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03:01Hello, Bruce.
03:02How are you, Brack?
03:03Where's my brother?
03:04He's over there, learning the boys how to play poker.
03:12You lose, boss.
03:14There's plenty more where that came from.
03:16I wouldn't be too sure of that, Alden.
03:24What's on your mind, Brack?
03:25There's a bunch of homesteaders on the way out here.
03:27Well, we've got rid of that just before.
03:29If it can't get rough with this outfit,
03:31there are war veterans and the government behind it.
03:33What do you want to do?
03:34Let them move in and take all of us away from us?
03:37Chances are, a little discouragement might stop them.
03:42We'll get Bull and Uncle Nate's men
03:44and meet those veterans in Karen's Rosa.
04:00Well, how's this, Tucson?
04:02Well, such as it is, it's all right.
04:04For what there is of it.
04:06And us with the best cook in Arizona on our payrolls.
04:09Why, we have to eat in saloons is beyond me, Stoney.
04:12Well, we made a bet, didn't we?
04:14Yeah, well, I lived up to my part of the bargain, didn't I?
04:17Spent the last six months on the ranch working hard
04:19and taking orders from you, didn't I?
04:22You sure did, Stoney.
04:23All right, now you're going to live up to your part of the bargain.
04:25You're going to spend the next six months traveling with me.
04:28And we'll find some real excitement.
04:34Now, Stoney, this is 1919.
04:37The wild and wooly days are over.
04:41You hear that?
04:47Modern times, Stoney.
04:48Now, that must be one of those veterans
04:50that were coming out here, huh?
04:52Yeah, we haven't seen one of those contraptions
04:54since we left Frank.
04:59I haven't seen one of those since I, uh...
05:03I'm talking about the motorcycle.
05:06Come on, let's have some chow.
05:13Oh, hello, boys.
05:15How are you?
05:16We're so hungry, we could eat rawhide.
05:18But we're settled for steak and beans.
05:20You know, a big steak and little beans.
05:23How would you like your steaks and beans?
05:26How would you like your steaks, senor?
05:28Well, now, um...
05:30I'd like mine cut as far from the horns as possible.
05:33As far...
05:34Come on, cut out the chatter.
05:36Let's have the chow.
05:39How's that?
05:47Howdy, boy.
05:49How's everything in the San Juan?
05:51Oh, we're doing all right for ourselves.
05:53Say, uh, by the way...
05:55Where are those veterans who are gonna take our least range away from us?
05:58Oh, just a few miles out of town, I heard.
06:01They ought to be here any minute.
06:02Well, we'll wait for them.
06:26Howdy, buckaroos.
06:31Right out of a catalog.
06:35What did you put in my drink?
06:37Your drink's all right, Bull.
06:39I see the same thing.
06:41Now, come on, boys, the drink's on me.
06:44You, too.
06:45Bottle of what?
06:47What'll you have, stranger?
06:49Oh, a double whiskey.
06:51Hmm, tough guy.
06:53Where are you from?
06:55Back east.
06:56What are you doing out here?
06:58Well, I'm one of the veterans.
07:00You mean one of them nesters who are gonna homestead our range away from us?
07:05Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right.
07:07Where's the rest of them?
07:09Back on the road.
07:10You see, I come in...
07:11Now, listen, dude.
07:12You go back and tell them to stay on the road.
07:15We don't want no homesteaders around here.
07:17We don't want no homesteaders around here.
07:23Now, get going!
07:27I won't tell another of the kind.
07:31Let him alone.
07:33You strangers better mind your own business.
07:36We're making it our business.
07:48He moved!
07:50No, no, I've seen him work before.
07:56Come on, boy.
07:57Come on, keep away from him.
07:58Hold your left arm.
08:09Faster than that one.
08:10Don't stop.
08:12Take it easy, boys.
08:18Toussaint, you must be slipping.
08:21Come on, hold your...
08:35I know who you are.
08:36You're Toussaint Smith.
