7 People With Weird Extra Body Parts

  • last year
00:00 Forever Green presents 7 people with weird extra body parts
00:06 1.
00:09 A teenager from India who has a 20cm long tail
00:14 Let me introduce you to a young boy in India who had a tail grown in the back.
00:19 He and his family kept the secret of this weird extra body part.
00:23 The 18-year-old's family believed the growth was a good luck charm and ignored it, according
00:29 to the surgeon who operated on him.
00:32 He went to see his doctor when the growth, known as vestigial tail, began causing him
00:37 problems while sitting down and sleeping.
00:40 The boy's family hid the growth as they feared he would be bullied because of the social
00:44 stigma.
00:45 A vestigial tail, if left untreated, can result in bowel and bladder problems, as well as
00:51 loss of function in the legs.
00:54 The neurosurgeons at the hospital removed the tail after he complained the growth had
00:59 become too painful that had been growing at the bottom of his spine.
01:07 2.
01:10 An Indian boy who was born with extra limbs on his chest
01:15 A boy named Deepan Paswan, who was born in 2010 with strange extra eight limbs on his
01:21 chest, underwent an operation to give him a chance for normal life.
01:26 He was born with a parasitic twin conjoined to his abdomen, giving him four legs and four
01:32 arms but only one head.
01:35 Hindu pilgrims visited his home in the northern state of Bihar to worship him as an incarnation
01:41 of the god Vishnu, who is often depicted with numerous limbs.
01:45 Deepak's family, uncomfortable with the attention, appealed for help to pay for an
01:49 operation to have the extra limbs removed, and fortunately, a hospital in the southern
01:55 city of Bangalore offered to do the procedure for free.
01:59 The pioneering surgery would normally cost around 50,000 euros, a sum that his poor family
02:05 could never have dreamed of affording.
02:08 Happily, doctors succeeded in removing extra limbs from his body.
02:14 3.
02:16 An Australian Man With Extra Ear on His Arm You would not believe, but here's a strange
02:24 man named Stelios Arcadio who has a third ear attached to his arm.
02:30 This was built into him for artistic reasons, though the man had a biocompatible ear crafted
02:37 and attached and intends to insert a microphone for the internet to listen in future.
02:44 4.
02:48 The Man Who Had Two Heart Attacks Having one heart attack sounds awful enough,
02:54 but what if you were capable of having two heart attacks at the same time?
02:58 One man checked into the hospital with all the normal symptoms of a heart attack.
03:03 Doctors thought they had a typical case of cardiac arrest until they examined the patient
03:08 more closely and noticed his unusual medical condition.
03:12 It turns out that the man actually wasn't born with two hearts.
03:17 His second heart arrived after an earlier medical procedure on his original heart.
03:22 Instead, after having problems with his first heart, he was given another paired with sick
03:29 heart.
03:30 In a terrifying twist, the hearts started beating out of sync, and when doctors tried
03:35 to fix it, they ended up shutting down both his hearts.
03:39 Doctors were able to successfully use a defibrillator to revive both hearts simultaneously.
03:46 He survived and now has two fully functioning hearts.
03:52 5.
03:54 The Man With Three Legs, Sixteen Toes, and Two Hearts
03:59 George Lippert was born in Germany in 1844.
04:03 In addition to being born with three legs, he was also born with astonishing two functioning
04:09 hearts, although that condition was unknown until his autopsy in 1906.
04:16 His third leg was fully formed and even possessed an extra toe, giving Lippert a total of 16.
04:23 The leg was not functional.
04:25 Lippert claimed that his leg had been fully functional until it sustained a fracture.
04:31 Early in his career, George was billed as the only three-legged man on Earth, and he
04:37 proved to be quite an attraction.
04:40 However, evidence indicates that he may not have been the easiest person with whom to
04:46 do business.
04:49 6.
04:52 The Man Who Has Two Penises A man with two functioning penises took questions
04:57 on Reddit's "Ask Me Anything" subreddit, and it was unlike any other page you're likely
05:03 to read, amassing more than 15,000 comments.
05:07 The man, who calls himself "Double Dick Dude" or "Triple D," was born with diphalia, a rare
05:13 congenital condition that causes him to have two sex organs.
05:18 There are reportedly around 100 cases of diphalia worldwide.
05:23 Both penises are in the six-inch range, but Triple D says that one can get as large as
05:30 seven inches if he's really aroused.
05:33 Triple D also helpfully provided evidence in the form of two extremely explicit photographs.
05:42 7.
05:46 Jayan Verma White With Extra Teeth People have a very distinct fear of losing
05:52 their teeth.
05:53 Jayan Verma White, the son of NBC contributor Kavita Verma White, was born with an extra
05:58 pair of tracheal teeth inside of his mouth.
06:02 These two extra teeth were built into the gums on the bottom portion of his mouth.
