00:00 The Jetsons 1963, issue 11.
00:04 George gets woken up by an alarm clock and is immediately observant enough to wonder why it's so quiet in the house.
00:10 And sees that he slept through the alarm again, making him late for the third time this week.
00:16 A robot claw holds his sleeve and a robot hand brushes his teeth as he gets a claw puts his belt on.
00:24 And he says there's no time for an automatic shoe shine.
00:28 Jane walks around with a glass of liquid on a platter for him.
00:32 And he runs away saying he's late for work and she explains that she hates to see him rush off without a hot meal.
00:39 And she's got a pill there.
00:41 Spacely gets shown an indestructible suit.
00:45 It seems too good to be true, especially since the scientist looks jarringly evil when he smirks about testing it on someone.
00:52 There's no way to be allowed to test it on a living being.
00:57 They'd have to do it in secret.
00:59 Maybe an alien or robot if they don't have rights.
01:02 Martians seem to be treated badly.
01:04 He must know he's not allowed to and Spacely just doesn't care.
01:08 George tries to sneak by the electro-eyed time clock so he won't know he's late again.
01:14 If that's possible, and it is, everyone would do that.
01:19 He wants to sneak up to his office through the air conditioning duct.
01:23 Which in real life, that'd be really noisy.
01:25 Spacely turns off the air conditioning sending George flying into his room and into him.
01:31 Because he knows George is stupid, Spacely cleverly decides to flatter him and make him test the suit.
01:37 Without warning him right away that he's gonna be a test subject for it.
01:41 As disproportionate retribution for an accident.
01:45 I'm used to him being a jerk.
01:47 And I'm still annoyed with how stupid George was last issue.
01:50 So I'm not too mad.
01:52 And if George stays oblivious the whole time, it really won't be a problem.
01:57 He doesn't care that the scientists tried smacking his head with a chair.
02:01 It's obvious witchcraft is involved in protecting him.
02:05 No amount of nanomachines from the suit would make the kinetic force not send him forwards.
02:11 Even if the nanobots produced some force fields that he can't see.
02:15 He'd still feel this, and even if he can't feel anything, he'd still hear it and turn around.
02:21 He does turn around.
02:23 But it's not as if the professor sat down too hard on that chair.
02:27 I like that he nervously smiles and lies about it because he's so intimidated.
02:32 Spacely tells him to go to the bank for him and check their accounts.
02:36 And George thinks the boss finally realized how valuable he is because he's treating him carefully.
02:41 Even though I doubt he can push a button all day better than anyone else in his workplace.
02:46 Which wouldn't need his other skills like fixing cars and food machines.
02:50 Wouldn't everyone hear the scientists say he's gonna fire 10 zillion volts of electricity?
02:56 Oh, so he felt that as a tickle, but not the chair, because it's just so high energy.
03:02 He walks ahead without watching where he's going because he'd rather wave at his boss.
03:08 And the idiot ball causes someone to crash their car into him and not hurt him.
03:12 But somehow, all it does to the car is bend its bumper.
03:16 Even though it hit an indestructible man that can't be pushed forward somehow.
03:20 He says he's been taking vitamins and the warlock who made the suit tells him what happened.
03:26 As I'm wondering why the owner of the damaged car won't try to sue anyone here for damages.
03:32 Spacely wants to have a company banquet tonight to announce putting the suit on the market as everyone would want one.
03:39 This scientist is gonna exhaust all of his magic putting in every suit he produces.
03:44 Or exhaust all the magic of the witch he's secretly working with.
03:48 But I get it because he thinks the money will be worth it.
03:51 From force of habit, Spacely tries to give George a pat on the back, although he's never tried to do that.
03:57 So this has to be another universe where he is in that habit.
04:01 George gets mad at him and I like that Spacely looks nervous about it.
04:05 George says he deserves more than a 50 cent raise for risking his neck.
04:11 He says that if you won't give him the raise, he'll just go home with the suit.
04:15 I guess he's bluffing, cause he could always fire him and send the cops after him.
04:20 Spacely somehow plans on hitting him when he just said he's got the suit on.
04:25 Even though he says he's never hit an employee before.
04:28 The scientist reminds him he's invincible to keep him safe and finally shows morality saying that he deserves the reward for being their test subject.
04:37 Even though he was never actually in danger.
04:40 20 years of research, yeah right. Only witchcraft would make this suit possible.
04:44 I think he gave up on the research and cheated with magic out of exhaustion.
