• il y a 2 ans


00:00 The Jetsons 1963, issue 10.
00:03 George is reading a newspaper that the armchair is holding from with claws instead of hands for some reason.
00:10 And R.A. is flying a kite out the window.
00:13 George sees a newspaper headline telling him it's a great week for doing things with his son,
00:18 so he presses a button and has the armchair hold a kite for him while he has his arms behind his head, relaxing.
00:25 And R.A. is just happy he's there as they fly kites out on the deck.
00:29 Still, wouldn't a kid get bored of flying a kite immediately?
00:33 All it involves is staring at the kite in the air. It doesn't even do anything.
00:37 In the first story, R.A. says he's been looking forward to a camping trip on Uranus for weeks.
00:43 It's been magically terraformed, after all.
00:46 George tells Jane not to worry because they'll be back in two days, after which his cousin Clyde is coming to visit her.
00:52 He complains that that practical joker is nothing but trouble.
00:56 If he hates him, it's completely forced that he'd ever agree to a visit from him or start inviting him.
01:02 He's a grown man, so nothing's forcing him to.
01:05 I hate that Jane says that's no way to talk about his cousin.
01:09 George says he's not gonna let the thought of him ruin their trip.
01:13 And that'll only be admirable if the old's true to that.
01:16 His wife wishes him good luck.
01:18 George hopes he'll get lost for weeks in Miss Clyde's visit.
01:22 Why wouldn't he just stay in the camping trip for an extra day and pretend he got lost?
01:28 Because George hopes they'll have two days of fun first, I wonder if even their trip will suck.
01:35 An hour later, Jane screams at seeing Clyde in a monster costume.
01:39 I hate that Jane just has to open her big mouth and tell him the exact planet George is on.
01:44 For no reason.
01:46 So he decides to go there. That's awful.
01:49 George says they're really roughing it with an inflatable hut, even though they'd only be roughing it without one.
01:54 Elroy's anxious to go fishing, and he was helpful enough that he already dug out the fishing poles.
02:00 "Solar suns" is a redundant, stupid phrase.
02:04 The prankster decides to borrow their camp.
02:07 George finds the fishing nice and peaceful, and predictably makes them think they caught a monster,
02:13 and stays quiet to scare them into running and finding out the hut's gone.
02:17 The bastard steals their food, as I hope he'll get karma because it's a franchise that can be trusted.
02:23 George can't find the car key, and he says it looks like their hunt was dragged into the woods.
02:29 So they follow the trail to it,
02:31 and run away from the prankster as George starts thinking something's not right here, for no reason.
02:37 He says to duck behind a bush, sees a zipper on the back of the suit,
02:42 and Elroy says that monster would be surprised to find out they locked him out.
02:46 George finds Clyde's entire trunk of pranks, and the key he illegally stole,
02:52 and Elroy says it's time they taught him a lesson.
02:54 George agrees, and he hoists the hut up, and the prankster walks out of the exit.
03:00 He would hear them laughing and talking.
03:02 They run after him wearing a costume, and scares him up a tree, which has a limited break.
03:08 He bounces off their costume, which would hurt them too, so luckily they don't mind,
03:13 and he lands in a thorn bush.
03:15 He runs over to his car, and blindly crashes into it.
03:19 He didn't have the time to get the bush off his eyes first.
03:22 He flies away in the car, and George realizes Clyde will tell Jane about the monsters,
03:27 and get her worried about them.
03:29 So Elroy says they'd better get home,
03:32 because the people in the future don't have a way to call her.
03:36 Too bad they aren't staying.
03:39 Why can't they go back as soon as they get home?
03:41 Maybe they will.
03:43 George goes home, and says a caterpillar followed them home.
03:47 The prankster looks a bit like Fred Flintstone now, complete with wearing orange,
03:51 which fits him because he's a jerk.
03:53 He says he's going home.
03:55 Too bad Jane isn't on his side.
03:57 She says she should be ashamed for lying in front of Elroy,
04:01 even though he obviously had every reason to get a prankster out of his house.
04:05 It turns out Elroy did bring a caterpillar home, in his hand.
04:12 In the next story, George says he fixed the food-o-mant.
04:16 That's an easier name to pronounce than the other food machine from issue 4.
04:20 She thanks him, and gets a turkey that's a little well done for their liking.
