00:00 The Jetsons 1963 issue 9.
00:03 There's a page where George almost gets hit by a car and hears the sound of the Roadrunner,
00:08 and complains about faster than sound drivers.
00:12 I kinda like that joke.
00:13 Someone on TV reports that the future's Davy Crockett the Bear Tracker is coming to their city.
00:20 It'd be lame if the city was never given a name.
00:24 It's easy to think, what are the chances the future would have its own version of celebrities that were famous in the 60s that have similar names and roles?
00:33 It's more likely than what Futurama did, but still.
00:37 Well, it'd be more believable if the past of the Jetsons world never had people like Davy Crockett, Elvis Presley, and so on.
00:45 So that's why nobody ever lampshades a future celebrity's similarity.
00:49 That and there's nobody from the past there.
00:52 Maybe it's that humanity started 60 years earlier in this universe, so by the time Elvis Presley was born, it was the future.
01:01 Oh, what a coincidence! Davy Crockett is George's cousin.
01:05 He's proud of him, so I'm guessing this'll be a broken pedestal plot.
01:09 Jane doesn't need to make fun of him that he's nothing like his cousin, who he calls a hero for merely following a bear.
01:16 Unless he saved people from it.
01:19 George assumes Davy doesn't brag and is shy and modest, only to find out he was wrong and get shook too much by his handshake.
01:28 So what a shame that he never got to know his cousin until now.
01:31 Davy doesn't need to say George is puny for living in a city.
01:35 It's interesting that he establishes that he's not from the city, because we always think of the Jetsons world as being one-way.
01:43 But there are rural areas.
01:45 Davy brags about his tracking skills.
01:48 I wish I knew what he meant by "solar sneakers".
01:52 I guess they have little solar panels on them.
01:55 And he should've said "even if he WAS wearing", because otherwise he's sounding silly and implying that a non-sentient creature could be wearing sneakers.
02:04 Lemme guess, the plot twist is that Davy's a liar.
02:08 Then how did he get his reputation?
02:10 He explains why he came to the city if he can't see why people live in one.
02:14 A bounty got for catching the solar bear needs to be put in the bank, which unexplored planets don't have.
02:22 And he wants George to take him there.
02:25 Ellery decides to tag along, and once again we see some robbers run out of the bank, having just robbed it.
02:32 I wonder if we'll ever see a bank in this comic without it being robbed.
02:36 Not that I'm complaining, it's just a funny series of coincidences.
02:40 The Jetsons sure have an exciting life, running into criminals all the time.
02:44 Davy gets robbed, and he and his family get sprayed with gas that merely makes them cough while the criminals make a quick getaway.
02:52 What makes them even smarter is that they froze people with freeze rays that wear off quickly.
02:58 But not so quickly that it'd keep them from escaping them.
03:02 Davy doesn't know how to track down the criminals because they don't even know what kind of car they had.
03:07 George gets his time to shine, saying that it sounded like a certain car because all jet cars sound different when they take off, depending on the brand.
03:17 He could tell that the car had a worn thrust rod because it's sputtered.
03:22 George flies his car and recognizes the smell of Solar VI fuel.
03:27 Davy explains how he would track an animal some more, and George assumes the car must be around here because he's at the end of the scent trail.
03:35 He can tell the car was just parked because the engine's still warm.
03:39 It's so admirable that he's being smart and staying that way.
03:43 I'm not being taken out of the story the whole time.
03:46 George guesses that the reason they abandoned the car is that it's a stolen one only being used for a getaway.
03:54 He assumes the criminals went to the subways because an old commuter like him knows the best place to travel unnoticed in the city.
04:02 So he drives the car towards a hole in the pavement, knowing every stop and count.
04:07 Finally, Davy's useful because his keen eyesight has him spot the crooks.
04:12 He thinks it's tougher to push past a crowd than hack through the wilderness, as we see a woman who looks too much like Jane.
04:19 There's people who look similar to others by coincidence in real life, and they hire those doppelgangers to be stunt doubles sometimes.
