• 2 years ago


00:01:12Vina Ray to Transport TR-14.
00:01:15Thanks for the buggy ride.
00:01:36Secretary Drake,
00:01:39you've landed your spaceship here on our planet
00:01:41against my orders.
00:01:43Cleolanta, please try to understand
00:01:45the united worlds of the solar system.
00:01:48Each world does its share for the benefit of all.
00:01:51You can help us, Cleolanta, and we can help you.
00:01:55Cleolanta needs no help from any man.
00:01:58Our planet Ophiuchus is strong.
00:02:01It needs no help from your planet.
00:02:03You're depriving your people of great benefits, Cleolanta.
00:02:07Rocky Jones, you are presumptuous.
00:02:10Everything that my people need is right here on Ophiuchus.
00:02:16I grant you one hour to leave Ophiuchus.
00:02:19If you don't, you and your spaceship will be destroyed.
00:02:25Only 59 minutes remain.
00:02:28Lafonte, train the guns on their spaceship.
00:02:3359 minutes.
00:02:36Come along, Rocky, Winky.
00:02:38It's useless.
00:02:40We're wasting our precious minutes.
00:02:56Cleolanta, a stubborn woman if I ever saw one.
00:03:00Winky, you can't argue with self-sufficient people like that.
00:03:03I mean, I'm a friendly guy.
00:03:05I like my neighbors.
00:03:06You know, how about a game of cards?
00:03:08You know, how about a game of cards, or may I borrow a cup of sugar?
00:03:12Orbit jet to space station OW-9.
00:03:22Won't Rocky be surprised?
00:03:26Station OW-9 to orbit jet.
00:03:29Andrews to Rocky Jones. Come in, Rocky.
00:03:34OW-9 to orbit jet. Come in, Rocky Jones.
00:03:38What's the matter with Andrews? Has he got a mouth full of crackers or something?
00:03:43Rocky Jones to OW-9. Come in, OW-9.
00:03:47Andrews to Rocky Jones. Come in.
00:03:52Goodness gracious, we befuddled Rocky.
00:03:58That's Professor Newton and Bean and Bobby.
00:04:01That's right, Winky. We're all here.
00:04:04Say, what are you doing on space station OW-9?
00:04:08We're here to greet old friends, Rocky.
00:04:11Rotunda, Bovaro, and Torbank.
00:04:14What, have they managed to build a spaceship of their own?
00:04:17No, Winky. The gypsy moons Posita and Negato are entering our solar system.
00:04:24At 0600 today, they will be very close to this space station.
00:04:30Not close enough to wave, but close enough to talk.
00:04:34Professor Newton, where will the space station be in relation to the gypsy moons?
00:04:39Directly between them, Rocky.
00:04:42Andrews. Yes, Rocky. Great news, isn't it?
00:04:45Stand by. I'll check back as soon as possible. Out.
00:04:48Winky, state the controls. Correct direction. Head for space station OW-9.
00:05:04What is it, Rocky?
00:05:06Something Professor Newton overlooked.
00:05:08The atmosphere chain which links the two moons.
00:05:11Now, assume this is the space station.
00:05:16And these are the gypsy moons, Posita and Negato, approaching from that direction.
00:05:22Now, as the moons pass, the atmosphere chain will envelop the space station.
00:05:27And it was built only to stand in space.
00:05:30A sudden wash of atmosphere could destroy it.
00:05:33Where are we in relation to them?
00:05:35This is our position here.
00:05:37Now, I don't know whether we can reach the space station, or there'll be mine in time to evacuate it.
00:05:48I can't understand Rocky not being excited about the gypsy moons.
00:05:52Maybe Mr. Secretary put the pressure on him.
00:05:55Perhaps he didn't like our blasting off from Earth without orders.
00:05:58Yes, that must be it, Vena.
00:06:01Well, I can't think of any other reason.
00:06:06Orbit jet to space station OW-9.
00:06:09Rocky Jones to Andrews. Come in, Andrews.
00:06:11Yes, Rocky.
00:06:13Give me your refueling schedule.
00:06:15When's the next spaceship due?
00:06:18Nothing scheduled, Rocky. Since transport TR-14 left, we're all clear.
00:06:22I'll sign off. Call back to TR-14. Bring it back.
00:06:28What is it, Rocky? What's the matter?
00:06:30I have to clear for Andrews' call.
00:06:32Just remind Professor Newton of the atmosphere chain.
00:06:35And hurry, Andrews. Make the call.
00:06:37Bring back the TR-14. Out.
00:06:40The atmosphere chain, Professor?
00:06:42The atmosphere chain.
00:06:44Now, what can Rocky have made?
00:06:48Of course, of course.
00:06:50Oh, how stupid of me.
00:06:53What is it, Professor?
00:06:55Yes, what?
00:06:56Quick, Andrews. Make your call as Rocky said.
00:06:59Space station OW-9 to transport TR-14.
00:07:02Come in, TR-14. Come in.
00:07:05Oh, Vena.
00:07:07I've made a terrible blunder.
00:07:09I've led you and Bobby into grave peril.
00:07:12Why, the OW-9 is going to be destroyed.
00:07:17What do you mean, Professor?
00:07:19An object built to withstand the elements of space cannot survive in an atmosphere.
00:07:26The atmosphere chain. That's right.
00:07:29And Rocky wants the TR-14 to evacuate us.
00:07:32Space station OW-9 to transport TR-14.
00:07:36Urgent. Repeat. Urgent. Come in.
00:07:39I can't get an answer.
00:07:41Shall I call Rocky back?
00:07:43He knows what's happening. He'll do everything possible.
00:07:46Keep trying the TR-14.
00:07:48OW-9 to TR-14. Come in.
00:07:51Mayday. Repeat. Mayday.
00:07:54Repeat. Mayday.
00:07:56Space station OW-9 to transport TR-14.
00:07:59Mayday. Repeat. Mayday.
00:08:02We'll have to try to get there, Winky.