08:37I saw you win the army championship over in France.
08:39Boy, am I glad to have met you.
08:41Nice to meet you.
08:43That was wonderful.
08:44You are the strongest man in the world.
08:46Rosita, she could love you.
08:49Here's your prize.
08:54Let me go!
08:55You thief!
08:56You thief!
09:01You little devil.
09:02Where are you?
09:04You little devil.
09:05Where are you?
09:16Look, my name is Stoney Brooke.
09:17I'm awfully sorry.
09:20Hey, Marion.
09:21Won't you meet a couple of friends of mine?
09:25Do you know that girl?
09:26Well, sure.
09:27She's with our outfit.
09:34Here they come.
09:39Bob, I want you to meet a couple of pals of mine.
09:41This is Bob Bryant, our top kicker.
09:43And a swell guy.
09:44This is Toussaint Smith, champion of the AEF.
09:47Oh, I heard of you over there.
09:49I'm sure glad to meet you.
09:50My partner here was the famous one, Stoney Brooke.
09:53Glad to know you, Bob.
09:54Is there anything I can do for you,
09:55like finding you a camping ground or anything?
09:57Oh, thanks, but Lullaby's already seen to that.
09:59How about you, Lullaby?
10:00Oh, sure.
10:01I ran into a little difficulty, but...
10:03But I got it straightened out, all right.
10:04Yeah, he's got it straightened out.
10:18Why, hello, boys.
10:20They tell me you're the boss of this outfit.
10:22Well, that's what they tell me, too.
10:24I hear you're aiming to homestead in the San Juan Basin.
10:27Ever been there before?
10:30You'll have a job getting this out for 80 miles over the mountains.
10:34You wouldn't want to make the trip for nothing, would you?
10:37For nothing?
10:38What do you mean?
10:39Country's too dry for homesteading.
10:41No rain.
10:42Well, how about dry farming?
10:45That's cattle range.
10:46Always was and always will be.
10:49What do you want to do, Lullaby?
10:52I don't know.
10:53Well, what do you want us to do?
10:55Go back and homestead Bronx Park?
10:58Can't do that.
10:59We've got everything we own on this outfit.
11:01Don't worry.
11:02There's plenty of land further on.
11:04The kind you can farm.
11:06Keep going west.
11:07You'll be better off.
11:09Just a minute.
11:11What's the idea of trying to steer these people into the desert?
11:13It might save them a heap of trouble.
11:16They won't make good anyway.
11:18I don't see a he-man among them.
11:20These boys have got something that you could never see.
11:23Remember, they just won a war.
11:26And they used to be met with a brass band.
11:29But not in the San Juan.
11:32If they take my advice, they'll stay away from there.
11:35If you want some real advice, you'll mind your own business.
11:38We're taking them up there, Mr. Ranchman.
11:41You've got me all wrong, brother.
11:44I'm no rancher.
11:45A cowboy like yourself.
11:48Just one cowhand talking things over with another for his own good.
11:54So long, Frames.
11:56I'll see you later.
12:00Just a cowboy.
12:04Hey, you know who that is?
12:07That's Brack Canfield.
12:08He and his brother run the biggest cattle spread in the San Juan.
12:12Oh, I get it.
12:13If he could keep us out until our 90-day preface expires,
12:16he could have his own men homestead the basin.
12:18You're right.
12:19I'm afraid you're walking into a lot of trouble, Bob.
12:22You heard what he said.
12:23We've come a long way to get that land.
12:26You've got a long way to go, Bob.
12:2880 miles over mountain trails.
12:31You'll never do it in these cars.
12:33If you're going back, they'll do.
12:36But if you're going on, you better swap them for horses and wagons.
12:42Which is it, boys?
12:43Cars or wagons?
12:45Our dreams are of tomorrow.
12:49As by the fire we rest.
12:53As in the morning...
12:56Good morning, Miss Bryant.
13:00I said, good morning, Miss Bryant.