04:27 I just wonder why the colorists chose to color the character the same way as the main one, when it's not a less effort.
04:34 George borrows a mic from the announcement desk and says free subway tokens are being given away at the token office,
04:42 which gets people to run in a certain direction and lets George get to the subway car easily.
04:48 Would George be arrested for this? Wouldn't there be a camera?
04:52 Davy smacks the heads of the criminals together.
04:55 And the story cuts past the bank giving George his reward, which he put in the bank so he didn't even get to see what he spent it on.
05:03 Davy says they've got quite the father there.
05:06 Elroy hugs George, calling him his hero, and the story ends with Judy calling George amazing,
05:12 while the writer has George say "blob" a few times, which always ruins the immersion.
05:18 In the next story, Judy happily tells her parents that she's a finalist in the Terra Queen contest at the solar fair.
05:25 Her parents congratulate her, and for no reason, Judy assumes George is just joking when he says he'll rig the contest for her.
05:33 She says that they're keeping the judge's identity a secret this year. It's common sense.
05:39 So why didn't they do that earlier? Especially since last year, the parents of all the girls who lost took it out on the judge.
05:46 Now remembering Sabrina, where such a judge was turned into a frog.
05:50 Judy puts her arms around her parents, and George puts his hand on Judy and Jane's shoulders as Jane says her daughter's pretty.
05:57 Jane's gonna help her daughter for tomorrow, and George wishes he could help.
06:02 He complains that he only gets a measly $100 an hour.
06:07 So he works 9 hours a day to get another day another $900.
06:12 But I remember learning that he works far less hours than 9 a day.
06:16 So if that's true for this story, this is a different universe.
06:20 12 seconds later, George complains that he's especially late because he had a breakdown on the subway and it took 6 whole seconds to fix it.
06:28 It gives me the biggest smile to see jokes like this. That's definitely how people in the future would be.
06:34 George doesn't want his boss to catch him just coming in, so he hides behind the corner as he's looking for him.
06:40 Luckily, someone announces that Spacely's wanted on the heliphone, and a little floating thing with a helicopter blade above it brings him a cell phone.
06:49 Spacely wanted to say, "Why yes, I'd be happy to judge the event."
06:53 That's so stilted. He wouldn't parrot back what he said, and that's the only reason George finds out his new secret.
07:01 George decides to work with both hands to impress his boss in the hopes of getting him to favor his daughter.
07:07 Spacely said he didn't think he'd be at work yet and that he underestimated him.
07:11 George advises him to get to know his employees better and invites him to dinner.
07:16 Spacely would just say no, not walk away unhappily.
07:20 Jane doesn't like that Spacely showed up because the house is a mess.
07:25 What happened to Rosie? It'd only be a mess if this was her day off and Jane was too lazy to have cleaned up already.
07:32 She even says she hasn't had time to clean the house.
07:37 She turns on the Vacutron, and that sends Spacely into it, and Judy says she told George to fix it.
07:45 He gets into a chair all dirtied up, and after he doesn't like how Judy looks with her curlers or whatever on, he ends up happy that he got to eat Jane's cooking.
07:55 He pats Judy, and you'd think he'd know this is the same girl he saw earlier.
08:00 So what he says would only make sense if he was being metaphorical.
08:04 She thanks him. He thanks George, who somehow says "trick" instead of "pleasure."
08:10 The story knew to skip past the boredom of the actual beauty contest.
08:15 George could have easily not admitted that Spacely was the judge. Of course it got Judy upset.
08:22 She cries, saying she's gonna give up the crown because she didn't win barely.
08:27 And George tells Spacely that he deliberately influenced his decision.
08:31 He tells Spacely not to call Judy a horse.
08:34 It turns out Spacely was only judging a horse show, and that cheers Judy up.
08:40 Spacely fires George for trying to butter him up, only to rehire him at increased salary for confessing.
08:47 Jane gets the credit for this, for encouraging George to do that.
08:51 The story ends with Judy hugging George and calling him the best father ever, even though it was completely unearned and came out of nowhere.
09:00 She should still be mad at him.