04:24 Though aside from the white smoke above it, I can't tell why they aren't satisfied.
04:30 George says it's a little too late to call her a paramed, because all the stores are closed,
04:35 and all Jane could find was creamed beef on toast in capsule form.
04:40 Jane won't think to warn Elroy not to swallow his pill so fast.
04:44 George says they're gonna eat out for once.
04:46 They go there, with George being surprised by the instant menus popping out from the table,
04:53 because apparently they're a new innovation somehow.
04:56 It turns out they serve no synthetic food, but the price of a dessert is a week's pay for George.
05:03 The waiter calls them riffraff, which seems unrealistic.
05:09 So George gets mad, and for no reason,
05:11 someone thinks they're on coath when it was clearly the waiter who was rude.
05:15 He throws George out.
05:18 Elroy wants to eat at a fast food place, and Jane agrees.
05:21 But George has still made up his mind that they're gonna eat some good food.
05:26 So he parks at the supermarket and says they're gonna buy fresh food and cook it themselves.
05:31 His family thinks it's ridiculous, and it is if none of them know how to cook the old way.
05:37 George gets asked how to cook this stuff,
05:40 and recklessly says they'll cross that bridge when they come to it.
05:43 It sure is a shame they don't have the internet somehow,
05:46 or they'd have been confident the whole time that they could find out how to cook.
05:49 George asks Jane where that cookbook that he gave her as a joke is,
05:55 and he finds it in the dusty bookcase.
05:57 The world's so unique that it doesn't even call bookshelves what we do.
06:01 He says they'll use a fuel stove he takes on camping trips to heat canned foods,
06:07 as an actual stove.
06:08 He says he's lit that stove a hundred times,
06:12 and an explosion sends them flying with some soot on them and ruins the food they bought.
06:17 Well that's disappointing.
06:19 Just when I was excited to see all the different ways they'd screw up cooking,
06:24 which could teach some people lessons,
06:26 the story gets contrived.
06:28 Forcing a stove to be so hard to light that it causes an explosion every time,
06:34 and I'm expected to believe it wasn't thrown away the first time.
06:37 Then the video phone rings,
06:40 which George calls a visa phone for no reason.
06:43 I guess it's not the video phone because it's a separate machine with a different name from it.
06:48 George says sorry to someone he knows for his family being late,
06:52 and tells his family they're invited to dinner tonight, but he forgot about it.
06:56 Ellery says they'll get fancy food to eat,
06:58 but they just have to have a downer ending after everything they went through.
07:03 So Melvin's food-o-mat broke too.
07:05 He apologizes,
07:07 and they all get served the exact same food pills Jane was gonna eat somehow.
07:11 Which I hope wasn't meant to be a message that we should always put up with the garbage we have to deal with.
07:16 His family kept telling him the simple solution to just eat out at a fast food place.
07:22 That would have obviously worked better than settling for this.
07:25 In the next story, George cares enough to ask Ellery what he's up to,
07:30 when he's clearly just watching TV on a TV way smaller than their usual ones somehow.
07:35 Which is connected to a chair and displaying the carnival.
07:39 Naturally, George wants him to go see the carnival in person,
07:43 although he should know he's wrong about saying you could only enjoy in person.
07:47 Either way, you're watching it.
07:49 It's amusing that George says,
07:53 "This reminds me of when I was a boy.
07:55 Gee, I didn't know carnivals were that old.
07:57 Why wouldn't they be?"
08:00 Ellery asks to shoot one of the hit-the-target guns at a carnival game.
08:04 And George, rather than knowing carnival games are rigged,
08:08 takes out his money while they both brag about being good chants.
08:13 From sheer bad luck, someone grabs his money to run away with it.
08:17 Ellery takes one of the guns and shoots just below where he was going to be,
08:20 causing Ellery to get complimented and thanked,
08:24 and told he should be performing in the carnival as a sharp shooter.
08:28 Well, we get to see George happy to get his money back,
08:31 and a cop's holding a nightstick over the thief he's holding.
08:34 Ellery asks George if he could join the carnival.
08:37 George remembers that he used to want that at his age,
08:40 but he runs away holding his arm while saying no,
08:44 and fortunately the writer at least thinks to have him think immediately
08:47 that he can't remember how his dad got the idea out of his head.
