• l’année dernière
Home and Away 8084 || Home and Away 27th July 2023


00:00 ♪ Closer each day ♪
00:03 ♪ I'm in no way ♪
00:05 - You didn't even tell me you could surf.
00:08 - Remember that conversation that we had?
00:10 You and I are strictly professional.
00:12 Unless it's about the band,
00:13 you and I have nothing to talk about.
00:15 - The band should be focusing on the album,
00:17 not your love life.
00:18 - I know that.
00:19 - Then sort it out with it.
00:20 - I know something's going on
00:22 and I'm just trying to be a friend here.
00:23 - It's not a big deal.
00:24 - Is it something you wanna talk about?
00:26 I'd be happy to listen.
00:28 - I've got another venue for the album launch.
00:29 - That's great.
00:30 - The only vacancy they've got is for tonight.
00:33 - I need money, $10,000.
00:37 It's for Lyric, for the album launch.
00:39 - We don't need money for the launch.
00:40 - Okay, well then why is it for the city college?
00:42 Are they interning you? - I had no idea.
00:43 - It's no secret that I've been struggling since the assault
00:47 and because of that,
00:48 I've been a bit reckless with my money.
00:52 - If you need help, of course I'll lend you the money.
00:54 - So you still have no idea why she needed the money?
00:57 - No, I really hope she's okay.
01:00 (dramatic music)
01:03 - You're not working tonight, are you?
01:11 - No, why?
01:13 - We should do something.
01:15 - Like what?
01:16 - I don't know, hit a bar in Yabby Creek, get some dinner.
01:20 - Yeah, sure, let's do that.
01:22 - Hey, no one's posted that video anywhere
01:26 and the slow life's gone quiet.
01:29 - I reckon it's over.
01:30 - Yeah, it does feel like I can breathe again.
01:34 You better get going, your class is restless.
01:38 - See you later.
01:39 - Hey guys, keep shooting.
01:41 - Hey, did you get my messages?
01:43 - Yes, sorry, it's nothing personal.
01:45 It's just Salt's been crazy busy.
01:46 - Well, you don't look busy now,
01:47 do you wanna grab a coffee?
01:48 - Totally, we need to catch up
01:49 but I just need to run an errand before work, I'm sorry.
01:52 - I was out cold.
01:55 It was just luck that someone saw me
01:57 and pulled me out of the water.
01:59 - That's awful.
02:02 - Do you see why I haven't surfed in years?
02:06 Yesterday was huge for me.
02:09 - And I ruined it for you.
02:13 - You didn't know.
02:14 - See, that's the part I still don't get.
02:17 - Well, I wasn't gonna surf again.
02:19 I put it out of my mind.
02:22 It doesn't really matter now.
02:23 - It does to me.
02:26 (gentle music)
02:28 - Coby, I told you about my dad
02:31 and I trusted you with that.
02:33 - This is different.
02:34 - Is it?
02:35 You said we would always be honest with each other.
02:41 - Yeah, I know we said that.
02:42 I know.
02:44 We got together so soon after Bob left.
02:49 Looking back on it,
02:54 maybe I wasn't ready to trust you.
02:56 I'm sorry.
02:59 I'm gonna go.
03:06 (gentle music)
03:08 - Oh, hey, hi.
03:16 Are you okay?
03:20 (gentle music)
03:23 - It sounds like you got on the roll last night.
03:26 - Yeah, I helped Avan, Eden and Coby there
03:28 to bounce ideas off.
03:30 - So, does this mean the album's ready?
03:32 - I came close.
03:34 It's good, Rae, it's really good.
03:36 - I'm so proud of you.
03:37 - I went to hear it first.
03:39 I still need to nail down a title.
03:40 And how are you?
03:43 How was work?
03:44 - Slow night.
03:45 Stitched a couple of people up,
03:46 sent them off for scans.
03:48 - Ultrasound.
03:49 - Oh, for the album.
03:54 - It's a medical procedure,
03:55 but it's also a double play on words.
03:57 - Listen, I love you,
03:59 but that sounds like something from the darkest bit
04:02 of '80s soft rock.
04:03 Listen, I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately.
04:09 - How do you intend to make that up to me?
04:12 - What about a ride on my new bike?
04:15 - No.
04:17 (dramatic music)
04:20 - You're a place of mine.
04:23 (phone rings)
04:26 - Hey.
04:33 - All right, this better be important.
04:35 - Trust me.
04:36 Where's Eden?
04:37 - No idea.
04:38 I'm pretty sure Theo's not gonna be here either.
04:39 - I thought you were gonna sort that.
04:41 - Okay, you can fill us in later.
04:42 - Ignore me, I'm just a groupie today.
04:44 - Mate, this is about the album, relax.
04:46 We're almost finished the mix.