04:49 Spacely says he'll announce the bonus at the banquet and asks for the suit.
04:54 George is even smarter by saying he'll wear it tonight and saying it'll be good publicity.
05:00 Sadly, it's not the end of the story, so I'm worried that it's gonna lead to a downer ending where the suit will wear off and not be good publicity.
05:08 We see George run home and hug Jane telling her to buy that marching mink coat early.
05:14 He wants her to put the suit in the wonder washer.
05:17 Gee, I wonder if it'll somehow be ruined by that thing.
05:21 How does it have any spots on it when it's indestructible?
05:25 It only has those spots if it's supposed to have them.
05:30 I know George looks like a jerk by demanding more money, but it's Spacely.
05:35 And he was given a pitifully small raise in exchange for his life being threatened.
05:40 So this is a very petty excuse for the writer to vent by punishing George in a way too predictable ending.
05:47 The foreshadowing sucks if it's too obvious.
05:50 Of course the suit falls apart in the machine.
05:53 And when he calls Spacely about not wanting to wear the suit at the banquet, he refuses to humor him just because they made a deal.
06:01 Instead of George just saying he shouldn't wear the suit tonight, he could have very easily told him it got ruined right away.
06:08 I know he was scared of getting punished for the suit being ruined, and so he was hoping he could avoid telling him that.
06:14 But it was guaranteed to find out eventually anyways.
06:18 So George embarrasses Spacely bringing the suit to the banquet, making the audience laugh.
06:23 Somehow everyone in the audience at once all says the same thing.
06:28 The scientist says it needs more testing before being marketed.
06:32 It's almost like he should have tried washing it before testing it on George.
06:37 If he really made it with scientific research, he would have already known it well enough to know it couldn't be washed.
06:44 Spacely fortunately admits that thanks to George's bungling, he saved a lot of money by not manufacturing any more of that product, which is why he doesn't get fired.
06:54 But he does have plates thrown at him illegally in front of witnesses who would call the police and get Spacely in trouble.
07:01 But somehow they all just laugh because they're really brave.
07:05 So this is a parallel universe where at the end, Spacely goes to jail.
07:09 In the next story, it makes Rosie more relatable by showing her having a tea party with a maid bot from next door,
07:16 who complains over a cup of oil that because her family is moving to Mars, she somehow has to find another job.
07:23 Either families with maid bots somehow aren't allowed to take them to their new house when they move on because the robot company expects them to be in one little place,
07:32 and even then you'd think they could just call them and maybe pay a fee to have them reassigned.
07:38 Or a family just uses it as an excuse to ditch her because they don't like her.
07:42 I don't see why they would when she's a robot specifically designed to be a good maid.
07:48 Apparently Mrs. Beavison wants to feel self-reliant and accomplished again.
07:53 I know Rosie has a bedroom in George's house. Why don't they just move with them?
07:58 Rosie tells Millie she knows a place that'll find her a job if she calls them.
08:02 She's thanked for it.
08:04 And Rosie's probably joking here because she should know Heart of Gold is just a figure of speech.
08:10 Even if she never heard the phrase before, the context makes it obvious.
08:15 George complains about Rosie loafing around all day when for all he knows, she just sat down to the tea party.
08:22 And Jane says his name scoldingly and Millie leaves.
08:26 Rosie offers to take the grocery bags and Jane thanks her for just doing her job, unless that's not a part of the maid description.
08:35 She thankfully warns George that Rosie might quit if she's treated too badly,
08:40 after just one snarky comment from someone who's usually a bit of a jerk anyways.
08:45 Of course she's worrying too much.
08:47 It's encouraging that robot maids have the right to quit,
08:50 when this is the same society that expected Rosie to get herself trashed in one episode because she's obsolete.
08:56 Fortunately, the writer cares enough to explain why George snarked at Rosie when that didn't require explanation.
09:03 He apologizes and says he had a hard day at work because one of the buttons kept sticking.
09:09 He has a good sense to point out that Rosie loves the family too much to quit, gets advised to apologize, and agrees.
09:16 Predictably, because Rosie calls the employment agency, he tells Jane she's quitting.
09:22 You'd think Rosie would hear him.
09:24 In no part of the house can you not hear every conversation that's going on.
09:29 I doubt the house is so big that it's just that far away, because it looks smaller than my house.
