• il y a 2 ans
Les "attaques" d'orques à Gibraltar sont en recrudescence depuis 2020, c'est un fait. Un sujet qui enflamme la presse et certains médias qui n'hésitent pas à s'emparer du sensationnalisme de cette actualité pour en faire des gros titres. Qu'en est il vraiment ? Peut-on parler d'attaques ? Qui sont ces orques du Détroit de Gibraltar ? Quel mode opératoire et quel motivation pour ces cétacés d'entrer en interaction avec des bateaux ?

Dans cette vidéo, j'ai tout repris de zéro pour tente d'apporter du concret scientifique et un maximum de contexte sur cette affaire insolite.



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• Recherches / Écriture / Présentation / tournage/ montage : Marie Treibert

☀️ • Pour toutes démarches professionnelles ou collaborations : marie@laboiteacuriosites.fr


Sources :


#biodiversité #orques #animal


00:00 These last few weeks, it's been difficult to ignore the subject of the vengeful orcs of the Gibraltar's Détroit
00:05 Difficult to ignore this, this, this, this or this
00:09 These last few weeks, the orc attacks are completely unleashing the passions
00:13 And the people, all of it, fed by a press that benefits from a factual subject
00:18 But that is actually only treated superficially
00:20 Putting the image of the orcs and polar bears, Orcinus orca, out of the picture
00:24 A species whose sub-population, which lives in the Gibraltar's Détroit, is today classified as critically endangered
00:31 Today, it seemed absolutely necessary to talk to you about this story
00:34 And about what I was able to discover as information, by conducting my little investigation
00:38 Basically, in the press, the story told is as follows
00:41 A traumatized orc by an accident with a boat in the past, named Gladys the White
00:46 Would have taught her descendants to attack ships to take revenge, and sometimes make them sink
00:51 Often, few scientific elements are highlighted, or those that are mentioned are selective
00:56 To serve this purpose and favor a climate of anxiety and fear
01:00 A sensational, terrifying, very putaclic story too
01:05 Which can make you think of the teeth of the sea, or even better, of the 80's dwarves called Orca
01:10 Which depicts the story of an orc male who takes revenge after a fishing boat killed his female and her baby
01:14 So with the orcs, it's either all black or all white
01:17 Either they are depicted as super-friends, too smart, too nice, extraordinary
01:22 Either they are killing whales, like their English name "Killer Whales"
01:25 Able to kill healers in their pool, intelligent, calculating
01:30 But in both cases, these images are always treated by the anthropomorphic prism
01:34 It's the human being who pays attention and a character to these animals
01:38 Like a lot of animals actually
01:39 To get more information about this, I based myself on a report published in 2021
01:44 And on a study published in June 2022, coordinated by several scientists, marine biologists and cetologists
01:50 In this video, we will completely ignore the term "attack" which is unjustified and we will see why
01:56 But we will talk about interactions
01:58 Since 2020, an increase in interactions between orcs living in the waters of the Iberian Peninsula and ships has been observed
02:06 The operating modes are similar, each time the orcs are interested in the governor, they make him turn and strike
02:11 And can also hit the boat's hull
02:14 All without apparent motivation
02:16 Interactions that sometimes cause significant damage to ships, since some even went so far as to sink
02:21 Scientists therefore took an interest in this case to try to better understand what would promote these interactions
02:26 What were the orcs involved, the places where it happened, to collect data and issue hypotheses
02:32 And thus be able to accompany the sailors by bringing them safety instructions to apply in case of contact with orcs
02:39 So let's now focus on our little orc-esque investigation
02:43 Orc-esque
02:45 First, we will start with the place and dates of these interactions
02:48 In May 2020, a first interaction was reported by a boat in the Gibraltar district
02:53 It is a strategic geographic point for orcs since it is located in a rich area in tuna
02:58 Various interactions were then reported in July 2020
03:02 Orcs going up from the Gibraltar district to the Portuguese coast to arrive in mid-August in northern Spain
03:09 For scientists, one thing is clear, the rapid increase of these interactions and their geographic dispersion is an absolutely unprecedented situation
03:17 We will continue to advance our investigation and we will focus on the victims
03:20 What types of boats are involved in these interactions?
