• l’année dernière


00:00 Uncle, how does this, uh, device locate the scattered demon chi?
00:07 Ancient Chinese compass detects energy imbalance.
00:11 When demon chi is activated, compass picks up frequency,
00:14 leading us directly to the immortal object.
00:17 A reversal spell will then draw the bad chi out of the immortal object
00:21 and into the containment jar.
00:23 Uncle, get into that!
00:25 A reversal spell will then draw bad chi out of the immortal object
00:30 and into the containment jar.
00:32 So, it's your basic demon chi-o-matic.
00:35 Shipping and handling not included.
00:37 On the next International Island Challenge,
00:40 two more families will meet on the Polynesian island of Boru
00:44 to face off in a grueling test of mental and physical endurance.
00:48 Which family is tough enough to be called the best
00:51 and take home a prize package including two all-terrain vehicles
00:55 and a flat-screen TV with DVD and surround sound?
01:00 No way!
01:02 Which family will avoid elimination by earning this amnesty idol?
01:06 Well, that's a first. A demon chi with its own series.
01:21 [DEMON CHI]
01:55 [DEMON CHI]
01:58 Aiyah!
02:01 Paitza!
02:03 Water demon chi has been activated.
02:06 And that's her... zucchini?
02:08 It's a gourd.
02:09 The immortal relic used to defeat her thousands of years ago.
02:13 And now it's on national television.
02:18 We must get to that island before Draco.
02:21 Boru, here we come.
02:23 Soap's going to kick butt in that game.
02:25 Woo-hoo! Yes!
02:27 We're not going to Boru to compete, Jade.
02:30 You will stay here with Toru.
02:32 Aw, come on, Uncle Jackie.
02:34 I've seen every single episode of International Island Challenge.
02:37 You've got to take me.
02:40 Jade...
02:41 I know, I know. I always have to play the home version.
02:48 Henchmen!
02:50 Waste of time! Excess baggage!
02:53 Killing my mojo.
02:55 Solo is the way to go.
02:57 Paitza.
03:12 Ratso! Finn! Chow!
03:17 Never mind. Right.
03:19 Candle.
03:21 Yeah!
03:24 Keep your eye out for the gourd.
03:35 And try to blend in.
03:38 Uncle doesn't blend.
03:41 Hey, Jackie.
03:43 Jade, what are you doing here?
03:45 Get serious.
03:47 Sorry, Jackie.
03:49 Jade, listen to me.
03:51 I told you before, we are not here to play games.
03:54 Of course you're not, Chung family.
03:56 You're here to win.
03:58 Johnny Chung, right? Ricky Rothman, producer.
04:00 Nice to meet you. Love to chat more.
04:02 But you guys were supposed to be here two hours ago,
04:04 and we're running very late, so let's get you on the set, 'kay?
04:07 But we're not--
04:11 Worthy of this great honor.
04:13 Humble. Nice touch.
04:15 Come on, people. Let's move it. Places!
04:18 You're making a mistake. We aren't the players you want.
04:28 Humble. Nice touch.
04:31 Ay-yah! That belongs to Uncle!
04:34 No luxury items.
04:36 Give that back to--
04:37 And three, two, one!
04:40 Welcome to International Island Challenge.
04:43 Let's meet our two teams.
04:44 From Hamburg, Germany, the Dusseldorfs.
04:48 And from Peking, China, it's the Chungs!
04:52 Uncle wants his demon key detected back right now!
04:58 But if one of these families wants to take home
05:01 our fabulous prize package
05:03 and the title International Island Champ,
05:06 they're going to need this.
05:09 The all-important Amnesty Idol.
05:12 Win this, and your entire team lives to see another day.
05:17 Lose, and you'll be forced to vote off a member of your own family.
05:22 So, if you're all ready,
05:24 let's get things started with a little Fruit Punch!
05:29 Oh, good. I am kind of thirsty.
05:32 Remember, to win this game,
05:36 each family member must make it across the balance beam
05:39 without falling into the slime pit.
05:43 Chung family, you're up!
05:46 We need to secure the relic. We don't have time for this.
05:54 They'll hand it to us when we win. Now watch out for the mangoes.
05:59 Whoa!
06:02 Aim for the big one!
06:12 Come on, Toru! You're almost there, baby! You can do it!
06:18 Game over, mountain man!
06:22 Toru!
06:28 Ooh! That's going to leave a mark!