09:02 In the next story, Jane and George leave the house, with the writing seeming to be too lazy to explain where they're going,
09:09 and they want Rosie to babysit Elroy because Judy's at a slumber party.
09:14 George offers to pay Rosie a little extra for babysitting, establishing that maid bots do get paid directly.
09:21 Even though they're robots.
09:23 She stupidly turns down being paid extra because she doesn't want to strap the Jetsons.
09:29 And Elroy says he's playing electro hide and seek with Astro.
09:33 He uses a Magno-Mutt finder to detect a transistor in Astro's collar, effortlessly finding him.
09:41 What's the point of hide and seek if it's that easy?
09:44 Rosie tells him it's bedtime now, and Elroy asks if he could listen to a book before going to sleep, and Rosie agrees, as long as it's short.
09:54 Elroy wants an exciting audiobook, and he picked a book about Tom Sawyer.
09:58 Won't that not be a short one?
10:00 So what does the text box say "shortly"?
10:03 It must be a book about only one short adventure of his, because that's a famous book.
10:09 Elroy finds his life boring.
10:12 He has a machine automatically write a note saying that he's running away for adventure for a few years.
10:18 Getting a blatant idiot ball.
10:20 It sounds like this word's impossible to buy that he "modifies his toy guns" and stuff in the show.
10:27 He'd know he'd have to catch up on schoolwork and have to deal with being the shortest one is great until high school if he didn't get caught up with.
10:34 And doesn't he care about how his family feels at all?
10:37 He blatantly said he loves his family too much to run away to the cold moon.
10:42 He flies away with rocket shoes, leaving the house.
10:45 Rosie very conveniently goes back to Elroy's room, telling him that it's time to shut off his book and sleep, instead of assuming he'd have already done that.
10:55 It's not like the audiobook was still going on, and she could hear it from outside the room.
11:00 She blames herself for not watching him closer, when she had no reason to expect him to decide to run away after bedtime, so she would have never had a reason to stay in his room until he fell asleep.
11:11 She decides to call the space patrol on the video phone, and someone there tells her they'll beam his description throughout the solar system.
11:20 Like that would be very helpful.
11:22 How many blonde kids with green outfits are there?
11:25 She says that if there's anyone that could find Elroy, it's Astro. But since he's gone too, she decides to use the Astro locator she was shown earlier.
11:34 How did he forget about that?
11:36 How does she ever know where to start looking?
11:39 That would only make sense if the locator was able to detect the transistor from really far away.
11:45 So I guess it does, and she followed it here, to the worst section of town.
11:50 I guess Elroy only came to this neighborhood because he didn't know better.
11:55 Elroy complains that he's hungry, and he was never told what Tom Sawyer did when he wanted a snack.
12:01 How could the writer of Tom Sawyer forget to explain something so important?
12:05 Elroy remembers he has a lucky dollar in the form of a coin, which would buy him and Astro a couple of Jet Burgers.
12:13 Why would they be called Jet Burgers?
12:16 Someone says being an undercover cop in this tough neighborhood isn't easy, and recognizes Elroy.
12:23 So he and his co-worker run after him, but for some reason they don't yell after him to explain themselves.
12:29 So he zooms through after his money and runs into a condemned building.
12:34 Somehow, Elroy thinks the old house is as scary as robbers when there's nothing to hurt him in there.
12:40 Rosie bursts through the wall of the house. No wonder it was condemned.
12:44 Its materials rusted away to worthlessness.
12:47 Elroy gets reassured by these people who tell Rosie they're policemen, but because he didn't show Rosie their badges,
12:54 she accuses them of lying and makes them leave.
12:58 While she and Elroy do happen to be wrong, it's still heartwarming to see that she trusts Elroy so much
13:04 that she'd take his word over these strangers who could've easily actually been robbers.
13:09 She effortlessly breaks down the door,
13:12 because making mere maid-bots have super strength is totally necessary and won't backfire on anybody.
13:18 She breaks another door, and picks up the men, saying that she's taking them to the police station.
13:24 Elroy's amazed at how well Rosie demolished that place.
