• 2 months ago
La Seguridad del Estado en Alquízar interrogó y amenazó con cárcel, ayer 30 de enero, a Donaidis Sarais González Verdecia y a su hijo de 16 años, Daiver Pérez González, hermana y sobrino, respectivamente, de la activista cubana en el exilio Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia.
Según contó la activista exiliada, dedicada mayormente a la defensa de los derechos de los menores en Cuba, su hermana y sobrino fueron amenazados por la policía política.
“Los amenazaron con prisión si me ayudan o me hablan. A mi hermana le dijeron que meterían a su hijo a la cárcel. Fue horrible”, expresó.
Durante el interrogatorio a su sobrino, la Seguridad del Estado le preguntó si tenía contacto directo con su tía y le advirtió que podía ir preso por su edad.


00:00When I was talking to you, it was because...
00:02What did they ask you, what did they ask you?
00:05That if I had a lot of direct access to you, that if I spoke, that is, that if I spoke a lot with you.
00:15And were you threatened?
00:18They told me that I could already be sentenced, that I could go to jail.
00:23Listen to what I'm going to tell you. You are a little man.
00:26And that is what your mother and I have taught you, educated you.
00:30This is under the dictatorship.
00:34Under the dictatorship.
00:36And this is what happens and everything comes out.
00:38Are you understanding me?
00:40Yes, aunt.
00:41I already told you, you have the phone down here.
00:44You have access to 18 people.
00:46You can't write to me there.
00:47And we'll find a way to get the phone, okay?
00:51I apologize for the bad time, okay?
00:54Don't worry.
00:59Come on, my love. Give him a kiss.
01:02Under the dictatorship.
01:03I love you.
01:04Under the dictatorship, son.
01:06Come on.
01:07Under the dictatorship.
01:08Sure, under the dictatorship.
