• il y a 2 ans
Les Traîtres : Andy Raconte revient sur sa confrontation avec Guillaume Pley : "Ça a été très violent, j’en ai pleuré…"


00:00 -My name is you, and I'm sure of it. -But why?
00:02 Because you lied to me earlier, Guillaume, you lied to me yesterday.
00:05 You're proving to me that you're a traitor.
00:08 Natalie came to see me earlier and said, "It's weird, you're friends."
00:13 But the truth is, we haven't texted in three years.
00:16 I've had five role-playing parties in my apartment.
00:20 You've been on a few, but not all of them.
00:23 We did a music award-giving show.
00:25 -I said, "I know her, but I hate her." -We did a lot of texting.
00:29 -We had drinks together. -Of course.
00:31 I invited you to my place, I introduced you to my friends.
00:33 -I did a show... -You asked me to go on holiday with your friends.
00:37 -Let me finish. -Not four or five times.
00:39 We've met a dozen times, but I can't say you're my friend.
00:42 The truth is, we play by the book.