00:08:04I'm bleeding her now, Rocky. All the thrust she's got.
00:08:07Space station OW-9 to transport TR-14. Can you hear me?
00:08:12Turn back. Turn back.
00:08:15Orbit jet to space station OW-9.
00:08:18Rocky Jones to Andrews.
00:08:20Yes, Rocky.
00:08:21It's no use, Andrews. The TR-14 is beyond reach.
00:08:25Has Professor Newton rechecked his figures?
00:08:29Yes, Rocky. And they're absolute.
00:08:32The gypsy moons will pass the space station at 0600 today.
00:08:39Don't worry. We'll get you off before then.
00:08:45Tell Andrews I'll call back every hour on the hour.
00:08:49Rocky, please try to understand my blunder.
00:08:54It was just that I thought of nothing else but seeing our friends on the gypsy moons.
00:09:01I understand, Professor. Until the next hour. Out.
00:09:05Out, Rocky.
00:09:06Have you a plan, Rocky? Something we can do?
00:09:09Reaching the space station before 0600 looks impossible.
00:09:12We've been in undeals like this before.
00:09:15A possible crash of moons or a stray meteor clobbering a planet.
00:09:19And we've exploded the small meteors with atomic missiles and blasted the big ones so they'd spin out of the danger orbit.
00:09:26Those are just hunks of ore with no life on them.
00:09:30There are people on these moons.
00:09:32These inhabitants of the gypsy moons, Rocky, do they know their position?
00:09:36Do they have any idea what's going to happen?
00:09:38No, Mr. Secretary.
00:09:40They've got a fixed position in space.
00:09:42They're unable to make astronomy an exact science.
00:10:16What is the matter with our son?
00:10:24I don't understand it, Burau. He has been crying for a long time.
00:10:30He seems to be afraid.
00:10:32Something has frightened him.
00:10:34I wonder what it is, Burau.
00:10:40Don't worry, Quatanda.
00:10:42Our little prince is just strengthening his voice so someday he may rule his people.
00:10:49I wonder if Rocky Jones will find him.
00:10:53So someday he may rule his people.
00:10:57I wonder if Rocky Jones will find our gypsy moons again so he may see our little son.
00:11:11Burau, he seems to be trying to tell us something.
00:11:24Rocky, we're picking up the gypsy moons on our radar becks.
00:11:28Right, Andrews. We're also starting to pick them up.
00:11:38But we're still too far away to catch the image of your space station.
00:11:42I'll call back in an hour. I'll do it every night.
00:11:45Out, Rocky.
00:11:47We can now make a pickup on Visiograph, Andrews.
00:12:10What's all the excitement for, Rocky?
00:12:12There's nothing built quite as sturdy as a space station.
00:12:15Against the perils of space, yes, Winky.
00:12:18But she wasn't built to withstand an atmosphere.
00:12:21She was picked up and carried off like a barn door in a hurricane.
00:12:25Well, it's a long shot, Winky.
00:12:27But we'll try to get there in time to evacuate.
00:12:30Yes, sir.
00:12:52We're going to miss by minutes, Rocky.
00:12:55We've got just seconds left, Winky. Let's make them count.
00:13:22If I can only ram into the landing, Martha.
00:13:25And push the space station out of the atmosphere chamber.
00:13:28Yes, only in this weather we're going to have our hands full.
00:13:31Hat thrust, Winky.
00:13:33Aye, aye, sir.
00:13:41Orbit jet to space station, OW-9.
00:13:43Andrews, can you come in?
00:13:45Space station, OW-9.
00:13:47Orbit jet to space station, OW-9.
00:13:49Andrews, can you come in?
00:13:51Space station, OW-9. Come in.
00:13:55Throw on your magnetic lock. We're trying for the landing berth.
00:13:58Throw on your magnetic lock.
00:14:06Winky, when we get into the berth, full power.
00:14:09Standing by, sir.
00:14:13Magnetic lock on, Rocky.
00:14:15Right, Andrews.
00:14:39Now, Winky, full power. All she has.
00:14:45Full power.
00:15:16What is it, Povera?
00:15:18There is a slight disturbance in the atmospheric chain.
00:15:22Negato recorded it, too, but we have no idea what it is.
00:15:28How is our son, Cotanda?
00:15:30Oh, let's see.
00:15:32Rocky Jones would say he's fine.
00:15:35But I'm afraid he's not.
00:15:37I'm afraid he's not.
00:15:39I'm afraid he's not.
00:15:41I'm afraid he's not.
00:15:43Rocky, uh, Rocky Jones would say he's asleep of the happy.
00:16:03I'm glad you saw what happened, Mr. Secretary.
00:16:06This looks like the room of a new cadet.
00:16:09Such a cadet would never make the Space Rangers, I assure you.
00:16:12We'll match a workship for a third check.
00:16:14It looks like Space Station OW-9 will be as good as new.
00:16:18Yes, sir, I'm sure of it.
00:16:20Goodbye, Andrews.
00:16:21Goodbye, sir.
00:16:24Now, Vena and I have started a graph of the gypsy moon's course.
00:16:31We must realize that gypsy moons can present very grave problems.
00:16:35Other space stations may be trapped in the atmosphere chain.
00:16:40Now, with even far greater loss of life,
00:16:43one of the moons may crash against another, or even a planet.
00:16:47Can you get an exact course, Professor Newton?
00:16:49Are they traveling in a fixed orbit?
00:16:51Yes, Rocky, but not in the way our planets travel in the solar system.
00:16:57What do you mean, Professor?
00:16:59Well, you see, Winky, the major planets in our system travel around the sun.
00:17:05And the gypsy moons travel around each other.
00:17:08Exactly, Rocky.
00:17:09And because of this, they can be far more dangerous.
00:17:14I see what you mean, Professor Newton.
00:17:16While the gypsy moons themselves aren't large, the orbit they describe is.
00:17:20Like children of a playground.
00:17:24What's that, Vena?
00:17:25Here, let me show you.