06:32 And the Dusseldorfs win Amnesty!
06:37 Woo-hoo!
06:39 Chungs, I'll see you tonight at the ejection ceremony
06:43 where one of your family members will be voted off the show.
06:47 Sorry, Sensei.
06:55 Toru, listen. You get my back, I'll get yours.
06:58 What are you talking about?
07:00 Power, my friend. If we stick together,
07:02 we can protect ourselves at the ejection ceremony.
07:05 Jade!
07:07 What? We were just talking.
07:09 Jackie! Bat-Chi attracts Bat-Chi!
07:12 Drago will be on his way soon!
07:15 That's why we have to grab that idol,
07:17 find Uncle's demon Chi detector,
07:19 and get off this island right away!
07:23 (Alarm ringing)
07:25 Relax, they're not home.
07:31 Jade, go back to the tree house.
07:34 Jackie, three words. Flat-screen television.
07:38 How many times do I have to tell you?
07:41 We must stay focused on our mission, not the game.
07:45 Come on! With my brains and your brawn,
07:48 we can kick Dusseldorf's butt,
07:50 score all those prizes, and get the gourd.
07:53 Shh! Just be quiet,
07:55 and give me a signal if you see anyone coming.
07:59 Great. I love being the lookout.
08:02 Jackie?
08:06 (Groaning)
08:08 (Groaning)
08:13 Don't move around so much! You're just making it angry!
08:20 (Grunting)
08:22 (Screaming)
08:24 (Laughing)
08:26 Hey, Dusseldorf family!
08:33 Small island, huh? What's a 411?
08:36 I don't understand.
08:39 Tell me about it.
08:41 Listen, I think you should know that
08:44 I just saw this humongous wild boar in your supply crate.
08:48 And I think it stole your, uh, your schnitzel.
08:52 Schnitzel?
08:54 Yeah, it just ran off into the bushes.
08:57 Save the schnitzel!
08:59 (Grunting)
09:05 Jackie, they're gone!
09:07 That's a relief.
09:15 Whoa! Double trouble.
09:18 They're back!
09:20 Maybe we are going about this the wrong way.
09:25 Why don't we just talk to them and ask for the idol?
09:29 I'm sure they are reasonable people.
09:31 Hello, Dusseldorf family. I need to have a word with you.
09:35 Now, I know this is going to be hard to believe, but...
09:39 The Amnesty idol you have
09:41 contains traces of ancient water demon chi
09:45 that must be contained to protect the Earth from the forces of darkness.
09:49 So, if you will please give me the idol,
09:52 my uncle will cast a spell to remove the chi, and all will be well.
09:57 (Sighing)
09:59 Nice try, champ.
10:01 As you know, chums, this is the ejection ceremony,
10:05 meaning one of you will be going home tonight.
10:08 The process is simple. The person with the most votes
10:11 must leave the island immediately. Let's begin.
10:15 It's nothing personal, dude.
10:25 Uncle has been bamboozled!
10:28 Jade, we have a deal!
10:31 (Chuckling)
10:33 Uncle not ready to leave!
10:36 Sorry, show policy.
10:38 What about personal property?
10:40 We ship it. You should get it in about a week. Or six.
10:44 Hi-ya!
10:46 No, helicopter!
10:48 Man-made bird cannot be trusted!
10:51 There is nothing to worry about, sir. It's perfectly safe.
10:56 No, uncle not meant to fly.
10:59 Do you see wings on uncle?
11:01 Okay, okay, please calm down, sir.
11:04 Tell you what, there's a supply boat coming in the morning.
11:08 You can spend the night here and take the boat back to the mainland.
11:12 Does that sound better?
11:14 (Sighing)
11:16 So I'll come get you in the morning, okay?
11:23 Bring bagels!
11:26 (Footsteps)
11:28 (Doorbell)
11:30 (Door opening and closing)
11:32 (Rumbling)
11:34 (Grunting)
11:41 (Door opening and closing)
11:43 (Door opening and closing)
11:45 (Snoring)
11:53 (Snoring)
11:55 The ship will be arriving in port in ten minutes.
12:01 We hope you all enjoy your Polynesian adventure on Boru this afternoon.
12:05 But hurry back because Mambo Madness begins at four sharp.
12:09 (Rumbling)
12:11 This time, the cheese all mine.
12:22 Okay, everybody, new day, new opportunity for amnesty.
