Jesse Watters The Biden family was tipped off

  • last year
Jesse Watters The Biden family was tipped off
00:00 -Two IRS whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden investigation
00:02 went under oath today,
00:04 and it was the first time that the Democrats,
00:06 at least since I can remember, attacked an IRS agent.
00:10 -Let's hear about that crusade
00:13 that they were on to smear President Biden
00:15 by promoting the same baseless conspiracy theories
00:18 that this committee serves up as moldy leftovers every day.
00:22 Like every other try by our colleagues
00:24 to concoct a scandal about President Biden,
00:27 this one is a complete and total bust.
00:30 -Last time I checked, the Democrats wanted to hire
00:32 more IRS agents and give them all guns.
00:35 But it got a little awkward for Democrats
00:37 because one of the IRS whistleblowers
00:39 was a Democrat who was also gay.
00:42 -Prosecutors did not appear to follow
00:44 the normal investigative process,
00:46 so walked the investigation
00:48 and put in place unnecessary approvals and roadblocks
00:53 from effectively and efficiently investigating the case.
00:57 -The US attorney in Delaware in our investigation
00:59 was constantly hamstrung,
01:01 limited, and marginalized by DOJ officials.
01:04 -Then the whistleblower got more specific.
01:08 -Hunter Biden allegedly falsely claimed business deductions
01:12 for payments made to the Chateau Marmont,
01:16 a hotel room for a supposed drug dealer,
01:19 sex club memberships falsely referenced on the wire
01:23 as a golf membership,
01:25 hotels he was blacklisted from,
01:27 and a Columbia University tuition payment
01:30 for his adult daughter.
01:31 They were recommending for approval felony
01:34 and misdemeanor charges for the 2017, '18, and '19 tax years.
01:39 That did not happen here.
01:40 -Think about it.
01:41 They were ready to charge Hunter Biden with felonies,
01:44 but they weren't even allowed to crack open the laptop.
01:48 -Was there other evidence in this investigation
01:50 that you were denied access to?
01:52 -Yes, there was the Hunter Biden laptop.
01:57 -So, it looks like the Biden administration
01:58 blew up Hunter's laptop like a bag of Coke.
02:01 And how much money are we talking about here?
02:04 -The approximate total transfers from the Romania company
02:07 would have been $3.
02:08 1 million to everyone.
02:09 Total transfers from State Energy,
02:11 HK, to Rob Walker was $3 million.
02:13 The total transfers from Hudson West 3
02:16 to everyone was $3.
02:17 7 million.
02:18 Burisma paid to everyone involved $6.
02:20 5 million.
02:21 -Between 2014 and 2019,
02:24 this brings the total amount of foreign-income streams
02:26 received to approximately $17 million, correct?
02:30 -That is correct.
02:32 -10 members of the Biden family, including grandchildren,
02:35 raked in $17 million from corrupt foreign nationals.
02:38 But IRS agents weren't allowed to interview Hunter Biden,
02:42 any member of the Biden family,
02:44 and they weren't even allowed to pursue leads
02:46 that led to Joe Biden.
02:48 -Assistant United States Attorney Leslie Wolfe
02:50 cited the optics of executing a search warrant
02:53 at President Biden's residence
02:54 as a deciding factor for not allowing it,
02:57 even though she agreed that probable cause existed.
03:00 Prosecutors instructed investigators
03:02 not to ask about the big guy or dad when conducting interviews.
03:06 -So, IRS agents weren't allowed to interview the Bidens,
03:09 weren't allowed to pursue evidence leading to Joe Biden,
03:12 weren't allowed to look in the laptop,
03:13 weren't allowed to execute search warrants,
03:15 weren't allowed to charge felonies,
03:17 weren't allowed to bring cases in Washington and California,
03:20 and the Biden family was tipped off
03:22 every time they tried to make a move.
03:24 That's called obstruction of justice,
03:26 and Merrick Garland lied under oath to Congress
03:28 when he said this investigation wasn't obstructed.
03:31 Merrick Garland should be impeached immediately.
03:34 And the judge shouldn't sign off on the Hunter Biden plea deal
03:37 in light of this new testimony.
03:39 Hey, Sean Hannity here.
03:40 Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page
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