MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 07/07/2023
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03:39 in Africa, is the theme of this edition. Its annual meeting aims to analyze the issues of peace and security on the continent, focusing on the assets, history and the ability to overcome the current challenges.
03:52 This is what a statement is indicating from the organizers. This event will be marked by the presence of the former President of the Republic of Central Africa, Catherine Samba-Panzai, and many high-level experts.
04:06 How to strengthen the Senegalese-Moroccan cooperation in the prevention of floods?
04:12 This question was at the heart of the interviews this Friday in Fes between the Moroccan Minister of Equipment and Water, Nizar Baraka, and the Senegalese Minister in charge of the prevention and management of the Issa Kadiob floods.
04:24 This interview took place during the third international conference on water and climate. It was also a moment of sharing Morocco's experience in protecting against floods,
04:36 especially in the case of the weather-based alert system and the implementation of coastal dams. The Senegalese minister described this meeting as "fruitful".
04:47 The French government has announced a new agreement with the Moroccan government to strengthen the Senegalese-Moroccan cooperation in the prevention and management of floods.
04:54 Back in Rabat, where the head of government, Aziz Arnouch, presided yesterday a meeting of the Council of Surveillance of Agricultural Credit.
05:00 Members of the Council of Surveillance noted with satisfaction the decision to increase the capital of agricultural credit in Morocco by strengthening its funds,
05:09 which will amount to 1.35 billion dirhams, to support the agricultural sector and ensure the financing of farmers in the framework of the Green Generation strategy.
05:21 Aziz Arnouch highlighted the importance of implementing government policy to provide the necessary support to farmers and farmers.
05:35 Still in Morocco, Tangier hosted the joint meeting of the offices of the 6th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly.
05:42 A meeting chaired by the Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Leila Ben Ali,
05:48 is a concretization of the implementation of the Moroccan presidency's agenda of this assembly.
05:54 The meeting allowed to agree on multilateral, effective, inclusive and sustainable actions to fight against climate change,
06:02 biodiversity loss and pollution. I invite the Moroccan Minister to listen.
06:08 We are gathered today in the beautiful city of Tangier, as you have seen.
06:19 It is a retreat of the United Nations Environment Assembly, chaired by Morocco.
06:24 This meeting in Tangier is a very important meeting, a one-and-a-half-day meeting with the members of the United Nations Environment Assembly,
06:35 which will allow us to finalize our ministerial declaration project,
06:40 and to look at the resolution projects and continue negotiations on global environmental issues.
06:48 This is a process that will lead to the meeting of the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, in February 2024, chaired by Morocco.
06:58 This is an opportunity to start putting in place the roadmap of our presidency of the United Nations Environment Assembly,
07:08 so that when we arrive in Nairobi in February 2024, we will arrive with a common position to present in the United Nations.
07:18 Direction au Niger ou le Haut-Représentant Européen pour les Affaires Étrangères, José Borrell, a achevé jeudi une visite de travail de 48 heures.
07:27 Un déplacement pour renforcer la coopération européenne avec ce pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest, considéré comme un allié stratégique dans la sous-région.
07:35 Les détails avec notre correspondant Niamé Jean-Gébréli.
07:40 Cette visite du chef de la diplomatie européenne s'inscrit dans le cadre du renforcement des relations entre Niamé et Bruxelles.
07:47 Reçu en audience par le chef de l'État Mohamed Bazoum, José Borrell a tenu à réaffirmer l'engagement de l'Union Européenne à soutenir le développement socio-économique du Niger.
07:58 Un îlot de stabilité, un moteur économique pour la sous-région.
08:03 Un taux de croissance de 2 digits, presque 12%. C'est un moteur fondamental pour la région.
08:11 Son développement énergétique le monte. Le Nigerien va multiplier par 5 la production de pétrole.
08:19 Nous appuyons énormément avec toute notre force au président Bazoum. Nous appuyons sa vision régionale.
08:27 Sa vision du développement économique qui combine la sécurité avec la croissance.
08:35 Un développement socio-économique pour lequel l'Union Européenne souhaite d'ailleurs contribuer à plus grande échelle.
08:41 Outre le co-financement d'une centrale solaire de 30 MW inaugurée ce mercredi, c'est une hausse de l'aide budgétaire qui a été annoncée par le vice-président de la Commission Européenne.
08:52 Il va y avoir un nouveau apport de 66 millions d'aides budgétaires directes.