13:28 I hope she doesn't get in trouble, because it was already condemned.
13:32 Although this did mean the people in charge of destroying it later won't get paid for doing so, but she didn't know.
13:39 Rosie finds out her mistake.
13:41 Someone rushes into the room, asking if she's the robot who knocked down his building.
13:45 And of course he wants to thank her, because she did that in record time faster than his own records.
13:51 So he shakes her hand and says he's got an operant's make,
13:54 which would reward her for cheating those records out of a day's paycheck.
13:58 As Rosie goes home with her family, she generously tells Elroy she won't tell his parents about the stupid thing he did,
14:04 because the scary guy was punishment enough.
14:07 Those men weren't trying to rob him, so he probably shouldn't have taught him that he made a mistake.
14:12 But the fact that he didn't know where to get a snack was more than enough to tell the audience that Elroy was making a mistake.
14:19 But it should have shown him looking hopeless after he spent that money.
14:22 He didn't get a chance to figure out it was a mistake.
14:26 Rosie talks him into bed, saying that they're lucky the police were so understanding.
14:30 Yeah, but I'll gladly take that over the alternative.
14:33 George goes home and asks Rosie if everything went alright.
14:37 She says it went just fine without hesitation, and then says she got a part-time job offer,
14:43 and politely asks to take it and says it wouldn't interfere with her duties here.
14:48 They must be assuming she got called up randomly, because they aren't asking how she got the offer.
14:53 Jane says she doesn't mind, and later on, Elroy says that with everyone's excitement, he can watch Rosie wreck some buildings.
15:02 Along with some other smiling people watching her.
15:05 I like that Rosie has a hat for once, while bragging that she wrecked nine houses so far and didn't even dent a kneecap.
15:12 But she doesn't have knees.
15:14 Seriously, why would they make literally any robot have super strength?
15:20 In the next story, Jane asks George if he's sure he wants to do this, as he's going outside holding a briefcase.
15:28 And he says that since Spacely won't give him a promotion and raise, he'll have to take this part-time job selling brushes.
15:35 Why does he have to? He was able to survive without doing this before.
15:39 He warns Jane not to mention to Spacely where he is if he calls for some reason.
15:44 Because Spacely doesn't like his employees to have two jobs, because he's a selfish asshole.
15:49 Can't think of any other reason.
15:51 This panel already makes me think Spacely's gonna talk to her.
15:55 It's not like he's a doctor or cop. Why is he expected to always be at his beck and call?
16:00 He's not forced to be at work all day for a reason, because they don't need him to always be there pressing the buttons.
16:06 They could get a robot's help instead of asking an employee who isn't at work.
16:10 George has a book to make a salesman out of him, but go figure he's told no by his first customer.
16:17 He should have expected this, because everyone knows what door-to-door salesmen are treated like.
16:22 She takes an automatic brush after him to sweep him away, and he's lucky he grabbed onto the edge.
16:28 How far of a fall did he just avoid?
16:30 That was dark.
16:32 There should be a railing there.
16:34 He ends up being told to stay out by everyone on the block.
16:38 I hope for his sake that he wasn't talking to any of his own neighbors.
16:42 George reads some advice that he has to try a new area that's far away,
16:47 so he hopes the company would accept Martian money.
16:50 It's surprisingly realistic that he reveals Martians have their own money,
16:54 even if there couldn't be sentient "native" Martians on Aelia's planet like that.
16:59 Since George doesn't need an air bubble over his head, this means Mars was terraformed enough to have Earth's atmosphere.
17:05 Still, that would have happened too recently for a unique sentient life to evolve there.
17:10 So any sentient life identifying as Martians would only really be native Martians if they were the ancestors of new species
17:16 that were eventually created to be sentient beings on Mars,
17:20 or if this alien's ancestors do not come from Mars and he's only a Martian in nationality.
17:24 Humans have no reason to create new sentient life specifically so they would live on Mars
17:29 when they could just hope humans would buy property there instead.
17:33 George walks past a sign that says "Mars" that wouldn't be there because everybody here knows the planet they're on.
