Chief Justice Koome launches e-filing system for Kiambu courts

  • last year
Kiambu County has become the sixth county to be compliant with e-filling in the Kenyan Judiciary's automation and digitization agenda.
00:00 [APPLAUSE]
00:22 With the launch of the heat firing in Kiambu County,
00:26 we are now embracing the principles of transparency,
00:30 accountability, and responsiveness,
00:33 which are fundamental to the rule of law
00:36 and the administration of justice.
00:39 I am therefore delighted to announce
00:41 that our heat firing system has been integrated
00:46 with the Uwandilifu system operated
00:50 by the office of the DPP.
00:52 And this interoperability of systems
00:55 serves to enhance collaboration and coordination
00:59 among us key justice actors.
01:03 We are looking forward to also integrating
01:07 with the police, with the prisons, probation,
01:11 children's department, and all other stakeholders who
01:16 interact with us.
01:18 As we embark on this new chapter,
01:21 I would like to take this opportunity
01:23 to ask us to reflect on the fact that the ultimate success
01:27 of heat firing and the broader digitization and automation
01:31 efforts will depend on the buy-in and active participation
01:37 of all the stakeholders.
01:41 To the legal practitioners and litigants,
01:44 I encourage you to familiarize yourselves with this system
01:49 and make use of it.
01:52 By doing so, you will not only contribute
01:54 to the improvement of our justice system,
01:57 but also reap benefits from a user-friendly, efficient
02:04 platform that enables us to solve disputes.
02:10 It is not heat firing just for Kiambu law courts.
02:12 It's heat firing for the entire county, which
02:16 covers eight court stations.
02:19 We have Kiambu.
02:20 We have Gatundu.
02:22 We have Githunguri.
02:24 We have Kahawa.
02:26 We have Kikuyu, Limuru, Rweru.
02:29 And in Thika, we have both the Thika Chief Magistrates
02:32 Court and the Thika Environment and Land Court.
02:38 I'm so happy that we are making efforts.
02:40 Our ICT initiatives are bearing fruit.
02:45 And it is not something that we take for granted.
02:47 All this is geared towards enhancing access to justice
02:52 and avoiding situations that have been displayed here
02:54 for all to see.
02:56 [AUDIO OUT]