00:17:28The way they move through space is something like two children on a playground.
00:17:32Bobby is Posita, and I'm the other moon, Nagato.
00:17:35Our arms and hands are the atmosphere chain.
00:17:37They move through space spinning around each other.
00:17:44But if I spin myself, I don't cover half as much area.
00:17:49Sure, I get it.
00:17:51Now, this is my great concern, Rocky.
00:17:56Magnify this by tens of thousands of miles, and you see,
00:18:00you see what tremendous danger we're confronted with.
00:18:05For example, say there's a planet or a moon right over there.
00:18:10Now, Bobby, go ahead again.
00:18:15Mr. Secretary, I'm sorry.
00:18:18What's going on?
00:18:20The illustration of an astronomical phenomenon, Mr. Secretary.
00:18:24Yeah, it seems that you are a planet, Mr. Secretary,
00:18:29and Vena is Posita, and Bobby is Nagato.
00:18:33No, no, no.
00:18:35Bobby is Posita, and Vena is Nagato.
00:18:38Now, you could really either be a planet or a moon,
00:18:41but as it happens, you're a planet, so you see what happens.
00:19:01I'm ready with the corrected navigation chart, Rocky.
00:19:04Please go ahead, Vena.
00:19:06This is our course, Rocky.
00:19:08This is Posita's position, and this is Nagato's.
00:19:12With the course we're on, we can contact Posita about here.
00:19:16Correct heading 4.37, Winky.
00:19:1947, sir.
00:19:20Oh, Vena, how's Professor Newton coming with the charting of the future of the gypsy moons?
00:19:24He's through the 10th of next month, Rocky.
00:19:26It's clear sailing for them so far.
00:19:29Oh, so far, so good. Right, Wink?
00:19:37I can't believe it.
00:19:39I just can't believe it!
00:19:41And you're positive, Professor?
00:19:43Perhaps there's some little mistake.
00:19:47Eh, perhaps there is, Bobby.
00:19:51Yes, I'll go back and recheck my figures.
00:19:57How far have you gone, Professor Newton?
00:19:59Oh, uh, I'm just rechecking, Vena, just to make sure, you know.
00:20:18Orbit jet to Posita headquarters.
00:20:21Rocky Jones to Bovaro.
00:20:23Come in, Bovaro.
00:20:25Come in, Bovaro.
00:20:27Bovaro, come down with from Kwaki Boon.
00:20:30Kwatanda, we were going to speak their language so well.
00:20:34It is Kwaki Jones.
00:20:36No, no, Kwaki Boon.
00:20:38Come down, Bovaro. Talk to him.
00:20:42Orbit jet to...
00:20:44Rocky Jones!
00:20:46That's right!
00:20:47We've tried Kwatova to vex one language.
00:20:51And what about Vena?
00:20:53And Professor Newton, and Bobby, and Winky?
00:20:57This is Winky.
00:20:59Winky, she's got me doing it.
00:21:01Bobby and the Professor are with us, and so is Vena.
00:21:05Yes, Rocky.
00:21:07We're in the ellipse of your moon.
00:21:09Landing time, O2-14.
00:21:11Hurry in, Rocky. This is so...
00:21:13So clandent.
00:21:15Clandent. So wonderful, I mean, Rocky.
00:21:42Contambo, Rocky!
00:21:44I have such wonderful news to share.
00:21:48You see how happy Vena is.
00:21:52I just couldn't bring myself to tell her.
00:21:56Can there be a mistake, Professor?
00:21:58Is the collision between Ophiuchus and Posida inevitable?
00:22:02I've double-checked my equations, Rocky.
00:22:05There's not the slightest chance
00:22:07for error.
00:22:09Ophiuchus, Cleolanta's planet,
00:22:11which didn't need any help from anyone.
00:22:14She'll need plenty now.
00:22:16A fleet of spaceships for evacuation.
00:22:21To him, his moon is a place of beauty.
00:22:23His whole world.
00:22:25Well, we'd better go.
00:22:27He has to be told.
00:22:38Oh, Cotanda, he's beautiful.
00:22:42What is that you say?
00:22:44His mother is beautiful. My son is strong.
00:22:46All right, then.
00:22:48He's beautiful and strong.
00:22:52The next rule of Posida, he will be beautiful and strong.
00:22:58Wait here.
00:23:00I wish to surprise Rocky with my son.
00:23:08Rocky Jones!
00:23:10Hello, Bovaro.
00:23:12Welcome to Posida.
00:23:16Why was I not lucky enough to have a son
00:23:18who would grow up to be a fine boy like Bobby?
00:23:21Welcome to Posida, Bobby.
00:23:25Then he could be a brave man like Rocky Jones.
00:23:27Oh, Bovaro, I want you to meet Secretary Drake.
00:23:31Oh, my son could be a great leader like Secretary Drake.
00:23:33I heard so much about you, Mr. Secretary.
00:23:35Welcome to Posida. Come right in.
00:23:39Or my son could have a brilliant mind like Professor Newton here.
00:23:41Welcome, Professor.
00:23:43Bovaro, you honor me.
00:23:45Come right in, Professor.
00:23:47Hi, Bovaro.
00:23:51Or like Winky,
00:23:53my son would...
00:23:55would have a huge heart
00:23:57and a wonderful twinkle in his eye.
00:24:01I was afraid we'll never meet again, Rocky.
00:24:03My moon travels a lot, Mr. Secretary.
00:24:07Professor Newton has been charting your course.
00:24:11The way the gypsy moons,
00:24:13Posida and Negato,
00:24:15travel through space,
00:24:17it's an astronomical phenomenon.
00:24:23What is phenom...
00:24:25Something unusual, Bovaro.
00:24:27You see,
00:24:29the atmosphere which joins the two moons
00:24:31serves as a chain.
00:24:33One moon swings the other,
00:24:35then the other, and so on.
00:24:37Strange that we don't get
00:24:39dizzy, huh?
00:24:41Bovaro, please,
00:24:43listen carefully.
