye catching shots have generally come from him.
16:43 It's been very, very competitive and
16:44 there's not been much in any of the rounds to be honest.
16:47 But that is a possibility and
16:48 that's something that Team Cheli have got to be aware of.
16:51 >> Yeah, even if it was 2-2 now,
16:53 I think Jeffers would still be the happier of the two camps.
16:56 He started well, he came out very sharp, reflexes, reactions are good.
17:02 Cheli, a little bit wide with the shots, Jeffers more compact of the two.
17:07 [NOISE]
17:14 >> Just with those gloves up there,
17:16 Jeffers on the borderline of range.
17:17 Tapping with the jab there,
17:19 Cheli just looking to try and gauge his own distance before committing himself.
17:25 [NOISE]
17:31 >> Steps into the lead left hook there,
17:34 Jeffers, he closes that distance quick.
17:36 [NOISE]
17:46 >> Does dip low at the waist,
17:55 Cheli often, so that's a percentage shot for him.
17:59 Much combination there from Cheli, final right hand just snuck through.
18:04 [NOISE]
18:14 >> He's trying to tempt Cheli in every now and again, Jeffers, and
18:20 he throws a feint there.
18:21 [NOISE]
18:29 >> Nice short right hand on the inside there,
18:32 Jeffers, as Cheli came forward, right hand into the body,
18:35 he's picking his punches nicely.
18:37 >> Yeah, is Roger just gonna say the same thing,
18:40 very economical sub bar, Jeffers, wasting very little.
18:44 [NOISE]
19:00 >> 30 seconds left in round five, so
19:02 nearly at the halfway stage.
19:03 As I mentioned, Cheli is much more experienced over the ten round distance.
19:07 Jeffers may have that in mind, but he won't wanna really put the hammer down.
19:13 >> Also, Cheli's proven that he can grind out performance when he needs to.
19:19 Even if things aren't going well, he can dig down and grind it out if he has to.
19:25 And he may well need to do that tonight.
19:27 [NOISE]
19:37 [MUSIC]
19:47 [MUSIC]
19:57 [MUSIC]
20:07 >> That's Michael Jennings, former world title challenger,
20:20 just slipping through the ropes.
20:22 Outside the ropes was Kevin Maree, who actually used to manage Cheli.
20:27 He used to do his cuts, wrap his hands, so there's some familiarity there.
20:32 Connections between the two teams, so that would probably have been in
20:38 the advantage of Team Jeffers when this got made at the short notice that it was
20:43 just a couple of weeks out.
20:45 So into the second half of the fight here, scheduled for ten or
20:50 fewer at super middleweight, Zach Cheli in the green and red.
20:55 Mark Jeffers in the gold and black.
20:59 And it's Cheli who has got the further to fall here.
21:04 Although Jeffers is the undefeated fighter.
21:09 At the halfway stage, by our record, Jeffers would be in front.
21:15 But we've got three scoring judges at one side, of course.
21:21 And it's their vote that counts.
21:22 But when you look at a fight sometimes, Matt,
21:24 we're looking at who lands what and what effect it has.
21:27 It's as simple as that, really.
21:28 But when it's tight,
21:30 often you're kind of looking at who looks like the boss in there.
21:33 And Jeffers looks like the boss in there.
21:35 >> Yeah, I think that's the corner that'll be happy.
21:38 They were the ones, the underdogs.
21:40 Cheli's kind of a bit more proved, and he's the one who was meant to challenge for
21:44 the British title tonight.
21:46 This is the opportunity that Jeffers has been crying out for.
21:49 And he stepped up to the plate here and
21:51 he's delivering on that performance, Cheli.
21:53 Certainly, I don't know what the score is in the cards.
21:57 It's close, there's not a lot in it.
21:59 But certainly I would imagine that the happier corner of the two so
22:03 far will be the Jeffers corner.
22:05 >> So Cheli just looking to line up that right hand.
22:10 Tapping with the lead left.
22:12 Trying to find that opportunity.
22:14 Jeffers was within range and then just stepped back.
22:18 And Cheli will feel that this second half can be his territory.
22:22 [NOISE]
22:25 Due to that greater experience over the ten round distance,
22:28 which cannot be underestimated.
22:30 Right hand was low there from Jeffers.