13:02Wagons brave.
13:06Wagons brave.
13:10Soldiers of the prairie.
13:13Why don't you go back and annoy the little senorita?
13:16Would you miss me if I did?
13:17I certainly would.
13:18Like I'd miss a headache.
13:20Well, you'll probably feel a lot better then,
13:22because Tucson and I are pulling off this morning.
13:26Oh, Mr. Brooks!
13:34I... I'm sorry for the way I acted.
13:37You've been wonderful to us, and I want you to know I appreciate it.
13:42You really hate to see me go.
13:43And you do like me.
13:45Well, then I won't go.
13:47Now, I didn't intend to anyhow.
13:48I just wanted to hear you say you like me.
13:50Goodbye, Miss Bryant.
13:58Rockin', rollin', moanin', rollin'.
14:02Wagons brave.
14:13Remember, Olin, this has got to look like an accident.
14:19Don't worry.
14:21When I touch off that charge of dynamite,
14:23they'll never know what happened.
14:43Have you heard the lullaby?
14:46That ain't nothing when you ride a motorbike.
14:48Let's get it over here.
14:52Why don't you ride a horse?
14:54I can't.
14:56Listen, fellas, I'm not a Westerner.
14:59He's not a Westerner?
15:01Not a Westerner.
15:02Oh, I wanted to be.
15:03I've always wanted to be,
15:04ever since I started reading Wild West magazine.
15:07I could too if I had a chance.
15:09I could too if I had a chance.
15:11Yeah, I'd give anything in the world
15:12to be a real Westerner like you.
15:27Come on, get those wagons out of here!
15:39Come on, get those wagons out of here!
17:22Well, we're all safe now.
17:25Hey, where's Tucson?
17:27Where's Tucson?
17:41Everybody's safe, Stoney?
17:42Everybody's all right.
17:49Are you all right?
17:50Are you safe?
17:51Yeah, he's all right.
17:52What is this?
17:54Hey, auntie.
17:55Thank you so much!
17:56Oh, you sure saved my life.
17:58Yeah, well, that's two lives I've saved.
18:01Look, you folks better turn out your horses to graze
18:03and check your wagons and make repairs.
18:06Come on, Tucson, we're taking a ride.
18:08Hey, wait!
18:09I'm going with you.
18:10No, thanks.
18:11We need a Westerner right here
18:12to ride herd on those horses.
18:14Well, I'll be doing it.
18:22Where you going, Stoney?
18:24Something tells me that landslide
18:26can stand a little looking over.
18:33As soon as they're settled, boys,
18:35we'll drive off their horses.
18:44Just as I thought.
18:45That landslide was no accident.
18:51Who'd do a rotten thing like that?
19:07Hey, come back with that horse!
19:21Let's go.
19:51Let's go.
20:22Hey, hey, hey, stay on your own side.
20:24I'm doing all right.
20:43You see that?
20:44He's got his gang with him.
20:52Let's get out of here.
20:54Come on.
21:06Hey, look at that guy ride.
21:16You all right, fellas?
21:17Couldn't be better.
21:18Hey, where's the rest of the outfit?
21:20Rest of the outfit?
21:21Oh, I was just bluffing.
21:23Well, I'll be hooked.
21:25Hey, what kind of shells are you shooting?
21:29They wouldn't sell me anything else in Chicago.
21:31Partner, let me shake your hand.
21:34Gosh, thanks.
21:51Well, how are the little war heroes this morning?
21:54Still clearing away the muck from that landslide?
21:57They got it cleared away yesterday.
21:59The road's wide open.
22:00When they hit our range, the grass won't last long.
22:03How many gunslingers can you raise, Bull?
22:05No shooting, Olu.
22:07Nothing goes but accident.
22:09Won't be long before they're stringing fences,
22:11breaking sod, and building homes.
22:13All the better.
22:14When a man loses something he's put a lot of work into,
22:17he's liable to get discouraged and pull out.
22:20You're right, Brack.