08:58 Et dans la révision des perspectives financières que nous allons faire à Bruxelles dans les prochaines semaines,
09:04 on va faire tout le possible pour en monter la velope totale que le Niger reçoit qui est aux alentours de 500 millions d'euros.
09:13 Un appui auquel devraient s'ajouter 320 millions d'euros, soit près de 200 milliards de francs SIFA,
09:19 visant à équiper l'armée nigérienne dans le cadre de la lutte contre le terrorisme.
09:24 Une aide tirée du fond de la facilité européenne pour la paix, dont le Niger sera le premier pays à bénéficier en Afrique.
09:32 Au Nigeria, l'ambassade de France vient de lancer un programme ambitieux d'apprentissage du français dans cinq états du pays.
09:42 Si cette langue séduit beaucoup de Nigérians, elle reste peu parlée dans le pays, reportage de Gilles Bertrand à Abuja.
09:49 Installée autour d'une table, Oudouak Essien et ses collègues s'obligent à apprendre le français à l'Institut d'études de la langue française,
09:58 situé dans le grand quartier commercial de Ouissetou, à Abuja, la capitale fédérale du Nigeria.
10:03 Elle espère au terme de sa formation ici pouvoir suivre des films et lire en français.
10:09 J'aime la langue française parce qu'elle est très belle.
10:16 J'aime la langue française.
10:20 Elle est une très importante langue dans l'Afrique, dans l'Amérique, tout le monde.
10:29 Le Nigeria est immédiatement entouré de quatre pays francophones.
10:33 Il s'agit du Cameroun, de la République du Bénin, du Tchad et de la République du Niger.
10:39 Pour communiquer avec les voisins immédiats, le Nigeria se voit fortement engagé dans l'apprentissage et l'utilisation de la langue française.
10:47 C'est pourquoi l'ambassade près d'Abuja vient de lancer un nouveau programme d'études de la langue française au Nigeria.
10:53 L'objectif de ce programme, qui s'appelle effectivement "Français, langue de communication et de renforcement des compétences",
11:00 vient d'être lancé officiellement aujourd'hui.
11:05 On va travailler avec cinq États fédérés, plus l'État de la capitale fédérale,
11:12 pour développer des programmes pilotes pour moderniser, améliorer la qualité de l'apprentissage du français.
11:23 Ces nouveaux programmes visent donc à déterminer les mesures que l'ambassade de la France a prises pour faire de la langue française au Nigeria une réalité
11:31 et aussi identifier les éventuels obstacles qui affectent la propagation et la croissance de cette deuxième langue, malgré l'appui politique dont elle joue.
11:40 C'est une discussion qu'il faudra avoir avec les directeurs, avec les chefs, les responsables de départements.
11:46 Cette réunion nous permet de lancer globalement le programme et ensuite il y aura un travail à faire dans chaque État de sensibilisation.
11:53 Aujourd'hui, le gouvernement nigerien considère le français après l'anglais comme la langue étrangère la plus importante à enseigner dans leurs écoles.
12:03 Le gouvernement a beaucoup investi pour assurer que ce programme d'apprentissage du français,
12:15 de la langue étrangère, soit obligatoire pour les élèves de ce niveau.
12:21 Il y a suffisamment, actuellement suffisamment, par rapport à ce qui se passe dans le passé.
12:28 La France a déjà un grand réseau culturel au Nigeria avec 10 alliances françaises et un institut français qui permet principalement aux adultes d'apprendre le français.
12:42 This time, the program will concern public secondary schools in Nigeria.
12:46 Since 1998, the French language has been introduced in Nigeria as the second official language.
12:53 To complete the English language, this language still has to do the expected.
12:58 The security situation in the region has been worrying for a decade.
13:04 A commemorative international conference has brought together military, university, politicians and civil society.
13:12 This meeting is part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Centre for Higher Studies in Defence and Security.
13:19 Vassania is also the name of the conference.
13:21 The region is marked by intra-State, ethnic, religious conflicts, among others.
13:29 Faced with such an evolving violence, the appropriate response to the security challenges in Africa would be a more inclusive strategy, integrating the various levers of human security.
13:42 A collective reflection urges to take decisions that correspond to the urgency of the situation.
13:49 The military always initiates. The reflections on human security show that war is not the solution.
13:58 And that we absolutely need to avoid military escalation in any field.
14:03 Solutions exist. Everyone has insisted on the need for an improved governance.
14:08 This international conference commemorates the 10th anniversary of the Centre for Higher Studies in Defence and Security, SHEDS.
14:17 The theme is "Challenges and challenges for effective collective security in West Africa".
