• il y a 2 ans
Michel est collectionneur de voitures anciennes à Tonneins, en Lot-et-Garonne. Passionné, il copréside le club des "Calandres tonneinquaises" et partage avec nous son histoire. Rencontre.

#collection #voiture #tonneins


00:00 Sometimes we cross France to have a car, it doesn't scare us.
00:03 It's a car I've liked for a long time.
00:06 I had to sell three to get this one.
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00:38 A neighbour, who was a carpenter,
00:42 brought us on holiday from a small village near Toulon.
00:47 He brought us on holiday to Royan with this car.
00:50 Every time I talk about this car,
00:53 I get the image of the gear lever on the dashboard of the car.
00:57 So I managed to get one like this.
01:00 [Music]
01:03 I found myself in 15.6.
01:06 I had a little problem when I came back from Qatar three weeks ago.
01:11 I had a wheel drum that was worn out.
01:15 So I'm doing everything over again,
01:19 changing the bearings, the spins on each side.
01:25 We're getting back on the car.
01:28 [Music]
01:32 [Music]
01:36 [Music]
01:40 [Music]
01:43 Joining a club makes you discover people who are competent in certain areas.
01:50 And you go and see them.
01:52 You look at how they do it.
01:54 You try to do the same thing.
01:56 When you can't do it, you call on these people again.
01:59 And little by little, you learn to do a lot of things from a mechanical point of view.
02:03 [Music]
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02:15 [Music]
02:18 I got it back in a bad condition.
02:22 This is the dashboard, where there's absolutely nothing underneath.
02:27 These are the rear seats, with the leather completely damaged, the springs changed.
02:34 When you do something over, you do it like it was original.
02:39 This dashboard is its original color.
02:41 The black wings with the Bordeaux brown case.
02:46 I found the original color of the car by disassembling the front seat.
02:52 There was a part that had never seen the sun, that had never seen the sun.
02:56 And I found the original color of this car.
02:59 I repainted it with that color.
03:01 I didn't do it in blue or in dark green.
03:05 Have you seen these photos?
03:07 Yes, certainly, but it's been a long time since we've seen them.
03:10 Yes, yes.
03:11 [Music]
03:13 You can see the work site.
03:15 [Music]
03:20 You know, you're never satisfied.
03:22 When you have a beautiful vehicle, and then you see a participant in a demonstration or a rally
03:29 passing by us with a very, very beautiful car that we like,
03:34 we might try to find one or get one.
03:38 [Music]