00:24:45On the 19th of next month,
00:24:47your moon, Posida,
00:24:51will crash head-on
00:24:53into a fetus.
00:24:55Both will be destroyed.
00:24:59What are you saying?
00:25:01Posida is going to be destroyed?
00:25:03Yes, Bovaro.
00:25:07No, it will not happen.
00:25:11I will not let it happen, never!
00:25:13Now, now, little boy.
00:25:15Don't cry.
00:25:23You know, Bina,
00:25:25in some strange universe,
00:25:27in some strange way,
00:25:29our baby knew about Posida's tragedy
00:25:31before Rocky told us.
00:25:35I have had great pride
00:25:37in Posida.
00:25:39More than anything, I'm distressed
00:25:41that my son shall lose his heritage.
00:25:45How the people of Ophiuchus must hate us.
00:25:47Their moon stands still
00:25:49in all innocence
00:25:51while we rush forward to destroy it.
00:25:53Have they started the evacuation,
00:25:57They don't know what's going to happen.
00:25:59Ophiuchus is ruled by an arrogant woman
00:26:01named Cleolanta.
00:26:03She won't allow her people any information
00:26:05about life on other moons and planets.
00:26:07Even the possession of an astrophone set
00:26:09is punishable by death.
00:26:11We tried to reason with Cleolanta,
00:26:13but she wouldn't listen to us.
00:26:15She even threatened to kill us if we returned.
00:26:17But she must know.
00:26:19She must be warned.
00:26:21She will be.
00:26:23Mr. Secretary, may I suggest
00:26:25you go with Bovaro to Nagato
00:26:27and meet with Torvac, the ruler?
00:26:29We'll need his help in the evacuation.
00:26:31Professor Newton,
00:26:33you and Vena and Bobby will do what you can
00:26:35here on Posida while Winky and I are gone.
00:26:37There must not be any panic
00:26:39among the people.
00:26:41Mr. Secretary, we'll leave for Ophiuchus
00:26:45Hey, Rocky, couldn't we rig up a space anchor
00:26:47for Posida and call the whole thing off?
00:26:49We only could, Bobby.
00:26:51That'd be a great solution.
00:27:23Well, aren't you proud of me?
00:27:25Today I have a special audience with Cleolanta.
00:27:27My, uh, suzerain says she has great plans
00:27:29in store for me.
00:27:33Well, aren't you proud of me?
00:27:35We used to have plans too, Atlasan.
00:27:37We were going to leave Ophiuchus and see
00:27:39how other people lived.
00:27:41To me, Ophiuchus comes first.
00:27:43You're talking as foolishly as a child, Trinka.
00:27:45I'm not a child.
00:27:47You're talking as foolishly as a child, Trinka.
00:27:49Yes, Atlasan.
00:28:18Well, there's Ophiuchus.
00:28:23Cut rockets, Winky.
00:28:25We'll stand off and try to get a message through.
00:28:27Aye, aye, sir.
00:28:29We'll be lucky if we can get through to Ophiuchus.
00:28:31Cleolanta always jams and garbles our messages.
00:28:33You're right, Winky.
00:28:35I know we can't get through to Cleolanta,
00:28:37but I'm sure we'll get through to Ophiuchus.
00:28:39I'm sure we'll get through to Ophiuchus.
00:28:41I'm sure we'll get through to Ophiuchus.
00:28:43I don't know any one of them.
00:28:45You're right, Winky.
00:28:46I know we can't get through to Cleolanta,
00:28:48but we'll try for the underground.
00:28:50You see, there's an underground faction there
00:28:51in favor of joining the United Worlds.
00:28:54If they have a secret astrophone set,
00:28:56they can relay my message to Cleolanta.
00:29:01This is Rocky Jones in the Space Ranger's ship,
00:29:03Orbit Jet, to Ophiuchus.
00:29:06Rocky Jones.
00:29:08Alert, Ophiuchus.
00:29:10Alert, learn this.
00:29:12The moons Posita and Negato
00:29:13are traveling in our solar system.
00:29:16On the 19th, the moon Posita will collide
00:29:19with your planet, Ophiuchus.
00:29:21Cleolanta must be told at once.
00:29:23An evacuation must be planned.
00:29:26The United Worlds offer all possible assistance.
00:29:31This is Rocky Jones in the Orbit Jet.
00:29:33Stand by, I'll repeat the message.
00:29:37And if we don't get through,
00:29:38it's a landing under fire, huh?
00:29:41Right, Winky.
00:29:44Rocky Jones to Ophiuchus.
00:29:57Trinka, will you forgive me?
00:30:00As you know, I'm ambitious.
00:30:03And I love Ophiuchus.
00:30:06I also love you, Trinka.
00:30:08Which is the greater love, I don't know.
00:30:13Atlas, Sam.
00:30:15The United Worlds offer all possible assistance.
00:30:18I'll repeat the message.
00:30:21United Worlds?
00:30:27Atlas, Sam, please.
00:30:28Please forgive me, but you must listen
00:30:30to what the voice is saying.
00:30:38This is Rocky Jones in the Orbit Jet.
00:30:41Stay clear to Ophiuchus.
00:30:46Think we got through, Rocky?
00:30:48I doubt it, Winky.
00:30:50If Cleolanta heard our message,
00:30:51there'd be some reply.
00:30:53A warning to stay clear because she didn't believe us.
00:30:56Or demand that we prove our information.
00:31:01Rockets on, Winky.
00:31:02We'll attempt a landing.
00:31:04Aye, aye, sir.
00:31:11Who else is in this underground conspiracy against us?
00:31:24I'm not in any conspiracy against Ophiuchus,
00:31:27but you must listen to me.
00:31:29You will answer my questions and that is all.
00:31:32Who else is in the conspiracy?
00:31:35No one.
00:31:36I only wanted to hear how other people lived
00:31:38and what they were like.
00:31:39And I love Ophiuchus as much as you.
00:31:41You answer my suzerain's questions and not one more word.