08:50 Right now, it looks like he's making a close-minded mistake,
08:54 keeping Ellery from having a job he'd love.
08:57 Bringing extra money in for the family.
08:59 Unless the job would expect him to miss school,
09:02 or it's gonna demonize carnival jobs, I don't see a problem.
09:06 It could violate child labor laws to expect him to work for the carnival,
09:10 but I assume the carnival would know that and not care.
09:12 I couldn't blame Ellery for thinking it'd be wiser to skip to getting a job
09:16 he knows he'll love for the rest of his life and not bother with school,
09:20 because the point of school is to make sure he'll be able to try to get a wide arrangement of jobs.
09:24 George can't cheer Ellery up with cotton space candy and a man from Mars,
09:29 and he says out loud next to Ellery that he'd end up thinking of all the interplanetary travel he missed,
09:35 so he gets excited and ends up saying they'll both join the carnival.
09:38 They both get told they're good shots,
09:42 and the guy says he'll get rich in no time,
09:44 and then corrects himself and says they'll get rich.
09:46 Is it normal for the guy in charge of a mere carnival game to be the owner of the carnival?
09:51 That wasn't the case in the Futurama comic.
09:54 Is he planning to become the owner?
09:55 Either way, I know this is pathetic foreshadowing to him being evil,
10:00 but by itself it shouldn't make him evil.
10:02 Of course people in the carnival get money off the people working for them,
10:05 because that's part of the job.
10:07 George is called a great shot,
10:09 but Ellery gets suspicious because he hasn't shot a target yet,
10:12 so he should have been suspicious immediately.
10:15 This guy shouldn't have been complimenting him without getting questioned.
10:19 The guy says that's the 10th time he's filled his gun,
10:23 and he writes something down on a notepad.
10:25 He would have known better than to say that out loud.
10:28 George would have heard this too,
10:30 not just Ellery,
10:31 who warns his father that this is nothing but a trick to make them shoot the guns.
10:35 Somehow, George doesn't actually respond to what he said in the way that an actual human would,
10:42 and instead the story pretends that he never warned him at all,
10:46 so that's a cheat.
10:47 The story frustrates me having Ellery get ignored somehow and told rudely to take off.
10:52 And somehow, George doesn't lose his temper with this guy for how he talks to his son.
10:58 Ellery runs off and then tells George he talked to the carnival boss who said he'd put them to work.
11:04 He runs away with George who thanks the scam artist obliviously,
11:09 and then George realizes he's a bad shot.
11:12 So then how did it take him so long?
11:13 Ellery drags him over to a cannon and says they'll take turns firing each other into space,
11:19 so George says they should go home.
11:22 And then the story ends with him driving away as he's fortunately smart enough to figure out
11:26 Ellery didn't talk to any carnival boss.
11:29 In the next story, Judy says to her mother that the most wonderful thing happened,
11:34 and Ellery asks if the school burned down.
11:37 I'd expect him to love school because he's modified inventions to make them better in the show.
11:42 It's not like he's not smart in the comic because he made a space raft.
11:46 Judy calls him silly for once having a dynamic with her brother,
11:50 and I guess he's joking when he says his name's Ellery in response because he's smiling.
11:55 Jane calls her dear and she says she met a fireman.
11:58 Jane warns her that firemen are old for her and Judy says it's just a fireman in training,
12:04 complete with a fire department patrol car to take her for a ride.
12:07 George gets told what happened and wishes he could take a spin in that car.
12:11 Then for no reason Judy picks a fight with him.
12:14 Is that all you can think about?
12:17 What you can get out of Judy's boyfriends?
12:20 Somehow she's opposed to being smart.
12:22 Her boyfriends always break up with her, why not?
12:26 She complains that when Judy was dating a magician's apprentice,
12:30 he embarrassed her to tears by bribing him to teach him some magic tricks with a dollar.
12:35 He was only making a mistake because Judy was just about to go out with him to go dancing.
12:40 So he had the idiot bull because instead of saying he'll do this some other time,
12:44 he grabbed his arm and she grabbed his other one and he disappeared.
12:49 The only way he'd actually disappear is if he was actually a warlock.
12:53 So it makes me sad that the comic didn't confirm that
12:57 because it's vital to explain how places like Uranus and Jupiter are just as livable as Earth.