22:32 It looked to me that second one was pretty much on the bet line, but
22:35 the first one did look low.
22:36 [NOISE]
22:43 Well, there was definitely discomfort there.
22:46 Cheli's not really the moaning type.
22:48 And he did moan there.
22:49 A good body shot went in there.
22:52 He got pulled for that one.
22:53 [NOISE]
22:57 Actually thought that was a body shot on some of the other ones below.
22:59 [NOISE]
23:09 Jeffers again on the borderline of range there, just posturing a touch.
23:14 Just trying to draw something from Cheli who obliged him eventually.
23:17 Looking for the upper cut on the inside.
23:19 [NOISE]
23:39 >> I can see you got your headphones in.
23:46 I know you mentioned Tina Turner yesterday, but
23:47 what have you been listening to to get yourself in the mood?
23:50 >> I'm listening to Beyonce right now.
23:51 I'm listening to Beyonce.
23:53 She shut down O2 Arena.
23:55 I'm about to shut down AO Arena.
23:57 >> Can you give us an idea of what you're gonna be wearing tonight?
24:00 Because we know you're a designer.
24:01 You've worn amazing outfits all week.
24:03 I'm excited to see what you're gonna come out in.
24:04 >> Yeah, I'm collaborating with Magda Khan, House of Fashion.
24:08 She made a custom robe for me.
24:11 And you just have to see it.
24:14 It definitely fits my personality.
24:16 >> Look forward to it.
24:17 Best of luck.
24:17 >> Thank you so much.
24:18 [MUSIC]
24:20 >> No one ever asked you about that, did they?
24:22 >> No, definitely not.
24:25 >> [LAUGH] There's that right hand from Jeffers.
24:27 That was low.
24:28 That was the first one, I think.
24:29 Cheli justifyingly complaining.
24:33 The referee, I think, can't have seen that one, Mark Lyson.
24:35 So into the seventh.
24:37 Jeffers in the gold and black, Cheli in the green and red.
24:41 And we strongly suspected that this would be a proper fight,
24:44 a competitive fight.
24:46 I spent a bit of time around both of them this week, but
24:49 Jeffers has sought out the champs camp because I don't know him.
24:54 I've never met him before, and you want to get a sense of what someone's about.
24:59 And I was convinced by his confidence.
25:02 That doesn't mean that someone is going to win, but
25:05 you can figure out whether they really believe if they can or not.
25:11 And I always got the impression that he very much believed it.
25:15 Cheli has always had that himself.
25:17 [NOISE] And there's all to fight for here,
25:23 as we head down the stretch.
25:25 [NOISE]
25:33 Left hand to the body from Jeffers is a good shot.
25:36 He moves in and really heaves it up from the waist.
25:39 [NOISE]
25:46 >> Club in the right hand there from Jeffers.
25:49 I don't think Cheli could see those,
25:52 certainly not the second one, maybe outside his peripheral vision.
25:56 [NOISE]
26:00 >> Double jab from Cheli that time was
26:02 nice and quick, came back quick too.
26:04 Right hand into the body from Jeffers is a good shot though.
26:07 >> Yeah, he's landed a couple of those, Jeffers, straight right to the body.
26:12 [NOISE]
26:17 >> Right into the body again there as
26:19 Cheli comes forward, some good upper body movement just before that.
26:22 [NOISE]
26:26 >> From the fighter in the red corner,
26:28 dipping low at the waist.
26:30 [NOISE]
26:31 >> And when he does that,
26:32 he can't bring that uppercut into play, because if you throw it,
26:35 you're almost certainly gonna hit something.
26:38 [NOISE]
26:43 >> Quite round this, by comparison to some of the others we've seen, but.
26:47 [NOISE]
26:50 >> There's been some decent stuff landed
26:52 by both, it's up to Gravso heading into the final 40 seconds of it.
26:55 [NOISE]
26:59 >> Yeah, I wonder if both fighters maybe
27:01 just kinda slowing the pace a little bit here, sucking it up for
27:04 a good strong finish.
27:06 [NOISE]
27:10 >> The body work from Jeffers has been good,
27:12 there was a lead left hand there into the pit of the stomach, and
27:15 he followed it up with a right hand.
27:16 [NOISE]
27:17 >> Apart from giving a bit of ground to
27:18 a left hand a few rounds ago,
27:20 it hasn't really showed any ill effects from them.