00:31:45That's very good, Atlas, Sam.
00:31:48Knowing the punishment,
00:31:49it wasn't easy to report your wife's betrayal.
00:31:52Thank you, Cleolanta.
00:31:54Cleolanta, my suzerain.
00:31:57There is a spaceship descending on Ophiuchus.
00:32:00It's Rocky Jones.
00:32:01Please listen to him.
00:32:02Silence, Drinker.
00:32:03My suzerain does not need the advice of a traitor.
00:32:09Come on.
00:32:17Atlas, Sam.
00:32:18Prepare to fire.
00:32:26Fire control's ready.
00:32:27No, Atlas, Sam.
00:32:37That's heavy stuff they're throwing, Rocky.
00:32:40The next one will do it.
00:32:42Ready, Atlas, Sam.
00:32:44Ready and...
00:32:46Please, Atlas, Sam, don't start to fire again
00:32:48or I shall have to kill you.
00:32:50Fire, Atlas, Sam.
00:32:52Yes, my suzerain.
00:32:53Then this will stop you.
00:32:55Don't repeat the order, Cleolanta.
00:33:10Laszlo, imprison that woman.
00:33:15Atlas, Sam.
00:33:39Hey, Rocky, have you ever had a funny feeling
00:33:41you're about to get slugged?
00:33:44No matter what happens, Winky, don't fire.
00:33:56Alert the guards.
00:33:57Kill those two men.
00:33:59I don't want them inside the city
00:34:01spreading lies to my people about the United Worlds.
00:34:04I don't want them inside the city spreading lies
00:34:06to my people about the United Worlds.
00:34:08I don't see any welcome, Matt.
00:34:10There isn't even a doorbell.
00:34:12At least when we were here with Secretary Drake,
00:34:13they let us in.
00:34:18It's important that we see Cleolanta.
00:34:20Who is it that wishes to see Cleolanta?
00:34:25It's a woman.
00:34:26It's a woman.
00:34:27It's a woman.
00:34:28It's a woman.
00:34:29It's a woman.
00:34:30It's a woman.
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00:35:58It's a woman.
00:35:59It's a woman.
00:36:00It's a woman.
00:36:01It's a woman.
00:36:02It's a woman.
00:36:03It's a woman.
00:36:04It's a woman.
00:36:05It's a woman.
00:36:06It's a work of love.
00:36:08It's a woman.
00:36:09It's a woman.
00:36:10It's a woman.
00:36:11It's a woman.
00:36:12It's a woman.
00:36:14You be quiet, or I'll spoil something for you.
00:36:16Who said that?
00:36:18I don't know.
00:36:19He just had a crazy idea.
00:36:22You like my idea, don't you?
00:36:26I like your idea.
00:36:29It will do you good if you stay quiet.
00:36:32I don't know how I', going to stay quiet.
00:36:33Stay quiet.
00:36:34They are making plans for temporary housing on Negato so we can start the evacuation.
00:36:44No, Cleolanta. Not a day must be wasted, not even a single hour.
00:36:50Winky and I will return to Posita immediately to help with their evacuation.
00:36:54But what about Ophiuchus?
00:36:56A committee will be dispatched from the United Worlds.
00:36:59They'll help you with your evacuation to a new world, which will be mutually agreed upon.
00:37:04They will tell me where to take my people?
00:37:08No, Cleolanta. They'll only advise. Come on, Winky.
00:37:12Please. Grab me one moment.
00:37:16Let me speak alone with my lieutenants, Atlas San and Lasbon.
00:37:23All right, Cleolanta.
00:37:36They must be silenced.
00:37:38If word of the crash of moons leaked out, there'd be panic here on Ophiuchus.
00:37:44The gas will keep them inactive until I've decided what to do.
00:37:50What is it?
00:37:52Quick, Winky. Cover your face.
00:37:55The vent, up there.
00:38:02Come with me, Atlas San. We will make our own plans.
00:38:25I have made a careful check of this chart drawn by Rocky Jones.
00:38:29Beyond a doubt, Posita will collide with Ophiuchus on the 19th.
00:38:33I won't allow it.
00:38:35Should we not ask the United Worlds for help to speed up our evacuation?
00:38:42Look, Cleolanta.
00:38:44If we could only make sure that Posita would be evacuated by this time.
00:38:48Why worry about Posita?
00:38:50I'm thinking of Ophiuchus, Cleolanta.
00:38:51You see, we could fire Tritonic missiles into Posita, which might disintegrate it entirely.
00:38:56If not, even the slightest deviation from orbit there
00:39:00would make it miss Ophiuchus by thousands of miles.
00:39:03Of course.
00:39:05To be safe, Atlas San, we should explode Posita.
00:39:10But if we exploded it there, Posita wouldn't have a chance to evacuate all its people.
00:39:15This vagrant moon, Posita, aims to destroy us.
00:39:18Instead, we will destroy it.
00:39:21We act only for self-preservation.
00:39:24Yes, my suzerain.
00:39:49The End
00:40:14Atlas San, tell me we're home.
00:40:18I had such a bad dream.
00:40:20I want to hear you laugh and say, wake up.
00:40:22Forget your dream.
00:40:27But Trinka, I did only what I thought was right for Ophiuchus.
00:40:30Did you kill Rocky Jones?
00:40:33No, he's only asleep.
00:40:34Atlasan, did he get a chance to speak?
00:40:37Yes, Trinka.
00:40:38And now I'll be a great man in the history of Ophiuchus.
00:40:42The savior of our planet.
00:40:45I command Cleolanta's spaceship.
00:40:48We leave soon to intercept this menacing moon.
00:40:51It'll be my honor to fire Titanic missiles into Posita,
00:40:54which will save Ophiuchus.
00:40:57I'll be rewarded, Trinka.
00:40:59And all I'll ask for is a full pardon and liberty for you.
00:41:04But on the astrophone,
00:41:04Rocky Jones said there are people on this moon.