03:24 The targeted boats are mostly sailors, catamarans, but we also count some rigid-hulled pneumatic boats, motor boats or fishing boats
03:32 Two elements also vary, the types of governments, often the object of curiosity and destruction of orcs in the moments of interaction
03:39 Then we will focus on the accused, what are the orcs involved in these interactions?
03:44 Are they the same individuals every time or not? How does it work?
03:47 Thanks to the photos and videos taken by the people present on the boats during the interactions with the orcs
03:52 to the testimonies and photo identification, it was possible to create an identity sheet for each individual
03:58 A photo record based on white spots, marks and scars on the orcs' bodies was created
04:03 Each orc received a small basic first name, Gladys, followed by a name that allows them to be identified individually
04:10 So we have Gladys Blanca, Gladys Negra, etc.
04:13 In total, scientists have listed 15 Gladys between May 2020 and April 2023
04:19 The orcs who were the most involved in the interactions with boats in 2020 were 3
04:24 Gladys Negra, a juvenile, Gladys Gray, a juvenile too, and Gladys Blanca, an adult
04:30 Over the year, the number then climbed to 9 orcs involved in the interactions
04:35 In 2021, 5 additional orcs are added to the interactions, bringing the number to 14 individuals involved
04:41 and in 2022, the number rises to 15
04:44 And since 2020, scientists have listed 505 interactions with these 15 orcs
04:49 And now, let's take a look at the operating mode used by our accused
04:54 During the contact phases, the orcs position themselves under the boat, trigger physical contacts
04:59 by simply touching the boat and pushing it
05:02 But above all, what the orcs love are the governance
05:05 They hit in, the "cracks" generating the boat's movement, going so far as to break it
05:09 Sometimes the boats sink after several hours, even if this remains rare
05:13 The average duration of the interactions was estimated at about 40 minutes
05:17 But then, what is the mobility of our orcs? Why do they do that?
05:21 In the report released in 2021, scientists advance two hypotheses
05:25 And spoiler, neither of them evoke the term "attack" or "revenge"
05:30 The first hypothesis evokes play and simple curiosity
05:33 So it's sure that when you're on a boat with orcs, which are animals that can still reach 9 meters for 8 tons
05:39 and that give headbutts in the hull, it's not a very intuitive track
05:44 But yet it's quite plausible
05:45 Orcs are social animals whose life is based on interactions with the group but also with their environment
05:51 Boats therefore represent a playful potential for these animals
05:54 Near the coasts, more and more leisure boats are present
05:57 In fact, the governance under water, they will melt the water
06:00 which will excite the orcs who will want to play with or follow the boats at full speed
06:05 The other hypothesis, which has therefore been somewhat taken up and transformed by the media
06:09 is the hypothesis of a precautionary behavior of the orcs
06:12 linked to a possible trauma experienced by an individual in the group
06:15 But in the media, we will rather use the term "revenge"
06:19 It's more putaclic, that's for sure
06:21 Scientists think, from the photo identification and the number of severe marks on the body of some individuals
06:27 including Gladys Blanca, an adult
06:29 that she would have experienced a trauma related to an accident with a boat in her past
06:34 probably due to the crazy speed that some sailors can reach
06:37 She would have developed a kind of fear related to ships
06:40 and when she encounters one, she would go to the contact of the governor
06:44 to try to slow down the speed of the boat
06:46 She would then have used this behavior in front of juveniles
06:50 who began to imitate and participate in these interactions
06:53 Yes, orcs are complex animals
06:55 who are even able to transmit cultures from generation to generation
06:59 Dialects, hunting techniques or funny humor
07:02 like the one of orc stories wearing salmon hats on their heads for no apparent reason
07:06 Yes, it is possible that the interactions with the boats are a behavior
07:10 that has been transmitted since Gladys Blanca
07:12 But yet, scientists have noticed that this mode of operation
07:15 was not systematically used by all orcs
07:18 once again demonstrating the limits of this transmission possibility
07:22 In fact, in this story, there is absolutely no notion of attack or revenge
07:26 It's just fear or defense from animals who are traumatized
07:30 or who have experienced something difficult with one or more boats
07:34 That's where I find it super sad and a bit unfair from the press and the media
07:38 not to put the right words on this story
07:40 because it completely disarms these animals
07:43 By using the word attack or revenge, we stupidly demonize orcs
07:48 And especially at no time in these articles
07:51 we talk about the problem in the other direction
07:54 that is to say that it is the fault of the orcs and never of us humans
07:58 while in reality I am sorry to announce it to you guys
08:00 but yes, orcs are victims of human activities
08:04 and these behaviors are only the result of things that happened to these animals
08:09 whether it's fishing, collisions, etc.