27:22 [NOISE]
27:26 >> A left hand on the break there from
27:28 Jeffers, and then again,
27:29 he just digs with that right hand into the body.
27:32 Chilly looking to let his hands go, lands the lead left hand.
27:35 [NOISE]
27:40 >> He's getting Jeffers on four for a jump.
27:43 >> Let's go back to that boxing a lot better.
27:45 >> Now, we're gonna follow around if you want.
27:47 >> All right, seven down there, and seven up the right.
27:50 >> All right.
27:50 >> Pretty clear for me, I think.
27:52 [MUSIC]
27:55 >> Don't get caught with nothing, though, don't get caught.
27:57 >> He's just gonna get desperate.
27:59 >> Nice job, nice move.
28:00 One shot.
28:01 [MUSIC]
28:15 >> One man.
28:16 [MUSIC]
28:22 >> [INAUDIBLE]
28:24 >> [INAUDIBLE]
28:26 >> The Jennings corner,
28:28 the Jeffers corner,
28:29 it's pretty confident about what they're saying there.
28:32 >> Yeah, they definitely feel like their man is ahead here.
28:34 They feel that Chilly's gonna get desperate.
28:38 That he's frustrated, which I'm sure he probably is a little bit.
28:43 Is he behind?
28:45 Possibly, I think he possibly is.
28:49 But it could be close.
28:53 But certainly these next few rounds could be where the fight is won and lost.
29:00 >> I can understand what they were saying.
29:02 I can understand why they see it like that.
29:05 Three rounds remaining.
29:06 It wasn't like they were telling their man just to get on his bike and
29:10 make sure he doesn't get knocked out.
29:12 That wasn't the message.
29:13 Get back on the boxing, but they feel that Chilly will come to him because he'll
29:17 have to.
29:18 Right hand there from Jeffers as Chilly came forward, but
29:20 he will bring all the energy, all the work rate that we know him for here, Zach Chilly.
29:24 Not much was said in his corner.
29:27 Zach Senior just with a little word in the air before he got up from the stool.
29:32 Other than that, we couldn't hear too much.
29:35 Just inching in with that front foot there, Chilly.
29:37 >> [APPLAUSE]
29:47 >> Neither one of them quite have enough
29:53 groove as they both move towards each other in the neutral corner there.
29:57 >> [APPLAUSE]
30:04 >> Chilly's trying to pull the jab,
30:06 flick the jab.
30:07 Jeffers to lead off, try and counter punch him, but
30:10 Jeffers not really buying the feints.
30:12 >> [APPLAUSE]
30:16 >> Trying to find the uppercut there,
30:18 Chilly, as Jeffers just took his feet back out of range.
30:21 >> [APPLAUSE]
30:23 >> Feint there from Jeffers,
30:24 the jab was short.
30:25 >> [APPLAUSE]
30:34 >> Looking for the uppercut as Jeffers
30:36 came forward there.
30:37 Jeffers again with that arcing overhand, but
30:39 Chilly setting his feet here, got a couple through there.
30:41 A left hand round the back of the guard, that was a good exchange for him.
30:45 >> Yeah, there, Chilly.
30:47 Okay, Jeffers blocked a lot of them on the close, but
30:50 some of them certainly did get through.
30:51 >> [APPLAUSE]
30:55 >> And then Jeffers finds another left
30:56 hand into the body.
30:57 >> [APPLAUSE]
30:58 >> Got his feet in a tangle and so
31:00 ended up leading off with a left uppercut, which didn't quite land.
31:06 >> 30 seconds to go in round eight.
31:08 >> [APPLAUSE]
31:15 >> Like I said, Jeffers has been
31:17 pretty compact, pretty solid, defensively good.
31:20 Not really giving anything away too easily.
31:24 The successes that Chilly has had have really been in exchanges and
31:29 they were combinations.
31:31 >> [APPLAUSE]
31:35 >> Well, I mentioned earlier on
31:37 Natasha Jonas is, she's also had the gloves on earlier in the week down at
31:41 Champs Camp, where we had the open workouts and it was great to see.
31:45 >> [APPLAUSE]
31:47 >> It's quite nerve wracking opening
31:49 the door of a gym, when you're any age actually.