00:41:07Trinka, that can't be helped.
00:41:08Atlasan, report to landing base.
00:41:11Goodbye, Trinka.
00:41:12Atlasan, wait.
00:41:14Warn those people on Posita.
00:41:15Give them a chance to live.
00:41:17Trinka, I'm only obeying Cleolanta's orders.
00:41:19But think of Rocky Jones.
00:41:20He gambled his life to warn us,
00:41:22to give us a chance to live.
00:41:24We must do the same for others.
00:41:26Atlasan, report to landing base.
00:41:29Goodbye, Trinka.
00:41:30Now you'll go back to sleep and know nothing until I return.
00:41:33Good night.
00:42:04You're a great deal wiser than I am, and much braver.
00:42:07You do whatever you think is best, but please be careful.
00:42:10Laszlon is on guard, and he thinks you're asleep.
00:42:14Get in.
00:43:36Who are you?
00:43:37Please, stay there just a moment.
00:43:41Watch that window.
00:43:43If it starts to open, you must appear to be unconscious.
00:43:46Oh, yeah.
00:43:48Please, come with me.
00:44:03Sit down, close to the door where you can't be seen.
00:44:22I'm Trinka.
00:44:23You must be Rocky Jones.
00:44:27Tell me, Trinka.
00:44:29How long have I been asleep?
00:44:31I don't know.
00:44:32I was also put to sleep.
00:44:34They call me a traitor to Ophiuchus.
00:44:36I had an astrophone set to listen to your voice.
00:44:39My husband is Atlasan.
00:44:41Rocky, Cleolanta, and Atlasan have left Ophiuchus.
00:44:44They're going to try to shock Posita out of her orbit.
00:44:46They're going to bombard her with Tritannic missiles.
00:44:50How long have they been gone?
00:44:52Not long.
00:44:53Rocky, if you could only get to your spaceship.
00:44:56Yeah, if.
00:44:57Yeah, if.
00:45:27Come on.
00:46:15Too bad we don't have weapons.
00:46:17We've got to get to the spaceship.
00:46:27Come on.
00:46:57Rocky, are you all right?
00:46:59No, I'm fine.
00:47:00And now for the spaceship.
00:47:01You'd better come with us, Trinka.
00:47:20Prepare for blast-off, Winky.
00:47:21Aye, aye, sir.
00:47:23Prepare for blast-off, Winky.
00:47:24Aye, aye, sir.
00:47:26Quick, Trinka.
00:47:27Up the ladder.
00:47:41Secure for blast-off, Trinka.
00:47:49We're on a tour de camp for a quick blast-off.
00:47:52Full rockets, Winky.
00:47:53Cleolanta's on her way to bombard Posita.
00:47:55Vena and Bobby and the Professor and the Little Prince and all the others.
00:47:59We'll make it, sir.
00:48:00Sure we will.
00:48:04Hey, Rocky, who is that luscious trail of stardust, anyway?
00:48:08Trinka's a married woman, Winky.
00:48:50There's nothing wrong with the Little Prince physically.
00:48:54It's something we can't explain.
00:48:57It's his intuition, his sense of danger.
00:49:00Oh, but there are still 14 days until our moon Posita crashes into Ophiuchus.
00:49:05He must not be allowed to cry all that time.
00:49:08Perhaps when we're evacuated, when we're safe on the gato, he'll stop.
00:49:13That's it, Vena.
00:49:14So you see, we must hurry with the evacuation.
00:49:18But you, you stay with your little son, Wotanda.
00:49:26I don't think it's the crash of moons that's bothering him.
00:49:29It's got something to do with Rocky and Winky.
00:49:47At this glorious moment, you're so quiet.
00:49:50I can't explain, Cleolanta.
00:49:57Sight target.
00:50:04The moon Posita on target.
00:50:07Prepare to fire a prototic missile.
00:50:09Repeat on five pounds.
00:50:11Ready my suzerain.
00:50:15Rocky Jones to Posita.
00:50:16Come in.
00:50:17Gosh, Rocky, it's you.
00:50:19I was wrong, Vena.
00:50:20It's Rocky.
00:50:22Now, listen carefully, Bobby.
00:50:24You'll have to talk up, Rocky.
00:50:26The little prince is crying so loud that...
00:50:32Bobby, come in.
00:50:34First missile.
00:50:36I'm afraid so, Winky.
00:50:39The little prince.
00:50:40Wotanda, Professor Newton.
00:50:42Look, Winky.
00:50:43An enemy ship.
00:50:48Change course to attack and stop bombardment.
00:50:51Aye, aye, sir.
00:50:58Count two.
00:50:59Count one.
00:51:01Oh, my baby.
00:51:02Hurry, Vena.
00:51:03Take him to the underground, child.
00:51:05That is the only chance.
00:51:09Go help them.
00:51:10Run quick, Bobby.
00:51:13Come on.
00:51:15Come on.
00:51:16Come on.
00:51:17Come on.
00:51:18Oh, my baby.
00:51:19Come on.
00:51:20Come on.
00:51:21Come on.
00:51:22Come on.
00:51:23Oh, my baby.
00:51:24Come on.
00:51:25Come on.
00:51:26Come on.
00:51:27Come on.
00:51:28Come on.
00:51:29Come on.
00:52:00Zero zero on target, sir.
00:52:06Fire one.
00:52:13What was that?
00:52:17Your ship is crippled, Cleolanta. A perfect target for a missile from the orbit jet.
00:52:22So stop the bombardment and proceed it.
00:52:25Rocky Jones! How did he get here, Atlasan?
00:52:32Don't let Cleolanta fire another missile.
00:52:35Your wife, Trinka. You too are a traitor to Ophiuchus.
00:52:44Atlasan. Atlasan, answer me.
00:52:47What's your order, Rocky?
00:52:48Another moment is all, Winky. We've got to get to Posita.
00:52:51Atlasan. Atlasan.
00:52:55Atlasan. Atlasan.
00:53:00No more misses, we'll be fired, Trinka.