08:12 While when we see the photo identification made by scientists
08:16 frankly there is nothing to be proud of
08:17 when we see the marks on the back and the body of some individuals
08:20 we can only say that they are still victims of human activities
08:24 and boats that pass and collide with them
08:27 To begin with, human activities are concretely the life of orcs
08:30 The orcs of the Detroit of Gibraltar live in this area
08:33 because it is a migration zone of the Tons
08:35 Fishing boats in the Tons are present in mass
08:37 favoring interactions with fishing boats that hurt them for example
08:41 So as much, no human victim has ever been reported by orcs
08:46 as many orcs victims of human activities
08:49 I ...
08:51 There you go, there are a lot of them
08:53 You should know that basically in this area, orcs are not really appreciated
08:56 because they have developed a passive hunting technique
08:59 to catch the Tons in the fishing lines of the boats
09:01 There are therefore mega tensions between fishermen and orcs
09:05 because the populations of Tons have decreased in recent years
09:08 generating quota fishing systems for fishermen
09:10 So it's sure that if basically the image of the orcs of the Detroit of Gibraltar
09:14 is not already very positive if we add on top of that
09:17 this story of revenge, we run straight to the wall
09:20 and I remind you that it is an animal that is in critical danger of extinction
09:24 when I speak to you
09:25 I still came across an article that was very very interesting
09:29 In this article, the Swiss media Aidi interviewed the marine biologist
09:32 Alfredo Lopez Fernandez
09:34 a researcher in the Atlantic Orc Working Group
09:38 The scientist advances another problem
09:40 that of the boats themselves
09:42 Today, the injuries caused on cetaceans beyond orcs
09:46 are injuries caused by collisions with boats
09:50 In his interview, the scientist explains that the probability that a collision is fatal
09:54 goes from 21% to 79% when the speed goes from 8.6 to 15 knots
10:00 or from 15 km / h to 28 km / h
10:02 And among the new elements on modern motorized boats
10:05 we find the foils
10:07 Foils are fixed appendages that allow the boat to rise above the water
10:11 and sail at high speed up to 70 km / h
10:14 As much to tell you that the foils are real hatches
10:17 aquatic razor blades whose goal is really to melt the water
10:21 So when we collide with a cetacean
10:24 we cut it in half or hurt it very badly
10:27 So these machines remain rare and mainly used to race for example
10:31 but it is not negligible
10:32 Another problem with boats, their silence
10:35 If the engines emit an abominable sound pollution
10:38 they have the merit of warning animals that flee
10:41 But sailboats are boats that arrive at full speed on the water
10:44 and very discreetly
10:45 necessarily it does not give the time to the orcs for example to be warned and to move away
10:49 and that necessarily favors interactions
10:52 In fact, in a way, it is the boats that interact with the orcs
10:57 because they do not have time to flee and hear them arrive
11:00 and not the orcs who deliberately go looking for or hunting boats
11:04 So I asked myself stupidly
11:05 could we not equip the boats for example with sound boxes
11:08 which would emit noise to warn the orcs
11:11 There have already been attempts that have been made
11:14 by fixing boxes on the hulls of the boats
11:16 and in fact between the auditory violence for animals and the phenomenon of habituation
11:21 it has shown to be completely useless and counterproductive
11:24 So what is the solution?