31:52 You never quite know what you're gonna find on the other side, but
31:56 I think she had real fun looking around the place,
32:01 picking out some pictures of her mom, getting in a bit of cardio.
32:07 As Andy mentioned, the machines in Champs Camp have been there for 30 years.
32:15 So there she is with all three of those super welterweight world title belts.
32:20 [MUSIC]
32:22 >> [INAUDIBLE] stable, but she's not far away now.
32:29 >> [INAUDIBLE] >> It's some story, so two to go here.
32:36 >> [APPLAUSE]
32:47 >> [INAUDIBLE]
32:57 >> Sharp jab there from Shelly.
33:01 Lead left hand from Jeffers, throws up well that lead left hook.
33:05 He really picks up the elbow, gets a bend in the arm.
33:09 It's a proper hook, he gets it nice and tight when he throws it.
33:12 >> [APPLAUSE]
33:18 >> Shelly trying to line up that right
33:20 hand that Jeffers just managed to ride it.
33:22 Neither one of them wants to take any undue risks here.
33:28 We know what the corner told Jeffers, we haven't heard too much from Team Shelly,
33:32 but they're not boxing like they feel they need to achieve knockdowns or
33:38 stoppage or anything like that here.
33:40 And they have been competitive rounds, I think, close rounds.
33:44 >> [APPLAUSE]
33:54 >> I think two rounds to go,
33:55 I don't think I'd be overly confident in either corner that I was,
33:59 that I could let rest of my laurels.
34:01 I think I'd wanna go out here and make sure.
34:03 >> [APPLAUSE]
34:09 >> And Mark Lyce is just having a word more
34:10 with Jeffers there about landing a few round the back of the head.
34:13 I don't think there's any imminent danger of a point going,
34:15 which would not be good news for either one of these fighters at this stage.
34:19 The heads coming close together there.
34:23 And this is a very tight round.
34:24 >> [APPLAUSE]
34:28 >> As anyone's with a minute remaining.
34:30 >> [APPLAUSE]
34:36 >> But so the reactions,
34:37 the quick counters have been impressive from Jeffers.
34:40 >> [APPLAUSE]
34:43 >> And he's not struggling with the pace
34:44 either, is he?
34:45 >> No, no, he looks comfortable in there.
34:46 And he's never really gone for the faints either.
34:50 Shelly's trying to maneuver him into positions, into the corner,
34:53 onto the ropes, trying to give him the faints.
34:55 But Jeffers has never really bit on them.
34:58 He's always stayed nice and composed.
35:02 >> There was a good right hand into the body there from Shelly a few seconds ago.
35:06 >> [APPLAUSE]
35:08 >> He's got the center of the ring.
35:09 Jeffers giving that ground, looking to try and come off the ropes,
35:13 and land his right hand right into the body there from Jeffers.
35:17 Shelly though just leans in, sets his feet, lets those hands go.
35:21 >> [APPLAUSE]
35:25 >> Yeah, Shelly's proven in the past he's
35:27 happy to plant his feet, get his chin down, and just bang away with both hands.
35:32 >> [APPLAUSE]
35:42 >> [MUSIC]
35:54 [FOREIGN]
36:04 [MUSIC]
36:14 >> That looks to me like a pretty confident corner.
36:29 That's Tom Lips's corner, that was a confident corner too.
36:33 >> I'm not sure either one of them should be completely confident about
36:37 heading into this fight in three minutes.
36:40 >> It's been a competitive fight, a very competitive fight.
36:42 A lot of rounds, close, hard to score.
36:45 So yeah, with both corners appearing confident, if this round is similar,
36:50 is close and competitive as well, then I think someone's gonna be very disappointed.
36:56 >> Well, Shelly early on starting quick there in the tenth and final round.
37:01 Corn Jeffers with a nice left hand just above us on the ropes.
37:05 >> [APPLAUSE]
37:09 >> And as you say,
37:10 we don't know how those slips have been scored by this judges ringside, nobody does.
37:15 This final round could be absolutely crucial.
37:17 >> [APPLAUSE]
37:27 >> [INAUDIBLE]
37:37 >> Jeffers with a right hand into the body,
37:41 he's landed that a number of times.
37:43 It's always difficult to see how clean it lands with Shelly dropping those forearms.
37:48 >> He's been pretty smart, Jeffers, he's never really,
37:51 sometimes Shelly will try and set a trap, but
37:54 Jeffers has never really got caught in it.