17:40 Realistically, George doesn't know this alien is the lady of the house,
17:44 but because she's magical, she can fire fireballs at him to scare him away.
17:49 He should have known better than to ask if the lady of the house is home.
17:52 It's not like only women use brushes, so why would a man be offended at him selling him brushes?
17:58 He gets kicked away by another alien supposedly living on Jupiter,
18:02 when even the people of the 60s should have known it's a gas planet that's unlivable,
18:06 and has crazy gravities not suffering from, and yet he seems to be on the surface of it and not on a satellite.
18:13 So this Jupiter must be the size of Earth. It has to be Jupiter in name only.
18:18 Is it even possible that Earth would form in a solar system where Jupiter and Uranus
18:24 weren't giant gas planets that sucked waste up to them from their gravity, like any asteroids aiming for Earth?
18:31 It's far more believable that these aren't Jupiter and Uranus, but other Earth-like planets that share the same names.
18:38 They'd need a lot of witches to ally with mortals to combine their powers to be able to transform an entire gas planet into an Earth-like one.
18:46 On Uranus, George can't even find the door to a building. There still must be a way to get in.
18:52 Do witches live here, or is there an underground entrance?
18:55 George returns to Earth, saying that he traveled a measly 3 million miles.
19:01 I'm guessing this means we're supposed to actually believe he remains in his own solar system.
19:06 So people really did get witches to shapeshift the gas planets, and covered it up, saying it was science that did it,
19:12 because who would ever believe someone who said otherwise?
19:15 Or everyone knows about witches in this universe.
19:18 George reads the book, telling him that if all else fails, he should pick the first house he sees
19:23 and force the person inside to buy an item without taking no for an answer.
19:27 But the book is useless by not explaining how to do that.
19:30 So it's just giving insanely irresponsible advice, encouraging breaking the law,
19:35 and getting the door to a salesman hurt or killed.
19:38 It's certainly unique to see a story where one of the likable main characters knows what it's like to be in this job.
19:44 And it would be boring and repetitive that he always gets told no like you'd expect if it weren't for the alien stuff.
19:51 He should choose a different house after being faced with a robot,
19:55 who gives him a good excuse that the owners have company.
19:58 He could have variously not had to be threatened by one of the owners, a big tough guy,
20:03 because he was just told they're busy talking to people.
20:06 Why did he come to the door?
20:08 After the door slams, shockingly, George decides to knock on it again.
20:13 At least he tries to look cool by having his turbo brush slap his head while floating.
20:18 Then he slides into the house on jet scrubber skates.
20:22 He can't stop, though, because these things don't stop until they run out of soap.
20:26 Because they're badly made.
20:28 And he's heading up the stairs.
20:30 So he ends up heading through the edge of a platform and falling onto his boss's dinner table by some wild coincidence.
20:37 The man apologizes to Spacely for the interruption and says George will do anything to make a sale.
20:43 Spacely likes that he has so much spunk in him, even though he's not a salesman in his career.
20:48 And yet he says he admires the man with get up and go, and tells him to see him tomorrow about a promotion and raise.
20:54 Unless the promotion has to do with being a salesman, how is he supposed to take advantage of this spunk?
21:00 He's thankful for Fuller Brushes because of the raise.
21:03 And because he sees a Fuller Brush salesman heading for his house, he calls him "pal".
21:08 And we see the most heartwarming ending for a door-to-door salesman where he thinks "nicest couple I ever met".
21:14 They invited me in for dinner and bought all my brushes.
21:17 Then there's a comedy page where we see George flying a spaceship with a push lever as if a steering wheel isn't way easier for making turns.
21:26 He finds out it's out of fuel, and he says fortunately because he's already within the Earth's orbit and heading for it.
21:33 Still, he'd need a way to eject himself and have a parachute to survive this.
21:38 Because no fuel means no ability to stop either.
21:42 The first story was about George's cousin, a bear tracker, coming to visit to make a bank deposit.