04:47 - Okay, what about the title of the album?
04:48 - We can talk about that.
04:49 - Just write your ideas down, it's fine.
04:50 - Well, we have time to figure it out now.
04:52 - Guys!
04:53 - Yeah?
04:54 - The venue's fallen through.
04:58 - What?
04:58 How are we meant to launch the album?
05:02 - Don't panic.
05:03 I found somewhere better.
05:05 The Palais Metro.
05:06 - Oh my goodness, seriously?
05:10 The acoustics in that place are amazing.
05:12 - Legend, how'd you do that?
05:13 - Okay, well, there is one tiny catch.
05:15 The only availability's for tonight.
05:19 - Absolutely not, can't be done.
05:21 - That is impossible.
05:21 - Cannot be done. - No, no, no, no.
05:23 Nothing's impossible.
05:24 Listen, if we say no to this venue now,
05:25 it'll be three months before it's available again.
05:28 - Are you kidding?
05:29 - All we go and find another venue
05:30 that's not nearly as cool.
05:31 Guys, this is the place, okay?
05:34 This is where all the music journos hang out.
05:36 Rem, you said the album's almost ready.
05:38 - Yeah, well, I still gotta do a final pass.
05:39 - So how long's that gonna take?
05:40 - It's gonna take like a couple of hours.
05:42 And then when it is done, I'll send out digital copies.
05:45 - Okay, but-- - Good, lock that in.
05:47 Now, I've been on the phone,
05:48 a few of our guests can't make it now,
05:50 but the remaining guest list, it looks so good.
05:54 So get on board, 'cause this is happening.
05:59 - Doesn't sound like you're asking us.
06:01 You're telling us.
06:02 - I am.
06:04 The album goes live tonight.
06:07 - You think I'm overreacting?
06:10 - No, I think you need to feel
06:12 whatever it is that you're feeling.
06:14 - Well, I feel like an idiot.
06:16 - From what you said, it sounds like
06:18 she experienced something pretty traumatic.
06:21 - Isn't that the stuff you share?
06:23 - Only if you're ready.
06:25 I'm gonna say something blunt,
06:27 but are you still in love with her?
06:29 - No.
06:30 I just thought that one day, maybe,
06:34 we could be friends again.
06:37 - I think Kirby's right.
06:39 I think you should aim for civil and professional.
06:42 I don't think you can expect any more than that.
06:44 - Sorry, I'm working.
06:51 So if you're after that catch-up--
06:52 - You can't avoid a conversation with me forever.
06:55 - That's not what I'm--
06:56 - Yeah, okay, well, I am going to sit here
06:59 until you take your break.
07:01 (upbeat music)
07:03 ♪ I'm a girl, I'm a woman ♪
07:07 ♪ I got my people, I'm a fool ♪
07:10 - Cash told you about the loan, didn't he?
07:13 - Is that why you're avoiding me?
07:15 - I'm not.
07:16 It's between me and my brother.
07:19 - Be honest, are you in some kind of trouble?
07:22 - No, no.
07:23 I told him, I just had some bills to pay.
07:28 - The money Cash lent you was hardly pocket change, babe.
07:31 I am worried about you.
07:32 - Okay, okay, you need to stop.
07:35 Seriously, I'm fine.
07:40 - Promise me there is nothing sketchy going on.
07:43 - I promise.
07:45 Okay, what is going on with your phone?
07:49 - Oh, you are kidding.
07:54 The album launch is happening tonight.
07:56 - Tonight?
07:57 - Yeah.
07:58 I have to run.
08:01 Are you really okay?
08:03 - Yes.
08:04 - Okay.
08:06 Oh, hey.
08:10 I will catch you tonight.
08:15 - Yes.
08:16 - Finished boot camp, are you hungry?
08:20 - Brother lent you money?
08:22 - Yes, he did.
08:26 Darn it, I'm so sorry.
08:29 (dramatic music)
08:31 - Tane, stop.
08:40 - We're not doing this now.
08:41 - Just listen to me.
08:42 I'm sorry, I hated lying to you.
08:46 - I'm guessing you didn't tell Cash what the money was for.
08:50 Well, Eden wouldn't be asking questions.
08:52 We agreed we couldn't keep paying the scumbag.
08:55 - I had to protect myself.
08:58 - All you've done is buy yourself time
08:59 until his next demand.
09:00 - No, no, I made it clear that there's no money left.
09:02 - Leslie, wake up.
09:03 He is never gonna stop.
09:05 - But I haven't heard from him again.
09:07 It's over, Tane, it's over.
09:09 It is really over.
09:10 - You can't be that naive.
09:12 - Well, you know what?
09:15 It's done now.
09:16 (dramatic music)
09:19 (Maz clears throat)
09:35 - All right, spit it out.
09:36 - What?