12:26 So who's up for a quick bite?
12:28 Because each family member must eat everything on their plate.
12:31 But if you lose your breakfast, your family loses the competition.
12:36 So open wide and down the hatch.
12:39 We must win this event and get that idol.
12:43 Don't talk to me, talk to Coconut Boy.
12:46 (Groaning)
12:51 (Grunting)
12:53 (Chuckling)
13:17 Flat screen TV, here I come.
13:21 (Grunting)
13:23 Hi-ya!
13:27 No boat! Uncle gets seasick at aquarium!
13:31 Nothing to worry about.
13:33 Just keep your eyes on the horizon and you'll be fine.
13:37 Uncle needs his personal property.
13:40 Underneath your seat.
13:42 Hit it, Frank!
13:44 (Engine revving)
13:47 (Splashing)
13:49 Because neither team could keep their breakfast down,
14:01 you'll have to compete in a tiebreaker round.
14:04 The ultimate tropical test of physical strength and endurance.
14:08 Bring it on.
14:10 On your mark...
14:12 Get set...
14:15 Go!
14:17 (Yelling)
14:19 (Grunting)
14:38 (Grunting)
14:40 (Grunting)
14:52 Oh.
15:06 Yes!
15:08 (Yelling)
15:26 (Grunting)
15:28 Whoo-hoo!
15:35 I win! I win!
15:37 I win! I win!
15:39 I win!
15:41 (Laughing)
15:43 That's where you're wrong, shortstop.
15:46 I win.
15:48 (Laughing)
15:52 (Grunting)
15:56 Hudson! Hudson! Hudson!
16:03 (Grunting)
16:05 (Grunting)
16:07 (Growling)
16:09 (Grunting)
16:31 (Growling)
16:33 This is not good.
16:36 Who is that? What is going on here?
16:45 Uh, this isn't in my script.
16:48 Water! Water! Everywhere!
16:50 And more than an ocean to drink.
16:53 We need Uncles.
16:55 Toru, take Jade and find him. I'll keep Drago busy.
16:58 (Growling)
17:01 (Growling)
17:03 Nice trick, Drago.
17:05 But if you ask me, your act is still all wet.
17:08 Nobody likes a critic, Jade.
17:11 (Growling)
17:13 (Growling)
17:21 (Growling)
17:25 (Groaning)
17:29 (Groaning)
17:31 Uh-oh.
17:33 Jackie!
17:36 Sensei is not on the island.
17:38 (Growling)
17:40 Whoa! Whoa!
17:43 Yoo-hoo! Water boy!
17:49 Sensei.
17:51 (Speaking Chinese)
17:57 (Speaking Chinese)
18:00 (Grunting)
18:02 (Coughing)
18:13 (Grunting)
18:18 (Gasping)
18:20 Uh, those were amazing special effects.
18:30 Special... effects?
18:33 Yeah. I don't know how you guys do it week in and week out.
18:37 Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, it was.
18:40 Quite a piece of television magic, if I do say so myself.
18:44 Nobody told me about the tsunami.
18:47 You're the host, pretty boy. You're not in the loop on everything.
18:51 Black screen TV, here I come.
18:54 Changs, you're disqualified.
18:56 What?
18:58 Your rejected family member returned to the competition.
19:01 Düsseldorfs, you win!
19:04 (Cheering)
19:06 What? Did you want to go to the beach?
19:12 What? Did you want to gloat or something?
19:15 May I write you?
19:17 I'm in the book.
19:20 Jade, do not be upset.
19:27 We captured the demon chi.
19:29 Uh, can I watch cartoons on it? I don't think so.
19:33 Sensei, why did you not remove Drago's firepower too?
19:38 Fire attached like strong glue to Drago's spirit.
19:42 It will take much bigger magic to remove.
19:46 Speaking of scale face, where'd he go?
19:50 Hey, Jackie, what was your favorite thing about being a kid?
20:03 Being a kid.
20:05 When I look at a kid, I really say, "What are they thinking?"
20:08 They're not worried about pay the bill, the car bill, the house, mortgage.
20:14 Sometimes I really want to, "Yes, I want to go back."
20:17 Boom, become a small baby.
20:19 I don't want to worry tomorrow what kind of stunt I'm going to do,
20:22 what kind of action sequence.
20:24 I have to choreograph all action sequence.
20:26 That sometimes really makes me worry.
20:28 That's the good about children.