37:56 >> [APPLAUSE]
37:59 >> And again, just pulls his feet out of
38:00 the range there, Jeffers, and again, as he sinks into the ropes,
38:03 turns off the ropes and looks for that right hand again.
38:05 It's been a really good performance from him, whatever happens here,
38:09 because he's taken this at two weeks notice and he's boxed with a poise and
38:13 confidence and a maturity, which we just didn't know whether we would see or not,
38:18 but we definitely have seen it.
38:20 >> [APPLAUSE]
38:30 >> But heading into the final minutes,
38:32 it's Shelly who's maybe brought the more heat in this final round up until this
38:36 point, Jeffers looking for that right hand got through there for Shelly.
38:40 >> [APPLAUSE]
38:48 >> I think the body language of the two in
38:50 this round is that Jeffers feels that he doesn't maybe need it,
38:54 where I think Shelly probably feels like he does to make sure, and
38:58 that's a good shot there from Shelly.
39:01 >> That is exactly what we're seeing.
39:05 I can understand why the Jeffers corner on Michael Jennings and
39:09 Dave Jennings would feel like that, I can, but it is a dangerous game.
39:13 >> [APPLAUSE]
39:15 >> He's not giving this round away,
39:17 Jeffers, I'm not saying that, but at the same time, it's Shelly who is, as you say,
39:21 boxed like somebody who really feels like he needs to win it, and
39:24 you just don't know, it could be the difference.
39:26 >> [APPLAUSE]
39:31 >> Well, ten seconds to go,
39:32 I think this is Shelly's round.
39:34 >> [APPLAUSE]
39:40 [SOUND]
39:41 >> Well, let's see the reaction of the two
39:42 at the end there, Jeffers, and his corner, they feel absolutely sure that they've
39:46 got it, the father lifts his son up in the air, but
39:49 the son to me doesn't look quite so convinced.
39:52 >> No, no, he doesn't, the body language.
39:54 But Shelly isn't great for that, yes, he's claiming victory,
40:01 he's punching the air, but I think that maybe Shelly just feels like he
40:06 could perform as good as he could have, maybe he does feel he could have boxed better.
40:10 >> It's true, he probably could have boxed better, but
40:13 I think Jeffers boxed brilliantly, very compact, wasted nothing,
40:18 really economical, never got ragged, kept his shape,
40:23 never really fell into any traps that Shelly was trying to set for him.
40:27 Like I said, that corner there, a happy corner.
40:30 >> Well, it's the battle for undisputed, top of the bill, of course.
40:35 >> You never quite know what you'll get from Frank Jean-Cruz's deserve,
40:37 as we discovered when he visited Sky Studios a few weeks ago.
40:41 [MUSIC]
40:51 [MUSIC]
41:02 [MUSIC]
41:12 Undisputed.
41:18 [MUSIC]
41:25 >> You know what, even for the closer off, that's the first.
41:28 >> [LAUGH]
41:29 [NOISE]
41:31 >> Terrific stuff.
41:33 She's so personality, styles it to the max outside the ring, but
41:37 inside, she is all substance.
41:40 It's a bit of a weight this for these two.
41:41 It's always nervy, this is a massive, massive night for Jeffers.
41:46 He had that year out with injury, he came back a few weeks ago.
41:50 He couldn't take this fight quick enough, because if he can win it,
41:53 it will catapult him back to where he was, maybe just a little bit higher.
41:58 >> That English title level, French, British title level.
42:00 Shelly has been at that stage for a good spell now, waiting.
42:08 He was supposed to get the chance tonight against Mark Heffron, it didn't come.
42:12 [MUSIC]
42:22 >> Ladies and gentlemen, after ten full championship rounds,
42:26 we go to the judges scorecards for the official decision.
42:29 Judge Victor Laughlin sees it 97 to 94, while Judge John Latham sees it 97 to 93.
42:36 And Judge Marcus McDonald sees it 97 to 94,
42:40 declaring your winner by unanimous decision and
42:44 the new Commonwealth Silver Super Middleweight Champion, Mark Jeffers.
42:55 >> [APPLAUSE]
43:05 >> 97, 94, we will be hearing from a delighted winner in just a couple of minutes.
43:10 >> [APPLAUSE]
