• il y a 2 ans
Situé dans un futur proche où l'intelligence artificielle fait fureur et où la nature n'est plus qu'un lointain souvenir. Rachel et Alvy, un couple new-yorkais, souhaite fonder leur famille. Le travail de Rachel leur donne l'occasion d'utiliser un nouvel outil développé par un géant de la technologie, Pegasus, qui offre aux couples la possibilité de porter l'enfant de façon égalitaire via des utérus artificiels détachables, ou pods. Alvy, botaniste, a des doutes, mais son amour pour Rachel l'incite à accepter cette expérience. Et c'est ainsi que commence la folle aventure de la parentalité dans ce nouveau monde...
00:02 I've been having the strangest dreams.
00:09 Rachel, dreams are not reliable analytical material.
00:13 That's so 20th century.
00:14 Hi, Rachel.
00:21 We're delighted to let you know that we've
00:22 had movement on our wait list.
00:25 We got a spot at the Wombs Center.
00:28 But I haven't told Albie yet.
00:30 Why, Rachel?
00:31 He wants a natural child.
00:37 Hold on.
00:40 You put us on a wait list to have a baby and an egg.
00:42 No, it's not an egg.
00:43 It's an egg.
00:44 Women are reluctant to have children
00:49 because it's not made convenient.
00:50 We want them to pursue their careers and dreams.
00:54 We can't live in the past.
00:56 I want to have a child with you.
00:57 Let's do it, Rachel.
00:58 Really?
00:59 Yeah.
00:59 I'm sure you're all very excited.
01:04 Parents are raving about it.
01:06 It is the ultra solution.
01:09 My nephew was born at the Wombs Center, but he doesn't dream.
01:13 I wouldn't worry about it.
01:14 I can't.
01:18 I can't do it with the pot in here.
01:20 What are you talking about?
01:21 It can't see us.
01:24 I feel Albie is able to bond with our child, but I'm not.
01:30 Maybe I'm just not ready to be a mother.
01:34 You know, no one's a mother just like that.
01:36 You become one.
01:37 We are considering having a home birth.
01:44 I'm sorry.
01:45 It's not possible.
01:47 I won't raise this child without nature.
01:51 Congratulations.
01:52 So exciting, isn't it?
01:54 I noticed a change in productivity.
01:59 You do have a baby at the Wombs Center, right?
02:01 Why?
02:02 What's going on?
02:03 Things are evolving.
02:09 Your family dynamics are about to undergo tremendous changes.
02:12 How can we make sure our baby's not bored in utero?
02:21 Oh, yeah, we don't want any bored babies.
02:24 (dramatic music)