21:49 And thankfully, instead of the cliché twist where it turns out the braggart was lying and never deserved his fame,
21:54 George tracks down gadget-carrying bank robbers using his knowledge of city life.
22:00 I love that he was competent the whole time.
22:03 But the most impressive part is that at no point was it forced that he was able to follow the robbers,
22:08 because he always had a good reason to figure out what he did.
22:11 If I had to stretch to find a flaw in the story, it'd be that there was no conflict that lasted more than a second because it was so easy for George.
22:19 But I didn't mind.
22:21 The plot needed to be in the future to happen as it did because George could tell which flying car was which by sound alone.
22:28 The second story was about George finding out his daughter is a finalist in a beauty contest
22:32 and eavesdropping on Spacely somehow parodying back what someone says to him over the phone when he's trying to sneak to his desk.
22:39 This causes him to think Spacely is the judge of the contest.
22:42 He invites him to dinner to butter him up, things go wrong at first to create tension, and then Jane's cooking saves the day,
22:49 and Judy gets upset with George when he arbitrarily reveals that he thought Spacely was the judge because she wanted to win fairly.
22:56 But then because Jane tells George to confess to Spacely about his plan, they find out he was only judging horses.
23:04 And just so happened to be judging a contest that was right next to Judy's and was heading their direction afterwards.
23:11 The only reason this plot needed sci-fi to happen was that George heard Spacely's phone call in the hallway because a heliphone was brought to him.
23:19 Which could have been a cell phone if this was modern times.
23:23 Otherwise it was just a decent sitcom plot.
23:27 Elroy's story is about Rosie having to babysit Elroy for a second.
23:32 Just for him to grab the idiot ball and decide that running away from home like Tom Sawyer won't have any consequences.
23:39 But Rosie conveniently checks his bedroom for no reason and magically finds out he's gone.
23:45 She should have just glanced out the window by happenstance and seen him flying away with rocket shoes.
23:51 The sci-fi comes in when Rosie uses an astro detector to check out his gun to track down Elroy,
23:57 because he brought Astro along to avoid loneliness.
24:00 And then when some undercover cops looking for Elroy run after him, they're too stupid to tell him why for no reason.
24:07 Causing him to hide in a condemned building with walls so shoddy that Rosie bursts through one just because she's a robot.
24:14 She takes his word for it that they're trying to rob him and gets everyone out of the building which she destroys effortlessly.
24:20 For this to make sense, I have to assume robots are only made super strong in case something heavy falls on their owner and they need it to be lifted up.
24:28 And because it could defend them from burglars.
24:31 How could they be made that strong by accident?
24:34 Elroy never gets told what the actual consequences of running away would be beyond going hungry.
24:39 He didn't even learn that lesson because he was happy that he had one dollar for burgers.
24:44 He should have spent it and realized he was screwed after that.
24:47 And he was never actually in danger.
24:49 So it's too bad he's not properly called out on what he did.
24:53 But I liked Rosie's happy ending.
24:55 It's just that it didn't last long enough for Elroy to actually learn a lesson and have there be a point.
25:01 The last story was about George trying to make some extra money as a door-to-door salesman.
25:06 It required being sci-fi when he tried selling to aliens which made me wish the planets were called something else.
25:13 And when he started sliding ahead on soap with a jet skate which caused him to fall onto Space Lee's table by insanely unlikely coincidence.
25:21 And get erased because of his sheer determination.
25:25 Because apparently Space Lee's fine with him having a second job.
25:28 Because he was just that spunky.
25:31 Then why did he talk as if he was against his employees having two jobs if he admires a person with spunk and get up and go?
25:37 Which would be part of that in the first place.
25:40 So George telling Jane not to tell his boss worried me for nothing.
25:44 I'm glad she didn't somehow end up telling him what he did.
25:47 And it said there was a happy ending where Space Lee was a good boss.
25:50 It was certainly unique to see the main character be a door-to-door salesman.
25:54 And there's a reason this isn't usually done.
25:57 We're still going to find him annoying when he tries to push his products on people.
26:01 And it's very repetitive to see him get told no over and over.
26:05 (upbeat music)