09:35 But the plot relies on Rosie not hearing him and correcting him later,
09:39 and George not hearing the revelation that the job's for Millie, who they have files on.
09:44 George plans on making it up to her.
09:46 We'll actually be smart of Rosie to pretend she didn't hear him with the advanced hearing you'd think robots would have,
09:52 so that she could get catered to.
09:54 So this does make sense.
09:56 George sees Rosie washing the dishes in the sink in the future,
10:01 but he's not questioning that, as if the dishwasher is broken,
10:06 but instead just tells her to not rust her hands, and Jane tells her to relax more and sit in the living room.
10:12 She wants to straighten things up, and George tells her to lie down and rest.
10:17 Rosie fortunately explains that even robots get bored, and she doesn't like to sit around doing nothing.
10:23 He tells her he's going shopping for a present,
10:27 and he gets her a TV with a tiny screen, to the point where he feels like overcompensating by saying it's an all-Galaxy channel 3-dimensional.
10:35 Jane serves her some oil and says she can work when she feels like it,
10:39 as it just feels bad for these two for encouraging her to be lazy.
10:43 Rosie thinks they're just trying to make her feel good before firing her,
10:47 because George was mad at her.
10:49 So minutes later, she tells them that they don't have to put on a big act just to fire her and plans to go.
10:56 It was kind of merciful to the Jetsons that she had this reaction so quickly.
11:00 Millie conveniently comes over to thank Rosie in person, getting things cleared up, when she could have just called her.
11:07 The whole mess is explained, and everyone fortunately has a laugh.
11:12 George laughed all week until he got the bill for the TV and cried.
11:17 I guess he paid for it with a credit card and didn't pay attention to how much the price tag was when he bought it for some reason.
11:24 In the next story, Rosie gets startled at Elroy running after Astro,
11:29 and nags Elroy that she kept warning them about running in the house.
11:33 Elroy says a blatant lie that they forgot.
11:37 They go right back to running, and she says children are always forgetting,
11:40 and she calls a friend of hers for the mechanical playmate, the Jones Boy Outgrow,
11:45 a robot kid that Rosie instructs off-screen on the do's and don'ts before sending it to play with Elroy,
11:52 and she tells him to remember things better. I'm guessing this won't work for long.
11:57 How do you outgrow a robot playmate anyways?
12:00 Elroy and Astro get picked up by Timmy the Robot and told to remember to wipe their feet,
12:05 as Elroy already knows Timmy's name because it must have been a time skip.
12:09 Elroy luckily thanks Timmy for the reminder, when he could have easily just thought of him as a spoilsport.
12:15 But then he decides to teach Timmy how to play good guys and bad guys with toy guns.
12:21 Rosie wastes her time bragging to Jane, and George assumes Timmy won't remind Elroy to wash up for supper.
12:27 Elroy and Timmy run inside with Astro, and they forget to wipe their feet, take off their hats, and wash their hands.
12:34 Since when does Elroy take off his hat before eating at the table? Why is that a rule?
12:40 The kids apologize, and Elroy explains that in order to remind Timmy how to play, he had to replace all the do's and don'ts.
12:48 Rosie says that's no excuse in this machine age, and it really isn't.
12:52 Because Timmy would have more than enough room in him for info on how to play.
12:56 He didn't have to. He just wanted to.
12:59 The story ends with it being revealed that Rosie forgot to make supper because she was so concerned over the family.
13:06 In the next story, Jane calls Elroy in for lunch from a video call from the wall of the house outside.
13:13 So Astro gets left alone, and then a spaceship stops in front of him, and a talking dog alien jumps out of it,
13:20 fortunately justifying that he's from the Dog Star, like Futurama, to try to make it look less ridiculous and out of place.
13:28 He kidnaps Astro, saying he's slowly rounding up all of the dogs on Earth to show them a better way to live on the Dog Star,
13:36 and he's gonna be brought to a pooch placement center where he'll be given a house and job.
13:42 This must just be a dream of Astro's. It's obvious that Earth's dogs wouldn't be sentient enough for this.
13:49 But he is, because he said "better" like Scooby-Doo would, so it makes sense that they knew to make him get a job.
13:56 But these aliens are just begging for a war against Earth.
14:00 At first he likes the idea of getting to do everything Earthlings could do, but it's obvious he wouldn't like having to get a job.
14:08 These aliens should've expected this reaction from people who used to being pampered like pets.
14:13 Astro gets given a white collar worker job that the story skips past showing what he does for it.