13:03 George admits to Jane that he goofed but only says he did it once.
13:06 And she has to remind him for some reason of the time Judy brought home a student astronomer
13:13 and he grabbed his arm saying he'll get the telescope when Judy wanted to see the stars with
13:17 them. LR was already going up to him with a telescope so he's smart enough to anticipate this.
13:23 We see the silhouette of Judy's boyfriend backing up with a telescope being told to by George.
13:30 There's no reason to tell him to back it up when he's heading for the edge of the deck.
13:34 And the fact that he backed off the porch makes it more obvious than ever that it'd be illegal not
13:39 to have fences around the porch. It looks like it would have taken such a fall that he shouldn't
13:44 have been able to run away from it, ditching Judy in a heartbeat just because her father goofed once.
13:50 So he never really loved her. Judy complains that they never saw the stars which makes me wonder
13:57 why the artist drew the stars because she would have seen them already. George is given a compressed
14:03 vice by Jane here. This is the first story where I ever saw George ruining Jane's dates like this
14:09 and I bet the show never did it either so I don't really respect this. Especially because
14:14 it'll never come up again. She's just using the fact that his interest in taking advantage of her
14:20 boyfriend's got forced by idiot ball writing to backfire unrealistically as an excuse for him to
14:26 not take a ride in a car. Which logically shouldn't do any harm. He'd have to be written as dumb as
14:32 Homer. Oh god damn it! Ralph Bragg said all a fireman has to do is sit in the new cars and
14:39 they do the rest and can even smell smoke a mile away. George thinks that just sitting in the car
14:45 won't hurt anything and then notices that his pipe went out as he was smoking outside earlier. But he
14:52 never smoked until now. So this purely happened as a way to force him to light a smoke inside the car
14:59 and lift up the air dome because go figure it's airtight in here. He would know that because of
15:05 a lifetime of using space mobiles. The car sniffs smoke and starts flying in a circle chasing it.
15:12 It also insisted on playing the siren alerting Ralph to run outside and see what happened.
15:18 This never would have happened if he had been a normal person and not left his car door unlocked.
15:23 Ralph tells Elroy to give him that rope. So Elroy does get his wish because he sees him with so
15:30 George who's holding the hose. The fire chief and his men have already shown up with their cars and
15:36 he's impressed saying that Ralph saved someone's life with an ordinary lasso. I'm surprised that
15:42 after how mean the story was to George it suddenly finds a way to reward him for his misbehavior.
15:47 Ralph gets a raise in salary but then the story thinks of a way for it to not be that great.
15:53 So it's not really rewarding George because Ralph has to leave town and move up north because of a
15:58 promotion. And Judy says she'll never see him again even though she could obviously just fly
16:04 up there in a second with a space mobile because she showed she could drive in earlier story.
16:09 She could borrow George's car to visit him because she went to the moon for a date earlier.
16:16 Surely the north pole wouldn't be too far. She'd only say she'll never see him again if it's because
16:22 she knows George wouldn't let him visit him with his car every evening. But all he'd have to do is
16:26 say he will after Jane guilts him and said he doesn't. Or he did but she got dumped anyways.
16:34 Because the story ends with George running away from her new boyfriend, a student wrestler.
16:39 Then there's a comedy page where Robot Hand holds a book for George from the ceiling when Rosie
16:45 tells him to get off the chair so she could vacuum it. She tells him to stay off the newly waxed floor
16:52 and get out of the kitchen because she's cleaning it next. He throws a tantrum being told some very
16:58 reasonable orders from someone just trying to do her job even if she was testing the waters thinking
17:04 she could order around her boss. He presses a button called "Maid's Night Out" and ejects her
17:09 out of the house. I wish he meant literally when it had that name which it usually does.
17:15 But when he said "See you in 10 or 12 orbits" he meant orbit as in a measure of time. And it sure
17:22 be dark if you were really allowed to make your maid orbit the earth 10 times and she couldn't
17:27 sue for it. But she is a robot, she could be made to forget this. George would be boring if he was
17:34 nothing but nice without any shocking moments where he loses his temper to try to be more relatable.