00:53:06On the double, Winky. Prepare for landing on Posita.
00:53:08Aye, aye, sir.
00:53:10Rocky, what will happen to Atlasan?
00:53:13Their ship is crippled and space-locked, Trinka.
00:53:15We'll haul it in later after giving help on Posita.
00:53:19Full rocket power, Winky.
00:53:21All rockets, sir.
00:53:31Vena! Bobby! Professor Newton!
00:53:35Rocky! Rocky!
00:53:40Oh, Rocky.
00:53:44Professor, where's the little prince?
00:53:46And Vena and Bobby?
00:53:48They have the baby.
00:53:50They tried to make it to the moon.
00:53:53But they couldn't.
00:53:54Where's the little prince?
00:53:55And Vena and Bobby?
00:53:56They have the baby.
00:53:58They tried to make it to the underground shelter, Rocky.
00:54:02Trinka, do what you can for them.
00:54:03Oh, Rocky, my baby.
00:54:05Come on, Winky.
00:54:20Bobby, if we could only get some air in here.
00:54:22Someone would only find us.
00:54:25We're all right, Vena.
00:54:26Look at the little prince.
00:54:28He knows the danger's over.
00:54:30Vena, Bobby, why are you there?
00:54:33Down here, Rocky.
00:54:35Winky, move this stuff.
00:54:44Are you all right?
00:54:45How's the little prince?
00:54:46All right.
00:54:47Now, let's go.
00:54:52Let's go.
00:55:00I envy you, Quotanda.
00:55:02I've never wanted a son to be raised under the rule of Cleolanta.
00:55:12Well, it's a patchwork job, Rocky,
00:55:13but the magnetic poles should have enough power to bring in Atlasan's spaceship.
00:55:23Nogado to Posita.
00:55:24Secretary Drake to Professor Newton.
00:55:25Come in, Professor.
00:55:27Posita to Nogado.
00:55:28Rocky Jones to Mr. Secretary.
00:55:31Great to hear your voice, Rocky.
00:55:33How did Cleolanta receive the news of the crash of moons?
00:55:36Has the evacuation of Ophiuchus started?
00:55:39This may come as a surprise, Mr. Secretary,
00:55:42but Cleolanta's now in Posita.
00:55:44Well, that is, she's standing off in space, waiting to be brought in.
00:55:48But, Rocky, she should be taking care of the people of the planet.
00:55:50But, Rocky, she should be taking care of the people of Ophiuchus.
00:55:53She tried to take care of Posita, and almost succeeded.
00:55:57When will you return, Mr. Secretary?
00:55:59Bovaro and I are leaving now.
00:56:01Temporary housing has been arranged by TORVAC.
00:56:04The people of Nogado will be glad to welcome their friends from Posita.
00:56:08The evacuation starts tomorrow morning.
00:56:10Out, Rocky.
00:56:11Out, Mr. Secretary.
00:56:15Ready for magnetic ground control of spaceship, Rocky.
00:56:18Fine, Linky.
00:56:21Posita to Ophiuchus spaceship.
00:56:24Rocky Jones to Atlasand.
00:56:26Atlasand speaking. What is it, Rocky?
00:56:28Secure your control chair.
00:56:30We'll bring you in for a landing in a spiral spin.
00:56:33Yes, sir.
00:56:40Any time, Linky.
00:56:44Every day, the shadow of Posita will become blacker on the surface of Ophiuchus.
00:56:47You're a traitor beyond words, Atlasand.
00:56:50I did not command the crash of the moon, Cleolanta.
00:56:53But Ophiuchus could have been saved.
00:56:55And all the people of Posita would have died.
00:57:00I'm proud of Trinka.
00:57:02I'm proud of Trinka.
00:57:16Please understand, Cleolanta,
00:57:18that a crash of moons is an unfortunate thing that cannot be explained nor prevented.
00:57:23We can only offer united efforts so that all the people are saved.
00:57:27But I want Ophiuchus saved.
00:57:28It seems you're more interested in the land than in your people, Cleolanta.
00:57:32Without a land, there cannot be a race of Ophiuchans.
00:57:35My people will separate, drift apart to one world and another.
00:57:39My land, too, is being destroyed, Cleolanta.
00:57:42But my people will stay together.
00:57:44A new Ophiuchus will be founded.
00:57:46Some planet that's rich and fertile and can be developed.
00:57:49Mr. Secretary, please.
00:57:51What is it, Rocky?
00:57:53Yes, Rocky.
00:57:54Yes, Rocky.
00:57:56We should make plans quickly to evacuate both Ophiuchus and Posita.
00:58:00But we should speed the plans to evacuate Posita first.
00:58:03If this can be done in time,
00:58:05Cleolanta could have her chance to save Ophiuchus
00:58:08by destroying Posita after Bovaro's people have left it.
00:58:11Bovaro, could you get your people to Negado immediately?
00:58:15We can shuttle airships very fast through the atmospheric chain.
00:58:19I feel guilty that my moon is the destroyer.
00:58:22So everything possible will be done.
00:58:25Repair my spaceship at once.
00:58:27Atlasan and I will wait until Posita is evacuated.
00:58:30Then resume the bombardment.
00:58:32No, no, Cleolanta.
00:58:34Trink and I will be on the spaceship with you and Atlasan.
00:58:37I'll give the order to start the bombardment.
00:58:42You and Vino will control the orbit jet under Secretary Drake's command.
00:58:45Aye, aye, sir.
00:58:46Sir, word will be sent to all available spaceships
00:58:49to stand by to aid in the evacuation of Ophiuchus.
00:58:52In case the bombardment fails.
00:58:56Yes, Rocky.
00:58:59You'll come with me to see if the bombardment shocks Posita from its orbit.
00:59:03Yes, Rocky.
00:59:04Hey, Rocky.
00:59:05What about me?
00:59:07Oh, yes.
00:59:10Board the orbit jet.
00:59:17Little prince.
00:59:19What's bothering you this time?