22:22Let them come and see how they like it.
22:34There it is, Marion.
22:36The promised land.
22:37Oh, Bob, it's beautiful.
22:42Look at that land.
22:44I'll bet it's good for 60 bushels to the acre.
22:47Don't forget, Mel, we're 50-50.
22:49I'll do your share of the plowing,
22:50and you cut my share of the wood, see?
22:54And the woods are full of deer,
22:56and the creeks are full of trout.
22:58What do you think of it, Pete?
22:59What I think?
23:01What I think?
23:03Wait a minute, will I tell you what I think?
23:14Oh, yeah.
23:15Oh, yeah.
23:45Well, how does she look, Pete?
23:48We sure did a good job, huh?
23:49What do you mean, we?
23:50I don't know how to thank you, boys.
23:52Most of you even neglected your own work to help us out.
23:55Just trying to keep in good with the commanding officers.
23:57When are you going to move in, Sarge?
24:00Right, sis?
24:02And Chuck is going to let us use his place.
24:04That's an idea.
24:05Pass the word along, boys.
24:06We want everybody to be there.
24:09All right.
24:10Come on.
24:11Let's go.
24:12Come on.
24:13Come on.
24:44Gee, this flan beef is sure swell.
24:47This is venison, you big pig.
24:49And this codfish is top.
24:51I don't care.
24:52It's the best valley I ever saw.
24:54Try our wine, boys.
24:55We made it ourselves.
24:59Your partners, Chuck.
25:00You're dancing.
25:01I'm doing your drinking.
25:14Did you mean it, don't you, Miriam?
25:16Oh, gee, you're a piece.
25:19Look, say it again.
25:21I want Tucson to hear you say it.
25:22Who was it to Tucson that I like you?
25:24He bet me $5 you'd say it for money.
25:27Stop it.
25:28Hey, Parker.
25:29No, no, no, no.
25:43Miriam, I was just kidding.
25:44I don't want Tucson's $5.
25:47I'm sure glad to hear that.
26:00Hey, Bob.
26:01Sing us a song, huh?
26:03Oh, Pete, I...
26:04Come on.
26:05Come on.
26:06Come on.
26:07Come on.
26:08Come on.
26:09Come on.
26:10Come on.
26:15What are you doing?
26:18Boop, boop.
26:20Boop, boop.
26:24Hey, hey, hey.
26:27Aren't you going to sing with us?
26:29Oh, I'm...
26:30Oh, what fun.
26:33What fun.
26:35Give it up for a song.
26:36Oh, son, come on.
26:37Give him the microphone.
26:38And he says that's awful.
26:40seldom is heard a discouraging word
26:49and the skies are not cloudy all day
27:01Home, home on the range
27:10where the deer and the antelope play
27:21where seldom is heard a discouraging word
27:33and the skies are not cloudy all day
27:54All right, Pete. Grab your partner.
28:04Come on.
28:22Whoa, another bucket!
29:03a lot. Of the.
29:21Come back right. Back. Back back back back back back back back back back back.
29:27Back. Back. Back.
29:40On my way.
29:44But not Bob you know what the doctor said about right but to stop your lungs won't
29:48stand it. You're right that's for.
30:03Too bad these folks didn't pay for their own house or.
30:14More hard luck like this get rid of these matters.
30:16All right.
30:22You know what.
31:16The. Next.
31:33Five men to pay for my brother.
31:57All right.
32:09All right.
32:16The. The.
32:29I think that was something I can do for you we've been losing
32:32a lot of capital since you messed us hit this valley or you won't find them in my
32:36past you or any other veterans Come on I'll show you where you're going to ride
32:41over but I can't ride or you can't ride well it's about time you
32:47learn here take my horse Oh but it's against the doctor's orders and you see how I
32:52was get all he's nice and gentle. But I can't ride it's not good for
32:58me or is what I'm on don't please don't don't you know I can't. Don't don't put me
33:03up on that horse I'll stick really I am.
