• last year
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum is here to help us take care of our heart health this month. Learn more at https://checkyourheartrisks.com
00:00 summer is in full swing w
00:03 slow routines, but summer
00:06 time to stay on track whe
00:08 health choices. So join m
00:11 Steinbaum to give us some
00:14 stay heart healthy during
00:17 Good morning doctor. How
00:21 So let's talk about it. T
00:23 of course in phoenix is d
00:26 connected to our heart he
00:29 about summer temperatures
00:32 One of the things about t
00:37 high temperatures that we
00:38 right now is that it real
00:41 side effects on your heart
00:45 to understand this. It ca
00:47 pressure. It could increa
00:50 And in fact it could pump
00:54 blood throughout your syst
00:56 normal temperature dead.
00:59 your heart is working rea
01:02 when you have blockages i
01:04 sclerosis, heart failure,
01:07 attack. It could be reall
01:09 during these high, high t
01:13 it's really important tha
01:15 doctor about whether or n
01:18 or an aspirin regimen, es
01:21 with these high heats. Ye
01:24 the heat, we got to maint
01:26 active getting out there
01:28 a big part and of course
01:32 the temperatures, what do
01:34 do we do with these tempe
01:36 and be active? It's so ha
01:40 it's so hot and it's so d
01:43 all I say is you've got t
01:46 exercising, but try and e
01:49 where the air conditionin
01:51 on an elliptical trainer.
01:53 a dance party in your hou
01:56 to get your heart rate up
01:57 you enjoy that you're goi
02:00 80% of the time heart dis
02:03 and exercising in that mo
02:06 rate zone is the best thi
02:09 have a smartwatch or a he
02:12 your heart rate in that m
02:15 But if you don't, it's ok
02:18 attention to how you feel
02:21 if you're really short of
02:23 then you're pushing too m
02:26 cut back, go a little slo
02:30 that you're a little bit
02:32 not super short of breath
02:34 spot for exercise. I like
02:37 I love at the gym. I thin
02:39 ellipticals and uh treadm
02:43 monitors if you can just
02:45 and they will check your
02:46 is so important there. So
02:50 doctor, it is summer vaca
02:53 everyone uses the excuse
02:56 I don't need to work out.
02:58 all this food, I'm gonna
03:00 but that is not really th
03:02 on your heart health. Is
03:06 to say that it's just not
03:10 have a great time on summ
03:12 quit your heart health re
03:15 a little off schedule, bu
03:18 you don't have to indulge
03:21 out there. You can just m
03:23 instead of eating every s
03:27 good juicy piece of fruit
03:30 doing nothing, do a littl
03:33 little bit of exercise ev
03:36 one of the things that ha
03:38 are off their routine is
03:41 medication or don't take
03:43 it with them. Remember yo
03:46 stop it, bring extras, so
03:49 have a medication journal
03:51 pill, flip your bottle ov
03:55 that you don't, you don't
03:58 And in fact, if you miss
04:01 a regimen as given to you
04:03 risk of heart attack could
04:07 So do yourself a favor. H
04:09 vacation, but continue to
04:13 and don't skip your medic
04:15 actually, I just did a re
04:17 my reservations. They ask
04:20 It was interesting. I was
04:22 they want to make sure we
04:25 are on vacation. Let's qu
04:27 the right food choices as
04:30 before. Uh and you said n
04:33 I like there are menus ou
04:35 healthy for sometimes whe
04:37 You got a plan because so
04:41 to find that heart healthy
04:43 some snacks with you, thin
04:46 make your own trail mix,
04:49 egg that you can bring wi
04:51 you have options because
04:54 hard to find the heart he
04:56 give up just plan. And wh
05:00 this summertime, this vac
05:03 put into place these heart
05:07 exercise tips, it takes a
05:10 a habit. So stick with it
05:12 that habit for the rest o
05:15 of the time. Heart disease
05:17 don't give up on it this
05:20 doctor. I love this advic
05:21 find out more information
05:26 your heart risks dot com
05:29 personal information abou
05:32 risk. Perfect doctor. Tha
05:35 us. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah
