• last year
HERD Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In HERD, Jamie Miller (Adair) and her wife, Alex (Akaha), attempt to salvage their failing marriage with an isolated trip in rural Missouri. However, an accident strands them in Jamie's hometown, now infested with virus-infected 'Heps.' With the aid of Big John Gruber (Holm) and his group, they reach a local vet for medical assistance. Pursued by a horde of infected, they seek refuge in a makeshift survival base. When a rival militia, led by Sterling (Murphy), arrives under the guise of trade, conflict ensues, compelling Jamie to seek an escape. Will they find a way back home?

Directed by Steven Pierce, HERD stars Corbin Bernsen, Timothy V. Murphy, Ellen Adair, Mitzi Akaha, and Jeremy Holm.
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - Lex, I need you to stay awake, okay?
00:08 - Where you all been?
00:10 - We've been out camping.
00:12 - What happened to her?
00:14 - We need to get to the hospital.
00:18 - Hospital's no good, it's been overrun.
00:20 (screaming)
00:23 You can trust me.
00:27 (dramatic music)
00:29 - We've seen how quickly it can turn
00:33 to an overwhelming outbreak.
00:35 - You all roomies?
00:37 - Yeah.
00:38 - You okay, son?
00:40 It's okay to be scared.
00:43 - Roommates?
00:44 - Yeah, because listen to me,
00:46 you don't understand these people.
00:48 - Sometimes we have to do things we don't want.
00:51 Things we never dreamed to keep people safe.
00:56 - It's like you've been saying,
00:57 room for doubt equals room for death.
01:01 - I don't have anything left to take.
01:03 God, I'm so sick and tired of you guys
01:05 just doing whatever you want
01:06 as if there's no consequences whatsoever.
01:09 - Hey, please!
01:11 - Get down on the ground!
01:13 I'm in command.
01:14 - It's unbearable.
01:15 - I wouldn't dream of jerking you around, John.
01:17 - I love you.
01:19 - I think we're gonna be thick as steak.
01:22 - Please just let us go home.
01:24 (gunshots)
01:26 - Why do you assume that people won't do the right thing?
01:31 - Experience.
01:35 (gunshots)
01:37 (dramatic music)
01:40 you