09:37 - Maz, you've been staring at me for the last 20 minutes.
09:39 - I'm not staring.
09:40 I was just thinking about what a lovely friendship we have
09:44 and how we hardly ever get to spend any time together
09:46 away from this place.
09:48 - Well, I suppose that's true.
09:51 - So I was wondering if you'd like to come to my house
09:53 for dinner one night this week.
09:55 - Thanks, that'd be nice.
09:57 - Oh, good, good.
09:58 I mean, we can wait till Mr. Stewart gets back from the city
10:00 or we could just do it earlier if you prefer.
10:03 I know, Irene, we could do a tarot and mani evening.
10:08 - Marilyn, in all the time you have known me,
10:13 when have I ever cared about flipping tarot cards?
10:17 - Well, why don't I give Leah a ring
10:19 and she might be able to come up with a few ideas
10:21 about what we could all do together.
10:23 - You mean invite her to a charity night
10:26 for your poor, sad, lonely old friend?
10:29 - No, that's not what I meant at all.
10:30 - Thanks, Maz, but no thanks.
10:33 Can you go close up the coffee cart, please?
10:35 - Hi.
10:42 (upbeat music)
10:45 - Melissity.
10:47 - Hi.
10:49 - Hi.
10:50 - Are you waiting on an order?
10:52 - Yes, coffee's for the band.
10:54 They're trying not to panic before tonight.
10:56 - Yeah.
10:57 - Have you heard the lyric?
10:59 - It's tonight. - Love and logic.
11:00 - Yeah, I was just with Eden.
11:02 - It should be fun.
11:04 Look, they would understand if you need to sit this one out.
11:07 - Why wouldn't I go?
11:08 - Watching Lyric play live again, it could be a lot.
11:12 - Oh, no, no.
11:13 I refuse to let what happened rule my life.
11:18 Why shouldn't I go to support my friends?
11:23 - Whatever you feel's right.
11:24 - You okay?
11:32 - Yes, just an annoying work text.
11:37 Oh, there they are. - Thank you.
11:39 - Well, I'll see you tonight.
11:41 - Sounds good. - Yeah.
11:42 - Here you go.
12:03 - Ah, what is this?
12:04 - The running order for tonight.
12:06 You'll play a couple of tracks
12:08 and then you'll take a break.
12:10 - Which track?
12:11 - Well, that's completely your call,
12:13 but once you've blown them all away,
12:14 then we'll do the Q&A session.
12:18 - When did we agree to the Q&A?
12:19 - Do we have to?
12:20 - Guys, you want to sign with the label,
12:22 you're gonna need to start playing the game.
12:24 - Nothing wrong with a bit of schmoozing.
12:26 - I have never schmoozed in my life.
12:29 Make me and I'll punch someone in the face.
12:31 - So once the Q&A's over,
12:33 then we will round the night off with one final track.
12:36 - Timing isn't ideal,
12:38 but I'm really proud of this album.
12:40 - Yeah, so let's just let the music speak for us.
12:43 - Hey, we need to step up.
12:45 You only get one shot at this.
12:46 - You don't think they know that, Justin?
12:48 We were meant to have time to prepare.
12:50 - Okay, it's happening now.
12:52 - It is, so let's just get on with it.
12:54 - Still don't have an album title.
12:59 - Let's not worry about that.
13:00 - Yeah, minor detail, right?
13:02 - I need some fresh air.
13:04 - Go.
13:06 (Justin sighs)
13:09 - Good luck.
13:10 - Can we please talk?
13:16 - I just, I need to get ready for tonight.
13:18 - You want me to go deal with that?
13:24 - It's all good.
13:25 We'll be fine.
13:27 - I don't like this networking thing any more than you do.
13:33 - Then what are we doing?
13:35 Theo's right, we don't even have a title.
13:36 - Then let's think of something.
13:38 What about John Palmer's "Lost Budgie Smugglers"?
13:40 You know, we'll put him on the vinyl cover.
13:42 - I am nauseous enough.
13:45 I just, I feel so rushed.
13:46 What if we stuff it up?
13:47 - All right, what are our options?
13:48 - We cancel.
13:49 I know it's not ideal, but people will understand.
13:51 - Will they?
13:52 Eden, they're not our mates.
13:54 Remember when we first started out,
14:00 rehearsing in that garage, dreaming big?
14:02 - Yeah, I remember.
14:05 - It was all in front of us, right?
14:08 We believed in ourselves.
14:09 We knew we could get here.
14:11 We aren't this close to that dream.
14:14 Come on, we can do this.
14:18 (upbeat music)
14:27 - Eden's up in arms.
14:35 Remy's running on zero sleep.
14:37 Don't even get me started about Theo and Kirby.
14:39 - Yeah, I spoke to Theo and you were right.