14:23 It was an opportunity to reflect on the role and capabilities of the CDAO as a major pillar of collective security in West Africa.
14:34 Security in West Africa is a permanent and multifaceted issue.
14:42 It goes from collective security to individual security, as you want to do.
14:47 It is a daily work involving both the States and the people at the source.
14:53 And obviously all the institutions, each of us has its part and its role to play.
15:00 We have a very difficult situation in a country like Burkina Faso, with a very brutal degradation in a few years.
15:07 I don't think we see any immediate prospect of improvement, and that's what's even more worrying.
15:13 But obviously, as citizens of the region, we have the responsibility to continue to think collectively,
15:18 but also to push the governors to take decisions that correspond to the urgency of the situation.
15:23 This event has brought together 200 participants, including university students, members of the Defence and Security Forces,
15:32 associations of young people, women, traditional authorities and religious dignitaries.
15:39 Several themes have been developed over the past two days by prominent military, university, political and civil society figures.
15:52 And the news is also the opening of the first international forum in Senegal,
15:58 dedicated to promoting investment opportunities in the country and in Africa.
16:03 Nearly 3,000 investors from over 60 countries took part in the meeting,
16:08 with the support of the Mokila Moussandi Registry.
16:11 The Forum Invest in Senegal offers a platform that is favourable to meetings and discussions between local and foreign investors.
16:21 During his opening speech, the Senegalese President, Macky Sall, highlighted the importance of promoting strategic partnerships.
16:30 The Forum Invest must be part of a perfecting logic,
16:38 which will enable the country to deliver better performance
16:44 by remaining in the service of private sector partners and by integrating the best practices that are done elsewhere.
16:54 Because the needs of investment in Africa are so important that no country,
16:59 let alone the First World Power, can support the pace of demand.
17:06 So there is room for everyone.
17:09 We just need to work together to meet the challenges of institutional support for our partners.
17:17 In June, Senegal was marked by violent demonstrations.
17:22 President Macky Sall wanted to reassure financial institutions about the stability of the country.
17:28 Our first investment, the one that must attract and make prosper,
17:35 is peace, security and stability.
17:48 But also the state of law.
17:51 These are prerequisites without which there can be no sustainable trade or investment.
17:58 And all over the world, peace, security and stability, as well as the state of law,
18:05 are the fundamental pillars of an attractive business environment.
18:10 The objective of this economic meeting is to promote fructuous partnerships between Senegalese and Ivorian investors.
18:17 The complementarity of our economies offers mutually beneficial opportunities.
18:23 We want to meet the challenges of the local, sub-regional and international value chains of our primary business.
18:33 I invite and encourage foreign national investors to seize these opportunities.
18:42 I encourage in particular Senegalese and Ivorian economic actors
18:47 to build future partnerships through investments supported by the most valuable capitals of our countries.
18:54 Nearly 3,000 investors have made the trip to Dakar.
18:57 Several round tables should allow to exchange on certain key sectors in Africa.
19:03 The world experienced the hottest month of June ever recorded.
19:09 The last month was slightly higher, from 0.5 degrees to an average of 91.2 degrees,
19:16 beating the previous record of June 2019.
19:19 Temperatures at sea level without preceding a stretch of the Antarctic ice sheet of a record low.
19:27 This is what we learn from the UN Press Service.
19:30 The heat continued at the beginning of July, traditionally the hottest month of the year.
19:35 Also note that extreme waves of extreme marine heat have been observed around Ireland, the United Kingdom and the Baltic Sea.
19:43 It will be very hot here in Morocco.
19:49 A wave of heat is expected from Sunday to Friday in different provinces of Morocco,
19:54 with temperatures varying between 37 and 47 degrees.
19:58 Forecasts announced this Friday by the General Directorate of Meteorology.
20:02 Temperatures also between 37 and 43 degrees are expected Sunday in the provinces of Chouchouine, Housseima, Birken, Oujda Enged,
20:11 Driouche, Knefra, Ifrane, Haji Bounadour, Boulmen, Gersif, Tazaïsfrou.
20:16 Temperatures between 44 and 47 degrees are expected Monday to Friday, among others in the provinces of Tata, Sazak, Taroudan and Tessmara.
20:25 Monday to Thursday, a very hot weather is expected in the provinces of Ouazane, Sidqassim, Gersif, Tawrijd, Meknesfes, Tazam and Qobé.
20:34 This is the end of the news. Thank you for watching. Stay with us, the news continues.
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