11:26 The group of scientists who worked on the study and the report
11:29 were able to establish a real security protocol to be put in place
11:33 to help sailors in case of encounters and interactions with orcs
11:36 For scientists, the first reflex to have
11:39 is to stop the boat and not move anymore
11:41 Indeed, it has been found that the movements of the rudder and the speed of the boat
11:45 are factors of excitation of the orcs
11:47 The more the boat moves, the more the orcs strengthen their contact behavior
11:51 The stop of the boat alone in 50% of cases
11:54 the complete stop of interactions and the departure of orcs
11:57 But it also implies that the people on board
11:59 stop their activity and do not look for interactions with the orcs themselves
12:03 even if it is to defend themselves and that these are reactions of fear very often
12:07 Among the testimonies collected, many people have attested
12:09 to having thrown objects on the orcs, to have shouted,
12:12 hit the boat to make them flee, throw oil or even gasoline in the water
12:16 try to hit the orcs, etc.
12:18 These are behaviors that literally increase interactions with these animals
12:23 Well, again, we can also understand that people on board
12:26 must have really been afraid of their lives
12:27 especially if they did not have the security protocol
12:30 put in place a short time ago
12:34 Then, scientists recommend contacting competent authorities
12:37 so that they can come to help their boat
12:40 Yes, it's rare that I get angry in my videos
12:42 but really this story took me by surprise
12:45 I find that the media have completely abused
12:49 sensationalist titles and the treatment of the information of this story
12:53 because in the end, even if it seems to us to be just articles that pass like that
12:57 it has very, very serious repercussions
12:59 So yes, it clicks, it's great
13:01 but at the same time it completely disarms the vision of a species
13:04 which is currently in critical danger of extinction
13:07 and which is already struggling enough to climb the slope
13:10 In fact, what touches me is that I think that today
13:12 the press and the media in general have a responsibility
13:16 and a moral to hold against these species
13:18 in an era where biodiversity, whether terrestrial or marine, is already suffering too much
13:23 The history of the relationship between humans and orcs
13:25 intrigues and fascinates for decades, that's for sure
13:28 but from the beginning, we can say that humans still give them a big misery
13:32 whether in captivity or in freedom
13:34 If this situation with the orcs of the Detroit Gibraltar continues and intensifies
13:38 if we misinform about it
13:40 it could become a real concern for the safety of the humans on board the boats
13:45 and also put at risk a conservation issue
13:47 for this sub-population of the Polars on the verge of extinction
13:50 Today, it is super important that we manage to change our perspective
13:53 compared to the living that surrounds us
13:55 whether it is concrete living like the birds that we can observe directly
13:58 but also the living that we meet in the press indirectly
14:01 We must go beyond our anthropomorphism
14:03 and not give in to the sensationalism of some articles
14:06 get a little critical thinking in the face of these themes
14:09 ask yourself where the sources cited come from, for example
14:12 It's not at all an easy mechanism to have, I promise you
14:15 but it's part of the little things we can manage to sharpen in our lives
14:18 that will allow us to offer an informed and sincere look at the living
14:22 And that's why I wanted to talk to you about this story of orcs
14:25 which embodies this issue that is so dear to my heart
14:28 In any case, on my channel, I will always try to offer you content
14:31 that sensitizes with as much accuracy as possible
14:34 by citing the sources that I use in my video
14:38 And that's it, with a lot of emotion because yes, it moves me
14:42 and yes, sometimes emotions imply that I am extremely angry
14:46 and this story really stung me, I must say
14:48 Thank you for watching this video, I hope you enjoyed it
14:52 If so, do not hesitate to share it, to like it
14:54 Leave me comments so that we can have the feelings of each on this story
14:59 and that we can chat about it
15:01 Subscribe, put the bell, it's super important
15:04 For those who want, I put the link to my bank bank kit
15:07 which allows me to collect donations for the channel
15:09 it allows me to support it and you do not know how important it is
15:12 so that I can continue to create here
15:15 I will always put the names of the people who make donations
15:18 in the video credits, it makes me so happy to have you with me
15:22 in my video creation, that's it
15:25 I just have to tell you, see you soon for new curious adventures
15:29 Tchao
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