14:41 We should let them sort it out themselves.
14:43 - That's what I'm trying to tell you, babe.
14:45 We don't have time, okay?
14:46 I forced the band to do it tonight.
14:49 So if this fails, it's on me.
14:50 - It's a risk.
14:51 - It's a huge risk.
14:52 There's like a million things that could go wrong.
14:54 - You need the band to succeed.
14:56 You put your own money on the line.
14:57 I get why this is a big deal.
15:00 But Justin, after everything that we've been through,
15:04 the universe wouldn't dare let this fail.
15:06 - I needed to hear that.
15:10 - Go and get ready.
15:12 - I'm so sorry.
15:25 - It's okay.
15:26 - No, it's not.
15:28 I lied to you, darn it.
15:29 But let me explain.
15:33 No, no, you don't have to.
15:35 I might not agree with it,
15:37 but I understand why you did what you did.
15:40 - Really?
15:42 - I wish I could fix it for you.
15:46 Take all the pain away.
15:47 But I can't.
15:49 Only you know what you need to get through this.
15:52 It's not my right to judge.
15:53 - Thank you.
15:58 - I'm always here for you.
16:03 - I know.
16:04 I love you.
16:07 - I love you too.
16:11 - We have a band to support.
16:19 Why don't you go take the first shower?
16:22 - Okay.
16:23 (soft music)
16:26 - I'll get you your money.
16:40 But I can't do a bank transfer.
16:45 Or my husband will see.
16:51 How do I get the funds to you?
16:56 (upbeat music)
17:04 (laughing)
17:10 - Ew.
17:13 (cheering)
17:16 (upbeat music)
17:18 - Hey, you made it.
17:26 - This place looks amazing.
17:28 - Yeah, it does.
17:29 - Same to you.
17:30 - Mate, you have done an amazing job.
17:33 - We all good?
17:34 - Yeah. - Yeah.
17:35 - Cash, I really hope you got my message.
17:40 Please just let me know if you're gonna make it or not.
17:45 - Please make it.
17:46 Theo, I know that this--
17:49 - Just not now, okay?
17:50 You'll be fine.
17:55 So will you.
17:56 - Yeah.
17:57 - All right, let's call it in.
17:59 Eden, Theo, you too, mate.
18:01 Okay.
18:04 Let's just stop and take a moment
18:07 to remember why we're here.
18:10 It's the music.
18:11 There are people coming tonight
18:13 who can change your lives and take this band
18:15 to a whole new level.
18:16 You've done the work, all right,
18:19 and you're all so passionate,
18:21 so just get out there and show 'em why you deserve it.
18:23 And most importantly, don't stuff this up.
18:26 (phone chimes)
18:39 (door opens)
18:42 - We're gonna be late.
18:49 You can always back out.
18:53 - Hey.
18:55 I didn't get this glammed up for nothing.
18:57 - We can go to dinner and see.
18:59 - No, I just wanna forget about everything and have fun.
19:02 - Let's do it.
19:03 (phone chimes)
19:06 Who's that?
19:07 (phone chimes)
19:10 - Mac.
19:13 We better get going.
19:16 - Let's do it.
19:16 - And let's hit that dance floor.
19:19 - Look out.
19:20 - You got this.
19:23 - Whoa.
19:27 - Sorry.
19:29 - Yeah.
19:33 - Any sign of Cash?
19:35 - Uh, must've got caught up at work.
19:37 - Are you okay, bub?
19:44 You've been pretty quiet.
19:46 - Yeah, just nervous for lyric.
19:48 - Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
19:53 Thanks all for coming.
19:55 I know it was all very last moment,
19:58 but you're gonna love this album as much as I do.
20:00 - Justin, are we gonna do this or what?
20:02 - Without any further ado, I give you Lyric.
20:05 (audience cheers)
20:08 ♪ I think I made things complicated ♪
20:19 ♪ I wanna find that something with you and me ♪
20:22 ♪ Sometimes the world feels so heavy ♪
20:26 ♪ When you're not around ♪
20:32 ♪ It makes me think of you ♪
20:37 ♪ I think I met someone new ♪
20:41 ♪ And I never thought that I'd be so afraid ♪
20:45 ♪ I lost in my thoughts and now I'm wondering ♪
20:48 ♪ If you would've brought into this world again ♪
20:52 ♪ Because it strengthens my heart ♪
20:54 ♪ You make it hard for me ♪
20:57 (audience cheers)
21:00 - I hate that I'm scared.
21:11 I hate that he's turned me into a victim.
21:14 - Cash, what's going on?
21:17 Who is this, listen.
21:18 - Tanya, tell me this hasn't got anything to do
21:20 with her asking me for money.
21:22 (gunshots)
21:24 (dramatic music)
21:27 [dramatic music]
