7 Most Wonderful Natural Phenomena in the World

  • last year
00:00 4. Evergreen presents 7 of the most amazing natural phenomena in the world.
00:09 The Morning Glory Clouds As they are very rare so, there is only one
00:16 place in the world where they can be predicted to occur on a regular basis, and that place
00:22 is the Gulf of Carpentaria.
00:25 The primary characteristic of these clouds is that they form bands of roll clouds.
00:30 They travel at a rate of 10 to 20 meters per second and occur at only 100 to 200 meters
00:36 above the ground.
00:38 Morning Glory Clouds can be just one cloud, or it can be 10 consecutive roll clouds.
00:45 When the clouds move, what is actually happening is that a new cloud is constantly being formed
00:50 at the front and one cloud is being destroyed at the end.
00:56 Royal Australian Air Force pilots first reported this phenomenon in 1942.
01:07 The Blood Rain Blood rain or red rain is a unique natural
01:14 phenomenon in which it is thought that blood falls from the sky in the form of rain.
01:20 It occurs at random places, but is seen frequently in Kerala, India.
01:27 The blood rain in Kerala first occurred in 1896 and has happened several times.
01:33 It was first reported in 2001 by locals, after which several studies were conducted and the
01:39 government later commissioned a study and found out that the rains have been colored
01:43 by flying particles of a type of green algae that grows in the area.
01:50 The most recent occurrence happened in June of 2012.
01:56 There were also reports of blood rain in Sri Lanka in 2012.
02:00 Initially, many superstitions were associated with blood rains and people thought it as
02:05 a sign of bad luck.
02:08 Since the scientific reason has been discovered so whenever it happens people go for a walk
02:13 in the rain and try to record the moment as it occurs rarely.
02:19 The Great Blue Hole The Great Blue Hole is a giant marine sinkhole
02:27 near the coast of Belize.
02:29 It lies at a distance of about 70 kilometers from the Belize city in America.
02:34 It is believed to be formed over 15,000 years ago.
02:38 This site was made famous by a diver named Jacques Cousseau, who declared it one of the
02:43 top five scuba diving sites in the world.
02:49 Investigations by his team confirmed the hole's origin as typical karst limestone formations,
02:56 formed before rises in sea level in at least four stages.
03:04 Later on, scientists found out that it was formed when sea levels were much lower, as
03:10 the ocean began to rise due to which the hole was formed.
03:19 The Bright Red Lake, Natron This amazing red-colored lake is found in
03:25 Tanzania.
03:27 The lake is a maximum of 57 kilometers long and 22 kilometers wide.
03:32 Lake Natron can hit 140 degrees Fahrenheit due to a nearby volcano.
03:41 Scientists believe that there is a high level of mineral and salt in the water.
03:46 The red color of the lake is due to volcanic activities and its incredibly high level pH.
03:52 According to NASA, its red color is due to Haloarchaea, microorganisms that live in the
03:57 lake due to salty waters.
04:02 A number of tourists are fascinated to see this place not just because of its red color,
04:07 but also the remainings of animals that look like they've been turned to stone, which
04:12 is a great and unseen sight for many.
04:19 The Sailing Stones Sailing stones are also known as walking rocks.
04:26 They are seen in many places, but most commonly occur near the Death Valley National Park
04:32 in California.
04:33 The stones move from one direction to the next on their own.
04:37 Several hypotheses were suggested as to why they move and how they do it.
04:43 First it was thought wind is the cause, but it was difficult to believe that wind moves
04:47 such large stones.
04:49 The sailing stones of the Racetrack Playa in California were first studied in the 1900s.
04:55 Scientists were not able to find the answers to the mysterious sailing stones for almost
05:00 a century and in 2014 they finally solved the mystery by using a time-lapse video footage.
05:06 It revealed that the stones move due to moving ice sheets even at wind speeds.
05:13 The Eternal Flame Falls In New York, there is a small waterfall hiding
05:21 a big surprise, a chute of fire about 8 inches tall.
05:26 Known famously as Eternal Flame, this flame is visible almost throughout the year.
05:32 This is a 20-centimeter high flame which is said to have been lit by the Native American
05:36 residents of the area thousands of years ago.
05:39 Behind the waterfall is a natural gas seep that feeds the flame.
05:44 Analysis found that the gas that feeds it comes from a special type of rock called Rhine
05:48 Street Shale, which sits around 400 meters below the surface of the earth.
05:53 It is believed to have the highest concentrations of ethane and propane of any known natural
05:58 gas seep.
05:59 It is protected by the waterfall to stay lit reliably, although hikers do relight it if
06:06 they see it's been blown out.
06:11 The Door to Hell This place is located in Turkmenistan.
06:19 It is a natural gas field that collapsed into an underground cavern located in Derweze.
06:27 Geologists intentionally set it on fire to prevent the spread of methane gas, and it
06:32 is thought to have been burning continuously since 1971.
06:39 Scientists have come to the conclusion that the underground natural gas is responsible
06:43 for this phenomenon.
06:44 It was originally thought to be an oil field site.
06:49 The engineers set up a drilling and operations to assess the quantity of oil available at
06:54 the site.
06:55 Soon after the survey, they found a huge natural gas reserve.
06:59 Expecting dangerous releases of poisonous gases from the site into nearby towns, the
07:04 engineers thought it would be best to burn the gas off.
07:07 It was estimated that the gas would burn out within a few weeks, but it has instead continued
07:12 to burn for more than four decades.
07:14 The place is now a popular tourist attraction.
07:19 Since 2009, 60,000 tourists have visited the site.
07:27 Thanks for watching.
07:29 Tell us in comments which one of these you like the most and why.
07:33 See you next time.
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