14:20 This society isn't so picky about people having to have college degrees to get hired,
14:24 because Astro got a job with no education, which makes sense, because I doubt he'd need to know most of what high school forces you learn to do that job well,
14:32 even as an alien society. Or he got information he needed to know put into his brain by a computer.
14:39 Astro tries to lie on the floor, only for a TV on the wall to have a dictator tell him not to lie on the floor anymore, calling him by name.
14:47 How would he be able to pay attention to all of the dogs at once?
14:51 He's only addressing Astro. He is told to use the sofa and do work from the office.
14:57 This is a misrepresentation of what it'd be like for him if he got to live a human life. He wouldn't have to deal with any of this.
15:04 And it was already clear and easy to understand enough that he'd hate his life from the first panel he was going home tired.
15:10 He misses Elroy, and gets told by the intercom that he'll prepare his own meal.
15:15 He presses buttons and gets raw food flung at him, and is called stupid for pressing too many buttons at once.
15:23 The aliens would have known to actually teach the dog people how to use the food-o-mats.
15:28 I get to see the TV get hit by a pie, and Astro laughed at it.
15:32 Too bad he's hit by an orange right afterwards, with the food-o-mat broken.
15:37 And it turns out Astro really was dreaming all of this, as Elroy apologizes to him for accidentally hitting him with the ball.
15:45 On the one hand, this justifies how confusing it is that the dog aliens were so stupid.
15:51 But it means there actually wasn't a story in-universe taking advantage of how Astro's sentient.
15:57 But it wasn't telling me how he's sentient anyways.
16:00 Elroy says he wanted to play catch with him as the story ends.
16:04 In the next story, George shows there's still superstition in the future, and Jodie complains that she doesn't have a date.
16:12 George naturally says she's exaggerating her problems, and plans to buy a new mirror.
16:16 From a wild coincidence, someone's building a live TV show here where people talk about their problems, and George is invited to do so.
16:25 He could've very easily only mentioned his problem, not Jodie's.
16:30 It was also completely forced that he mention the full name of the guy she wants to notice her, because it's just begging for him to find out about it.
16:39 Which might just cause Jodie to get upset if he doesn't lead to him dating her.
16:43 From a less wild coincidence, the TV just happens to be tuned into that exact show right in front of Jodie.
16:50 Jane accidentally makes George break the new mirror he paid good money for.
16:55 So it's too bad she doesn't care enough to apologize.
16:59 She cathartically tells him off for a while.
17:01 Luckily, the guy Jodie likes shows up at her house with a smile because of what George said.
17:07 Why can't anyone just go visit someone's house in this universe?
17:11 Aren't people not allowed to enter apartment buildings if they don't live there or aren't specifically invited by the denizens of it?
17:18 Why does an FD use a buzzer?
17:20 She apologizes and gets told not to because he had been wanting to ask her to the big dance, but assumed that she thought he was a loser.
17:28 This was the most predictable way for George's mistake to work out, but I'm so glad it happened.
17:34 It's just a natural byproduct of the comic having a good tone.
17:38 The best tone I ever saw.
17:40 Sadly, George gets Joan thinking that the real villain is Sammy for not paying attention to his daughter.
17:46 And then he sees him and kicks him out because he thinks he came over here to tease Jodie.
17:50 She gets mad at George for what he did and he breaks another mirror.
17:54 Thankfully, he grabs her saying, "I'm sick of broken mirrors and broken hearts. You're coming with me, young lady."
18:01 So he drives over to Sammy and he tells Jodie to hop out.
18:05 And drives away expecting her to explain things to him.
18:08 She says dads aren't so bad as they hold hands.
18:11 And George's dialogue makes it way too obvious that something is going to happen to the next mirror.
18:17 I just wish he wouldn't be breaking any.
18:19 But there's no other way the plot could progress as it does.
18:23 He gets mad at the TV guys from earlier, and at least this time the mirror is broken on purpose by him.
18:29 He breaks the mirror against that guy, which would just get him in legal trouble.
18:34 So that's really a downer ending.
18:36 Bad luck, yeah right. He'd have to have a lot of good luck so that both of these people are too scared to call the cops on him.
18:42 And we know the show's live.
18:45 So he was also lucky that nobody he knew recognized him got him in trouble for this.
18:50 I'd rather think he was that lucky than think this is an alternate universe where he goes to jail after this.
18:56 The first story is about George getting sent into space sleep from a blast of wind from the air duct.
