En el antiguo Coney Island ahora llamado ahora “La isla del Coco” los niños van a sufrir. Todos los aparatos están rotos. No hay interés. “Todo es rotura, malestar y maltrato. Un día perdido” Denuncia ciudadana.
00:00 Here we have the island of the ancient coconut, Coney Island.
00:05 The only option that the kids have here in the west of Havana.
00:10 Let's see what offer they have, let's see how the park is.
00:14 The main attraction, the dream of the kids, the horses.
00:20 Broken.
00:25 All broken.
00:30 A park that the Chinese delivered as the last in technology.
00:37 And it lasted a short time, it has been maintained, it has been fixed, patched, but everything is broken.
00:43 At this time, four devices operating on the island of the coconut and the rest are broken.
00:49 The air bicycle, one of the most important attractions on the island of the coconut, broken years ago.
00:58 Let's see when they fix this, when they get to this, so that the children enjoy, so that the children have emotions, so that they feel happy.
01:10 But nothing, they come to the island of the coconut to suffer.
01:13 Broken devices and what is working for two minutes and they fix it.
01:21 Broken devices on the island of the coconut.
01:25 This is broken, the cup.
01:28 There are 14 broken devices and there are only 4 working.
01:35 Another broken device.
01:38 There is no repair, there is no replacement part, but above all there is no interest.
01:46 There is no desire for the children to have fun, 4 devices only working on the island of the coconut.
01:52 A place that used to be called Coney Island and there were mountains, from the Russian mountains.
01:58 Glass houses, varied offers and now everything is broken and discomfort and mistreatment.
02:06 Flying chairs, broken.
02:10 Everything is broken, broken, broken, ugly, broken, broken, broken.
02:21 Everything is broken.
02:23 Another broken device, not working.
02:28 The summer, the options, 0, 4 devices and the rest broken, not working.
02:38 Broken.
02:40 In the prehistory, these were left in the prehistory.
02:45 Poor children.
02:50 What a barbarity.
02:51 Elephants flying.
02:53 Once they flew.
02:57 Broken.
03:00 Let's see when they can fly again.
03:04 When they put wings on the dreams of the children.
03:09 All the mothers with their children,
03:13 protecting, complaining about all the broken devices,
03:20 few options, few offers.
03:24 A lost day.
03:27 [Music]
03:32 (upbeat music)
03:34 you