En ouverture du conseil des ministres, vendredi 21 juillet, le président de la République a donné des conseils de « méthode » à son équipe ministérielle, à qui il a demandé « dignité » et « efficacité ».
00:00 Being a minister is not talking in office.
00:04 It is implementing decisions that correspond to a strategy,
00:10 a policy that the Prime Minister leads,
00:15 and on the basis of the arbitrations that are taken,
00:18 the decisions that you make, that it is implemented.
00:21 This project, this cap and these entry points,
00:25 we will collectively serve them, first of all with demand and exemplarity.
00:31 I say this because in the moment that the nation is living,
00:34 it is expected of the members of the government,
00:37 to be committed to the service of a collective project
00:41 and to the service of the French and the French.
00:44 You are watched in all the details, if I may say, of your action,
00:49 of your expressions, of your life, and what we as a country must do
00:52 is to act, to explain, to respond,
00:58 and to do so always with the greatest dignity,
01:00 because it is the respect that we owe to ourselves and to our compatriots.
01:03 And in times when language violence,
01:07 sometimes inappropriate behavior,
01:10 take too much place in public life,
01:13 it is expected of the government of France to be exemplary
01:17 and to make the French and the French proud.
01:20 Thank you.
01:22 [end]