19:02 And being made to test invincibility soon as a punishment.
19:05 But it's really not so bad because it was oblivious to all of the punishment he was taking.
19:10 It's only frustrating when it becomes too obvious that something is going to happen and take away the big raise he demands.
19:16 As I just know he would have gotten it if the story was shorter.
19:20 But instead the magic suit gets ruined by the washing machine, which you'd think is something the scientists would have known and warned him about after 20 years of research.
19:28 At least it supports my theory that it's just some magic suits because the scientist is a warlock.
19:33 Or working for one.
19:35 The only way the suit would be possible.
19:38 So either there was no research or there was but he just took over the project of someone else.
19:43 Sadly, despite the fact that George saved Spacely a ton of money by revealing what happened to the suit to make him not release anymore.
19:51 He still doesn't get anything as a reward at the end.
19:54 And ends the story being abused.
19:56 Good things Spacely usually pleasantly surprises me and we don't learn that George got injured.
20:02 Or be more than mildly annoyed at this.
20:05 But it's just one panel and it's not from a character you're supposed to like.
20:09 The second story is about George seeing Rosie try to get a new job for a maid friend.
20:14 Because for absolutely no reason her family is firing her because they're moving to Mars.
20:19 And George assumes she's trying to find the new job for herself and sucks up to her.
20:24 But it's for a surprisingly short amount of time to be merciful to the family a little.
20:28 Because the story is too short to fully take advantage of the concept.
20:31 And Rosie gets suspicious.
20:33 It wastes comic space on George talking to Jane so she should have not been hung.
20:38 It was only kind of merciful.
20:40 They still wasted money on a new TV.
20:42 The only way the plot took advantage of it being sci-fi is that's why Millie needs a new job.
20:47 Just because her family is moving to Mars.
20:50 But they could have moved somewhere else.
20:52 You'd think since the maids live with their families they won't have to find new employers if they move.
20:58 And if the maids are assigned by the robot company to specific places.
21:02 Still there'd be a system in place for people to move to protect the jobs of the maid bots.
21:07 Because it'd be a hassle for people to have to hire new maids.
21:11 They'd call the company to reassign the location.
21:14 But then they shouldn't even have to do that.
21:16 It can only make sense if I assume Millie was lied to about why she had to find a new job.
21:21 When really the wife feels useless not getting to do what the maid is doing.
21:24 And somehow she resents her for that too much to tell her the truth.
21:28 Which is the only confusing thing.
21:30 Rosie's story is about Rosie sending a robot kid to try to remind Elroy of the rules of the house.
21:36 Because he has so much fun running around that he forgets to follow them.
21:40 Only for him to effortlessly make him forget them by teaching him how to play cops and robbers.
21:45 What's annoying is that he acts like he had to make him forget the rules.
21:48 When robots would have way more memory than that by this point.
21:52 If he had lied, he would have had to go into the robot's memories to erase his rules.
21:57 But the robot wouldn't let him do that.
21:59 He's got nothing to not get out with.
22:01 So it's like all he had to do was talk to him.
22:04 Astro's story really did turn out to be a nightmare of his.
22:07 Where a dog alien kidnaps him to put him to work as a white collar worker.
22:11 We don't get to see what he actually does.
22:14 And all the story somehow shows him being told by a TV to act like a human.
22:19 Even at his own home, when all he wants to do is nap.
22:23 This isn't something a human puts up with.
22:26 So that kind of misses the point of the story.
22:29 I'd rather be told why Astro is sentient.
22:31 But apparently, because that was all a dream, Astro's still the only sentient dog around.
22:37 But at least if he was part of an entire category, it'd try to better explain why he can sort of talk.
22:42 Because he's not a normal dog.
22:44 Instead we're supposed to believe he is.
22:47 So he's just annoyingly confusing.
22:50 Then there's a story where George keeps breaking mirrors by accident after buying new ones.
22:55 And then somehow is dumb enough to embarrass Judy by saying the full name of her crush on live television.
23:02 Judy could have very easily not seen it and caused another mirror to break.
23:07 And George to assume Sammy's come to his house to tease his daughter.
23:11 It's a relief that Judy ended up getting a date because of his mistake.
23:15 But that relief doesn't last long when I realize that the way George punished the guy who was just doing his job without knowing what trouble got caused.
23:24 And didn't force George to say Sammy's full name would have gotten him in jail.
23:30 [music]