00:59:25If you could only talk.
00:59:39Come, Cortando.
00:59:41The last plane to Negato is leaving.
01:00:03Such a fine little prince to be raised without the land to rule.
01:00:07Come, Cortando.
01:00:09I must prepare the flare signal.
01:00:11That will tell Rocky the evacuation is complete.
01:00:23Posita's just signaled complete evacuation.
01:00:29Watch carefully, Professor.
01:00:31Check to see if we succeed in shocking the moon from its orbit.
01:00:35Ready, Rocky.
01:00:37Start the bomb.
01:00:39Aye, aye, sir.
01:00:41Ready, Rocky.
01:00:43Ready, Rocky.
01:00:45Ready, Rocky.
01:00:47Ready, Rocky.
01:00:48Ready, Rocky.
01:00:50Start the bombardment.
01:01:02Two missiles direct on target, Professor.
01:01:04Report results, please.
01:01:08The course of Posita is still absolute without deviation, Rocky.
01:01:12Fire again.
01:01:13Again and again.
01:01:15Nothing can stand against drotanic missiles.
01:01:29We're dry of missiles, Professor.
01:01:31What's your reading?
01:01:35Posita does not show the slightest deviation from course, Rocky.
01:01:39It must not be.
01:01:41A crash of moons is something that was meant to be, Cleolanta.
01:01:44We can't stop it.
01:01:46Ophiuchus spaceship to orbit jet.
01:01:48Rocky Jones to Winky, come in.
01:01:51Ophiuchus spaceship to orbit jet.
01:01:54Mr. Secretary, Rocky Jones is calling in.
01:01:57I'm with you, Rock. What's the report?
01:01:59Bombardment of the evacuated moon, Posita, failed to show results.
01:02:04Collision with Ophiuchus on the 19th is absolute.
01:02:07Well, I figured, Rocky.
01:02:09Mr. Secretary?
01:02:11I've alerted all the spaceships in the vicinity.
01:02:13The fleet will now go to Ophiuchus to help in the evacuation.
01:02:16Cleolanta will be glad to hear that, Mr. Secretary.
01:02:19A land, a world, where shall I take my people?
01:02:22Please, Cleolanta, give us your cooperation.
01:02:25We'll do everything possible.
01:02:27Now, Rocky...
01:02:28It's a plot of the United World.
01:02:30It's a trick to make the Ophiuchians a lost race.
01:02:32Atlasan, there's no time to lose.
01:02:34There are plans to be made.
01:02:36It's a plot, a trick.
01:02:38Yes, Mr. Secretary.
01:02:41You will arrive in Ophiuchus first.
01:02:43The people must be warned
01:02:45and told to prepare for the evacuation.
01:02:47If there is a panic, everything is lost.
01:02:49Yes, Mr. Secretary.
01:02:52And I have a good partner for the job.
01:03:08If you wish, Rocky, I'll go with you.
01:03:09I know the way.
01:03:11Go ahead, Atlasan.
01:03:39I have a plan.
01:03:58A spaceship.
01:04:00Our chance to escape.
01:04:03You've given the orders, Rocky Jones.
01:04:06But now, I demand the right of the Ophiuchians
01:04:09people alone. All right Cleolanta, I must respect your leadership. At the stand.
01:04:37All right another chance.
01:04:39All right let's get out of here.
01:05:10Come on.
01:05:28Stop. I command it. Stop.
01:05:30Please, this is Trinket, your friend. I won't command, but listen to me. You all know what is going to happen. You have a right to be afraid, but we have fine friends who will help us. If you will all behave in an orderly manner, the United Worlds will see that everyone is evacuated by the 19th.
01:06:00All right.
01:06:31You said I was brave Atlasan, but I'm not. I'm frightened.
01:06:35Secretary Drake won't get here. We still have five days.
01:06:44Orbit jet to Ophiuchus. Vena to whoever will answer.
01:06:49I sure hope it's you Rocky.
01:06:52Rocky Jones to the orbit jet. Come in.
01:06:54We want landing clearance Rocky. Secretary Drake is following in on the XV8 as commander of the evacuation fleet.
01:07:03You have your clearance Vena, but be careful when you land. There's understandable tension here on Ophiuchus. Out.
01:07:12Out Rocky.
01:07:25Citizens of Ophiuchus, you will each receive a slip of paper. They are numbered the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th. For the people who draw the 19th, I can only say this.
01:07:52Atlasan and I will be on the last spaceship to leave, the orbit jet. That will be under the command of Rocky Jones.
01:08:01And none of our friends from the United Worlds will leave until everyone on Ophiuchus is safely on their way to a new home.
01:08:22The XV5 is ready to be dispatched.
01:08:25Order to XV5. Blast off.
01:08:52Blast off orders. XR7.
01:09:41All clear on Ophiuchus, Rocky. We better blast off.
01:09:45Thank you, Bobby.
01:09:55Please, my suzerain, there'll be another Ophiuchus.
01:09:58No. I remain here.
01:10:02I'm sorry, Cleolanta.
01:10:10This is the most exciting moment of my life.
01:10:40Why should this happen? Why?
01:10:45Bovaro to Rocky Jones. Come in.
01:10:48Rocky Jones to Bovaro. Did you see the crash of moons?
01:10:52Yes, Rocky. It happened.
01:10:55But what does it matter, really? Torvok here put it so wisely.
01:11:00It isn't the land. It's the people.
01:11:03Bovaro, do you really feel that?
01:11:06Do you really believe it isn't the land, but the people who make up a country?
01:11:10Yes, Cleolanta. And please try. You will see.
01:11:15Thank you, Bovaro.
01:11:17I'll try.
01:11:19I'll try.
01:11:21I'll try.
01:11:23I'll try.
01:11:25I'll try.
01:11:27I'll try.
01:11:29I'll try.
01:11:30Please try. You will see.
01:11:33Thank you, Bovaro.
01:11:36Yes. Thank you.
01:11:39Thank you very much.