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Après l'installation d'une fête foraine par des dealers dans une cité le 14 juillet à Cavaillon, les forces de l'ordre interviennent enfin. De nombreuses vidéos circulant sur les réseaux sociaux montrent des piscines gonflables, des jeux pour enfants ou encore des stands de merguez. Deux plaintes ont donc été déposées, dont une par le maire, pour vol d'eau et d'électricité.

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00:00 In Cavaillon, after the installation of a forest festival in a city on July 14,
00:04 place to the intervention of the police.
00:06 Because yes, on the images circulating on social networks, inflatable pools,
00:10 games for children, complaint merguez stands have therefore been deposited,
00:15 including one by the mayor for water and electricity theft.
00:18 The CRS 8 is therefore deployed on site.
00:21 Yes, a total of 48 men arrived this afternoon in the city of Cavaillon.
00:25 They are already at work, vehicle control, pedestrians, scooters.
00:30 The CRS is sweeping the Dr. M neighborhood,
00:33 where the unauthorized forest festival took place on July 14,
00:36 in the middle of the building blocks.
00:38 But this arrival of the CRS is too late, explains Monji Magri,
00:41 member of the "Le chemin de l'école en toute sécurité" collective,
00:45 a collective that has been warning for several years
00:47 about the lack of security in the neighborhood,
00:49 due in particular to the absence of local police.
00:52 - Sending the CRS when the security conditions deteriorate,
00:56 it's the least of things, if I dare say.
00:58 But apart from that, what happens?
00:59 The CRS will stay for 2-3 months, okay.
01:01 And then, what are we going to do?
01:03 Rebuild? We start again?
01:04 The inhabitants will be delivered to themselves too, once again?
01:08 - So for now, we don't know how long the CRS will stay on site,
01:12 but in any case, today the neighborhood is closed.
01:14 The goal is to limit drug trafficking as much as possible.
01:18 - Explanation by Chloé Lagadoué.
