Five ways to build customer loyalty in the foods business | RS Sodhi

  • last year
RS Sodhi, MD, GCMMF reveals his secret sauce to building customer loyalty.

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00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - First thing I think in any food is taste.
00:19 Never compromise on taste.
00:22 Health, calorie, everything is afterward.
00:25 First is taste.
00:27 People are eating or buying for taste.
00:29 So give the tastiest product.
00:31 Second is always think customer is smarter than you.
00:38 Don't try to cheat him, don't try to manipulate him or her.
00:43 I mean, don't try to reduce the weight
00:45 by keeping the same pack size
00:47 or replace expensive ingredients
00:50 with the cheap thinking customer will not come to know.
00:53 The third very important is deliver more
00:57 than what customer is expecting.
01:00 What I want to say is whatever money customer is spending,
01:04 he should not only feel satisfied or over satisfied.
01:09 Fourth, I think for any brand to have life
01:13 not only 10, 20, 30, 40, 100 years is consistency.
01:18 Consistency in taste, consistency in recipes,
01:22 consistency in communication,
01:24 and also consistency in availability.
01:29 The last, I think, point which I feel is very important
01:34 to win the consumer loyalty in the food
01:37 is that it has to be contemporary.
01:41 What I want to say is without compromising on taste,
01:47 how to make food or your brand contemporary.
01:51 So whether it's a millennial or the housewife
01:55 or the old or the young,
01:57 everybody feel that this brand is for me.
02:01 (upbeat music)
02:04 (whooshing)