17:39 I know that from certain bland nice girl characters in Archie Sonic like Nicole, Fiona,
17:45 and Bunny. They didn't seem interesting until they made mistakes. The first story is about Elrae and
17:50 George going on a camping trip and because George's prankster cousin arrives at Jane's house early
17:57 after it was established that he regularly visits him when he'd never be allowed to.
18:01 Jane tells him where George is for no reason. I guess he'd warm it out of her anyways. So he
18:08 scares them ruining their camping trip until George gets suspicious for no reason and ducks behind a
18:14 bush to see the zipper on the back of his costume and uses prank tools in a costume to scare him
18:21 into going to Jane's house. This plot didn't take advantage of it being sci-fi at all. It might as
18:26 well have been on earth the whole time. I don't feel like him being scared was enough karma to
18:31 make up for how 100% evil he is. The second story was about George's food map being impossible for
18:38 him to repair because of specifically how it was bad and restaurants being too expensive.
18:45 He gets a harebrained idea to try to get fresh food cooked the old way with a family that's
18:51 clueless about it. He ignores his family telling him to just eat out at a fast food place and
18:57 sadly while I looked forward to seeing how the family would make newbie mistakes trying to cook,
19:03 it contrived to wait for the mere lighting of a match to cause an explosion that ruins all of
19:08 their food. Doesn't even try to explain the science behind it. And while they seem to get a pleasant
19:14 surprise in the form of being invited to dinner, somehow that's the same dinner Jane was gonna
19:19 serve. I didn't like this story. Like you could have had the exact same plot in the normal world
19:27 if you just had all these characters not know how to cook because they usually have a chef.
19:32 Then there's a story about George taking Elroy to the carnival. Elroy impresses me being a good
19:37 enough shot at the target guns to foil someone who stole George's money right away and the guy
19:42 at the carnival game lies that if they keep shooting they can work at the carnival because
19:46 there's such good shots. Sadly the story becomes enraging when Elroy figures out it's a trick but
19:52 George somehow doesn't hear him say that and somehow doesn't hear the bad guy tell Elroy's
19:58 bothering him and get mad. So the story cheats to force it to last longer. It reminds me of when in
20:05 Sad AM Sonic brushed off Tails when he said he saw Sally doing stuff a robot would do, making it
20:11 pointless that he saw her. But at least here it's not pointless because Elroy getting suspicious was
20:16 necessary to resolve the plot. It was impressive of Elroy to run off and tell George a lie that
20:22 the carnival boss would put them to work so he could get him to leave with him. But it didn't
20:27 make that enraging out of character moment worth it. George would have questioned that guy calling
20:33 him a good shot right away. The story just cheated to last so long, wasting all of its time on one
20:40 carnival game. Nothing in the plot actually required sci-fi technology. The final story was
20:47 exhausting, giving George a bunch of idiot balls to force the concept of his taking advantage of
20:52 Judy's apprentice boyfriend's backfiring for her, when it's obvious that on its own, normally him
20:58 doing that shouldn't be a problem. All of them only lasted a day, so why shouldn't he enjoy it
21:03 while it lasts when he'll only have a day to jump at the chance? Because Jane nags him to leave the
21:09 fireman apprentice alone, he ignores him and smokes out back, even though he never smoked before. So
21:15 either it was all off screen or this is another universe just to force him to somehow think
21:20 smoking in a closed car is a good idea. Open the air dome and get the fire car to chase itself.
21:26 Luckily, Ralph saving him with the lasso gets him a raise in promotion, and he's still got karma in
21:32 the form of his family being mad at him for his inexcusable behavior. But still, Ralph had a happy
21:37 ending, so it's still a good thing he did this. Which sort of messes up the moral of the story of
21:42 "stay away from your daughter's boyfriends." And to think, Judy would have been happier if Jane
21:48 kept her big mouth shut, or at least told him to ask Ralph for a ride in the car with him,
21:52 which is what I'm sure he was planning to do. Then Ralph wouldn't have let things get to this
21:57 point because he'd warned him not to light a cigar. Jane only gave him this lecture because
22:02 the comic makes up the idea that he's caused trouble in the past, but it feels like cheating
22:06 because it's just a compressed vice, referencing stuff that never happened. Well, the real George
22:12 wouldn't have had that scolding. This is a guy who can fix cards in a food machine,
22:17 and vent to Robunt. It's not believable to give him as little common sense as Homer.
