Gerome Gadient / Swiss Art Awards 2023

  • last year
One of the finalists of the Swiss Art Awards 2023 is Gerome Gadient. He participates in the exhibition with two artworks: a 4-channel audio installation in collaboration with Mirjam Plattner, titled “dd ukse rran dddaw ner (stretch runners)”, 2023; and glazed ceramic sculptures, titled “magnitudes and tides”, 2021.

Gerome Gadient is an artist, composer and DJ living in Basel, Switzerland. He graduated in 2021 with a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Institute Art Gender Nature HGK FHNW in Basel, where he previously completed a Bachelor of Arts degree. In addition to his artistic practice, he runs the multidisciplinary project and label periphery serpentine for contemporary, experimental music and sound since 2022. He is co-founder and co-organizer of the online platform and since 2019 he is part of the board of the exhibition space Klingental in Basel. (source: FHNW Basel)

Gerome Gadient / Swiss Art Awards 2023. Basel (Switzerland), June 12, 2023.