33:06I can't ride.
33:17a frank reading on that don't give him
33:19a ride. Tell me.
33:36And all you children read that.
33:46I felt after your parents tonight that's all for today children who will just
34:06And furthermore he's taking teacher all I'd like to. Think very nice and gentle
34:12for ladies that's why I bought him for you I don't mean.
34:22I couldn't help it.
34:27That help you know thank you.
34:35Thank. You can't
34:46leave that there.
34:56Are you about.
35:05But you don't think it's new. I got.
37:48The only. Are you going.
38:39The only.
38:42Why are you holding me for there's only one thing to do get out of my mind and you
38:51let them stony let's use our heads we go down and now they'll wipe us out like the others
38:57you're too smart to throw yourself away like that all right
39:01where you going fellas the town I'm going with you no thanks partner but he can't feel
39:20the lane for you too you might need me I will be all right lullaby listen I'm not so bad
39:25in a fight look at here. The French they fight for glory the English fight for land Americans
39:32fight for souvenirs say I'll tell you what you can do you stay here and by all means
39:37keep all the veterans out of town. Wait a minute. Keep the boys out of town.
39:55Don't cut loose now remember our aim is to get Brack to admit that he killed Bob I'll
40:23do my part.
41:09Where's the sheriff? He's out of town. What do you want to see him about?
41:21I want to swear out a warrant for the man who murdered Bob Bryant.
41:26I understood his lungs were bad. He was murdered and I saw the man who did it.
41:36Any of you know where the deputy is?
41:42Who did it? I'm telling that to the sheriff.
42:00Red, go get the deputy.
42:07Brack. Yeah? There's a stranger in the saloon who says he saw you haze Bob Bryant.
42:24Well what about it? He aims to charge you with murder. Oh he does, does he?
42:29He'll make that third mess that has died to paper Olin and I aim to get two more.
42:36He's not a master. He's one of those cowboys who's helping him.
42:39We'll get him when he comes out.
42:44Well I guess I'll go for that deputy myself.
43:06Drop those guns.
43:18Thanks for the confession, Brack.
43:36I told those guys they might need me.
43:52Are you head stoning? Yes. No, I just stumbled.
43:55You're getting so helpless you can't even run by yourself.
44:06Here comes Brack and his friends. Say, did you get the goods on him?
44:09Enough to hang him.
44:29Tell the truth, Suzanne. Isn't this better than ranching?
44:31Not for my money.
44:44Keep the veterans out of town, huh?
44:58Now what in the heck was that? What's that?
45:00I don't know.
45:07That means us, boys. Let's go. Come on, get out of here.
45:21Have it!
45:28That'll bring him out into the light.
45:38Hey, Tucson, look. We can't stay in here.
45:51The vets. Get the cover off.
45:59Look, there's lullaby on the boys.
46:15Just like the old days, huh? Shut up and load me up.
46:18Nice work, boys.
46:49Hey, what have you got?
46:59Pineapple. Pineapple!
47:01Oh, boy, we'll give them the work.
47:14That's just what you're going to get if you don't come out.
47:16We're giving you a chance.
47:26Here goes one for Bob.
47:47You know, Marion, I'm not the kind of a fellow you think I am.
47:50No? No. That Spanish girl in Carazosa didn't mean a thing to me.
47:54No. Marion, will you stop saying no? It's beginning to scare me.
47:58No. What's the matter?
48:02You're busy. I won't bother you. You stay here. I'll take care of it.
48:08Take care of what? Our ranch.
48:10Rufflers just made off with 400 head and killed one of the boys.
48:14But I'll take care of it. Oh, is that so?
48:17Marion, I'll come back someday and finish what I was saying.
48:32Hey, fellas, wait. You might need me. Hey, fellas, wait for me.
48:40Listen, fellas, if you'll let me go with you,
48:43yeah, I'll try awful hard to be useful.
48:48Come on, partner. I'm a Westerner.